Mgodboldte — Margot Robbie/Harley Quinn TG A Harley Halloween

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Body Swaps FromThe Crypt

    “Hello Boils And Ghouls and welcome back to body swaps from the crypt. I was just thinking about what costume to wear this Halloween when you kiddies arrived. You are excited for the third story for this October. Buying a costume reminds me of the story I am about to tell you. The story is about a teen named Mark. Mark decides he wants to buy a costume for a Halloween party. But what happens when everyone becomes the costumes they are wearing? You will soon find out, hahahaha,” the cryptkeeper laughed evilly.

    A Harley Halloween

    Story begins

Mark was a 17 year old high school junior. Mark was driving to a costume store looking for Halloween costumes for the Halloween party that was tonight. The Halloween party was hosted by a high schooler named Brad and he would have a Halloween party every Halloween night. Brad was the most popular teen at high school and was the leader of the popular group of teens in the school. The group of the most popular teens in school were named Chad, Roger, Kyle, and of course Brad. Every high schooler wanted to be popular and be a part of the group of the popular kids. Mark did not have any friends so he desperately wanted to be friends with Brad and be popular. Mark was always friendly to Brad. Mark hoped that by being friendly to Brad that Brad would be friendly back and eventually, allow Mark to be friends with him. 

Unfortunately, Mark did not know that Brad and the other popular teens hated Mark. Mark had a reputation of being a goody two shoes and a tattletale. If Mark saw someone do something wrong he would quickly tell the teacher and get the person in trouble. Brad and the other popular teens did not want Mark around them because they enjoyed having parties and getting drunk even though they were underage. The Halloween party was just another excuse for the popular teens to get drunk. If Mark found out they were drinking alcohol Mark would probably tattletale on them and they would get in trouble with their parents, teacher, and police. Brad and the popular teens would make fun of Mark and start nasty rumors to ruin Mark’s reputation so he would not have any friends. It was the rumors that Brad and the other popular teens started that caused Mark to never have any friends in the first place. Now that Brad was having a Halloween party Mark was constantly bugging Brad to let him come to the Halloween party. Since Mark would not stop bugging Brad asking him if he could go to the Halloween party, Brad told Mark that it was a Halloween costume party and only people with costumes from Witch Hazel’s spectacular costume shop were allowed to come. Mark could only go to the party if he found a costume at the new costume store called Witch Hazel’s Spectacular costumes. Brad was actually lying to Mark because the party was not actually a costume party. Brad also did not tell Mark that it was a female only Halloween costume store. Brad only told Mark these things so Mark would go to the costume store and leave Brad alone because Brad knew that Mark wouldn’t find a costume that was right for him since the store was female costumes only thereby not allowing Mark to be able to go to the party. Also the costume store was an hour away so Mark would have to leave Brad alone in order to find it.

When Mark got to the store the store owner said, “Hello my pretty, it is I Witch Hazel and welcome to my Halloween costume store. What would you like to buy?”

“I do not know yet. I just want to look at all the costumes you have to offer and then I will pick the very best one,” said Mark.

“Take your time pretty, no one ever leaves the store without getting a costume,” said Witch Hazel.

Mark looked around but all he could find was female Halloween costumes. There were costumes of witches, female mummies, female werewolves, Cleopatra, a female angel, Black Widow, Princess Peach, Marilyn Monroe,Sarah Connor, Nezuko from the anime Demon Slayer but no costumes for men.

“Excuse me miss Hazel. I was wondering why all the costumes are female,” asked Mark?

“This is a female only costume store. Now tell me who is the name of the lucky girlfriend of yours that you are buying the costume for,” asked Witch Hazel. 

“I did not come to buy a costume for my girlfriend. I don’t even have a girlfriend. I came to buy a costume for myself. If you don’t have any costumes for men then I am leaving. Brad must have sent me to the wrong Halloween costume shop,” said Mark.

“Wait, please don’t go. No one ever leaves without a costume in hand. I will feel depressed if you don’t get something,” said Witch Hazel. 

“I can’t have any of these costumes because I am a man,” said Mark.

“Then I will have to do something to fix that,” said Witch Hazel. 

Witch Hazel pulled out a magic wand and pointed it at the door. A blast of light came out from the wand and from the light a giant devil and a giant grim reaper appeared blocking the door so Mark could not leave. Witch Hazel started to say a magical spell.

