McNagi — WT :: Gabriel Redor

Published: 2017-02-22 15:28:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 1637; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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boy howdy this is my longest app yet

: name :

Gabriel James Redor

: nickname :

Ghostie (by Marianne)

: age :

(Appearance: 14)

: birthday :


: star sign : 


: height :

4FT 9IN (145CM)

: weight :

60LB (27KG)

:sex :

: sexual/romantic orientation :

Gabriel generally doesn’t feel romantic or sexual attraction to others, and rather finds himself gravitating towards warm and welcoming or interesting auras that may prove useful or comforting. (ace but always game for comfort and belonging)

: species :

A ghost (sometimes known as a spectre or specter, phantom, apparition, spirit, spook, or haunt) is the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear to the living. Descriptions of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to realistic, lifelike visions. The deliberate attempt to contact the spirit of a deceased person is known as necromancy, or in spiritism as a séance. Ghosts are generally described as solitary, human-like essences that haunt particular locations, objects, or people they were associated with in life, though stories of ghostly armies and the ghosts of animals rather than humans have also been recounted. (wikipedia)

Gabriel fits a human's typical description of a ghost, but has traits that have otherwise not been noted widely by humankind.

Gabriel is a shell of his old self, a spirit attached to the olden pocket watch of his deceased father. With the lack of a solid physical body comprised of flesh and blood, Gabriel is very light and levitates easily with very little energy consumption.


He kept his attachment and ability to manifest through feeding off the souls of those who attempted to wind the watch he’s attached to. By digging through a target's outer, protective spiritual shell (Shield) with his hands, Gabriel can burrow into the target's body to reach the ripe soul waiting at the core of the body in the chest cavity (common in most species). In some other species including animals and non-sentient creatures, the location of the soul can vary by a couple inches or be found in a completely different body part like a tail or wing; Gabriel has a tendency to prey on humans and humanoids instead of other creatures in the name of saving energy, not wanting to waste his precious energy searching around for the location of a soul.
The longer Gabriel feeds on a soul, the stronger the Shield's resistance becomes to Gabriel's tampering. The shields of sad, lonely or malicious souls are weaker than most and are an easier catch for Gabriel, but the soul is of lower quality. A majority of Shields are able to launch Gabriel away before he can completely consume the soul awaiting inside.
In humans, if the soul is fully consumed, the human will fall into a depressive, vegetative state and be unable to feel emotions. Having the soul partially consumed creates a higher chance for suicide, as humans with a portion of their soul (40% or more) eaten away will start to begin feeling a draining, empty feeling in their chest where the soul is missing. Humans have described partial soul consumption as 'the feeling one has when they feel a need to cry', but stronger. It has a strong probability of driving the afflicted insane, as the feeling is extremely difficult to overcome. Souls with only a small portion of their soul removed (39% or less) are usually unaffected (as humans can lose small fragments of their inner soul through heavy illness or heartbreak), though weaker souls may fall into a depression.
The effect of Gabriel's feeding (both on himself and on other species) may vary from species to species, but is unknown, as Gabriel has only ever fed on humans.

The Ears

Gabriel's ears are not common for a phantom. Gabriel's rabbit ears were bestowed upon him when he was sent to the dimension of Limbo, the waiting ground between Earth's Heaven and Hell. Gabriel's rabbit ears are symbolic of his strongest trait, as rabbits are often symbolic of vulnerability. (You can read more about Limbo in the 'Limbo' portion below) The color of his ears, white and orange, represent his past purity (white) and creativity (orange). These are a replacement of Gabriel's human ears; moving aside Gabriel's hair, one will notice he has no 'human' ears.

: dimension(s) :

Gabriel was born on the WorldTrain's earth, long before the time of teleportation and magic strapdown.

Gabriel was born in 1336 and grew up in rural Liverpool, during the surfacing and manifesting of the black plague. This was an era of turmoil and tragedy for all of Eurasia, and Gabriel’s family in England was no exception. Gabriel lived a short seventeen years on earth (14 alive and three as a phantom) before he was abruptly shot into Limbo.


