FINALLY !!!!! Here's Lee Kwang Soo / Lee Gwang Soo from Running Man.
1. I'm not sure how to make it look like him with his eyes closed (I've always focused a lot on it for all other portraits because I believe drawing the eyes accurately meant there's a high chance your portrait will look like the person you're drawing).
2. The hair. Right from the start I knew I will have problems with it. Didn't turn out perfect (of course not, in fact, I went freestyle with it) but I guess its .... decent ? (A little disappointed, gotta practice more).
3. The accessories. To be honest, I've never bothered. I thought of abandoning it for this as well but thought I should overcome it this time. (the braids were so tough ?! - I practiced a long time on rough paper before I got it. But even then, comparing it with the reference photo will show a difference. HA ! I just went freestyle with it too!)
But overall, I'm happy I really spent a lot of time on the details, I tried to improve my shadings too and it just .... makes me very happy just looking at it despite the flaws (in many areas).