    “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Help me get rid of every costume on sale. By transforming every single living male. Costumes leave the store and fly into the sky. Don’t stop until you have found the nearest guy. Attach yourselves to all the men. Let the attachment never end.The transformation process will start to begin. All men with costumes attached will become women. This will continue until men are no more. Their new girl bodies will be loved and adored. The love of being female will never stop and they will want to come to my costume shop, hahahaha,” Witch Hazel said while cackling. 

    Mark was scared of what was about to happen when the costumes of the store started to fly out of the store into the sky. 

    While Mark was distracted by all the costumes flying, a costume hit him and attacked him. When the costume touched Mark’s normal clothes the costume caused Mark’s old clothes to disintegrate and turn to ashes. Mark was standing in the store naked when the costume magically forced itself onto Mark forcing him to wear it. 

    Mark looked down and saw that he was wearing a costume of Harley Quinn from the 2016 Suicide Squad movie. Morphe’s White Concealer covered itself all over Mark’s body to give Mark white skin. Mark’s brown hair was covered with a blonde wig in ponytails. The left side of the ponytail was dyed pink and the right side of the ponytail was dyed blue. Makeup, mascara, and lipstick magically appeared on Mark’s face. A pink color was on the left side of Mark’s left eye while a blue color was on the right side of Mark’s right eye. Golden jewelry attached itself to Mark’s ear and a golden collar around his neck. Mark now wore a shirt with red at the top and white at the bottom with the words daddy’s little monster in black. The shirt was covered in a red and white jacket. Mark had on short shorts with fishnet stockings that were red on the left side and blue on the other side with a golden belt to hold them up. Mark now wore shoes that looked like black and white sneakers but rose up at the back side of the shoe and became high heels. A baseball bat also flew into Mark’s hands.

     Mark tried to get the costume off of him but it would not detach itself from Mark. Mark tried to take off his shirt but failed, then tried to take off his pants but failed, lastly, he tried to take off his shoes but failed. Looked outside a window and saw all the costumes attaching themselves onto men and the men unsuccessfully trying to take the costumes off. 

    One man was trying to take off a costume of Queen Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen. Another was trying to take off the costume of The Bride of Frankenstein. A third man was trying to take off the costume of a female zombie. Then what Mark saw next was even more terrifying. The men were slowly transforming into the costumes they were wearing. The man wearing the Elsa costume transformed into a female and actually became Elsa. The new Elsa started to make it snow while singing the song Let it go. Meanwhile, the other two men transformed into women and became the creatures they were dressed up as. The one man became the Bride of Frankenstein and started screaming. The other man became a female zombie shouting the word brains and trying to eat human flesh.

    “Please Witch Hazel, stop transforming people,” said Mark. 

    But Witch Hazel jumped on her broomstick and flew off into the sky to watch the transformations occur.

    “I gotta stop this,” said Mark.

    Mark ran out of the costume store and into his car. Mark was about to put the key in the keyhole to start the car when he started to have a weird feeling. Mark could feel his feet inside his shoes start to change. Mark’s feet began to shrink becoming smaller and smaller until his feet were the size more appropriate for a woman. After Mark’s feet got smaller Mark’s toenails started to grow longer gaining a few more inches. The toenails magically became perfectly manicured. Toenail polish suddenly covered Mark’s toenails. The toenails on Mark’s left foot were the color pink while the toenails on Mark’s right foot were painted blue. Mark was finally able to take both of his shoes off and look at his new feet. 

    “I now have the feet of a woman,” shouted Mark.

    Then the weird feeling came back but this time Mark could feel his legs start to change. The length of his legs began to shrink in size, getting smaller and thinner. The legs lost muscle mass while growing some leg flab. Mark’s leg hair receded back into his skin and disappeared leaving Mark’s legs hairless. The skin of Mark’s legs lost their roughness and masculinity and changed to skin that was softer, smoother, feminine, and sexier. Mark’s height shrunk causing him to get shorter and shorter until he went from 6ft 2” to 5ft 10”.

    “My legs look so different than before. I gotta get that witch before everyone becomes the costumes they are wearing,” said Mark.

    Mark put the key into the keyhole, put his foot on the gas pedal, and took off to get Witch Hazel. While Mark was chasing the witch he saw more men get turned into the costumes they were wearing. 

    Mark saw She Hulk lifting moving trains, female aliens trying to probe people, a female gremlin causing chaos, female centaurs galloping with their new hooves, Wonder Woman flying in her invisible jet, the powerpuff girls flying through the air, a scary female clown trying to murder people, and many more creatures throughout the town. 

