Moheart7 — Powerpuff Girls Reboot

Published: 2015-03-11 06:20:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 32221; Favourites: 198; Downloads: 0
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Description Just another one of my attempts to give a rebooted version of an already existing TV series, this time it is one of my childhood favs, The Powerpuff Girls, giving redesigns to most of the old characters whilst also adding a couple of my own OCs. 

Rewritten Premise:

After contracting a rare disease called Hemburg Syndrome, a disease which killed their mother two years previously, non-identical triplets, Blossom, Bubble and Buttercup were soon put into stasis by their father, Professor Leonard Utonium, until he could find a cure. After a whole year of keeping his girls in stasis tanks, the Professor attempts to administer a new formula that would hopefully cure his girls. But his experiment goes wrong when his laboratory chimpanzee, Jojo, escapes from his cage and lashes out at with the Professor, making him accidentally spill an untested chemical into the mixture just as it was being filtered into the tanks, thus causing a large explosion. Though the Professor has some distance between him and the chemical reaction, Jojo, in his less-than-brilliant form, stands near to look more closely at the specimen and receives the impact of the explosion head on, throwing him out of a window. When the dust settles the Professor discovers that the mixture not only cured his girls but also giving superhuman abilities. 

Main Characters:

Name(s): Powerpuff Girls – Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: None

Powers/Abilities: Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed/Agility, Ultra-durability, Sonic Scream, Ice Breath (Blossom Only) Animal Communication (Bubbles only) Electrokinesis (Buttercup only)

Bio: Beginning their lives as three regular girls, non-identical triplets, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, were they happiest they could ever be. However after contracting a rare disease called Hemburg Syndrome, a disease which killed their mother two years previously, they soon found themselves being placed into stasis tanks by their father until he could find a cure. After an incident in their father’s laboratory, the three girls soon awoke with not only their disease cured, but also incredible abilities that surpassed any normal human. Overtime, the girls soon learnt to use their powers properly and eventually dedicated their lives to fighting crime and the forces of evil.  Like the original version, Blossom is the self-proclaimed leader of the team, who is more intelligent than her two sister combined and usually helps out in her father’s lab. Bubbles is the most sensitive and naïve of the three, and like her previous incarnation, she very fond of small animals and can at times be considered a spiritual child. Finally, Buttercup, like all her incarnations, is the toughest of the girls, she’s constantly getting into fights with her two sisters and is also the most brutal of fighters in battle, however amongst her brutality is also a sense of chivalry since she would never harm anyone who’s defenseless.

Side Characters:  

Name(s): Professor Leonard Utonium inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: None

Powers/Abilities: High Intelligence

Bio: The Powerpuff Girls’ father. Well known for his scientific genius, Professor Utonium is well known amongst the scientific community due to his mechanical and chemical creations that supported the economy of Townsville. However one day, his life was met with tragedy, after a few years of marriage, the Professor’s wife died of a rare disease known as Hemburg Syndrome, and soon after it threatened to take the lives of his three daughters, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. After placing all three of them into stasis, the Professor shut himself away from the world and spent the next two years trying to discover a cure for his children, one day that cure was created. Upon creating a new chemical, the Professor’s laboratory chimpanzee, Jojo, escaped from his cage and lashed out at him making him accidentally spill an untested chemical into the mixture just as it was being filtered into his daughter’s stasis tanks. After the resulting explosion, the Professor discovered that not only were his daughters cured of their sickness but also developed incredible abilities that surpassed that of any normal human. As the girls learnt how to control their new abilities, the Professor began to develop a curiosity to what these new powers were capable of, so when the girls chose to begin their life as superheroes, he supported them 100% Not only that, but he also began the development of a new formula for the chemical that saved his daughters, which he soon dubbed Chemical X. Overtime he finally managed recreated the mixture, but only in small doses. He is a very affectionate and supportive father, whose pep talks often bring the girls around when they are discouraged.


