Mgodboldte — Multiple Celebrity Tg Toto Monuk The Soul Devourer

#bodyswap #mtf #rosariodawson #tg #krystenritter #scarlettjohansson #maletofemaletransformation
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Rosario Dawson TG, Scarlett Johansson Tg, and Krysten Ritter TG

BodySwaps From The Crypt Tale 1 Toto Monuk The Soul Devourer

“Hello boils & ghouls and welcome to Bodyswaps from the Crypt. I'm your host, the Cryptkeeper coming to you dead from my crypt! Hahahaha,” said the Cryptkeeper while giving an evil laugh.

“It is now October, the month of scares and all things that go bump in the night. Since I love telling spooky stories to all you kiddies, I have decided to give you all five bone chilling, spooky and creepy body swap and transformation stories that will keep you up all night. Hahahaha,” said the Cryptkeeper while giving an evil laugh.

“Our first story begins with a group of friends who encounter a monster who eats human souls in order to live. The monster takes the men’s souls in order to eat them but the souls of the men escape. In order to hide from the monster the souls enter the bodies of three famous women and must live the women’s lives so the monster can’t figure out where they are. I hope you kiddies get scared, Hahahaha,” said the Cryptkeeper while giving a laugh.

The Story Begins

A group of friends were walking to go into a strange woods at night looking for the creature known as the Toto Monuk. The Toto Monuk is a mythical creature that was said to live in the woods for many centuries.The Toto Monuk was named by the Native Americans who lived near the woods centuries before the first white people came to the country. The name Toto Monuk translated from the Native American language to English means soul devourer. The Toto Monuk is said to have two horns growing on top of it’s head as well as one horn growing where it’s nose should be. The Toto Monuk also has bat like wings, spikes growing from its back, a tail with spikes, and sharp fangs. Legend has it that the Toto Monuk lives in the woods and eats the souls of anyone who enters it. The people living in the town next to the woods have put up a barbed wire fence with a sign that says danger do not enter around the woods. A group of men did not believe in the creature and wanted to disprove it by filming themselves entering the woods and leaving, proving to everyone that the Toto Monuk was just a myth.

The group had six men. Drake was the scaredy-cat of the group. Drake was scared of everything including his own shadow. It would annoy his friends how much of a scaredy-cat Drake was. Drake was 6 ft 1 and weighed 157 pounds. Drake had green eyes and blonde hair. Drake was 36 years old.

Tim was the smart and nerdy one in the group. Tim went to Yale law school and became a lawyer. Tim was 5ft 11” and weighed 144 pounds. Tim had red hair and brown eyes. Tim was the youngest of the group since he was 32 years old.

Eric was athletic and loved his athletic body. Eric loved weighting and getting into shape. Eric was African American. Eric had black curly hair and brown eyes. Eric’s height was 6 ft 5” and weighed 163 pounds of pure muscle. Eric was 38 years old.

Steve was the funny one. Steve would constantly make jokes that made the others laugh. Steve was 6 ft 3” and weighed 146 pounds.Steve had brown hair and hazel eyes. Steve was 34 years old.

Elwood was the next one in the group. Elwood hated Drake for being scared all the time. Elwood was 5 ft 10 and weighed 136 pounds. Elwood was Asian and had black hair with brown eyes. Elwood was 37 years old.

Lastly, there was Axel who would stay up late in the night going to clubs and bars trying to find hot women to sleep with. Axel was not looking for a serious relationship. Axel wanted to have sex with as many women as possible.Axel watched and looked up to an internet vlogger named Owen White that would teach people tactics on how to pick up women. Axel would always try to use these tactics to hit on women to make them hook up with him but it usually never worked. Axel would just shrug the rejection off and move onto the next babe to hit on using the same tactics. Axel was 6 ft 4 and weighed 143 pounds. Axel had blonde hair and blue eyes. Axel was 35 years old.

It was Tim’s idea to enter the woods. Tim wanted to prove that there was no such thing as the Toto Monuk.

“There it is guys, the woods of the Toto Monuk,” said Tim.

“Why do we have to go in there? Let’s not go in and just say we did,” said Drake.

“If we don’t go in then no one will believe us. Which is why we have to film ourselves going in,” said Tim.

“Come on let’s go, stop being a scared pussy Drake,” Elwood said to Drake.

“I am with Drake on this. Why the fuck are we wasting our time out in a boring woods at night when we could be picking up chicks at the club,” said Axel.

“We are going in and that is final,” said Tim.

“Don’t worry Drake, my jokes will make you laugh so hard you won’t even have any time to be scared due to your constant laughing,” said Steve.

“And if the creature tries to get you I will fight him with my strong, big muscles for you Drake. So you have nothing to worry about,” said Eric.

Eric used his chainsaw to break open the fence for them and the six men entered the woods.

While the six men were in the dark creepy woods they heard wolf howls and wind brushing the leaves. Suddenly, a cracking sound was made.

“What was that,” said a scared Drake thinking it might be the creature?

“It was just me, I stepped on a stick and the breaking of the stick made a cracking sound,” said Steve.

“Stop being a sissy Drake,” said Elwood.

“The only thing scaring me about this woods is it is preventing me from getting laid,” said Axel.

“Will you guys shut up? I am trying to film myself in a video journal and I need some silence,” said Tim.

“It is 1:00 am at night and I am here with my five friends. We haven’t seen anything yet, just like I thought. Just a few more hours and we will leave this woods and disprove the myth of the Toto Monuk. Video journal over,” said Tim.

“No creature is going to get me. I am too fast for it,” said Eric.

“Well if you are so fast can you keep up with us so you don’t get lost,” said Steve.

“Yes Eric, don't get lost,” said Drake.

The group of friends continued to walk deeper into the woods. Drake constantly kept looking behind him to see if the Toto Monuk or any animal would sneak up behind them. Then one time when Drake looked back he looked behind him for too long not paying attention to what the other members of the group were doing and accidentally separated from the others.