The dimension of Limbo is a timeless and fearful expanse comprised of spirits lacking a place in Heaven or Hell. It is the holding ground dimension for spirits whose souls have no direct order to Heaven or Hell, usually determined by the Three Judges of the spirit world who assess the qualities of a travelling soul. Spirits ejected into Limbo are fitted with ears symbolic of their strongest trait, be it positive or negative, and suspended in opaque white bubbles that don’t allow them to see outwards. Limbo is upkept by a singular being known as the Warden, a wide, dark creature clad in rags and a blackened face with pin-like, glowing white eyes.
What keeps a soul tied to Limbo and intact in their bubbleis a set of Threads. These threads are unique to each soul, usually formed from elements in the living world that were a grounding point for a soul. These can be living humans or creatures, or even items and belongings that meant a great deal to the spirit in question. As these items are destroyed (or creatures die), the threads wil dissolve, one by one. These threads are a counter for the Judges, who oftentimes try to reach a decision before the threads all dissolve. However, the Judges are a fickle three, and often disagree. If a mutual agreement cannot be reached, the spirit and its bubble are left to time down on their own.
Once the final Thread tying a spirit to their old world dissolves, the Warden is free to pop their Bubble using his set of fine-needled fingers (he cannot tamper with the bubble otherwise), and the spirit inside is anti-climatically erased from existence, denied an afterlife.

: personality :

+observative | +perceptive | +pensive | +loyal || -un-opinionated | -lacks empathy | -sluggish/no sense of time | -lazy

Gabriel is a reflective little ghost who prefers to learn new topics through observation over action. He’s very visual and can pick out smaller details that might normally be missed by less attentive eyes. Additionally, he’s a loyal spirit who will present an unwavering devotion to those who he considers to be close to him, and would sacrifice his...er...afterlife? For them. However, Gabriel has a general detachment to the feelings of others, and doesn’t really have strong feelings about any one topic. Additionally, he doesn’t get things done on time and will often put things off until someone else gets annoyed or frustrated enough to do his chores for him.

: history :

Tl;dr version

Gabriel was born into a poor farming family in Liverpool, England. He was raised by his Father and brother, who took the utmost care with what they had in raising Gabriel, who was then a happy, energetic child. Gabriel adored and idolized his older brother the most. However, when the plague hit and wiped out the last of his family, Gabriel was left alone and eventually died at his dead brother’s side. His spirit attached itself to his father’s heirloom pocket watch, which was snatched up by the undertaker who came to his home to dispose of the bodies.

Whenever the undertaker took the watch in for maintenance and winding, however, Gabriel’s spirit would attack the watchmaker on-duty and feed off of him until he was driven to madness. This cycle continued with several watchmakers and the undertaker’s watch came to be known as a cursed item. Seeing profit in the peculiar effects of the watch, the undertaker issued a challenge to watchmakers from all over, saying that any man who could wind the watch without succumbing to madness would get a hefty prize. Gabriel took several watchmakers’ sanity during this event without rest, and, maddened by the surge of energy himself, manifested and choked the undertaker to death. In the panic a spectator scooped up the watch.

Gabriel spent nearly 3 earth centuries in the timeless bubble of the realm of Limbo, while the watch he was still attached to was sold around as a cursed item of interest around ghost-hunters and collectors of oddities and superstitious items. A girl of interest named Marianne was the next to scoop up Gabriel’s watch, but she was the one who wound it without fear. Not sensing malevolence, Gabriel awoke once more, but not feeling a need to feed off the woman. Weak and sleepy, he allowed her to take the watch as her own, and woke up in one of the World Train’s sleeping cars shortly thereafter.

Full Breakdown

    Gabriel James Redor was the last of five born into a lower-class family in Liverpool, England during the peak of the Black Death. His father was a serf, working many hours a day for the lowest salary, just to put bread on the table for a starving family. Three of the then-four children had died from the bubonic plague many months before Gabriel's birth. Unfortunately, his mother died while birthing Gabriel, leaving Gabriel's father to tend to his last sons, one of age and the other a baby, born from the selfless sacrifice of his mother.