Name(s): Miss Jessica Keane inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: None

Powers/Abilities: None

Bio: A 7th Grade Teacher at Townsville Middle School and supporter of the girls. Being childhood friends with Professor Utonium, she is quite close to the girls and is always willing to offer advice whenever they feel disheartened. She is patient, beautiful, understanding and very protective of all her students, making her a well-liked, motherly figure. She is also talented in many ways, this includes knowledge on medicine for certain medical conditions, and is able to speak several languages. Because of their childhood past has romantic feelings for Professor Utonium and sometimes blushes whenever he is in the same room as her.


Name(s): Uncle Ralph inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: none

Powers/Abilities: Super Strength

Bio: Professor Leonard Utonium’s older brother, and therefore Uncle to the Powerpuff Girls. Over the course of his childhood, it was said that while his younger brother received most of the brain power, it was Ralph who got most of the brawn. As such, Ralph grew up a strong fighter, taking boxing classes and even serving a time of duty in the Military. After a few years working as a soldier, he enrolled into the Townsville police force, and eventually was promoted to senior detective. During the years of police work, Ralph soon was dubbed “the Wolf of Townsville”, due to the fact that he was so tough that he regularly refused to use firearms and can knock out criminals with a single punch. This name soon gave him a very popular reputation amongst the townspeople and soon drew the attention of Miss Sarah Bellum, whom he is currently dating. However, overtime when the super criminals began appearing over Townsville and he discovered that his own nieces were the ones risking their lives to stop them, Ralph decided that he must find some way to help his family, so after many attempts, he eventually convinced his younger brother to allow him to use a small dose of the Chemical X he had been trying to recreate. After which he mixed the chemical into a small jar of ink and had it tattooed over his forearms, the resulting mutation increased his muscle mass and gave him more strength than ever before, so much so that he could punch his way through 10 inches of steel with ease. After that, he made a solemn vow to help his nieces whenever possible, using his new signature punching move, the “Wolf Hammer”.


Name(s): Grandma Agnus inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: None

Powers/Abilities: Incredible endurance to pain, unknown strength.

Bio: Ralph and Leonard Utonium’s mother, and the Powerpuff Girls' Grandmother. She is a World War II veteran who was later sent to the Townsville Retirement Castle by her son, Ralph after attempting to join him on a ride-along in his police car. She is known for her long, rambling, and often inaccurate stories and her short temper whenever it came to her sons’ arguments. However she is also shown to be caring and gentle whenever she interacts with the girls and can always be counted upon for support whenever they are feeling down.


Name(s): Bunny inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Sylvia Warren

Powers/Abilities: Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed/Agility, Ultra-durability, Sonic Scream, Energy Blasts

Bio: The unofficial fourth Powerpuff Girl. In her former life, Sylvia “Bunny” Warren was just a regular girl who went to the same school as the girls, but also grew up in a foster home so she didn’t have many friends. One day, she developed the same disease the girls had two years previously, sensing her pain, the girls tried to help her by secretly giving her a dose of the new experimental Chemical X that their father had been creating. However unlike the girls, who had been in stasis tanks at the time of their recovery, Bunny’s reaction to the chemical was far more unstable and almost killed her. Luckily she was able to recover after a month in an induced coma. After waking up, she discovered that she had the same abilities as the Powerpuff Girls, who had offered to teach her to control these new abilities. However she turned the offer down and ran away from her foster home, believing that she was now too dangerous to be around. However every now and again, someone would sometimes see a purple blur whenever a crime had been mysteriously prevented by someone other than the Powerpuff girls, indicating that Bunny had decided to follow in her predecessors’ footsteps after all.


Name(s): Foxy the Mouth inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Jerry Vulpo

Powers/Abilities: Ice Generation/ Manipulation

Bio: One of Mojo Jojo’s earlier experiments and former student of Townsville Middle School. As a sports enthusiast, he is always seen with a skateboard and is often found at the local skate parks. After he was picked up off the street by Mojo Jojo, he was injected with an experimental version of Chemical X, thus he was mutated and developed certain traits of a fox, whilst also gaining ice-powers. After seeing his mutation as a failure Jerry was thrown out by Mojo, soon after that all of his friends began to avoid him like he was some kind of freak and he eventually ended up running away from home. After that Jerry changed his name to Foxy, in homage to his new form, and made a vow to have his vengeance against Mojo Jojo and any other villain that shares his views. As such he became the eyes and ears on the streets of Townsville, being an informant to both the Powerpuff Girls and their Uncle Ralph, at times he would even use his ice powers to freeze certain criminals in order to get new information to give his friends on the good side of the law.


