MelBun — CDR: Luciana Application

Published: 2013-08-06 14:01:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 2416; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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My application to
You should all check out this awesome group-liekrightnowwhatareyouwaitingfor
I wish good luck to all the other amazing people who are applying whoaredefinatelygoingtogetin.
I blame for dragging me into this LOL

♥ N a m e : Luciana, or “Lucia” (Italian for “light”)

♥ A g e : Appears to be 21 (Ageless/100~200+ years)

♥ B i r t h d a y : February 24th (Astrological Sign: Pisces)

♥ S p e c i e s :

A mermaid-like creature that is brown or blue skinned with incredibly long hair that covers their usually naked bodies. If one were to stare straight into the eyes of this creature, one would be immediately captured in the succubus’s trance. The legend or myth of these sirens originates in the high mountains of the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. These creatures seduce men on the eve of a full moon with their alluring features and the promise of a night filled with passion, only to give them the ultimate kiss of death by stealing their souls. Ciguapas have backward feet, as to further deceive wayward travelers into the wrong direction, and usually bemoan a sorrow-filled cry on moonlit nights. This entails that the dew which lingers on the rocks in the early morning are, in fact, the tears from the siren’s mourning wail.

♥ F a c t i o n : White

♥ J o b : Dancer

♥ P e r s o n a l i t y :

Quick Tidbits:
• She is very quick to show her emotions. Whatever poker face that you may believe she has is only seen when she’s dazed or she is concentrating solely on one thing.

• She has never experienced heartbreak or betrayal before, which makes her extremely naive to the ulterior motives one may have.

• She is very easily impressed by the talents of others and believes that everyone is unique in their own way.

Luciana constantly lives in the on-going fear that her nature as a Ciguapa will consume who she has become entirely; ultimately turning her into the monster she tried so hard to suppress.

Lucia isn’t used to many common interactions with people, as this is her first time encountering so many new and friendly faces. Unfortunately, this may lead to some misunderstanding on both ends, as she may not know whether the remark was sarcastic, rhetorical, flirty, reprimanding, etc.

She may not talk much, or rather, not at all; however, this is all in good reason. As a siren, she personally cannot control the pitch or the alluring effect of her voice, even with all efforts she has tried in the past. Ultimately giving up on the wish to speak her mind freely, Lucia now voices her own opinions on a small note pad that she carries most of the time. She can also use French sign language, but she only knows few words and phrases that she’s picked up along the way.

After living for herself and keeping her own company, Luciana feels a bit awkward around others. She is also very self-conscious of herself; therefore, she is always assuming that people are staring at her feet, or silently judging what she is, rather than who she is. She tends to ignore this belief of a negative outlook on what people perceive of her. Instead Lucia likes to sit in the back of the action where she is most comfortable. Although she is introverted, Lucia does rely heavily on any relationships that she does make, since she believes they are genuine. (I guess that does make her a bit naive or gullible in a sense)

Although she has a sharp tongue when communicating with people, it is only because she doesn’t know how to convey her feelings correctly. Recently she has been trying to indicate her mood or feeling with her posture and her facial expressions. It actually becomes a sort of guessing game, where she tries to project her body language to talk for her instead. It’s almost pitiful that she tries especially hard to smooth out any misinterpretations only to create an even bigger gap in the language barrier.

No matter how many times she has been taught “Curiosity killed the cat,” this little kitten just can’t keep her paws away from a journey. She loves learning new things about people and the world, and most often risks her own life in the process.

♥ H i s t o r y :

Back then, in what seems like millennia ago, Luciana was no different than any other sea siren or mermaid in the sea. Her mermaid tail was rather short in comparison to others, an odd deformity in, literally, a sea of diverse features in the siren community. As if not already a quirky tadpole, Lucia was unlike those who easily embraced their naturally alluring voices to hypnotize their latest human meat snack into their den. Her true passion was to explore the vastness of the ocean, at least as far as the current could guide her, and to discover a life without the need to become a succubus of the sea. The other sirens she had lived with had long habituated to the small confines of their cove; however, this lack of exploration had only fueled the rebellious desire to one day storm out with the ocean current nestling in her hair.

