McNagi — Updated App - Gabriel Redor

Published: 2012-03-22 20:49:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 3094; Favourites: 67; Downloads: 7
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Updated info is in bold; Info that no longer applies is striked.

+- Name: Gabriel James Redor (Or Gabe, Ghostie)

+- Assistant Spirit: Puff

+- Age: Looks 14, real age is unknown.

+- Gender: Male

+- Voice (Updated): [link]

+- Job: Toy Soldier

+- Species: Malicious Phantom (Demon? Your call.) --
Gabriel is a ghost that is able to keep a full-bodied manifestation and solid form by feeding off others' souls.

+- Weapons/Abilities:
• Feeding Spade: Spade attached to the end of Gabriel's hood. Used when the need to feed on a soul is felt or when his intentions are malicious and he wants to drain a being of its soul for kicks. The spade is stabbed into the being (usually the back or chest) to begin the draining process.

• Ghostie Mode: Gabriel has the power to change into a smaller version of himself. That smaller version is 1'6" & contains a larger, more concentrated amount of power. Also allows for easier levitation. He rarely uses this ability now.

• Levitation: As a phantom, Gabriel has the ability to become weightless and float or fly at his own leisure.

• Invisibility: A power that is useful, but rarely used for reasons the average mind cannot comprehend. But it's there.

•Great Spy: Quiet, sneaky and small, he can go unnoticed for days at a time while listening in and examining a person's activities.

• Vortex: Those huge sleeves aren't just for decoration. If summoned correctly, a portal into oblivion can open in one or both, and suck in whatever victim he pleases.

• Close-Combat: Despite his appearance and demeanor, our little ghost here can put up a good fight. Protecting the store means great usage of this ability. He trains every day. Wanna be his sparring partner? Just ask.

+- Personality:
• Thoughtful
• Antisocial
• Judgemental
• Cynical
• Biased
• Bad temper
• Bitter
• Lazy
• Arrogant
• Just plain rude
He might not seem like the best person to be around, but he'll be friends if you play by his rules. It's mostly trial and error when it comes to Gabe. He actually does work now. Strange.

+- Bio
...Gabriel..be the angel that sets our family free..
"Those were the words both of my parents breathed before their demise. It's funny..because I became the exact opposite."

Gabriel James Redor was the last of five born into a lower-class family in Liverpool, England during the peak of the Black Death. His father was a serf, working many hours a day for the lowest salary, just to put bread on the table for a starving family. Unfortunately, his mother died during birth, leaving Gabriel's father to tend to the remaining two children. Three of the five had died from the bubonic plague many months before Gabriel's birth.
Since he could breathe, Gabriel was always clinging to his last remaining brother, by the name of Eitri, who shared his middle name. Eitri taught Gabriel everything he knew, from language to combat to cooking, acting as both a mother and father while Gabriel's real father was tending the fields. For that reason, Gabriel idolized his older brother. Soon, however, everything would take a turn for the worst.
When Gabe reached his early teen years, the bubonic plague decided to pay his family a visit. A horrible, destructive visit. This strand of the plague took out both Eitri and his father in a matter of weeks. Their deaths left poor Gabriel shattered and orphaned, unable to provide for himself because he was much too young to work in the fields. He spent the rest of his days stealing whatever he could from the market and avoiding disease to the best of his power. But in a time of death and infection, it wasn't long before he too was a victim of the plague. Malnourished, depressed, and sick, he welcomed death with open arms.
Gabriel never quite grasped the fact that his whole family was dead. It left his soul restless. The boy, heavy-hearted, was not able to pass on. His spirit remained in the house, mourning at his father and brother's bedside. He did no harm, he did not move, he did not leave. That is, until the undertaker arrived to dispose of the rotting bodies.
Those sickly corpses were all he had left. The undertaker hoisted the plague-ridden bodies up and off their beds, throwing them one by one onto his shoulder as if they were just rag-dolls. Seeing the undertaker handling the bodies with such bitter carelessness made Gabriel furious. It made him seethe with an anger previously unknown to him.
That blind rage caused his spirit to do something that would have him labeled as 'Malicious'—he attacked the Undertaker where he stood. The man, of course, was quickly frightened by Gabriel, as he was invisible. A shadow was attacking him and he had no idea how to get rid of it. That was the priest's job, not his!
Gabriel abused and ruined the undertaker with all of his strength. However, the man still appeared to be glowing with life. The phantom soon realized how much he missed that glow. So much so, that he did something that would label him as a 'Demon'. He ripped open the body, killing the man. But that was not what he wanted. A shining blue orb floated from the body. The ghost quickly detained the glowing soul. He beheld it long and hard. This wasn't his soul. If he tried to make it his own his 'body' would reject it and he'd ceast to exist. So...why not eat it and fuel his current 'body' instead of trying to become someone else?
That's exactly what he did. The soul had no real taste, but soon Gabriel was addicted to the warm feeling of aliveness it brought him. He even noticed himself start to feel slightly solid. He was curious what would happen if he ate another. He ran into town full-speed and ripped another body open for the precious bounty inside. He ate. The same feeling returned, stronger, lengthened. He became a little more solid. The desperate cycle continued as a new strand of Black Death hit Europe, one that was never archived in any book or paper—Furor, for 'madness' and 'stealing'. And it was all Gabe's doing.
He had no shame, no control. The Spirit world outfitted him in a Demon's Jester sort of outfit. He received rabbit's ears and a tail to match his personality. But who cares when you're destroying human kind for your own health? His body soon became fully solid, powerful, beyond the control of the spirit world. And he liked it that way. As his power grew, his personality became rotten. But—what was this? It seemed the spirit world hadn't given up on him quite yet. Gabriel was seized, pulled back into Hell and kept there for what seemed an eternity. The boy saw things no one should ever have to see. He felt pain, even as a ghost, that makes being mutilated and placed on the sun look like a tickle. When Hell had has enough of the boy, his spirit was thrown back to the mortal world to walk the earth and let it know of his shame. His body was now full of clumsily-stitched wounds, and he was unable to move for several months, invisible to the rest of the world.
Those months were spent in agonizing pain and depression. The ghost was traumatized. 'Going to Hell and back' didn't exactly leave you in mint condition. And so, as soon as he could pick himself up, he took a soul, then another. And another. Until he could roam just as well as he had before. He couldn't be sent back to Hell anyways. That would be a sort of double-jeopardy in the spirit world. However, he wanted to make up for his crime. He wanted to show those nasty people in the spirit world that he could do good. That's when the Toy Store came into the picture. Instead of hurting people, why not guard them?
He spent a few months at the Toy Store, as happy as he would allow himself to be. He had a bit more control as he learned proper work ethic, even though sometimes he would slip up. However..times began to change at the store. Gabriel began to feel underappreciated and ignored whenever he actually did work. He never got the recognition he felt he deserved at the store. This was against the Soldier's code, though, as you should 'fight for the store and not for reward.' He pretty much thought 'to hell with it' to the saying. As the days and months went by, he found himself getting more and more depressed, spending more time in his room. He wished he could see his brother again, just one more time. To have his brother tell him all would arrive in due time, and not to worry. Dark entities had heard his desperate cries, and suggested he turn to Reaper for the power he so badly wanted.
After begging for quite some time, the boy got what he wanted. But at a price. Gabriel's clock, named Memory Tik, was ripped out of his chest and smashed. The clock saved all of the good memories that kept him running. With it broken now, though, all he could remember was everything bad that had happened to him until now. He could no longer remember anything positive about people, either, which sparked hatred. His likes and dislikes were muffled and jumbled.
But..somehow it seems there is still light somewhere in his heart..it needs to be unlocked with loving hands, but how..?
Eventually a certain redhead was thoughtful enough to bring the ghost back to his former self. The broken old pocket watch was fixed and attached back to its owner, and his originally-lost mind was returned to him. Gabriel was filled with regret at seeing how he had become. He swore to himself he wouldn't become like that again, not a third time. Now he feels he owes the store his life for returning him back to normal, and protects its workers and patrons as if they were a precious nobility.