“Oh shit, oh shit, I am lost, I am lost, Where is everybody, Steve is going to be mad at me for getting lost when he said not to. What if Toto Monuk comes,” cried Drake.

Drake ran in the woods looking for his friends. Drake ran but he still couldn’t find them. Then he saw a figure in the middle of the woods. The figure looked like a demon with two horns on the side and a third horn where its nose should be. The creature had giant big sinister eyes.

“It’s the Toto Monuk,” screamed Drake but when he shined his flashlight it was just the shape of the branches of the trees sticking out to make it look like there was a monster.

“Thank god it was just trees,” said Drake.

Then Drake heard an evil laughing sound.

It’s the Toto Monuk’s laugh” screamed Drake but when Drake shined his flashlight in the direction of the laughing noise he saw that the noises were coming from a bird.

“Thank goodness, it was just a bird, maybe Elwood was right and I do need to man up,” said Drake.

Then Drake saw the shadow of a creature with two sharp pointed horns.

“It's Toto Monuk,” screamed Drake and he ran away.

Drake kept on running until he finally saw his friends.

“Where have you been, I thought I told you not to get lost,” said Steve.

“I saw the Toto Monuk and it’s chasing me,” said Drake.

“Bullshit, show us where you saw him,” said Tim.

The friends followed Drake until they were at the place where Drake said he saw Toto Monuk.

“This is where I saw him,” said Drake.

“I don’t see anything,” said Axel.

Suddenly, the shadow with big pointed horns returned.

“There it is,” screamed Drake.

Tim flashed his flashlight to reveal it was just a bunny rabbit with big ears that looked like horns in the dark.

“It’s just a stupid rabbit! Seriously, Tim, you are 36 years old and you are acting like a child. When are you going to grow up,” yelled Elwood.

As Elwood kept yelling and complaining the bunny rabbit started changing its shape getting bigger and bigger until it was the size of an elephant. Bat-like wings came out of its back. Sharp fangs grew from its mouth while growing two other mouths giving it three mouths with sharp fangs and teeth. The pointy bunny ears transformed from ears to sharp horns like a cow’s horns.Spikes grew along its back. The two eyes got bigger and grew an extra pair of eyes giving it four eyes. All the hair fell off the bunny rabbit and the skin turned black. The cotton tail grew longer and longer until it was a spiked tail. The four paws turned to hands with sharp claws,a third horn grew where the rabbit’s nose should be. Lastly, the eyes turned red giving it an evil look.

“Oh goody more human souls for me to eat,” said the creature.

“It's Toto Monuk,” screamed Drake.

The Toto Monuk first got Elwood and decapitated his head.Then the Toto Monuk ripped Elwood’s soul out of his dead body and put it in a bag.

Tim was petrified and in such a state of shock that the monster was real that the state of shock caused his body to be unable to move. Toto Monuk grabbed his upper body with one hand and his lower body with the other and ripped his body apart. Then Toto Monuk grabbed his soul and put it in a bag.

The rest of the group screamed and ran away.

Axel ran until the Toto Monuk flew in front of him and used its claws to cut deep scratches into his face.

“Ah, my face, my handsome face. How am I supposed to pick up women with a deformed face,” said Axel?

Toto Monuk continued to attack his face until he was dead and unrecognizable. Then the Toto Monuk pulled his soul out of his body and put it in a bag.

Steve ran until he was separated from the group.

“Oh man, I am lost. I complained about others getting separated and now I am separated. Only Tim knows the way out. Now I am lost while a monster is trying to kill me. Look it’s a light, maybe that is the way out,” said Steve.

Steve ran towards the light until he saw that the light was coming from the Toto Monuk’s eyes. When Steve realized he was running towards the Toto Monuk it was too late and the Toto Monuk ripped his heart out killing him. Then Toto Monuk grabbed his soul and put it in a bag.

Eric ran and ran and was the farest away from the Toto Monuk. Eric kept on running until Toto Monuk caught up to him. When the Toto Monuk caught up to Eric he thought he could fight it with his strength but the Toto Monuk ripped his arms off and ripped out his brain killing him. Then Toto Monuk grabbed Eric’s soul out of his body and put it in a bag.

Lastly, Drake was hiding inside a log near a lake. Drake thought that if he hid instead of ran away Toto Monuk would not find him and he would escape later. Unfortunately, Toto Monuk picked up Drake’s scent and grabbed his body. Toto Monuk grabbed Drake’s left side with his left hand and Drake’s right side with his right hand and ripped Drake apart, killing him. Toto Monuk ripped Drake’s soul out of his body and put it in a bag. Then the creature left to its lair.

Inside the Toto Monuk’s lair the creature opened the bag and said “Which soul will I eat first?”

“Please let us go. We don’t want to die. Have mercy on us,” pleaded Tim.

“But I must eat human souls in order to live. I think I’ll start with you,” said Toto Monuk.

Toto Monuk grabbed Tim’s soul and closed the bag. The Toto Monuk devoured Tim’s soul, thereby killing Tim and ending any chance of Tim getting an afterlife.

“Who’s next,” said Toto Monuk?

Toto Monuk opened the bag and grabbed Steve's soul next. Then the Toto Monuk closed the bag. The Toto Monuk ate Steve’s soul thereby killing Steve.

While the Toto Monuk was feasting on Steve’s soul, Eric was using his soul to push the bag open so they could escape.

“Two down, three more to go,” said Toto Monuk.

Toto Monuk opened the bag and grabbed Elwood’s soul. The Toto Monuk ate Elwood’s soul thereby killing him.

Toto Monuk was about to grab Drake and Drake screamed and panicked but Eric pushed the bag open and the three remaining souls flew away trying to escape.

