metalheadjohn — Ghosts

Published: 2023-10-24 20:15:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 3476; Favourites: 52; Downloads: 11
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Description So it has been suggested that, ever since I did my re-imagining of COD Infinite Warfare (my third favorite COD) that I should try something similar with another COD: Call of Duty Ghosts (the second worst COD imo). Of course, I avoided this for a while due to me having never completed the campaign and me just finding the lore a bit too ridiculous. But then two nights ago, this map literally came to me in a dream and mapped out a solid portion of the world and some lore for me, and so here we go! 


The year is 2025, and the Federation’s aggressive northward expansion is about to enter its ninth year. The United States is a shadow of its former self, but continues to hold the line, and the government insists that the Federation can’t possibly win to reassure its people that the stalemate will end in their favor. In truth, the US Government is procrastinating, holding out in hope that the Federation will give up and decide the stalemate is too expensive. The United States’ former allies have long since abandoned the nation to its fate outside of a select few, and the great powers are either focused on grabbing easy pickings now that the US has left the world stage, or are attempting to insist that everything is fine as the world falls apart around them. Even if they wanted to help, the Federation’s fleet has effectively cut off the rest of the world from the United States. The writing is on the wall: The Federation is approaching victory.

But how did it get to this point? Where did the world go so wrong? Many point to the year 2005, when the United States opted to open up another front by invading Iraq. Given two extra years to think, Iraq decided to try an old strategy that failed them last time: attacking Israel. Unlike the Gulf War of 1990, this attack brought Israel into the invasion alongside the United States, but also saw the involvement of the rest of the Arab World. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran would get involved in the war in Iraq as well, bringing the region into a general war that would devastate the oil economy. Israel would survive, but Saudi Arabia would collapse after the destruction of Riyadh, while Iran would be heavily weakened.

This Oil shock devastated the great powers of the world. The United States relations with Europe were strained by the war, with the refugee crisis hitting the continent particularly hard. This would be followed up by Russia and Ukraine halting their oil and gas trade with western Europe, making the energy shock even worse. This combined with a rising wave of nationalism on the continent which blamed the US for the economic downturn as well as seeing NATO as obsolete, blaming it for Russian hoarding of fuel over, you know, Russia, led to the creation of a new, broad Anti-American Green Movement that would eventually hijack the populists and call for American troops to withdraw from Europe. All of this moved to form the perfect environment for the rise of the Federation of the Americas in South America. 

Initially an economic union between Venezuela, Brazil, and Chile, the Federation would evolve into a true nation state encompassing the entire continent to consolidate resources, particularly oil, as well as riding off of a massive wave of nationalism brought about by the crisis. The oil producing nations of the Federation alone would give the Federation dominance over World Energy for the next decade. Much of this would be helped by the growing instability of the superpower to the North. Using its newfound economic power, the Federation engaged in stringent modernization programs with help from those who gained to see the US knocked down a peg. This military buildup coincided with increased Federation police actions across the Atlantic, earning them a place of popularity on the world stage as the other major powers seemed to stagnate.

 To the North, the United States was an exhausted nation, now under president Julian Chapman in the 2012 election, whose administration had grown infamous for being among the most corrupt in history. Chapman rose to power promising security after the chaos of the Georgia Insurrection, which saw the state government of Georgia undergo an outright military coup by extremists in response to the Tel Aviv War and growing poverty that had come about as a result, threatening to spread across the south before being contained largely by local militia groups and state governments. The result would see state military budgets increased in response to the national guard and US military finding itself tied down in the Tel Aviv War, giving more power to state governments as a result. The Insurrection brought the war home and the government failure to stop it quickly led to a major surge in distrust for the federal government to handle such issues, even though state governments weren’t much more effective. The events led to Purges and budget cuts which gutted the US government, including parts of the military, and Chapman would utilize Jingoism to distract people from his failures, particularly targeting the Federation to the south. This xenophobia was a large part of what led to the dissolution of NATO, as many of the Green Parties across the continent finally took the western part of the continent and left NATO, with Chapman responding by blaming the Euros for America’s problems and agreeing to withdraw from the continent. 

Natural disasters brought about by climate change would be handled poorly by Chapman, who saw “excessive government intervention” as a violation of the constitution, and refused to help people in need using the diminished federal government, while paradoxically becoming more authoritarian in response to the southern insurrection. These same climate issues alongside Chapman’s autocracy would help even more in ensuring Europe slipped from his fingers. The withdrawal of American forces from across the globe was seen by many across the world as the US abandoning its commitments to its allies, ensuing further isolation as the US sought to focus on the rising power right next door. All of this as he goaded the Federation to the south with extra deployments in the Caribbean, with many believing that Chapman desired a war to boost his approval ratings, and the spike in anti-latino racism merely made the US look even worse to the Federation. However despite the posturing, the US was, in reality, in too sorry a state and suffering from too many internal divisions between the empowered state governments to actually do much about the Federation’s rise.