+- Likes

• Sleep
• Making others do his dirty work
• Feeding
• Cold and/or rainy days
• People who follow his orders, no matter how crazy
• Spying<
• Frying bugs with a magnifying glass
• Any bitter food, especially Coffee

+- Dislikes
• Sunny, cloudless days
• Sweets
• Kittens/Small animals
• Being bossed around
• Having to clean up any mess he makes
• Leaves crunching under his feet
• When someone's hand touches his while exchanging an item
• Most of the Holidays
• Scout's hat

+- Additional Info

• It is not known yet if Memory Tik can be repaired. It is hidden in his room somewhere.Memory Tik has been repaired and returned. It is the storage area for all of his memories. It can be removed and the memories held inside can be viewed.
• If he doesn't feed often enough, Gabriel will weaken and eventually lose his solid body until he does.
• Sometimes Gabe gets very angsty whilst reflecting on the past events of his life/afterlife. At that time he can become even more disagreeable. It's best to stay out of his way.
• Sometimes his hood will blink. It is indeed alive. But it's more a vegetable. It doesn't talk or have any personality. And no, it will not eat Gabe's head.
• Rabbits in the zodiac, personality-wise, can symbolize someone who's touchy, conservative, egotistical, gossipy, superficial and sometimes cruel. Sound familiar?
• If you pet his ears, he become just as bad as Thumper. Thump thump thump. LOL this still applies. <3
• Giving him raw coffee beans means automatic friendship.
• Likes sleeping in Ghostie form, usually in the training mats of the Soldiers' room or in the kitchen cabinets.
• Very nosy, though he won't admit it.
• Sometimes blurts out things by mistake, usually leading to big trouble.
• In a fight or flight situation, he chooses flight 90% of the time.
• Has a pink bunny mug. His favorite mug of all time. Don't mess with it. It was once broken, but has now been repaired. Coffee forever!
• He almost never goes to his room. The contents of that single dormitory, if discovered, can probably break time and space. In other words..don't enter his room.
• He can't remove the patch over his left eye, as far as we know. Maybe he just chooses not to.
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Comments: 4

LostTideLover [2012-03-22 23:20:28 +0000 UTC]

Gabe~ >w< he looks amazing~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pockyboxes [2012-03-22 21:00:56 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

animesgeek [2012-03-22 20:54:35 +0000 UTC]

the character designs cool, i really like the background tho.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Opened-door-closed [2012-03-22 20:49:57 +0000 UTC]

SO SEXY. ; o;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0