    While Mark was driving a voice that sounded like Harley Quinn came into his head. 

    “Why waste your time trying to stop the witch when you can be female forever? You should be female forever,” said the Harley Quinn voice.

    “No stop, get out of my head,” screamed Mark.

    Mark followed Witch Hazel for an hour until his car ran out of gas and could no longer drive. Mark got out of the car and ran looking for a new car. By strange consequence Mark eventually ended up at Brad house while the party was going on. Mark decided to ask Brad if Mark could borrow Brad’s car to catch the witch. 

    Mark walked up to Brad's house but right before he could ring the doorbell the weird feeling came back. This time Mark’s body figure started to undergo changes. Mark’s body morphed from an average male body figure to an hourglass feminine body figure. The hips of Mark popped out, widened, and expanded giving Mark curvy hips that were 34 inches in length. Mark’s waist narrowed, becoming 24 inches. Mark’s ass started to gain some weight and grow larger, changing his ass from a flat normal male ass to a bootylicious, sexy, and feminine female plump ass that jiggles every time Mark walks and moves. Mark's weight was decreasing, going from 143 pounds to 126 pounds. Mark’s height was decreasing again going from 5ft 10” to 5ft 6” without the heels.

    When Mark’s body started to stop changing Mark rang the doorbell. Brad opened the door and saw Mark standing outside. Brad was angry and laughing to himself at the same time. Brad was laughing at Mark for being stupid enough to wear women’s clothing but he was also angry that Mark actually showed up and would ruin the party. Brad needed to find an excuse to tell Mark so Mark would leave the party. 

    “Hey, Mark, I was just getting ready to call you so I could tell you that the party has been canceled because I am sick. By the way have you gotten shorter,” said Brad.

    “Doesn’t matter,I know this sounds insane but I need to borrow your car. I am chasing a witch that is forcing people to wear costumes and turning them into their costumes,” said Mark.

    Brad was pissed off thinking that Mark was messing with him. Brad was about to yell at Mark to leave but a costume of a fairy flew at Brad. Brad ducked and it hit one of the party guests. The costume started to transform the man into a fairy that was less than an inch tall. The fairy started to fly around the room waving her wand. 

    “Holy Shit, what the fuck just happened,” said Brad.

    Costumes began to enter the house and started to turn people into the costumes they were wearing. A female monster was scaring people, a female cowgirl started to ride a horse, a female ghost was flying through the air, a female vampire was trying to suck people’s blood, a female pirate was looking for her buried treasure, Daphne Blake from Scooby Doo was running away from all the monsters, Medusa turning people to stone, Kitana from mortal kombat trying to fight people, and many more.

    “What is going on,” said Kyle?

    Why are people getting costumes put on them and turning into the costumes they are wearing,” said Roger?

    “And why are you shorter with female legs,” asked Chad.

    “A witch is mad at me for not wanting to leave her costume store without a costume so she is forcing people to wear costumes and transform into a female version of whatever costume they are wearing,” said Mark.

    “We’ve got to find that witch before everyone is turned into a female version of the costume they are wearing. Let’s go use my car,” said Brad.

    The teens ran to use Brad’s car but the car was destroyed by a giant 50ft tall woman.

    “If only we had a way to use magic and fly to catch the witch,” said Roger.

    Suddenly, the costumes of Hermione Granger and Daenerys Targaryen flew in the direction of the five guys. The guys ducked and hit two men transforming them into Daenerys Targaryen and Hermione Granger. Hermione Granger started to recite spells while Daenerys Targaryen was about to fly on her dragon. 

    “I think I have an idea,” said Mark.

    Mark stole Hermione’s wand out of her hand and then pushed Daenerys Targaryen off her dragon. Then Mark hopped on the dragon.

    “Hopefully the wand will stop the witch and the dragon will help us find the witch. Hop on with me,” Mark told the others and the others hopped on the dragon. 

    Mark was about to make the dragon fly when the weird feeling came back.

    “Aaaahhhh,” screamed Mark.

    “What’s wrong,” asked Brad?

    Mark felt a weird feeling in his pecs and groin. Then Mark’s pecs began to grow bigger and bigger morphing into b cup 34 inch boobs. After Mark’s boobs were finished Mark pulled his short pants down to watch his dick turn into a pussy. Mark’s dick started to shrink in size becoming smaller and smaller until it was gone. The whole of Mark’s former penis changed into a pussy and clitoris. Mark felt something grow inside of him and he didn’t know what it was until it stopped growing. Mark could not explain how he knew what the thing that grew inside of him was but somehow he knew he just grew an uterus. Mark could somehow also feel all the testosterone in his body turn into estrogen. 