Toto Monuk got angry and went after them. Since the souls were no longer in human bodies they could use super sonic speed. The souls flew faster than the speed of light trying to get away from the Toto Monuk but the creature had super sonic speed too and was just as fast as them. The souls could fly so fast that they went from city to city in a few seconds. They went from Boston, Massachusetts to Baltimore, Maryland in just a few seconds. The souls flew from Baltimore, Maryland. Then souls flew from state to state until they were on the other side of the country. Every time they looked back there was the Toto Monuk only a few feet away.

“I can pick up your scent and know where you are, you can’t hide from me,” screamed Toto Monuk.

“How are we going to hide from the monster,” said Axel’s soul.

All three souls looked behind them to see the creature chasing them. The three were so focused on the monster that they weren’t paying attention to where they were going. Since the three souls were not paying attention to where they were going, all three accidentally entered into the bodies of three different women and accidentally possessed them. The three hid in different hiding spots.

Since the souls were inside new bodies the Toto Monuk could no longer be able to smell their scent and lost them.

“Damn you humans! No human has ever escaped me. I find out which bodies you are in and eat all your souls. You can’t hide in there forever. Eventually you will come out and I will be able to smell you again. It doesn’t matter how far away you are. You can be on the other side of the planet and I will still be able to smell you and find you in a matter of seconds with my super sense of smell and super fast speed. You will be eaten one day,” screamed the Toto Monuk.

Toto Monuk left and the three friends collapsed and fainted from exhaustion.

When Drake woke up he was in a hospital and there were paparazzi everywhere talking pictures.

“How do you feel now that you just woke up Mrs. Dawson,” asked one of the paparazzi?

“What the,” said Drake?

Drake looked in the mirror and saw the face of Rosario Dawson.

“What the fuck. I am Rosario Dawson,” said Drake.

“Hello nurse, could I use the restroom,” asked Drake?

“Sure, go ahead,” said the nurse.

Drake went to the bathroom with the paparazzi following him in order to look at his new body in the bathroom mirror. Drake almost made the mistake of going into the men’s bathroom but corrected himself and went into the women’s bathroom. Drake went inside the women’s bathroom. Finally, away from the paparazzi Drake looked in the bathroom mirror and saw the image of Rosario Dawson in a white female hospital patient outfit.

Drake grabbed his face and felt it with his hands. Drake then moved his hands to his new breasts and played with them. Then Drake moved his left hand to his new vagina and started playing with it while his right hand played with his boobs. The feeling Drake had of putting fingers inside his vagina felt strange but pleasurable. Drake moaned due to the pleasure of his figures in his new pussy. Drake could not believe how different Rosario Dawson’s body was to his old one.  Drake lost a few years when he aged up from 36 to 43 years old.

Drake felt his new skin and it felt completely different. Drake’s skin went from rough and masculine to soft, smooth, feminine, and sexy. Drake’s skin tone changed from a white skin tone to a black skin tone . Drake went from a caucasian white man to a beautiful black African American woman. Drake could even feel the change from testosterone to estrogen in this new body.

Drake's face shape changed from a square shaped face to a rounder shaped face. Drake’s ears and nose were also a different size and shape going from big and masculine to smaller and more feminine. Drake’s hair became longer reaching down past his shoulder. The former man’s hair color changed from blonde to black. Drake’s eyes were also changed from green eyes to brown eyes.Drake eyelashes were bigger and curly like a woman’s eyelashes. Drake lips were more plumped up and he lost his Adam apple as his voice changed from a deep masculine male voice to a high pitched feminine female voice from New York City. Drake aged up a little as his face gained some wrinkles and crow's feet on his new 43 year old face. There was makeup, mascara, and lipstick now perfectly applied on his face.

The shoulders on Drake went from broad to narrow. Drake’s arms and hands got shorter. Drake’s arms lost arm hair and some muscle and were replaced with arms that were shorter, thinner, softer, smoother, feminie and sexier.  Drake’s hands got smaller too. Drake’s fingernails got longer and were perfectly manicured fingernails.The fingernails became covered with purple nail polish.

Drake’s height shrunk from 6 ft 1” to 5 ft 7. Drake’s lost all of his body hair. Drake’s body figure changed from an average masculine male figure to a feminine hourglass female figure. Drake’s weight decreased from 157 pounds to 132 pounds. Drake’s hips were now expanded and popped out giving him a hip size of 35 inches. Drake’s waist widened so he now had a waist size of 24 inches. Drake’s ass became plumper going from a flat butt to a sexy big booty that jiggles every time Drake moves.

Drake’s feet and legs became smaller and shorter. Drake’s legs went from muscular, rough, and masculine to feminine, soft, smooth, and sexy with less muscle and no leg hair. The toenails were changed into perfectly manicured toenails with purple toenail polish.

Drake’s two most drastic changes were his new boobs and vagina. Drake’s smaller pecs changed into bigger female b cup breasts that were 35 inches. Drake’s penis, balls, and testicles changed into an uterus, clitorus, and vagina.

“I can’t believe it is me in that mirror,” said Drake.

Drake continued to stare at his new body in the mirror while feeling and pleasuring his new body for a few minutes until Drake left the restroom.

The paparazzi followed him back to his hospital room and Drake asked the nurse why he was in the hospital.

“You and two other actresses were on a movie set filming a horror movie when the three of you fainted, becoming unconscious. The director called 911 and sent you three to the hospital,” said the nurse.

“Would you mind telling me who the other actresses were,” asked Drake?

“It looks like you have amnesia just like the other two actresses I am looking after. The other two you are working with are Scarlett Johansson who played Black Widow in the Avengers movies and Krysten Ritter who played Jessica Jones in the Marvel TV show. It’s not every day I get to take care of three famous actresses,” answered the nurse.

“When can I go talk to them,” asked Drake?

“The three of you must check out first. Then you can leave,” said the nurse.

“Ok, thank you,” said Drake.

The nurse left and Drake waited until he checked out of the hospital. When Drake first opened up the front door to leave the hospital he was wearing a white dress with black high heels.Drake saw Scarlett Johansson in a white dress with white high heels and jewelry and Krysten Ritter in a red and black dress in black high heels. The two of them were standing outside. All three of them were surrounded by paparazzi.

