momma-SHIN — Maggotpaw | male | Plainesclan | apprentice

Published: 2013-10-12 17:39:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 823; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description "You are the most pathetic apprentice I've ever met... I like that in a cat. It's nice to meet you."




:: Name: Maggotpaw
:: Past Names: Maggotkit
:: Clan: plainesclan
:: Rank: apprentice
:: Gender: male

:: Reason for name ::
.....: Prefix: named "Maggot"kit fora ll the wriggling around he did as a kit, plus his colors and his family liking bug related names.
.....: Suffix: normal apprentice name

:: Starting age: 9 moons / months
:: Current age: 10 moons / months
:: Breed Reference: Norwegian Forest Cat x Tuxedo x Mackeral Tabby Mix x Domestic Shorthair Mix  

:: Past Mentor:
Bleaksun | male | alive npc

:: Current Mentor:
Fernwhisper | female | alive

:: Past Apprentices: --
:: Current Apprentices: --



:: Written Appearance ::
Multicolored brownish tom with amber eyes and tall ears.

:: Body Structure ::
He is smaller than his siblings were at his age for now but he looks like he still has some growing to do. He is more compact, with thicker muscles and a lanky appearance for now. He should grow more into his body later in life.

:: Size and Height ::
Because of his breed he is bigger then most apprentices his age but he still appeares lanky in his legs.

:: Fur Length and Texture ::
Long in most areas; around his mane, tail, ears, chest, elbows, belly. Elsewhere his fur is more of a medium length. His fur is very fluffy and soft to the touch.

:: Noticeable Features ::
His most noticeable features are his larger ears, which he will most likely grow into. His bigger paws, showing he will still grow bigger than he is. And his large, rounded eyes.

:: Scars ::
none yet

:: Scent ::
like warm wet earth after the rain

:: Eye Color ::
a pale amber color around the edge, darker closer to center



:: Sexuality :: 

.: Orientation: 
Closet Bisexual - He wants to like girls and could have sex with them but he's actually really into boys.

.: Looking for: 
he isn't sure

.: Relationship Status: 

.: Activity: 

virgin for now

.: Turn Ons in a Potential: 

+ smaller cats 
+ thinner and can be pushed around
+ cats who need him

.: Turn Offs in a Potential: 

x too strong
x girls he deems ugly 
x overly pushy cats or loud females

.: Currently Attracted to: 

Fogpaw - plaines - closet crush on him 


:: Personality Traits ::
[ Bully ] - [ Crass + Rude ] - [ Snarky + Sarcastic ] - [ Stubborn + Hard ] - [ Hidden ]

|| Bully ||
"Go on crawl back to your momma you big crybaby! Oh wait I fogot she's DEAD! HA!"

Most cats have met a bully sometime in their life. This is the bully that you tried to hide from as a scrawny apprentice who couldn't yet defend yourself from. He is a cat who strongly believes that it is truly survival of the fitest. And if that means he has to push others down so that he can be the fitest then so be it. He exploits others' weaknesses and call out others' insecurities. He doesn't care if he hurts others' feelings and only laughs at their tears and pain. He will push others' down if they are in his way and he feels no regret about tricking others or telling them they are stupid or weak.

|| Crass + Rude ||
"What! I was just telling her the truth. Her mother is dead, she needs to get over it and if she can't then she can leave the clan."

He is overly blunt and actually uses that to hurt others. If there was something that others have been avoiding because it would be senative to bring up in front of certain cats you know he would be saying something snooty about that sensative topic right in their face. He will talk about dead cats and then remind their loved ones their dead and he will talk back to just about any cat, in a high position or not. He has no qualms with talking about even the leader behind her back. He even will go out of his way to learn details about others' lives just to taunt them and make them feel bad about themselves. He finds it entertaining to watch others squirm and feel sad or uncomfortable in their skins.

|| Snarky + Sarcastic ||
"Oh of course, I'm just soooooo sorry about your loss. But you know.... she'd be here if you hadn't been born."