Name(s): Mayor of Townsville inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Unknown

Powers/Abilities: None

Bio: The man in charge of the whole of Townsville. Ever since the girls had become known amongst the public, he was the first to insinuate the idea of the three becoming heroes for the town, and though hesitant at first, the girls eventually accepted the role. After that, one of the Mayor’s main priorities was to inform the Powerpuff Girls of any trouble wreaking havoc over the town via phone or Police Network. However sometimes he states that he regrets his decision to recruit the girls due to the fact that he seems to worry quite a lot when the girls are fighting, and wishes that they could cause a little less damage while doing so. He can also be very childish and has a very short attention span, luckily he is always pointed back into the proper direction by his Aid, Miss Bellum.


Name(s): Miss Sara Bellum inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: None

Powers/Abilities: High Intelligence, Hand-to-hand combat

Bio: Personal Aid to the Mayor of Townsville and often the “brains” of most operations. Growing up in the same school as Miss Keane and Professor Utonium, Sarah Bellum is well-educated and is often the voice of reason for the girls. Due to her past relations with the Professor, she was one of the first people to be aware of the girl’s old sickness, and then their new abilities, due to this fact, she felt like it was her duty to inform the Mayor of this new development, which gave the Mayor the idea to recruit the girls as superhorse in the first place. Usually, Miss Bellum covers her face with a clipboard, which sometimes causes a few questions as to what her face really looks like by certain people, except for her boyfriend, the Powerpuff Girls’ Uncle Ralph, who considers her “Hotter than a Phoenix Flame”. She is also a good fighter with hand-to-hand combatant due to many judo lessons she took growing up, and will sometimes act as a Bodygaurd for the Mayor if the need should occur. 


Mojo Jojo inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Jojo

Powers/Abilities: Super Intelligence

Bio: Many years before he became what he is, Jojo born and raised in a primate research facility, and was later sold to a scientist named Dr Lee Chang. After many years of mistreatment and inhumane experimentation, Jojo grew into an aggressive and violent beast and developed a massive hate for all humans. After Dr Chang finally believed that Jojo outlived his usefulness, he was sold to Professor Utonium, however one evening while Utonium was missing up a new formula to cure his sick daughters, Jojo, escaped from his cage and lashed out at with the Professor, making him accidentally spill an untested chemical into the mixture just as it was being filtered into his daughters’ stasis tanks, thus causing a large explosion. Receiving the full force of the explosion, Jojo was thrown out of a window and collapsed into unconsciousness in an alleyway, when he finally awoke Jojo became aware of what happened to him, as it turned out the chemical that caused the explosion also mutated his simian DNA, turning his skin green and causing his intelligence and brain to enlarge, growing out of his skull. With his new, superior intelligence, Jojo instantly began formulating his plan for revenge against humanity, starting with Dr Lee Chang. After running back to the Doctor’s mansion, he lashed out at him and managed to lock him inside his old cage, where he would await experimentation. Upon learning of the Powerpuff girls and their abilities, Jojo decided that the best way he would get his revenge on humanity was to re-create the chemical that gave the girls their powers, after donning a modified suit of armour, the simian renamed himself Mojo Jojo and instantly began his work. After a failed attempt to steal the formula from Professor Utonium’s lab, only receiving half the information he needed, Mojo Jojo set up his lair in Lee Chang’s mansion and began to create numerous versions of the formula and began testing them on human subjects he had kidnapped or pulled off the streets, however his attempts always end in failure because while his subjects did receive powers, they all ended up with physical side-effects, in those cases he would cast them out into the streets. Thus Mojo Jojo became responsible for the creation of most of the Super Villains in Townsville.