Drake asked, “Are you Eric and Axel?”

“I’m Eric,” said Scarlett Johansson's body.

“I’m Axel,” said Krysten Ritter’s body.

Eric saw a limo with a chauffeur calling Scarlett Johansson’s name.

“I guess that is my limo now, do you guys want to come to my new home to talk more about the situation we are in,” asked Eric?

“Yes, let’s do that,” said Axel.

“I agree,” said Drake.

The three went in the limo and went to Scarlett Johansson’s house. When they entered the house all three went to a mirror. Eric and Axel both started to complain and freak out.

“I’m a white girl.  I went from a tall and muscular athletic black male to a short and petite weak  white woman. I lost all my muscles and physical strength. I am so thick and I have a big booty. I don’t want this. I want my old black body back,” said Eric.

Eric was feeling his new body and was looking at himself in the mirror. Eric could not stand the changes from his old body to his new one. Eric gained a few years when he aged up from 38 to 36 years old.

Eric's skin changed from rough and masculine to softer, smoother, feminine, and sexier. The skin tone on Eric went from dark to light since it changed from a black skin color to a white skin color. Eric went from a tall, muscular, athletic, manly body of an African American to a beautiful caucasian short white woman. Eric's new body was so different from his own that he could even feel the change from testosterone to estrogen inside him.

Eric's face shape was different going from a square shaped face to a rounder shaped face. The nose and ears were different too going from bigger to smaller and a different shape. Eric’s hair went from short and curly to long and straight. The eyes on Eric changed from brown to green eyes. The eyelashes changed into longer and more curly eyelashes that you would only see on a female. Eric’s lips were now plumped up and his voice changed from a deep masculine male voice to a high pitched feminine female voice from Manhattan, New York. Eric’s face gained some youth now having less wrinkles and crow’s feet because of his new age of 36 years old. Eric’s face was now covered with lipstick, mascara, and makeup.

The shoulder on Eric went from broad to narrow. The arms changed to shorter, thinner, softer, smoother, and sexier with less muscle and no arm hair. The hands also changed and got smaller. The fingernails were now longer and perfectly manicured with red nail polish.

Eric’s new body was drastically different from his old one. The height of Eric shrunk from 6ft 5” to 5ft 3”. Eric’s body figure changed from a muscular athletic male figure to a perfect hourglass female figure with perfect curves. Eric's hips popped out and expanded to give him 36 inch hips. Eric’s waist was widened giving him a 26 inch waist. Eric lost weight going from 163 pounds to 126 pounds. Eric’s butt inflated going from a flat butt to a plump bootylicious big sexy butt that jiggles everytime Eric moves. Eric now had a nice piece of ass.

Eric’s legs became shorter and lost their muscular masculine build. Eric’s legs were changed, becoming more feminie, shorter, thinner, softer, smoother, and sexier. Eric’s feet were also shorter too. Eric’s toenails became longer and were perfectly manicured with red toenail polish.

The two biggest changes Eric would have to get used to were his new breasts a vagina. Where Eric’s pecs should be were two beautiful big d cup breasts that were 36 inches big. Eric’s penis, balls, and testicles were no more as they were changed into a vagina, clitoris, and uterus.

“I don’t want this body either. How am I supposed to get pussy when I have a pussy,” said Axel?

Axel had to go through similar changes that his two other friends went through. Axel lost a few years when he aged up from 35 to 40 years old. The skin on Axel changed from rough and masculine to soft, smooth, feminie and sexy. Axel could feel the change from testosterone to estrogen inside him.

Axel face changed from a square shaped face to a rounder shaped face. Axel ears and nose also changed, going from big to small and changing shape. Axel eye color changed from blue eyes to green eyes. The eyelashes changed into longer and more curly eyelashes that you would only see on a female. The hair on Axel’s hair also changed from blonde to black. Axel’s hair also became longer going past his shoulders. Axel’s lips became more plumped up and his voice changed from a deep masculine male voice to a high pitched feminie female voice from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Axel’s face lost some youth, now gaining wrinkles and crow’s feet because of his new age of 40 years old. Axel’s face was now covered with lipstick, mascara, and makeup.

The shoulder on Axel went from broad to narrow. The arms changed to shorter, thinner, softer, smoother, and sexier with less muscle and no arm hair. The hands also changed and got smaller. The fingernails were now longer and perfectly manicured with blue nail polish.
Axel’s shrunk a few inches going from 6ft 4” to 5ft 9”. Axel’s hips popped out and expanded to give him 35 inch hips. Axel’s waist was widened giving him a 23 inch waist. Axel lost weight going from 143 pounds to 126 pounds. Axel’s body figure went from a masculine muscular male body into an hourglass feminine female body. Axel’s butt inflated going from a flat butt to a plump bootylicious big sexy butt that jiggles everytime Axel moves. Axel now had a nice piece of ass.

Axel’s legs became shorter and lost their muscular masculine build. Axel’s legs were changed, becoming more feminie, shorter, thinner, softer, smoother, and sexier. Axel’s feet were also shorter too. Axel’s toenails became longer and were perfectly manicured with blue toenail polish.

Axel would have to deal with his new breasts a vagina. Axels grew two beautiful big d cup breasts that were 36 inches big replacing his pecs. Eric’s penis, balls, and testicles were no more as they were changed into a vagina, clitoris, and uterus.

“I do not think we have a choice, Our old bodies have been killed so we can’t go back to them and if we did leave then the Toto Monuk will use his super sense of smell to find us and kill us. We are going to have to get used to these new bodies. The three of us are going to have to try to live and act like the celebrities we are stuck in now,” Drake said.