    “My dick is gone, my dick is gone,” said Mark. Mark moved his hand down to where his new vagina was and started to feel inside his new pussy.

    “I don’t want to lose my dick come on Mark let’s go,” said Brad.

    Mark was about to tell the dragon to start flying but a voice inside Mark’s started to talk to him and said, “Stop fighting your transformation and start embracing being female. Let’s ditch these bozos and go help the Joker cause some chaos. Stop being such a goody two shoes and go help Mr J in his next criminal plan.”

    “Mark, you there,” asked Chad?

    “Yes, I just had a strange thought in my head. I can hear and feel the costume taking over my mind. It is trying to transform my mind, making me have the mind of Harley Quinn instead of my own” said Mark.

    “We gotta stop this witch if we want to get your mind back to normal,” said Kyle.

    Before they could take flight a costume flew in their direction and hit Kyle. Kyle transformed and morphed into Princess Slave Leia. 

    The new Princess Slave Leia started to play with her new boobs and vagina shouting, “Han Solo, where are you? I need your big, thick, cock inside of me.”

    “The costume got Kyle,” shouted Chad.

    “Damn it Mark you fucking loser. If you didn’t get distracted by your stupid strange thought Kyle would still be a man,” said Brad.

    “Sorry,” said Mark while being upset that Brad called him a fucking loser.

    Three other costumes flew in the direction of Brad, Chad, and Roger but they dodged them and flew off.

    The four looked down below and could see men everywhere transforming into the costumes they were wearing. They saw mermaids swimming in pools, female unicorns with wings flying. A female mime trapped in an invisible box, female anthropomorphic black cats, Captain Marvel fighting skrulls, Zero Suit Samus fighting aliens, Samara Morgan who is the ghost girl from the movie The Ring killing people, female gargoyles sitting on top of buildings, female devils torchering people, an evil female ventriloquist doll murdering people, a female version of the headless horseman trying to get people’s heads, and more.

    A succubus costume flew in the direction of the teens on the dragon.

    “Duck,” screamed Mark.

    Mark, Brad, and Chad ducked but Roger got hit with the costume and turned into a sexy devil looking succubus f cup breasts with wings. 

    “Let’s fuck,” said the succubus and the succubus tried to fuck Brad. 

    “Let me go,” screamed Brad but the succubus wouldn’t.

    The succubus pulled Brad’s pants down and started to suck his dick. Brad’s penis got hard while the succubus was giving him a blowjob. Then the succubus put Brad’s penis inside her pussy and started to have sex with him.

    Mark and Chad tried to fight the succubus while she was having sex with Brad but it was hard since the succubus had wings of its own and could chase them by flying if she were to be kicked off the dragon. 

    Eventually the dragon fell right below a billboard causing Mark, Brad, and Chad to duck but hitting the succubus knocking it unconscious and falling to the ground. 

    While flying Mark felt the familiar weird feeling again. This time it was his arms and hands transforming. Mark’s arms started to shrink becoming shorter and thinner until they were many inches shorter. The arms lost muscle mass and the arm hair receded back into the skin and disappeared leaving his arms hairless. The skin of the arm changed from rough and masculine to soft, smooth, sexy, feminine. Mark’s hands became smaller and dainty. Mark’s fingernails grew longer and became perfectly manicured. Fingernail polish magically appeared on Mark's Fingernails. The fingernails on Mark’s left hand were the color pink while the fingernails on Mark’s right hand were painted blue. From the neck up Mark still had his normal head but from the neck down he was all female and all Harley Quinn.

    Once the transformation was finished the high pitched voice of Harley Quinn entered Mark’s mind again and said, “stop trying to find this Witch Hazel and embrace your new body and life. Love the fact that you are a woman with sex appeal. Love your new boobs and pussy and play with them. Help your puddin and the love of your new life Joker wreak havoc and cause anarchy and mayhem. Forget the stupid police and laws, rob banks and commit a few murders. Stop being square and a goody two shoes. You know you want to deep down. Let your head transform into Harley Quinn so the last physical and mental parts of you can be changed letting your new Harley Quinn mind take over. 

    “Shut up,” screamed Mark and the group almost hit a plane. 