Name(s): Fuzzy Lumpkins inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Fred Lumpkins

Powers/Abilities: Enhanced sense of smell, Increased Strength, Shotgun shooting

Bio: Mojo Jojo’s first test subject. In his original life he was a simple farmer who owned a large Apple Orchard just outside of Townsville, however while making a fruit delivery in town, he was knocked out and taken to Mojo Jojo’s hideout. After he awoke, Fred Lumpkins found himself being injected with a strange chemical, which unbeknownst to him, was Mojo Jojo’s first attempt to recreate Chemical X using his own DNA mixed with that of a pig. The resulting mutation turned Fred into a furry beast with vast amounts of strength with the added temper of a savage. After Mojo Jojo classified him as a reject, he was thrown out onto the street and attempted to go back to his orchard. However he was spotted by a few bystanders and was considered a freak, therefore his temper grew to a boil and he went on a rampage. After being defeated by the Powerpuff Girls for the first time, he was arrested and his orchard, along with the rest of his land were seized by the Townsville government, thus leading to his obsession with getting it back and swearing revenge against the girls for taking it away.


Name(s): Gangreen Gang – Ace, Naga, Big Billy, Grubber, Lil’ Arturo inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Ace D. Copper (Ace), Selma Ingleberry (Naga), William Ceras (Big Billy) Gerald Gribberish (Grubber) Arturo de la Guerra (Lil’ Arturo)

Powers/Abilities: Water breathing + Diamond-hard teeth (Ace only) Venom + Elasticity (Naga only) Super Strength and invulnerability (Big Billy only) Reactive camouflage + Wall-crawling (Grubber only) Super Speed + Night Vision (Lil’ Arturo only)

Bio:  A group of trouble-making, super-powered hoodlums who live at the Townsville dump. In their previous life, they were little more than a gang of teenagers who were constantly looking for trouble, committing minor crimes such as vandalism, shop-lifting and other such minor offences, however they were soon picked up off the streets by Mojo Jojo and taken to his lab for experimentation. At this point in time Mojo Jojo believed that it was because that the Powerpuff girls were infected with a disease that the Chemical X had a unique effect on them, therefore he placed all of the teenagers into a gas chamber and filled it with vaporised Chemical X infused with a disease called gangrene. However this only enhanced the side-effects when the formula not only gave the gang physical similarities to various animals, but also turned all of their skins into a sickly green colour. After being dumped into the Townsville dump with new abilities, the know established Gangreen Gang began a new reign of terror as the most dangerous gang of hoodlums the city has ever seen. While each member of the gang shares a love for causing havoc each member does also have their own persona, Lil’ Arturo, the youngest of the gang, is very fond of his Mexican heritage and would on occasion speak in his native tongue whenever he’s irritated. Grubber, being the most physically challenged member of the gang, is mute and only speaks in gibberish, however he is also shown to be quite intelligent since he is able to hack any computer system. Big Billy is the brute of the gang and also the most gluttonous, every so often he can be seen eating or pounding something just for fun, however he is also the most mentally challenged and gullible since he can be easily be tricked by his fellow gang members. Naga, being the only female of the group is a slippery character from a wealthy background, since she was spoiled as a child, her mother would always be the one to bail her and the rest of the gang out whenever they get arrested. Ace, the leader of the group, is also the oldest, thus everyone else in the gang looks up to him, in his past he was a good kid who was once close friends with Buttercup, however when she went into stasis, Ace grew angry and began terrorising Townsville to let out his frustration, before long his actions drew the attention of his new friends and they formed their gang.


Name(s): Princess Morbucks inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: None

Powers/Abilities: Impressive Agility, Flash Bombs, Energy Laser Crown, Vast amounts of money

Bio: A spoiled rich girl with an attitude that would kill. Being raised by her father, Francis Morbucks, CEO of Morbucks industries, Princess grew up in an incredibly wealthy environment, which easily lead her to being a spoiled brat throughout her life, to the extent of craving attention whoever she goes. When news spread about the antics of the Powerpuff Girls she instantly began to grow jealous of the attention they were receiving. After a failed attempt to try and buy the stuff that gave them their powers, Princess Morbucks took matters into her own hands and decided to try to become a hero using her skating gear and some tech she stole from her father’s company, however she only managed to portray herself as a selfish vigilante who causes more damage than good. After being stopped by the Powerpuff Girls, she swore revenge and has been trying to get back at them ever since.