He doesn't have a caring bone in his body and he doesn't want to care about the other cats in his clan. They are all stupid and thus should be treated that way. If you can manipulate a cat they can become useful otherwise why bother. He doesn't feel the need to make friends or try and be friendly to others. Instead he just teases and taunts everyone. And although he would never want to apologize when forced to he will only do it sarcastically and refuse to take it seriously. He hates being punished and will usually try and find a way out of it either because he blackmailed another cat to do it or try and worm his way out of it.

|| Stubborn + Hard ||
"Look, I really don't care what you say, I'm not changing my ways."

Maggotpaw is very stubborn cat and as soon as he sets his mind to something he refuses to budge. He doesn't want to be seen as weak which is another reason why he doesn't want to be moved when he chooses where to stand. He is hard to move once he decides to stay firm on something, which is why he isn't really a cat you want in an argument. He can also get nasty when others try to change him and he can lash out physically if riled up enough on the subject.

|| Hidden ||
"Oh hello dear sister, nope we were just playing around. Don't worry about me."

Maggotpaw is an awful terrible bully of a cat but when around his immediate family he puts on a show of being helpful and loving and charming for the most part. Or at least less of a jerk around them though at times his mask can slip. He hates when his family worries about him or tries to 'make him a better person' and so he just stopped being himself and decided to act that he was positively changing as they wished. But it only made him worse to the rest of the cats around him as he would hold everything in until it came to nearly bursting.



:: Belief Levels ::
..................... :.: Belief in Starclan - low
..................... :.: Belief that Truth will Prevail - low
..................... :.: Belief in True Love - low

:: Strongest skill ::
Doesn't Hesitate - In battle and in life this apprentice will not hesitate in anything. Whether that be in the words he says or in the battles he picks or in the attacks he chooses. Once he has started something he will follow it through to the end. He uses his words as weapons much like his claws and isn't afraid to taunt the enemy.

:: Strengths ::
Sticks to Decisions - Once he has picked a choice he won't go back on it. He will fight tooth and claw for the choices he makes.

Larger size - Because of his larger size he is good at intimidating others and pushing them over or pinning them down in battle.

:: Weakest skil ::
Over Confident - He always thinks he will make the right choices and that his way is right and he won't loose. This is bad when going into battle.

:: Weaknesses ::
Thick Fur - Because of his thicker fur he still gets overly warm in the summer and spring, this makes him slower and less concentrated during these seasons.

No Popularity - This cat won't be winning any popularity contests. Because no one really likes him it makes him less trusted.

:: Fears ::
Pah! There is nothing I fear!
death by fire



.: Birth season:

[ Pre-Birth ]
Caddiswing was originally from thornclan and came with her father, Goosefeather to plainesclan after getting her father fell in love with another cat- Snailsnap. Caddiswing was never really accepted by the cats in plainesclan, that is until Flygaze asked her to be his mate. He wanted to help her since he was good friends with the shecat. She accepted and after that the clan trusted her more and more. She had Flygaze's kits and the clan really started to see her as another plainesclan cat.
They were close as a family and although occasionally outcast because of their thornclan origins they never seemed to care.

[ Kit-hood ]
When Maggotkit, Mothkit, and Hopperkit was born their parents were already old. Caddiswing retired as soon as the kits were born. The birth was long and hard on her and she was ready to become an elder and have the clan look after her. Another queen had to nurse them but their mother was always there. Maggotkit hated being smothered by his mom and would always claim he was hot so he could sleep at the far edge of the nest away from the other cuddling bodies.

Once they could all walk around and were given a little more freedom Maggotkit watched his sister, Hopperkit, get all the attention. He didn't mind though, he watched her and all the other kits in the clan eagerly, learning about them and what they didn't want their momma's to know. He would blackmail them to do things for him or take the blame when they snuck out so that he wouldn't tell their parents about the bad things they did. Sometimes the other little kits would end up crying and confessing everything to one of the warriors and Caddiswing would scold him for it and punish him. He hated being punished so he spent the rest of his kithood learning not to be caught.