    “Nice going jackass, you almost got us killed. I’m sure the situation we are in is your stupid fault. If you didn’t go to that stupid costume store in the first place this probably wouldn’t be happening. We almost got hit by a plane and I had to have sex with a succubus because of your dumbfuck ass,” said Brad even though deep down he enjoyed the sex.

    Mark apologized to Brad again and was upset at being called a jackass and a dumbfuck ass.

    Look, it’s the witch,” shouted Chad.

    The three saw the witch watching the chaos on top of a water tower. Witch Hazel was watching all the men transforming into the costumes of female characters they were wearing.

    Witch Hazel saw Catwoman stealing jewels from a jewelry store, Female trolls hiding under bridges, Princess Fiona looking for Shrek, female psycho killers wearing masks trying to murder people, the possessed girl from the exorcist was spinning her head around her body and puking, the bride of Chucky murdering people, a female teenage mutant ninja turtle fighting crime, Minnie Mouse eating cheese, female sexbots giving people sex, scary female scarecrows scaring people in cornfields, human size female talking and walking candy corns and more.

    “Soon every man will be turned into the costume of the female person, creature, or things they are wearing. Then they will all come to my shop and walk out with costumes. I will never have to worry about men not buying my costumes again, hahahaha,” said Witch Hazel while cackling.

    “Let’s go stop her,” said Chad.

    Just right after Chad said that a costume of Jessica Rabbit hit Chad and transformed him into Jessica Rabbit.

    “Come here you sexy men and let me show you how to have great sex time,” said Jessica Rabbit.

    Jessica Rabbit grabbed Brad and started to have sex with him but Mark got Jessica Rabbit off of him and threw her off the dragon. 

    The voice of Harley Quinn returned to Mark’s head and spoke again, “stop trying to fight the transformation. Let the transformation complete and change your head to match with your new body. You want to be a woman. You want to be Harley Quinn. Let’s start chaos and have fun,” said the Harley Quinn voice. 

    “Never, get out of me,” screamed Mark.

    “Mark stop fucking around with those stupid thoughts in your head. Stop being a retard,” said Brad.

    Mark got upset with Brad calling him a retard. Mark was so tired of Brad constantly insulting him. All Mark ever wanted was to be friends with Brad.

    “Look at Brad, wouldn’t it be great if he got transformed and became a woman too. You should let him wear a costume and become a woman just like you,” said the Harley Quinn voice.

    “Leave me alone,” cried Mark.

    The Harley Quinn voice stopped talking to Brad and the two went to confront Witch Hazel.

    “Ok witch, we got a magic wand of our own. We are here to stop you. Stop forcing men to wear female costumes and turning them into their costumes, said Mark.

    “Oh no, a magic wand, whatever will I do,” said Witch Hazel?

    Mark tried to use the wand but it would not work.

    “You fools, that wand won’t work on me because you two are still muggles because you two did not transform into people that use magic, Hahahaha,” cackled the witch. 

    “Your stupid plan did not work Mark. Thanks a lot Mark for getting us in this mess you douchebag idiot. This is all your fault. If you did not go to that costume store in the first place we would not even be in this mess. You are such an idiot that you can not see that I don’t want to be friends with you. I sent you to a women’s only costume store because I was trying to get you to not show up at the party and leave me alone.I wasn’t even having a costume party. I even lied to you and told you the party was canceled because I was sick when there were obvious party goers in my house everywhere. The reason I did not want you at my party was because you are a goody two shoes, tattletale cunt who would have told the authorities that my friends and I were drinking beer all night long. The reason you have no friends is because I start nasty rumors about you to everyone around the school so no one will like you. If we get out of this without being turned into women I am never talking to you ever again and make your life a living hell,” said Brad. 

    Mark was deeply hurt by what Brad just said. All Mark wanted was to be friends with Brad. Now not only would Brad not be Mark’s friend but Brad was making sure that Mark did not have any friends at all.

    Witch Hazel used her magic wand to create a giant spider web behind Mark and Brad. Then Witch Hazel used her magic again to cause Mark and Brad to fly backwards into the spider web. When Mark and Brad landed on the spider web the spider was so sticky that they could not move.

    “I have been able to turn every single man into their female costumes except for you two. Now it is your turn. Since Mark is already becoming Harley Quinn I think it would be fitting for Brad to become Poison Ivy. I am impressed with you Mark. Your will power is so much stronger than everyone else's that you have been able to temporarily stall the transformation but you will give in just like everyone else,” said Witch Hazel.