Name(s): Roach Coach inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Randal Jackson

Powers/Abilities: Wall-Crawling, High Resistance to Physical Damage, Insect Communication.

Bio: Formally a high-school football coach working at the Powerpuff Girls’ school, however after being fired from his job due to his violent methods of teaching, Randal Jackson soon found himself living in squalor after months of no work. One day, while digging through the garbage of someone’s mansion, he suddenly found himself dowsed in a strange liquid from the upstairs window. As it turns out, the mansion he was standing outside of belonged to Mojo Jojo, who at that moment had decided to seize the opportunity and use Jackson as a test subject without even having to bring him inside. The resulting mutation caused Jackson to splice with the cockroaches in the garbage and mutate into a hideous fusion roach and man. This soon drove him insane and he developed into a raving lunatic with the ability to communicate with insects, thus leading him to try to take over Townsville with an army of cockroaches. However he was easily foiled by the Powerpuff girls and has hated them ever since.


Name(s): The Boogie Man inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Orlando Sucre’

Powers/Abilities: Diamond hard teeth, Water Breathing, Music-based Hypnosis

Bio: A Puerto Rican Mob-boss of Townsville with an obsessive taste for music.  As leader of the biggest gang of thieves and thugs in all of Townsville, he controls most of the criminal activity in the city. However one day he made the mistake of trying to steal a priceless artefact from the Mansion of Lee Chang, what he didn’t know at the time was the fact that the mansion was taken Over by Mojo Jojo and the men he sent there squealed on him in an instant f being caught. As such Mojo Jojo tracked him down and punished him by testing out a reject mixture of Chemical X on him. The resulting mutation, caused Sucre’ to transform into a hideous piranha-like creature with the ability to hypnotise people into doing anything he wants as long as music is being played. As such, he now uses this ability to rob big-time banks by making everyone who works there dance their way into giving him the money, in many retrospects the mutation had turned him into a musical slave-driver.


Name(s): Sedusa inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Dr. Giselle Reece

Powers/Abilities: Hypnotic Charm & Beauty, Prehensile Hair Control, Physical Shapeshifting, Spell-casting, Incredible knowledge of mystical artifacts, charms and spell-books, Necromancy.

Bio: Mistress of temptation and Master of Disguise. As a descendant of a league of a cult of demon worshipers from Ancient times, Giselle Reece, MIT Graduate and certified genius in the field of Archaeology, was an easy target when she travelled with Dr Lee Chang as his assistant. Upon entering an ancient tomb in Greece, Giselle discovered a strange stone sarcophagus, upon touching it she became infused with powerful dark magic and twisted ideas for evil. Upon brining the sarcophagus back to Chang’s mansion. Dr Reese continued to charade as a loyal assistant whilst also transforming as a master thief and mistress of magic without his knowledge, and continued to do so even when Mojo Jojo took over, masquerading as a loyal servant. However her true loyalties only lie with the one sealed away in the Sarcophagus, the one that she had dubbed, the Great HIM.


Name(s): Rowdyruff Boys – Brick, Boomer, and Butch inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: None

Powers/Abilities: Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed/Agility, Ultra-durability, Sonic Scream, Fire Breath (Brick Only) Animal Control (Boomer only) Geokinesis (Butch only)

Bio: The Genetic Duplicates of the Powerpuff Girls. After several failed attempts to successfully replicate the formula for Chemical X, Mojo Jojo decided that the next best thing he could do was to use the Powerpuff Girls own DNA to create a suitable base for the formula. After acquiring the DNA he needed through a battle with the girls, he began generating a clones of the girls in hopes of acquiring the Chemical X through the duplicates. However what he didn’t account for was the willpower of the boys he created. After their creation, they escaped Mojo’s lab and began running amok and causing chaos just for fun. They have no respect for anyone, and like the girls, have different personalities in spite of their similarities. Brick, like Blossom, is the self-appointed leader, however unlike his counterpart leads with a harsh temper. Boomer, is the less violent of trio since he prefers to laze about and read comics rather than cause destruction. And Butch is the most violent of the boys, always using physiologic weakness to his advantage and going for the weak spots in a fight. 