On the night of her elopement, the most memorable moment that Luciana will always remember was the resonance of soft pale moonbeams, radiating the route to freedom. From that point on she had lived a life of a sea nomad, a life of cultural enlightenment, where sirens who traveled the sky would tell her stories of several mythical creatures from distant lands: Beings that traveled on land with multiple limbs, entities that could navigate through the earth, organisms that would soar into to the clouds as if to nest there. After hearing so many wonderful legends and fables, her curiosity could almost drive her into despair.

Although she never stayed in one place too often, she could not resist the mystical pull she had to the Caribbean Sea. The waters were as clear as the day and the catch was always plentiful, yet there was always a sweet singing in her ear as she approached closer to the mystical islands. Luciana had never traveled close enough to one of these islands, as she had heard many fables of this phenomenon, but fate had destined her to more than just a taste of the mystery of these isles.

During one exploration trip towards the shores of Hispaniola, she had sworn she had seen tail of another siren scrape across the crashing waves on the rocks towards the coast. Eager to make a new friend, and possibly learn about this mysterious island, Lucia swam as fast as she could towards the glimpse of a mermaid tail towards the shore. The rushing ocean and the sweet taste of salt water always had invigorated her, as if to exert her force into all she had just to fulfill the thrill of exploration. In this state, the poor, dumb girl was not paying attention to the increasing pitch of the forbidden siren’s song, enticing to any creature who had lent their ears to their melody.

Silly girl, did no one tell you?

Curiosity is a sin in which no one can be forgiven.

Arriving towards the sandbars of the island, Luciana came to a sort of realization: Not once in her life had she came so close to land. Curiosity was tempting her to touch the sands on the beach, to even let her have a new type of journey that most could never say they have done. All the other mermaids she had known had never gone towards the shore. As a child, Lucia was told never to journey to the surface where men walked on two legs. What were they afraid of?

How could you call yourself a sea siren?

Pathetic, almost as bad as a human...

As soon as Lucia’s tail had touched the hot sand on the shore, the heat transformed from an odd tingle to a searing burn. Horrified and scared, all the poor girl could do was watch and cringe as the fire transformed her mermaid tail, peeling off her own scales until the muscles were visible. The more she writhed and twisted at the terror, the more deformed and unrecognizable her own tail had become. In response to her depravity, muscles and tendons seemed to break off in large chunks, only to evaporate into sea foam. Waves were crashing into her, wiping away her whole entire being, trying to wipe away all sin. Pitiful and pathetic-the only thing Luciana could do was to frantically slap the only remnants of her tail into the sand, as if to extinguish the invisible flames throughout her body. Feeling numb, all Lucia could remember after that was her own blurred vision as she passed out from the pain.
Feeling the moon’s beams gaze upon her, Lucia woke up on the same shores of this accursed island. Hazily, her mind contrasts these rays of moonlight from the night of her liberation. These lunar gleams were harsh, as if piercing through her and scrutinizing her whole being. Wincing at the thought, the sting recaps the searing flames that were scorching her body not too long ago.

She instantly moves her vision towards what should be where her tail is; however, she has gained two human limbs, yet this couldn’t be right. She had seen humans before, and none of the humans she had seen had their feet projected in the opposite direction. To her horror, a sudden revelation had occurred to her: not only was she unable to return to her formal world, she was a freak in this unknown human world. Luciana could never integrate with these other creatures that she had learned so much about when she was an undesirable foreign species. What had she done to invoke Poseidon’s wrath upon her to cause her to lose all the comfort she had in the world?

Foolish child, could you have really grasped the rose without being wary of its thorns?