    Gabriel grew up in poverty, but kept a lively spirit, often writing letters to his mother to let her know they were doing alright whilst tending to the flowers sown over her grave. He was the most upbeat and imaginative of his father and brother, always looking to the brighter side of things even when times were especially hard and winters were especially cold and bracing.

    Gabriel was always clinging to his last remaining brother, by the name of Eitri, who shared his middle name. Eitri taught Gabriel everything he knew, from language to weaving to cooking, acting as both a mother and father while Gabriel's real father was tending the fields for the family’s survival. In addition to caring for his brother and father, Eitri pursued education in donated books, hoping to strive and climb the ladders towards a better, more fruitful life as a scholar. Gabriel idolized his older brother, and often joined him in his readings despite being too young to comprehend the advanced texts Eitri studied. To Gabriel, the pictures and the company of his brother was enough. Many years passed in this same loop, with the family hanging on in the rough with grace.

    When Gabe reached his early teen years, the Redor family was almost living comfortably. Better food and linens were easily afforded through his father’s extra work. That year, Gabriel even got shoes handed down from Eitri (as Eitri was afforded a brand new pair). However, just as prosperity was waving its hand at the family, the bubonic plague decided to stop by. A horrible, destructive visit ensued. This strand of the plague took out Eitri’s father, already facing exhaustion from fieldwork, in a matter of weeks. With tragedy striking heavily upon the two brothers, they buried their father next to their mother with heavy hearts, and trudged on, on their own. Eitri soon began showing symptoms like his father had, and, knowing his time was coming as well, began to search for arrangements for his younger brother. However, his disease progressed too rapidly, and soon Eitri was cut abruptly out of Gabriel’s life as well.

    His entire world crumbling around him, the young boy hadn’t the heart to bury his brother, and so convinced himself that the bubo-plagued body taking up space in his bed was simply sleeping. The death of his last remaining family member left poor Gabriel shattered and orphaned, unable to provide for himself. He spent his numbered days stealing whatever he could from the market and avoiding disease to the best of his power in public. However, it did little when he constantly found himself searching for warmth in the cold body waiting for him at home in order to sleep. In a time of death and infection, it wasn't long before he too was a victim of the plague. Malnourished, depressed, and sick, he welcomed death with open arms, laying peacefully against his brother in thick-aired rest.

    Gabriel never quite grasped the fact that his entire family was dead. It left the boy’s soul restless; heavy-hearted, the boy was not able to pass on. His spirit attached itself to the pocket watch in his brother’s pocket; it was an heirloom, passed on from his father after death, that was supposed to guarantee good luck. Bitter at the watch, Gabriel’s weak spirit anchored itself to it, preserving himself in the turning of its gears and falling dormant to its soothing tick.

    The village’s undertaker eventually arrived to clear the two boys in a proper burial. However, he was a man of hard greed. Drawn to the watch in Eitri’s breast pocket, he took it for himself, finished his funerary business and continued on his way. Gabriel remained dormant in the watch for about a month, until it was time to wind the watch as maintenance called. The sudden grinding and forced stuttering of the gears jolted Gabriel out of his slumber, and a strong, warm light drew him out.

    The soul of the watchmaker was calling to him.

    Gabriel was soon overcome with an intense need, a hunger welling up in the pit of his stomach that drove him nearly mad. Without second thought or remorse, the spirit attacked the watchmaker and drained him of his precious soul’s energy. Driven to unconsciousness, the watchmaker slumped forward in his desk and Gabriel was no longer able to feed. Dizzy from the sudden surge of action, Gabriel gave in to dormancy once more, and his watch was picked up by the undertaker again, facing a shaken watchmaker with confusion in his eyes. Merely a week later, the watchmaker was deemed a hallucinator, driven mad from the event with Gabriel, and was put into a ward.

    Gabriel’s spirit was turbulent after his first awakening, and the watch often stopped at his more violent stirrings. The undertaker, once more, took in the finnicky watch for winding, and the same occurrence faced the new watchmaker. Drained into insanity, this watchmaker too was soon admitted, screaming and raving about the cursed watch that left a 'gaping hole' and an 'accursed, horrid feeling' in his chest. Word spread of the undertaker’s watch, becoming an object of fear and gossip. Seeing profit in the watch, the undertaker put out a challenge to all the watchmakers in Liverpool: wind the watch properly, for a large reward. 

