This drawing is part of my long term project, where I "recreate" some of the old "artwork" I have made as a child. This particular piece I drew at the age of four. The title is original.
Click this link to compare ; )
The original drawing
The piece was plenty of fun to make, it's surprisingly difficult to try to get in to that same feeling you had last more than a decade ago, to interpret the characters and their "roles", to fit the vision in your current style, and at the same time, to follow the original work so precisely, that you actually don't change anything.
To my mind this picture was a success, the "starting point" was complex enough and indeed told a story. It's like they're going so fast because they're late from the ball or something... The princess never leaves her role as a sophisticated and elegant lady - she watches straight to the viewer and waves to her subjects like there's nothing unusual about the situation. The driver (also wearing a gold grown - the queen, maybe?) as well looks cool and equable. The only nervous looking one is the little kangaroo, who - judging by his clothing - is inferior little a helper.