A few days since the transformation, Lucia begins to acquire an insatiable hunger; however, she foolishly continues to eat fish and hunt any game she can, believing that it is only anxiety over her ordeal. Unable to satisfy this nagging starvation, her own instincts overpower her and alter her own being into one of a monster. Ever since being marooned on the island, the eerie lullaby of the sirens had been slowly decaying her mind into one of a true succubus; the very type of being that her sisters had trained all their lives to be. Lucky Luciana, the curse would alter her mind into becoming one of the most venomous flowers, willingly or not. Powerless to this alternate version of her, the spell trapped Lucia into the hollowness of her own heart as she watched her devious doppelganger devoured the souls of wandering humans by tantalizing their own explorative spirit.
Blindly staggering through the same pattern every eve of the full moon, Lucia began to hear the rumors from the villagers about her.

They called her the Ciguapa, a seductress of wanderlust travelers lost in the forest. She was forever banded to the reaping of those who had furiously rampant curiosities as she had once had.

The centuries passed, and as Lucia has improved in suppressing her hunger, the more she yearned to actually belong to the world she was hiding from. Throughout the years she had worked on weakening the power of the rampant monster, as well as its hold on her mind. After hundreds of thousands of failed tries and imbibed souls, her control over her powers was at a barely moderate level, as they could never have been mastered even after millions of lost humans. However, the excruciating pain she suffered from the siren’s song had longed to eradicate any thought of freedom. Luciana knew that as long as the mesmerizing lull was in control of her, she could never overcome the grave that fate had twisted, just for her and her sins to fester in.

Circulating from the colonialists, the rushing murmur of the land where the captive natives of the island were to be shipped to, intrigued Luciana. Once arriving to the port where the slave boat is docked, she relies on blind luck as she tries to control the trance like effect of her eyes. Although it takes most of her strength, not only to control the power of her gaze-but also to prevent herself from succumbing to the thirst for human, Luciana is able to entrance one of the ship hands. This allows her to gain passage on the ship as well as all necessary supplies to continue her journey after they dock at another port.

Repeating the process countless times, Lucia’s face soon became a common sight on the seven seas, as she would stowaway on several boats and earn her stay by becoming a gypsy dancer in the cabins below to lift up the moods of the crew or guests. Learning several dances and customs from several passengers native to foreign lands, she is immersed into the spirit of dance. To Luciana, the different movements and rhythms that embody the form of dance displays the culture and the essence of the people who have developed those values. Finally having something to live for, the poor girl believes her luck has been lifted for the first time in eons.

However, Lucia has never danced freely and carelessly enough without being gnawed at by the fear of her being discovered. She has always had to hide her own identity, as well as acknowledge that she could never be the same as any of these seafarers that had opened their homes and hearts to her. Luciana could never forge true friendships, or even heartfelt relations with others without the overpowering danger of discovery looming over her shoulder. Her heart could never open as wide as these naïve humans did, as her heart was still as hollow and empty since arriving in that godforsaken island.

All she could do was rely on the kindness of strangers.

After what seems like hundreds of dances and boat hops, by fate, Luciana is approached by a mysterious stranger who seems to accompany another world of their own.

“I’ve heard the legends about you, your dancing, and…your condition. You’ve gone by many different names, haven’t you?”
Surprised at the stranger’s unexpected introduction, Lucia nods warily towards the stranger’s inquisition. Noticing the tension, the stranger offers a proposition.

“How would you like to join a place where you’re welcome to stay? Maybe even gain all the comfort you had lost?”

Hesitant and anxious about the road where this offer will lead her, she doubtfully accepts this odd traveler’s offer. For the first time in a long time, Luciana’s curiosity seemed to atone for her sins.

♥ L i k e s :

• Rain & Summer heat
• Boots or heels, although she hates her backward feet
• Learning new things about people and the outside world
• Staring at or into people’s eyes- especially those with extremely unique eyes
• To be patted on the head, or for her hair to be played with
• The company of others

♥ D i s l i k e s :

• Guns, as they remind her of the colonization era
• Small areas, or overly crowded spaces
• Being cold (used to extremely high temperatures)
• Her lingering hunger for the life essences of beings
• That she must communicate using sign language or writing out what she wants to say
• When someone mentions something about her feet

♥ F a m i l y :


♥ R e l a t i o n s h i p s :

She is not flirtatious in the slightest, and hasn’t thought about being in a relationship with someone romantically since the time she was a young mermaid. However, approaching the new moon her alternative personality influences the things she says or does.