    Though many refrained from contact with the watch out of superstition, a few select watchmakers and tinkerers appeared from around the city and even from neighboring cities for the midday event in the town's square, hoping to rake in the prize for themselves. Bets were placed and money was pooled by citizens for whom they thought would be able to tame the cursed watch. The Undertaker, confident in the volatile nature of the watch, placed his bets on the watch and planned to take a large portion of the countering bets for himself. Each time the watch was wound with a delicate twist of the crown, Gabriel awoke and fed once more. He didn’t fall to rest, and with each surge of energy, his spirit maddened with power and became volatile. Before the last watchmaker was to go up, Gabriel attacked and drained the Undertaker of the entirety of his greedy soul. The man fell, dropping and effectively cracking and damaging the inner gears of the watch. The gears entangled with Gabriel’s soul stopped, and Gabriel was catapulted into another dimension, only tied to his bond on the earthly watch by a thread. In this state the watch was harmless; it was scooped up by a spectator and never heard of again after the Watchmaker’s Madness fiasco ceased.

    Gabriel ended up suspended in the timeless dimension of Limbo. Fitted with rabbit ears symbolic of his vulnerability and a patch over an injured eye in his spirit from the watch’s dropping, he was trapped in an opaque bubble of nothingness to wait out his days until his last thread broke. Many years passed in Limbo. Gabriel’s thread, however, refused to dissolve.

    Nearly three centuries later, Gabriel’s broken watch still underwent circulation by collectors and spirit-hunters eager to collect the renowned watch that drove three-dozen watchmakers mad. This prolonged the spirit's time in Limbo, baffling the Warden who had seen hundreds of bubbles come and go while Gabriel remained. Wanting to preserve its state from the day Gabriel took the undertaker’s life, the watch’s gears were repaired, but the glass was left shattered and the watch left unwound out of superstition. It sat in a window, encased in glass and rested on a velveteen pillow by the enthusiastic collector who owned him.

    This shiny display caught the eye of a visitor with startlingly bright red hair. Unable to resist its melancholy, destructive history and charm, Marianne Cross purchased the watch without hesitation and took it back to her abode on the World Train. In a moment of curiosity, she wound up the watch, in turn winding back in Gabriel’s spirit from the edge of Limbo. His abrupt re-entry into passing time was confusing and overwhelming all the same; Gabriel retained only fuzzy memories of his life before Limbo. Not sensing a strong glow of greed or malevolence (like the money-hungry watchmakers who ogled the watch or the greedy Undertaker who sought to profit), however, even with a sudden surge of returning hunger, he didn’t try to latch onto Marianne in a feeding frenzy. His mind scrambled from Limbo, he imprinted on the woman like an animal. He opted to sleep in the arms of the Argion, allowing her to claim the watch as her own.

: skills :


Gabriel has the ability to become weightless and float or fly at his own leisure. However, he cannot ascend higher than thirty feet from the base he has lifted off from. This skill’s base height becomes 35 feet when gabriel is in ‘Ghostie’ Mode.

“Ghostie” Mode

Dubbed his “Ghostie” form by Marianne, Gabriel has the power to change into a smaller version of himself. That smaller version is 2'10" & preserves more energy, allowing Gabriel to stay awake and flying for longer periods of time without becoming fatigued. His base levitation also becomes 35 feet.

Watch This

Gabriel can retract his manifested body to save energy as well. While the watch is normally at Gabriel's core, so long as he lays down somewhere where the watch won't fall and be harmed, he can hide himself into the watch. Gabriel can stay inside the watch as long as he needs to, but can easily be drawn out again if the watch is wound. He no longer harnesses the violent, restless energy that would have otherwise caused him to lunge in a feeding frenzy. 