It was on the back of this progress in the south and decay in the North that Federation General Diego Almagro became convinced that the Federation of the Americas was destined to become the new world superpower to fill the void left by the depressed US. Many of the militarization programs were overseen directly by Almagro, and the general would work to see a major shift in authority from the civilian government of the Federation to the military as officers were now a major influential class as a result of this militarization. At the same time, Almagro would weaken the local governments, bringing the Federation on the path towards centralization and autocracy. Most of this was justified as making the government more efficient and equitable by eliminating disparities across member states as well as allowing for a centralized education system that was able to boost literacy to be equivalent to its northern rival, while also allowing for propaganda to reach the people more easily. This military buildup in tandem with Federation peacekeeping overseas and oil dominance would establish the Federation as a superpower with living standards on par with the United States while also coinciding with the nation's march towards authoritarianism.

Almagro would also make great efforts to protect local culture while gaining all the knowledge he could from other successful nations. Almagro took advantage of the anti-american sentiment to post a “decolonization” message to rile up his population, creating anti-American propaganda to make the new nation more nationalistic and xenophobic, with a little indirect help from the US President’s own actions. Taking further advantage of the weakness of the United States, Almagro would oversee invasions of Panama and French Guiana, giving him access to space facilities and the Panama Canal. These invasions represented a fraction of the potential the Federation had behind it, and when most nations only gave quiet complaints, the Federation became even more bold. However, these acts of aggression would bring about US intervention.

While the occupation of these nations were labeled as “peacekeeping missions” in the Federation, with Caracas citing treaties to indicate they had consensually joined, much of the world still friendly with the US recognized these for what they were: military occupations. These invasions had seen the death and capture of US citizens, leading to outrage from the United States, who had already been heavily propagandized into seeing the Federation as the next great evil, so President Chapman took this chance to launch an intervention specifically targeting Almagro for assassination. The US invasion of Caracas succeeded in taking out Almagro and put a brief halt to the plans for expansion, but at the same time it had energized the Federation’s population against the US, leading to an armistice that both sides knew likely wouldn’t last, despite the hopes of many in the US. The Federation would spend the next two years continuing its military growth, albeit more covertly. At the same time, a sense of stability seemed to return thanks to the armistice, with other nations making a recovery around the world, and the United States engaging in a new military buildup, having entered a state of alertness unseen since the Cold War as a new one brewed between North and South America. However, these were hampered by internal divisions in the US, with many major politicians and businessmen continued to insist on supporting free trade with the Federation, seeing the need for oil as of the utmost importance, while other nations continued to trade with the Federation as well, with many great powers such as China giving them weapons packages in return for oil and other raw resources.

The ultimate casus belli of the war, however, would be the culmination of US military buildup: Odin. Created under President Chapman but unveiled by his successor, Odin was an orbital bombardment satellite which would “defend the American people from any aggressor and maintain peace on the world stage as it had before.” However, the Federation under president (and general of the Federation Army) Juan Manchas viewed this weapon as an ultimate threat (not to mention a violation of space treaties) and sought to take out the US before it could be used against them. While the Federation would attempt to cite another US assassination attempt on it’s leaders as a cause (an attempt that never actually happened), the truth is that the Federation struck first, seizing the space station from which Odin was controlled and hijacked it to attack the United States, simultaneously launching an invasion of Mexico. The Odin attacks were devastating, destroying major cities across the South and Southwest, with many more targets on the list if it had not been for the heroic efforts of the American crew to scuttle Odin and stop the attacks.

The opening assault was devastating, turning the south west into a wasteland, as well as hitting New Orleans. The attack aimed to soften the border regions for the coming invasion as well as to cripple the American economy by destroying major government and economic centers across the country (Which was halted by the scuttling of Odin), while also isolating the nation at sea using the Federation’s own massive economy. However, these bombardments would also impact the Federation war effort as well. The strikes from Odin were so powerful that the landscape was altered completely, making a truly treacherous environment that was virtually impassable, slowing down the Federation advance across Mexico’s border to a crawl and allowing American forces to dig in after a few major battles and raids early on. The Agenda of the Federation remained the same over a decade: Keep attacking until the only thing that was an economic and military threat to them was destroyed.