Name(s): Cyber-Yeti inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Dr. Lee Chang

Powers/Abilities: Diamond hard teeth, Enhanced Strength, Invulnerability to cold, Mechanical Armour, Buzz-saw Blade (Right hand)

Bio: A savage beast and former Master of Science. In his former life he was a cruel man and one of the most brilliant minds in all of China, however after selling off his Chimpanzee to another scientist, he was shocked to see it return with a large brain pulsating out of his head. After the initial shock, the Chimpanzee, Mojo Jojo lashed out at him, locked him in his former cage and took over his home. After that Lee Chang suffered endless months of twisted experiments as vengeance for all the mistreatment he place on Mojo Jojo over the years, as such some of his limbs were replaced with cybernetic implants. Overtime, Chang began to lose his mind and go insane, and one day Mojo Jojo, out of desperation, used him as another subject to test another batch of Chemical X, with the resulting mutation caused the cyber implants to be biologically fuse to him, and transform into a mindless beast who obeys Mojo Jojo without question.

Name(s): HIM inkheart7.deviantart.com/art/P…

Other Names: Unknown

Powers/Abilities: Portal Generation, Demonic Magic, Transformation, Immortality, High Endurance, Superhuman Strength, Ability Bestowal, Pyrokenisis, Mind Manipulation

Bio: The unholy ancient deity of chaos, disasters, demons, and darkness. In Ancient Times, he terrorised humanity and enjoyed playing with the emotions of all who dared oppose him. However one day, he was somehow sealed away into a large stone sarcophagus, where he remained for thousands of years. One day he was found by a woman named Giselle Reece, and it was at that moment he seized his chance, and used his dark magic to corrupt the young woman’s mind, transforming her into the villain, Sedusa. After that, his sarcophagus was moved to the Mansion of Dr Lee Chang, where he remained until he could find a suitable source of power strong enough to release him from his stone prison, and through Sedusa he sought out that power within the abilities of the Powerpuff Girls.

NOTE: I Finally give you the full bio of each character

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Comments: 143

12littlebirds [2023-03-14 02:55:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TopModelCollecterY2K [2022-11-12 15:02:43 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

digihero2020 [2022-02-06 18:42:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

snakethebit [2020-12-06 09:18:19 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to snakethebit [2020-12-06 21:50:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rainbowdashfanwhite2 [2020-01-26 09:43:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hasele [2019-03-10 19:55:08 +0000 UTC]

love it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Racesgirl2000-1 [2018-11-05 13:10:41 +0000 UTC]

Dude, the Professor's name is Leonard

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to Racesgirl2000-1 [2018-11-05 17:55:51 +0000 UTC]

To be fair, I never knew that before now

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Billy1999 [2018-06-07 06:07:41 +0000 UTC]

What about the Powerpuff Girls' other enemies likes the Amoeba Boys, Abracadaver, Mr. Mime, the Powerpunk Girls?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to Billy1999 [2018-06-07 19:51:29 +0000 UTC]

Never really gave them much thought in all honesty 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Billy1999 In reply to Moheart7 [2019-06-01 01:05:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh, okay than.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bkno [2017-10-22 21:33:09 +0000 UTC]

What do you think about this?


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to bkno [2017-10-23 16:12:25 +0000 UTC]

Well I don't really watch that particular show, so I can't give an accurate opinion on it but it seems ok

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

starwolf626 [2017-10-12 00:47:39 +0000 UTC]

Daaaaaaaang. Him looks creepy...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to starwolf626 [2017-10-12 19:55:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

starwolf626 In reply to Moheart7 [2017-10-12 21:22:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

katamariluv [2017-09-08 20:09:47 +0000 UTC]

Ohmigosh, this AU is so awesome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to katamariluv [2017-09-09 16:49:52 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JorDanGo [2017-08-05 03:45:41 +0000 UTC]

I like this alot, I feel that when they made a reboot of the Powerpuff Girls it would have been a better idea to make it very different from the original show similar to how with Ninja Turtles the 1987, 2003, and 2012 cartoons are all very different from eachother and your idea here would work very well for such a reboot.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to JorDanGo [2017-08-05 19:44:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, glad to hear that