Axel and Eric realized Drake was right and nodded their heads. The three of them spent the night at Scarlett Johansson’s house. The three of them looked in the mirror all night looking at their new bodies while naked. The friends felt their new bodies with their hands and even felt their new boobs and vaginas. The three received intense pleasure from their new boobs and vaginas with their fingers inside the vaginas but Axel did not want to admit it. Then when it was daytime Drake and Axel left to go to Rosario Dawson’s and  Krysten Ritter’s houses. The three started their new lives. The people in charge of making the film decided to let the three actresses have a little time off to recover from their injury. This is what happened to each man during their time off.

Axel’s Time as Krysten Ritter.

For the first few days Axel was pissed off about his new body. Axel did not like that he was now a female. Axel wanted to hook up with chicks not be one. Maybe he could try a lesbians only bar. Axel found a gay bar Axel walked out of his house one night to go to try to use the advice he got from Owen White as he usually did to pick up some lesbian chicks. While walking to the gay bar a couple of guys catcalled him. Axel did not like it because it reminded him he was in a woman’s body.

When Axel arrived at the gay bar he tried to find a woman to be with. Axel hit on as many women as possible but all the women rejected him. Axel thought his new celebrity status would make him the center of attention and get him laid quicker but instead nobody seemed to care that he was now a famous celebrity. Axel was surprised at how much people did not care about his celebrity status. Also, no matter how much he tried to be attracted to the women there Axel could not find any of the women attractive. At first Axel was confused about why the women were not attractive to him. When Axel went home he found out his answer and did not like it one bit. When Axel went to bed he tried to masturbate to the women he usually masturbated to but he could not get attracted to them no matter how hard he tried. Then suddenly an image of a handsome man entered Axel’s brain and his boobs and pussy became extremely aroused. Axel masturbated to men the entire night and realized he not only got Krysten Ritter’s body but also her sexuality. Since Krysten Ritter was a straight woman who loved only guys Axel became a woman who was only into guys too. Axel was pissed that he would no longer get to pick up women anymore and that for the rest of his life he would be attracted to men.

Axel was depressed over his new discovery but eventually decided to leave his house. Axel decided to go to the bar and wallow in sorrow about losing his ability to have sex with women. The men at the bar were shocked that a famous female celebrity was at the bar. While Axel was drinking he overheard some women talking. The women were talking about how loser men would use lame tactics to hit on women and how these ways to hit on women were not only lame but unattractive. The women even mentioned lots of men were getting bad advice from a vlogger named Owen White and how his tactics to pick up women were creepy. The tactics the women were talking about were the exact same tactics Axel used. Axel realized he had been using bad tactics this entire time and that was why he always had trouble getting women. Axel drank some beer but then was hit on by a guy using the same tactics the women said were for losers and that he used to do. Axel could also tell the man was just trying to get in his pants and did not want a serious relationship. Axel said no thank you and the man left. Then more men started to hit on him using the lame tactics. Axel did not mind it at first but after a while it was very annoying that it kept on happening every 20 seconds nonstop.. Axel could tell the men just wanted sex with a hot famous female and nothing else. Then one really annoying drunk man started to creepily hit on Axel. Axel was not in the mood and asked the man to leave. The man thought he was playing hard to get and continued to hit on him. Axel eventually left the bar to get away from the man.

The next day everywhere Axel went men would constantly try to hit on him using the same lame tactics and he refused.Axel realized that the reason he was being hit on so much was because he had a celebrity’s body and men were hoping to be able to have sex with someone famous. Being hit on by creepy men with no idea on how to properly ask a woman out was so annoying it got to the point where Axel did not want to leave the house.

Then while at the grocery store Axel saw a man who was very handsome. Axel felt his pussy get wet. Axel was pissed that he was attracted to men but incredibly turned on at the same time. The man walked up to him and asked him out on a date. The other men used the lame tactics that Axel used to use but this guy wasn’t using those. This guy actually knew how to treat a woman properly. Axel said yes and the man agreed to pick him up next week.

The two eventually went on their date and at first everything was perfect. Axel felt like he had found his soulmate. After the date Axel took the man to Axel's home. The man knew how to push all the right buttons and actually got Axel to have sex with him. Axel never had sex with a man as a woman but he loved every second of it and wanted to be with this man forever. Axel loved the feeing the man gave him when their mouths kissed each other. Axel loved the way the man ate his pussy and sucked on his boobs.Having sex with the man felt so good. Axel loved the feeling of the man’s dick inside his pussy. When Axel experienced his first orgasm it was the greatest feeling he ever had. When the sex was over they went to sleep.

When the two woke up in the morning Axel said, “That was amazing, when can we do it again?”

The man said, “I don’t know but I have to go to work so I have to leave right now.”

“When can we meet again,” asked Axel, still naked under the covers?

“I don’t know yet but I will call you when I have the time,” said the man.

“Ok, can’t wait,” said Axel.

The man left and Axel waited and waited but the man never called him. Axel was worried that the man might have forgotten to call him.

Then one day while Axel was at the grocery store again he saw the man hitting on another woman. Axel was hurt by this and walked up to the man to ask him why he never called him. The man said he was not looking for a serious relationship and only had sex with Axel because he was trying to have sex with as many people as possible and the thought it would be cool to have sex with someone famous.

Axel was hurt by this and ran off crying. Axel was so sad he forgot to buy the groceries he was going to buy. Axel went home and cried the entire time he was there.

“I feel like I am in hell. I am constantly getting hit on by my disgusting men with bad tactics on how to pick up women. I am constantly getting catcalled by creepy men. Men just want to hit on me so they can get in my pants. Men only want to have sex with me so they can have sex with as many women as possible and also that they can tell people that they had sex with a famous celebrity. I can’t believe I used to be just like these asshole men using bad tactics to pick up women and only want to spend time with them in order to have sex with them. Now I am getting a taste of my own medicine. This must be the universe giving to me what I deserve. I hate my new body. I hate that I am a woman. I hate that my new female body is making me cry. I hate men,” said Axel.

Axel cried throughout the night because he was heartbroken that the man he liked turned out to be an asshole and that he couldn’t do anything without being hit on. Then Axel slept during the day to make up for the lack of sleep from last night.