Last Resort
His only non-defensive battle move. If Gabriel really finds himself in a bind and can't escape fighting an enemy, he can condense some of his hard-earned energy and fling it at his opponent. This significantly weakens Gabriel. The attack itself serves to break through an opponent's Shield and jostle their soul, stunning the opponent long enough (hopefully) for Gabriel to get away. With weaker bursts Gabriel can repeat the attack up to five times. If he uses one strong burst, the effect is greater but significantly weakens Gabe more.


(Same as 'Feeding' portion in 'species', but included under Skills for quick reference)
By digging through a target's outer, protective spiritual shell (Shield) with his hands, Gabriel can burrow into the target's body to reach the ripe soul waiting at the core of the body in the chest cavity (common in most species). In some other species including animals and non-sentient creatures, the location of the soul can vary by a couple inches or be found in a completely different body part like a tail or wing; Gabriel has a tendency to prey on humans and humanoids instead of other creatures in the name of saving energy, not wanting to waste his precious energy searching around for the location of a soul.
The longer Gabriel feeds on a soul, the stronger the Shield's resistance becomes to Gabriel's tampering. The shields of sad, lonely or malicious souls are weaker than most and are an easier catch for Gabriel, but the soul is of lower quality. A majority of Shields are able to launch Gabriel away before he can completely consume the soul awaiting inside. 
In humans, if the soul is fully consumed, the human will fall into a depressive, vegetative state and be unable to feel emotions. Having the soul partially consumed creates a higher chance for suicide, as humans with a portion of their soul (40% or more) eaten away will start to begin feeling a draining, empty feeling in their chest where the soul is missing. Humans have described partial soul consumption as 'the feeling one has when they feel a need to cry', but stronger. It has a strong probability of driving the afflicted insane, as the feeling is extremely difficult to overcome. Souls with only a small portion of their soul removed (39% or less) are usually unaffected (as humans can lose small fragments of their inner soul through heavy illness or heartbreak), though weaker souls may fall into a depression.
The effect of Gabriel's feeding (both on himself and on other species) may vary from species to species, but is unknown, as Gabriel has only ever fed on humans.

: weaknesses :

  • If the creature Gabriel happens to be feeding on goes unconscious, Gabriel will become unable to feed and will be disconnected by force.

  • Without a steady feeding regimen, Gabriel will slowly lose his physically manifested body and become translucent. He will resort to floating around however he can, and will be unable to touch or move items or others.

  • If Gabriel’s watch is severely damaged, it is unsure whether or not he’ll be able to be pulled again from Limbo.

: stats :

Health: 80

Magic: 120

Attack: 10

Defense: 120

Speed: 170

  • Gabriel is strongly opposed to partaking in any sort of combat. 
  • If the ocassion comes where Gabriel ever needs to fight for himself, however, his strongest suit comes in dodging attacks and defending himself long enough to create an opening to get away. Normal physical attacks do very little in the way of hurting him. He can be hit and tossed around but won't necessarily be hurt. Physically, his weak point is the watch at his core, but Gabriel protects it with his entire being. It is extremely difficult to land a hit on his watch. 
  • Magical attacks are Gabriel's weak point. As Gabriel is only a spirit, he is especially vulnerable to magic such as psychic magic and necromantic magic that affects/drains or attacks soul energy. If he is bound by any sort of magic, he will oftentimes give up and wait to be released unless his watch is in jeopardy.
  • Gabriel's only offensive move consists of condensing soul energy into a ball and firing it at his enemies. (See 'Last Resort' above)

: items :

Gabriel doesn’t have any belongings except the clothes on his back to call his own yet. Maybe that will change with time.

: likes :

Spying on Others!

Gabriel is often bored. With his small, compact profile he is able to sneak into small crevices and spaces in order to listen in on others’ gossip or conversations.

Waking Up is Too Much Work

On the train, Gabriel doesn’t feed often. He’s terribly run down on a fairly frequent basis, and sleeps for hours on end to make up the deficit.

Bitter is Better

Gabriel loves any bitter food items or dessert. Introduced to him by Marianne, his favorite is black coffee, but he also enjoys chewing or sucking on plain coffee beans from time to time as if they’re candy (especially because he hasn’t the faintest idea of how to make hot liquid coffee, and depends on others for it).