♥ M I S C/O t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n:

• Her alternate personality takes over whenever the eve of the full moon approaches
• Whenever she has the urge to feed, she locks herself up until the phase passes
• Due to her abstinence, she is very weak in body around the time of the full moon
• Her alternate personality is ultimately a succubus, with only one mindset (unicorns and rainbows~!LOLjk)
• Her name suggests that she was originally from the Mediterranean, but since it was so long ago she barely remembers anything from her childhood (including her own last name)

• Her everyday outfit and overall look was heavily inspired by art nouveau and it’s similarities to the rococo era.
• Her stage outfit was inspired by the Gilded Age era of the 1890’s (Can-can girls)
• Information about gypsies and harlots of the 1800’s
• The protagonist Esmeralda in Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame
• The legend of the Ciguapa

♥ R P m e t h o d s : Skype, Office Docs, DA Notes, Etc.

Homg, you read it all?
Thank you for reading about my little baby girl.
I'm such a horrible mother
Cirque Des Reves belongs to the lovely
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Comments: 38

Noriva [2014-01-05 10:04:25 +0000 UTC]

What a well written history ;v; My feels!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to Noriva [2014-01-23 03:23:47 +0000 UTC]

Ah no, that's not true. I'm such a derpy writer shhh

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Noriva In reply to MelBun [2014-01-23 03:30:29 +0000 UTC]

No, you shush xD The background has a lot of work put into it, you should be proud of it ^^

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Angelfrost-Art [2013-09-05 04:06:14 +0000 UTC]

ahh!! i like this one! so pretty! ^^

welcome to CdR, and we should totally rp together sometime! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to Angelfrost-Art [2013-09-07 20:07:32 +0000 UTC]

Omg, thank you so much for the kind compliment. Your Oc babie is so colorful and cute. Thank you for the warm welcome, and yes we should definitely rp in the future.

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Angelfrost-Art In reply to MelBun [2013-09-08 07:53:50 +0000 UTC]

hehe! ^^

are notes good??

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MelBun In reply to Angelfrost-Art [2013-09-10 03:35:54 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I'm so sorry that I've replied so late.
Yes, notes are good. I'm sort of new to rping, so I'm not sure what rp method is good for me, but I'm ready to try anything!

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Otomezaki [2013-09-01 23:06:33 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to the white faction °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°

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MelBun In reply to Otomezaki [2013-09-01 23:14:03 +0000 UTC]

Ah, thank you for the sparkling welcome *7*

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Otomezaki In reply to MelBun [2013-09-02 00:49:43 +0000 UTC]

no problem.

I hope we can rp sometime! ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to Otomezaki [2013-09-02 12:20:34 +0000 UTC]

Yes yes, your babieOc's clothing I do love. She's so adorable I can't even process
We must rp in the very near future +v+

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Otomezaki In reply to MelBun [2013-09-02 13:10:29 +0000 UTC]

if you prefer skype I can note you my skype if you want ,so we can rp sometime ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to Otomezaki [2013-09-02 13:23:56 +0000 UTC]

Ah, sure! My skype is waifubunny, just note me when you get the chance!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Otomezaki In reply to MelBun [2013-09-02 13:27:40 +0000 UTC]

I sent you a request now owo

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RandomlyKlutzy [2013-09-01 15:27:37 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Impressive! 

Welcome to the White Faction!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to RandomlyKlutzy [2013-09-01 21:45:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the warm welcoming into this amazing group <3

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RandomlyKlutzy In reply to MelBun [2013-09-03 02:19:22 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome!  It is amazing! That is true!