When Axel finally left his house to get some fresh air. Axel was walking down a street when a man was about to be run over by a car. Axel grabbed the man before the car hit him and the man survived.

“Wow, thank you for saving me Krysten Ritter, I can’t believe a famous person saved me,” said the man.

“You are welcome. I would never let you die,” said Axel.

“There must be a way I can repay you,” said the man.

“No need, I am fine just saving you,” Axel said.

“But I want to do something for you since you saved me,” said the man.

“The only way you could help me would be to find a way to stop men from constantly wanting to hit on me all the time. I am constantly hit on by rude disgusting men who don’t know how to treat a woman correctly. When I do find guys I like they they only want me for sex and nothing else,” said Axel.

“Well that is pretty sad. Can I spend some time with you to make sure men no longer do that to you,” asked the man.

“Sure, I’ll try anything at this point,” said Axel.

The news media reported that Krysten Ritter saved a man’s life and it was in every magazine and news television show. The two spent time together with the man helping Axel by stopping men from catcalling and hitting on Axel. As the two spent time together they realized how much they enjoyed each other's company and how much they had in common. The two started to develop feelings for each other but did not want to tell the other person. Then one day the two were having such a great time and were in the moment that Axel decided to just kiss the man. The two started to make out and have sex with each other. The two fell in love with each other and started dating. Eventually, the man proposed to Axel and he said yes. The news media reported that Krysten Ritter was engaged and the whole world knew about it. No man wanted to hit on Axel because they knew Axel was engaged. All of Axel’s problems were over. Axel was so in love with the man that Axel never wanted to go back to his old life. Axel went from hating his new body and life to loving his new body and life.

Eric’s time as Scarlett Johansson.

Eric was angry that he was stuck as Scarlett Johansson. Eric might be a rich and famous celebrity but it was not worth it if it met losing his strength. Eric did not like that he was now the member of the weaker sex and extremely short now. Eric did not want to be a white girl but wanted to be a black man. Eric missed his old body and life.

Eric decided he needed more physical strength so he went to the gym to get stronger. Eric put on a blue shirt and blue pants and went to the gym. Eric tried to go to the gym to see how much he could lift. Eric could lift a lot but no matter how much weight Eric lifted he still felt weak in his new body. Eric thought even if he did get stronger he would never be as strong as he was in his entire life ever again. While Eric tried to lift weights he saw the men at the gym who were working out. Eric became jealous of the men working out and wanted to be as strong as them. Eric was pissed that he felt so weak. Eric lifted weights all day and then went home at night.

After a frustrating day at the gym Eric decided to go home. The next few days Eric decided to continue working out at the gym and everyday he would go home and see if he regained some of his strength back. Unfortunately, no matter how much he worked out Eric still felt incredibly weak.

One night Eric was walking home from being at the gym all day when a random man walked up to him. The man told Eric that if he didn’t give the man his wallet or else he would beat him up. Eric wanted to fight back but he felt he was not strong enough. The man would have been easy to defeat if Eric had his old body but since he now had the body of Scarlett Johansson he would have lost easily. Eric felt like he had no choice and gave his wallet to the man. The man stole his money in the wallet, and left. Eric was crying the rest of the night at Scarlett Johansson’s house.

“I would not have gotten my wallet stolen if I was still a man and still had my strength,” said Eric.

Eric cried for the next few days. It was all over the news that Scarlett Johansson got her wallet stolen and Eric could not escape the news. Scarlett’s husband, family, friends in order to console him.

One day Eric was with one of Scarlett Johansson’s friends named Jenny at Scarlett Johansson’s house. Eric revealed to Jenny that he hates being super weak and he must be the weakest person on earth.

Jenny said, “ You are not the weakest person on earth. You are very strong for a woman. You just have low confidence and low self esteem in yourself. You are Scarlett Johansson.You were required to work out everyday in order to get to and play the part of Black Widow in the MCU so you started training and working out everyday. You had to do workouts everyday that most women would not be able to do to keep the part of Black Widow. You even had your own personal trainer to help you get stronger. Women and girls look up to your portrayal as Black Widow so much they want to be like her so they train everyday in the gym in order to one day be like Black Widow and get the workout of Scarlett Johansson. Fitness coaches online use the daily workout routine and diet you use to teach people how to properly workout.The fitness coaches even promote the workout routine by telling people how to work out and diet like Black Widow.Eric did not believe Jenny at first so Jenny showed Eric all the fitness coaches that teach people how to work out like Black Widow. Then Jenny showed Eric all the times Scarlett was filmed in the gym lifting heavy weights that the other women in the gym could not. Jenny showed Eric the intense workout Scarlett Johansson used to do before Eric took over her body.

Eric was surprised how strong Scarlett Johansson was from working out for her role as Black Widow. Scarlett Johansson’s body was stronger than Eric thought it was.Eric might not be as strong as he used to but he was still incredibly strong as Scarlett Johansson.Eric was strong as Scarlett Johansson and only thought he was weak because he was just lacking self confidence. Eric was also surprised at the amount of female fans online saying how much they look up to Scarlett Johansson and have decided to start working out just like her. Eric then realized that even though he might not have the strength like he used to, it was better for him to stay as Scarlett Johansson if it met he could continue to inspire Scarlett Johansson’s fans to work out so they could live healthy and more physically fit lives. Eric thought of all the people he could influence to work out and be fit that would not have worked out if they were not influenced by Scarlett Johansson. Eric could do a better job of inspiring a huge amount of more people to start working out if he had the fame that came with Scarlett Johansson’s body rather than the non-famous old body Eric used to have. Eric would be helping people all over the world.

Eric started to use his new fame to start a YouTube channel to inspire more people to work out. Billions of people who never worked out before watched Eric in Scarlett Johansson’s body and started to exercise and be healthy just to be like Scarlett Johansson, Eric was proud of himself that he could get so many people to work out.