Plumeria Nostalgia

Gabriel’s favorite scent is that of plumeria flowers. They were the flowers sown over his mother’s grave; though he doesn’t quite remember why, the smell itself is enough to comfort the spirit into calmness.

Soft Surroundings

Gabriel’s raggedy looking outfit is actually quite soft and comfortable; this is partially the reason why he didn’t ditch it straight out of Limbo. He prefers to sleep in large, soft terry cloth towels instead of sheets when he’s in bed, and any soft being will easily become a bed for the ghost if he’s tired enough.

: dislikes :

Sunny, Cloudless Days

Bright, sunny days or realms hurt Gabriel’s eyes and also make him uncomfortably hot. In these situations, he’ll opt to stay in his sleeper car unless forced out.

Sweets Are Not a Treat

Preferring a more bitter lineup, it’s obvious that Gabriel dislikes sweets or sugar in any form.

Bossing, Nagging

It’s a drag to nagged. Gabe dislikes harsh, bossy commands and being pushed to complete tasks he has no interest in doing. When confronted, he’ll curl himself into a ball and shut out any incoming words until the culprit eventually gives up and leaves him alone.

Bustle and Commotion

Too many bodies in a room will easily bother the spirit. He prefers quiet, open spaces and if the setting is not ideal, Gabriel will quickly assert himself elsewhere to regain comfort.

Coughing or Wheezing

Even if not meant in harm, the sound of sickly coughing and wheezing will quickly make Gabriel avoid whoever’s responsible. Once more, his memories from being alive are vague and fuzzy, but the sound is unmistakably unnerving.

: misc facts :

If you pet his ears, he becomes just as bad as Thumper. Thump thump thump.

: relationships :

Marianne Cross

Gabriel has a strong fondness for the woman who yanked him out of limbo by winding his watch. Though he can physically manifest and has no need to stick by her, he prefers to follow the Argion woman around of his own will. She often makes bitter treats for the phantom and though she can come off as a little overbearing, he still prefers her company above that of others’.


Gabriel met the ice guardian shortly after becoming acquainted to the train. Drawn to his protective tendencies, Gabriel circles the guardian almost as much as he follows Marianne. He often panders to Frosty, who sees Gabe as a child given a second chance on the train who needs to be spoiled and taken care of. 

.//more tba.

: rp sample :

    A gentle golden light filtered in through the small window of Gabriel’s sleeper car. How nature was able to always usher light in through the tiny slit on the curtain and onto the space between the phantom's eyebrows was beyond his comprehension, and piqued his annoyance every morning without fail. A not-so-graceful snort through his nose signaled that he was somewhat awake but unwilling to fully drag himself out of bed. Gabriel cocooned himself further in his terry cloth bed dressings in order to clutch at a few more remaining remnants of ever-valuable sleep, knowing fairly well that, no matter what time he decided to stumble out into one of the more social cars, he'd eventually run into a Marianne eager to fill a mug for him with fresh black coffee to ease him into attentiveness. That was one of the few certainties he had on the train of surprises.

:rp preferences:

i prefer skype over discord for one-on-one rps, but i can deal w/discord if someone prefers it : ^ )
Short Lit > Headcanon > Detailed Script > Lit > Other
✓ Friendly/friendship, Shenanigans, Developmental, AUs (Appropriate), Crackship
✗ Gore/torture (without discussing circumstances first), NSFW (sexual), Shipping.

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Comments: 5

CaptainSh4rk [2017-08-09 20:51:53 +0000 UTC]

damn, I wish I would have known you sooner. I was gonna try for world train too!!
This little guy is so cute. Wow!
I seem so hyper in your comments, but your cahracter designs are darlings

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jecksy-Candy [2017-03-18 16:03:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ToyBoxMelody [2017-03-17 02:29:38 +0000 UTC]

So tiny! So cute! Must protect! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BunnyMeroko [2017-03-17 01:26:24 +0000 UTC]

HOW PRECIOUS~! *cuddles them* e u e

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IneMiSol [2017-02-22 16:35:55 +0000 UTC]


god i had forgotten how long this app was

👍: 0 ⏩: 0