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RoyalClaws12 [2016-08-08 16:07:32 +0000 UTC]

I like you Art, Man!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to RoyalClaws12 [2016-08-09 03:58:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalClaws12 In reply to Moheart7 [2016-08-09 11:30:39 +0000 UTC]

Ya Don't Have to Mention It! I Like Your Characters!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to RoyalClaws12 [2016-08-09 11:37:58 +0000 UTC]

Glad to hear it, any ones you like in particular , I welcome positive feedback

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalClaws12 In reply to Moheart7 [2016-08-09 12:05:11 +0000 UTC]

That's Gonna be Nice!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to RoyalClaws12 [2016-08-09 12:28:58 +0000 UTC]

What is?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalClaws12 In reply to Moheart7 [2016-08-09 12:56:08 +0000 UTC]

Your Welcoming My Opinion! I like to You Said That!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to RoyalClaws12 [2016-08-09 13:41:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh, right, well you are most welcome then

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalClaws12 In reply to Moheart7 [2016-08-10 03:09:26 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to RoyalClaws12 [2016-08-10 08:16:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalClaws12 In reply to Moheart7 [2016-08-10 15:42:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh my! Thanx!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to RoyalClaws12 [2016-08-11 00:53:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalClaws12 In reply to Moheart7 [2016-08-11 02:11:25 +0000 UTC]

It's NP too!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bkno [2016-07-04 21:44:54 +0000 UTC]

Your Powerpuff Girls reboot pic is the main reason I've noticed your gallery.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Moheart7 In reply to bkno [2016-07-05 10:05:47 +0000 UTC]

Really? any others?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

bkno In reply to Moheart7 [2016-07-05 15:57:11 +0000 UTC]

The Grimwood Girls, of course.

I could picture a sweet crossover between them.

Hey, it would be a better crossover that the upcoming Powerpuff Girls/Teen (Toddler) Titans Go!

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Moheart7 In reply to bkno [2016-07-06 10:46:08 +0000 UTC]

there I agree with you

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TheDreweMaster [2016-07-03 07:00:04 +0000 UTC]

That's definitely a better reboot than the current one!

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Moheart7 In reply to TheDreweMaster [2016-07-03 07:55:45 +0000 UTC]


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TheDreweMaster In reply to Moheart7 [2016-07-03 08:11:50 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.
Have you seen the new reboot?

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Moheart7 In reply to TheDreweMaster [2016-07-03 12:04:59 +0000 UTC]

I have, not that impressed

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TheDreweMaster In reply to Moheart7 [2016-07-03 12:08:05 +0000 UTC]

I haven't, and I unsurprisingly haven't heard many good things about it. Even the ads look like crap.

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Moheart7 In reply to TheDreweMaster [2016-07-03 12:10:14 +0000 UTC]

It gets worse mate, they even had the balls to make it crossover with... TEEN TITANS GO!!!  

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TheDreweMaster In reply to Moheart7 [2016-07-03 12:11:02 +0000 UTC]

Two despised reboots meeting at last. Sounds perfect.

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Moheart7 In reply to TheDreweMaster [2016-07-03 12:14:00 +0000 UTC]

Yeah... a perfect recipe for disaster...


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TheDreweMaster In reply to Moheart7 [2016-07-03 12:16:59 +0000 UTC]


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Moheart7 In reply to TheDreweMaster [2016-07-03 12:18:44 +0000 UTC]

But how can they possibly make money off of that crap? Do they even read their own scripts!?!

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TheDreweMaster In reply to Moheart7 [2016-07-03 12:20:43 +0000 UTC]

They still get their ratings, and I don't think they care as long as they make a big buck out of it.
It's an example of the lazyasses being rewarded, like the creators of Norm Of The North.

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Moheart7 In reply to TheDreweMaster [2016-07-03 12:57:07 +0000 UTC]

Ugh, don't even SPEAK of that crap to me, the fact that THESE kinds of shows and movies are getting ratings is really starting to make me question the mindset of human beings. Now don't get me wrong, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, I'm not arguing that, but at least have some decency to put some EFFORT into the shows for crying out loud!

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