A few days later while Eric was walking home from the gym the exact same man that robbed him before tried to rob him again. Instead of giving the man what he wanted Eric kicked his ass and beat him up. Eric was happy that he got revenge on the man. Jenny was right, Eric was just being too negative, lacking self confidence, having low self esteem, and hard on himself. Who would not want to be one of the most beautiful, famous, and richest women in the world. Eric loved his new body and didn’t want to go back to his old one even if he was a white girl.

Drake’s time as Rosario Dawson.

Unlike Axel and Eric, Drake did not mind having a woman’s body. Drake loved his new womanhood and playing with himself. Drake loved the feeling he got when playing with his boobs and sticking his fingers and sex toys in his vagina. Drake would play with himself as much as he could.The feelings Drake got from pleasuring himself was unbelievably great.

It was not being a woman Drake had a problem with but the fame he got from being a celebrity. Due to Drake being a scaredy-cat he had social anxiety and bad social skills. Drake was afraid he would say the wrong thing and made people mad and hate him. The only reason Eric had the five friends that he did was because they all grew up in the same neighborhood and tried to initiate a conversation with Eric instead of Eric initiating a conversation with them. The five friends were the only people Eric would talk to. Now people were constantly walking up to him asking for him to talk to them, get an autograph, and get a picture with him. When fans were not bothering Drake the paparazzi was. The paparazzi was always trying to be around him. Drake wanted some privacy but he never got it. Even in Rosario Dawson’s home there were people trying to sneak in to take pictures of him. Drake did not know how to handle this. Drake just wanted to be left alone so he could play with himself.

Drake kept on trying to avoid people until one night he was scheduled to go on Conan O’ Brian. Now Drake not only had to talk to someone but he had to do it with people watching all over the world. The thought of being on live TV made Drake extremely nervous. Drake was worried he would say something stupid on live TV and embarrass himself. When Drake entered on stage the audience cheered. Drake walked on stage wearing a white dress. Conan O’ Brian started talking to Drake and the two chatted together. Conan knew how to be funny and make Drake talk. When Drake talked the audience listened and liked him. Nobody got mad at the things Drake was saying and even laughed at his jokes. Drake laughed along with the audience too. Drake loved the attention he was getting and wanted more of it. The next few days Drake would try to talk to as many people as possible. People would walk up to him asking for pictures and autographs and Drake would take pictures with them. Drake used to hate the attention he got from the people and paparazzi but now he loves it.

Drake told himself “If Iwas scared to talk to people but now I love it what else was I wrong to be scared about. I need to stop being so scared of everything and have more courage.”

Drake decided he was no longer going to try to be scared anymore. Drake now loved his new popularity and life.

All meet up a few weeks later.

After a few weeks off from acting, the three friends were told that their break was over and that it was time to start filming again. Axel, Drake, and Eric met with each other at Eric’s new house to get ready to act in the film.

“I love my new popularity, I love when people give me attention and want to talk to me, I love my new body and life,” Drake told Eric and Axel.

“I love the sex I have with my new fiancé I love that I finally found a partner in life and that I don’t have to try to pick up women anymore. I loved my new body and life,” Axel told Eric and Drake.

“I love that so many people look up to me now and that I inspire people to work out everyday just like me. I loved my new body and life,” Eric told Drake and Axel.

“I don’t want this to ever end,” said Axel.

“You will never take our bodies away from us,” said Eric.

“Eric why did you say that,” said Drake.

“I don’t know why, something is controlling me against my will to make me say things I don’t want to say,” said Eric.

“It's me, the real Scarlett Johansson trying to get your soul out of my body,” said the real Scarlett Johansson.

“You won’t take our lives away from us,” said the real Rosario Dawson.

“I will get my life back and not marry that disgusting man,” said the real Krysten Ritter.

The souls of the three actresses finally got the power and strength to start fighting back against the souls of the boys to try to kick the boys souls out of their bodies and get their lives back. The souls were fighting with each other inside the bodies of the celebrity women to see which souls would remain in control of the bodies and which souls would leave.Axel, Drake, and Eric got scared because they knew if they were kicked out of the female celebrities bodies then not only would they no longer get to lives their new wonderful lives but Toto Monuk would find them at eat them. Scarlett Johansson’s soul and Eric’s soul were fighting with each other in Scarlett Johansson’s body, Rosario Dawson’s soul and Drake’s soul were fighting with each other in Rosario Dawson’s body, and Krysten Ritter’s soul was fighting with Axel’s soul were fighting with each other in Krysten Ritter’s body.

First, Axel, Rosario Dawson, and Eric were kicked out of the bodies they were in. Then three souls entered the bodies again that they wanted to be in. The three were able to kick out Drake, Krysten Ritter and Scarlett Johansson from the bodies they were in. The three flew back into the bodies they were previously in and kept Ed fighting. Soul’s kept leaving bodies and entering bodies. Some even accidentally got mixed up with the body he or she did not want to be in.

“Why am I in Krysten Ritter’s body? I want to be in Rosario Dawson’s body,” said Drake at one point. Then Drake’s soul left Krysten Ritter’s body to get Rosario Dawson’s body.

“I want to be in Scarlett Johansson’s body, not Rosario Dawson’s body,” said Eric a few minutes later.Then Eric’s soul left Rosario Dawson’s body to get Scarlett Johansson’s body.

“I am supposed to be in my body, not Scarlett Johansson’s body,” said the real Rosario Dawson a few minutes later. Then the soul of the real Rosario Dawson left Scarlett Johansson’s body to get her body back.

“This is not right, I want to be Krysten Ritter’s body, not Scarlett Johansson’s body,” said Axel. Then the soul of Axel left Scarlett Johansson’s body to get Krysten Ritter’s body.