    “Wait, there has got to be something I can do to change your mind,” said Mark.

    “Well, If you agree to come to my store everyday and leave with a costume I will be willing to turn everything back to normal,” said Witch Hazel.

    Mark was about to agree but then the Harley Quinn voice came back into his head and said, “Why would you want to go back to your old boring life when you can be Harley Quinn. Didn’t you hear what Brad said, he said he hates you because you are a goody two shoes and will make your life a living hell. If you turn everything back to normal then Brad will ruin your life but if you transform into Harley Quinn you won’t have to worry about that and have a great life. What better way to show Brad he is wrong about you being a goody two shoes by becoming one of the most feared females in all of Gotham. You will cause chaos and destruction in the city. Best of all Brad will become one of Harley Quinn’s friends named Poison Ivy. Since both characters are friends in the comics the costume will mentally change Brad’s personality to become your friend against his will. You will finally get to be Brad’s friend while getting revenge on him for making you have no friends. You are almost finished transforming into me. Just let the transformation change your head and you will be mentally changed into me forever.”

    Mark tried to fight the voice in his head but the more he thought about it the more he wanted to get revenge on Brad for making Mark have no friends. Mark wanted to be friends with at least one person even if it was with the asshole Brad. Becoming Harley Quinn and having Brad become Poison Ivy might be the only way to have a friend. Mark finally gave up and let the transformation finish.

    Mark’s face morphed and changed from a square shaped face with a square face jaw to a round shaped face. Mark’s ears and nose began to shrink and get smaller while becoming a different shape to look more like a female. The color of Mark’s eyes became lighter in color going from brown to blue. Mark’s eyelashes became longer and more curly until they were the eyelashes more appropriate for a woman. The wig fell onto the ground while Mark’s hair became lighter and lighter going from black to blonde. The hair was magically wrapped in ponytails with one side becoming pink at the end and the other size becoming blue at the end. Mark’s lips plumped up while his voice changed from a deep, masculine voice to a high pitched, feminie voice from Gotham City. Mark’s personality changed from a tattletale goody two shoes to one of the most dangerous criminals of all time. Mark was dead and Harley Quinn was born.

    “This is the greatest feeling ever. I am so happy to be Harley Quinn. I can’t wait to help the Joker cause havoc in the city. If only I had my friend poison Ivy to help me,” said Harley Quinn.

    “No I don’t want to be a girl,” cried Brad.

    “May I do the honors,” Harley Quinn asked Witch Hazel.

    “Of course you can sweetheart,” said Witch Hazel.

    Harley Quinn grabbed the Poison Ivy costume and walked to Brad to make him put it on.

    “No, stop, please, I beg of you, don’t change my body and personality,” cried Brad.

    Harley Quinn put the costume on Brad and he became Poison Ivy.

    “Wow, I feel great. This is the best thing to ever happen to me,” said Poison Ivy.

    “It was for me too,” said Harley Quinn. 

    A week later

    “The two of us robbing that jewelry store was the most fun I have had since becoming Poison Ivy. What do you want to do next best friend,” Poison Ivy asked Harley Quinn?

    “Let’s go get another costume to wear at Witch Hazel’s spectacular costume shop best friend,” said Harley Quinn. 

    The two drove to Witch Hazel’s spectacular costume shop in a car they stole. Every male turned female went to Witch Hazel’s spectacular costume shop and always left with a costume.

    Story ends

    “Wasn’t that a great story kiddies? While telling that story I think I finally found a costume worthy enough for me this Halloween. I will be going as you. I will wear your skin after I cut out all your bodily orgasm, hahahahaha,” laughed the cryptkeeper evilly.

For Body Swaps From The Crypt Tale 1 Click The Link Below

For Body Swaps From The Crypt Tale 2 Click The Link Below

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Comments: 7

tglooker [2022-10-23 18:53:42 +0000 UTC]

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Mgodboldte In reply to tglooker [2022-10-23 20:31:52 +0000 UTC]

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tglooker In reply to Mgodboldte [2022-10-23 20:33:15 +0000 UTC]

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MegamanMaster64 [2022-10-23 11:10:28 +0000 UTC]

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Mgodboldte In reply to MegamanMaster64 [2022-10-23 16:26:21 +0000 UTC]

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Mgodboldte In reply to MegamanMaster64 [2022-10-24 05:16:29 +0000 UTC]

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