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Neinnonay [2013-09-01 12:00:59 +0000 UTC]

Her clothing is awesome and I love her hair

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MelBun In reply to Neinnonay [2013-09-01 21:44:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, and her hair is too long for my own liking, but she's so stubborn and wont let me cut it *pout*

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Neinnonay In reply to MelBun [2013-09-04 06:42:59 +0000 UTC]

I feels your pain

hehehehe Adelaide is stubborn as well, the tips of her hair are green though I suggested blue, she insisted on green, meh oh well ^_^

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MelBun In reply to Neinnonay [2013-09-05 06:23:39 +0000 UTC]

But she's so beautiful, any color would be great on her +v+ <3
I hope we can rp in the future~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Neinnonay In reply to MelBun [2013-09-05 06:38:56 +0000 UTC]

thank you 

agreed, I look forward to when we do  

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PsychoticHysteria [2013-09-01 09:53:21 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh~ She's so loveley ;A; her clothes and everything are so nice. *hug's the poor bby*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to PsychoticHysteria [2013-09-01 21:33:23 +0000 UTC]

Nooo you're so lovely for saying that amg<3
Thanks for the wonderful compliment

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PsychoticHysteria In reply to MelBun [2013-09-02 07:44:10 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcoome~  ^^

I hope one day we will be able to Rp  c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to PsychoticHysteria [2013-09-02 12:14:51 +0000 UTC]

Yus, one day we must Rp *^* I love your baybeh's history

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PsychoticHysteria In reply to MelBun [2013-09-02 23:28:14 +0000 UTC]

I shall impatiently await that day ;A;. omg thank youuu ;v;

you'renotacreeperit'sokay*hugs face*

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MelBun In reply to PsychoticHysteria [2013-09-03 04:52:14 +0000 UTC]

Aimg, If you want you can add me on skype. I am an rp virgin so pls be gentle with me
My skype is waifubunny, so just say you're from CDR to remind me<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PsychoticHysteria In reply to MelBun [2013-09-03 05:07:16 +0000 UTC]

fk okaaay ;v; I shall~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shannaroooooo [2013-09-01 09:34:59 +0000 UTC]

Wow, totally love how you did this! *A* Welcome to CdR~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to shannaroooooo [2013-09-01 21:31:20 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, thank you so much for your compliment and welcoming me in! ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bluevelvetwings [2013-08-08 03:26:24 +0000 UTC]



how do you haiiiiir


Actually yeah, I did read it all. It's very interesting, and I learned some things ^^ I also love how you did research and were inspired by classic characters. I super duper hope you get in; my skype is furniturewaltz if you want to chat~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelBun In reply to bluevelvetwings [2013-08-08 10:38:17 +0000 UTC]

I don't even know how I managed to color the hair in like 4 different ways

Also, I'm glad that you liked it, I was so worried that I messed up in research. I'm such a history nerd that I end up getting way too into the little details because there's sooo many cool things happening around the world at that time.

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bluevelvetwings In reply to MelBun [2013-08-10 04:50:02 +0000 UTC]

No, it was really nice <3


I'm something of a history nerd too, so we should stick together even if I have the most wildly anachronistic character design in the whole group <3

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MelBun In reply to bluevelvetwings [2013-08-10 05:38:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness, yes we should totally be history geeks together Cx!

Also, your character's design and bio is so unique and creative! 1890's fashion police would totally be like- "Homg, did you see dose buns? So risque!"

I honestly prefer my character's stage outfit to that of her normal outfit since the latter is so roughly put together; It makes me feel as if it was just one of those modern 1890's wannabes ;+;
I don't know if I can edit her outfit before the time to submit applications arrive...I'm so lazy OTZ

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bluevelvetwings In reply to MelBun [2013-08-12 04:58:09 +0000 UTC]

That sounds great :3333


Even though you're not accepted, do you want to RP?

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MelBun In reply to bluevelvetwings [2013-08-20 05:59:18 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I'm so sorry that I took forrevverrr to reply- but here I am!

I would much rather prefer to wait to see if I am accepted into the group instead of getting extremely high expectations of what should be (Sorryimsuchadowner-sobs-)
Once I get in though, we should definitely rp *7*

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bluevelvetwings In reply to MelBun [2013-08-21 02:36:18 +0000 UTC]

No, I was the same way lol it's fine XD

Good luck then :3

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