Scarlett Johansson’s soul was once in Rosario Dawson’s body. Eric’s soul was once in Krysten Ritter’s body. Drake's soul was once in Scarlett Johansson’s body. Axel’s soul was once in Rosario Dawson’s body after Scarlett Johansson left Rosario Dawson’s body. The souls kept leaving and entering different bodies until all six of them were no longer in any body. Before any of the souls could enter a body again something crashed from the roof of the house onto the floor.

“What is that ugly thing that crashed through my house,” screamed the real Scarlett Johansson?

The ugly thing revealed itself and Drake, Eric, and Axel screamed, “it’s the Toto Monuk!

“I am back and ready to eat you now and I see three extra souls to eat. There are six souls and only three bodies so at least three of you are going to be eaten,” said Toto Monuk.

The souls tried to enter the bodies so they wouldn’t be eaten but the Toto Monuk chased after the souls trying to get them before they were in the bodies.

Toto Monuk grabbed the soul of Scarlett Johansson as she screamed, “first you destroy the roof of my house and then you try to eat me. That’s unfair.” Toto Monuk then ate her soul thereby killing her.

Then Toto Monuk grabbed the soul of Rosario Dawson as she screamed, “Please don’t eat me, I don’t want to die!” Toto Monuk then ate her soul.

Toto Monuk grabbed Krysten Ritter’s soul as she screamed, “Please don’t kill me, I will do anything.” Toto Monuk ate Krysten Ritter’s soul leaving the three boys left.

The three boys flew to the bodies but were caught by Toto Monuk.

“Now I got you and there is no escape this time,” said the Toto Monuk.

“We are going to die,” screamed Eric.

“Who will I eat first? I know I’ll eat Drake first,” said Toto Monuk.

Toto Monuk opened his mouth and successfully put the soul into his mouth and swallowed it. After Toto Monuk ate Drake’s soul he decided he wanted to eat Axel next but then Toto Monuk felt like it was going to throw up. Toto Monuk opened his mouth to throw up and Drake’s soul escaped and flew into Scarlett Johansson’s body.

Toto Monuk was shocked that one of the souls escaped his throat.

Drake thought to himself that he was tired of always being scared and running away. This time he is going to fight Toto Monuk with Scarlett Johansson’s body. Drake hoped Scarlett Johansson’s body was not as weak as Eric originally thought it was.

Drake punched Toto Monuk in the face and Toto Monuk accidentally let go of the two other souls. The two other souls fled and hid hoping Toto Monuk would not find them. Drake and Toto Monuk fought each other. Both tried to fight each other. Drake throwing punches and Toto Monuk throwing punches Toto Monuk tried to kill Scarlett Johansson’s body with its claws but Drake dodged it and roundhouse kicked Toto Monuk. Toto Monuk swung its claws at Drake, giving him three big scratches on Scarlett Johansson’s face.

Drake got out a kitchen knife and fought Toto Monuk with it, cutting the creature in the arm. The creature hit Drake in the face, breaking Scarlett’s nose. The creature tackled Drake onto the ground and bit Drake on the leg. Drake hit Toto Monuk in the face and Toto Monuk let go. Drake grabbed a candle lighter and set Toto Monuk’s face on fire and blinding it so it could not see. Then Drake got the knife and stabbed Toto Monuk in the neck. Drake cut open Toto Monuk's neck and beheaded it thereby killing Toto Monuk.

“Wow I can’t believe you actually killed Toto Monuk,” said Axel.

“How did you become so brave? We are so used to you being scared all the time. That was unlike you,” said Eric.

“I was tired of being scared all the time. I have been living in fear all of my life. Conquering my fears of talking to people has made me want to conquer other fears as well and one of those fears was Toto Monuk. I couldn't have done it though without Scarlett Johaansson strong body. You should be happy to have a body as strong asScarlett Johansson’s Eric,” said Drake.

“Thank you,” said Eric.

“Since Scarlett Johansson’s, Rosario Dawson’s, and Krysten Ritter’s souls are dead I guess we can have their bodies now,” said Axel.

Axel’s soul flew into Krysten Ritter’s body. Drake’s soul flew out of Scarlett Johanson’s body and back into Rosario Dawson’s body. Eric’s soul flew into Scarlett Johansson’s body.

The three women lived the rest of their lives happy except for one small thing. Drake as Rosario Dawson saw his skin was darker than normal. Drake also felt hungry all the time. Then two bumps appeared on Drake's head as well as two bumps on his back.Drake went to the hospital but the doctor’s could not find the causes of his changes. The changes got worse and worse as the weeks went on. One day Drake was watching tv and he came across a show about cryptozoology. The show talked about bigfoot, loch ness monster, then by a strange coincidence the people on the show started talking about Toto Monuk. The people on the show said that according to legend if a person gets bitten by Toto Monuk then the person will turn into a Toto Monuk themselves. Drake was shocked to hear what the people on the tv were saying.

Later that night, Drake felt himself transform. Drake felt himself getting big until he was the size of an elephant. Bat-like wings grew out of the bumps on Drake’s back. Sharp fangs grew from Drake’s mouth while growing two other mouths giving him three mouths with sharp fangs and teeth. The bumps on Drake’s head turned to sharp horns. Spikes grew along Drake’s back. Drake’s eyes got bigger and grew an extra pair of eyes giving him four eyes. The skin on Drake became pitch black.A bump on Drake’s back grew longer and longer until it was a spiked tail. Drake’s hands and feet grew sharp claws, a third horn grew where Drake’s nose should be. Lastly, Drake’s eyes turned red finishing Drake’s transformation into Toto Monuk. Drake flew out of his house looking for souls to eat. Then when Drake was done he flew back into his house and turned back into Rosario Dawson. Drake had the ability to shapeshift into anything he wanted. Drake went from being the one who was always scared to the one doing the scaring.  

Story ends and back to the cryptkeeper

“I enjoyed telling that story but telling stories has made me hungry. I have decided to eat an African American cuisine called soul food. It tastes ok but it is missing a soul. May I eat the souls of the people currently reading this deviant art story, hahahaha,” the cryptkeeper laughed evilly.
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