In some parts of the world, there remains a sort of normalcy, but the war rages on. The Federation itself remains the world superpower, but resistance in the US remains fierce and victory is no longer certain. Over the course of a decade, the Federation has become a true autocracy, with most reforms in the nation being made to sustain the war, even if they do remain popular with the people. Propaganda is everywhere to boost patriotism and promote culture, and the average man is subjected to increasing restrictions and censorship, with even intellectuals often being in danger if they question the Caracas regime. While initially, propaganda promoted the war as a struggle against the sins of imperialism, in recent years, the Federation has begun to portray itself as the greatest nation in the world, particularly citing Americans (particularly WASPs) as true inferiors and imperialist agents by blood, with this agenda being pushed and resulting in increasing cases of war crimes, military brutality, and even ethnic cleansing on the American front, which has only led to even more partisans than there already were as many Americans retreated to the hills when the Federation made it’s advance on their towns. 

Within the Federation itself, cultural exchanges between member states are heavily encouraged to create a truly mixed culture. While cities are flourishing under the war economy, the truth is that the continuing stalemate in the US is actually starting to drain the Federation’s once prosperous economy. Poverty is actually on the rise, with rural populations in particular being hurt by any developments made for the war. The fact that the United States continues to hold strong merely leads to rising pessimism amongst some in the Federation high command with the rising casualty rates and dead soldiers being returned home being tough on morale for the frontline fighters, although the majority remain convinced they can eventually secure victory. Particular to this belief is the ongoing development of the Federation’s own counterpart to the old Odin program: Loki, which Federation high command hopes can be used to end the war the same way it had begun.

In the United States, the nation continues to hold strong. Even as the nation was wracked with depression, cities like New York remained world class, and the military continued to hold top-of-the-line equipment. Despite fighting bravely, the US was only able to slow the Federation down, losing much of the south west. The slowdown caused by Odin and the US Military was enough that mighty walls were able to be erected to halt the Federation advance, leading to the invasion becoming a siege. Many refugees would flow northeast, while many others would head to Europe or Canada, hoping for safety. 

Despite the horrors, much of the country outside of the southwest is still able to maintain some degree of normalcy, although the return of the draft has caused the war to touch everyone. In most of the remaining major cities, dissent is cracked down upon by the FBI, and the current administration desperately attempts to ensure that the economy keeps moving, hoping to ensure there is no panic. The government at this point is largely under the control of the three letter agencies, working in tandem with the military to ensure America survives the war. The new deep state is concerned about how low the “rally-round-the-flag” effect has been with this invasion, as faith in the government is at an all time low after 20 years of incompetence, growth in economic inequality, and politically motivated violence, made worse by many in the US accusing the government of provoking the Federation by assassinating Almagro, building Odin, and then incompetently allowing Odin to be seized by the Federation and used on their southern cities. The only truly unified organization at this point is the US Military, and many in the government think that defeating the Federation may just bring an end to the main thing providing unity in the nation, with some fearing the Federation stoking internal divisions within the US. But at the same time, another major defeat could cause the revolution the elites fear…

The rest of the world is multipolar and looking on as the rising star fights the dying one. China and Russia have moved to build their own power blocs, with China aiming to secure dominance over east asia, while Russia moved in to take scraps from the ruined middle east. Both maintain a certain degree of dominance, but both also remain badly affected by the oil crisis, and are extremely authoritarian as a result. Federation political and economic hegemony also means that they are never going to intervene to help the United States in their war, but the chances of them helping each other are slim. Russian oil dominance is eclipsed by the Federation, with their grip only really extending to Europe, while Chinese manufacturing is starting to fade in the face of major economic downturns, leading to fears of a major uprising as unemployment skyrockets.

India has also taken the time to rise, moving in and establishing its own hegemony over the weakened nations of the subcontinent. India remains friendly with Russia and an adversary of China, fighting it across the third world as it reaches for influence. Europe remains dominated by the new Green movement. Having started in Germany, the Greens now effectively dominate Europe and are attempting to move past the need for oil to solve their crisis, although with the types in charge right now, such dreams are a pipe dream (rejection of nuclear power can only get you so far), not helping are their ties to Russian oligarchs. Of course, this hasn’t stopped many Europeans from leaving the continent to volunteer to join the US army to fight the Federation.

From the view of the outside world, the Federation is looking to be on its way to winning the war against the US, what with the upcoming launch of Loki, which they hope to use to gut the US once and for all and establish true military dominance across the globe. However, the US has put it’s hopes in it’s special forces, aiming to defeat the Federation covertly where they have failed on the field. The US has given up on the rest of the world outside of its few allies coming to its aid, the rest of the world chose to fear the Federation more than sympathize with the US long ago. At the same time, the Federation is arming itself with new weapons of the future to break the stalemate, seeing the decade old strategy of wearing the US down as becoming unfeasible and attempting to open up new fronts in the US and finally take their foe down. At this point, it’s only a matter of time before one side caves…

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T3chniks [2023-10-29 00:53:43 +0000 UTC]

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Terranallias18 [2023-10-24 23:22:33 +0000 UTC]

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metalheadjohn In reply to Terranallias18 [2023-10-24 23:30:09 +0000 UTC]

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