[ Apprenticeship ]
He was apprenticed with his siblings and several other kits and he was still trying to perfect not being caught by the older cats. But now he was louder. He bossed the other cats around, even some of the smaller younger warriors. He disobeyed his mentor all the time and would do what he wanted and took what he wanted. It got so bad that his mentor attacked him when Maggotpaw pushed Bleaksun's buttons. He was surprised but defended himself well although he still got pretty beat up because of the cat. He was reassigned after that, and Bleaksun didn't want to have him as an apprentice anymore.

But that didn't bother Maggotpaw and he still bullies others and won't do what he's told. But he hates it when his older siblings catch him doing that so he tends to tone it down when they're around so they don't yell at him so much. He has gotten better at hiding it from his older family members and being nice when they're around. But he really doesn't like them. They act like because they're older they can looked down on him and judge him and give him that look like they pity his bad behavior.



.: Theme Song(s):

.: Hobby:
= Picking on others
= Making others cry
= Learning other's insecurities and failings

.: Likes:
+ Taunting others
+ Getting his way
+ Watching other's in pain
+ Rainy or overcast days

.: Dislikes:
x Getting caught
x His siblings repremanding him
x Sunny days

.: Quotes :.
~ "If I have to push others down to be strong and big then so be it."
~ "Tough toads! If you don't like it go back to the nursery where babies belong."
~ "What you think that was mean? I'm not the warrior that will cut your throat because you are too weak to protect anyone around you."
~ "Toughen up or get out of my way."
~ "You think calling me mean will make me sorry? I'm telling you the truth, you are pathetic and the clan is weakened because you're in it."

.: Favorites :.
> Flower: carnivorious plants
> Prey: brown rabbit
> Patrol: hunting
> Season: winter

.: Trivia Facts :.
* He actually has a soft spot for cats who get under his skin
* He is amused by others who cry because of him
* He likes the color blue

.: Preferred Warrior Names:
Maggotbite, Maggotcrass, Maggotsnap, Maggotcall, Maggotfall, Maggottail, Maggotharp, Maggotburr, Maggotfang



.: Grandparents:
.......... -Fathers side: Antmarch(male-dead) x Cicadasong(female-dead)
.......... -Mothers side: Goosefeather(male-thornclan-dead) x Snailsnap(female-dead)
.: Parents:
.......... -Mother: Flygaze (elder-npc alive)
.......... -Father: Caddiswing (originally thornclan-elder-npc alive)
.: Aunts/Uncles:
.......... -Aunts: Rosespike(thornclan-dead), Featherfluff, Birdlight
.......... -Uncles: Brownchest
.: Siblings:
.......... -Brothers:  Locustflight, Lousepad, Mantisstrike, Beedledrop, Cicadachirp, Cricketcall
.......... -Sisters: Chrysalissong, Gnatburst, Aphidmarch, Droneflight Mothpaw, Hopperpaw
.......... -Littermates: Mothpaw, Hopperpaw, Himself
.: Cousins:
.......... -Female: none
.......... -Male: Batshriek (thornclan), a few unnamed stillborn kits
.: Crush: (check relationship chart)
.: Mate: none
.: Mated With: none yet
.: Kits: none

:: Relationship Chart ::
Relationship Chart Meme

:: Rp Plot ::
Rp Plot Meme



:: Time Zone:
Eastern Standard Time USA
(east coast) || -4 from UTC

:: Best times to rp:
Well my schedule is rather hectic and since I have rotating jobs and no school I don't really have times or days that work best but;
Nights often are better for me and often weekdays I get home at around 8-10 so that's something ^^ weekends are harder to get around since I get home later (11-12).
But if you send me a note I'll always be trying to get back to you c:

:: Best Way to Rp:
Notes -- the best way, I won't say no to one of these
Blogs -- these great too, I won't say no to these
Comments -- are ok I don't mind this way
Skype -- eh, ok I can do this at work easiest but I'll be super slow and you have to remind me I even have a Skype some days
Chats -- I don't mind this way but check with me first, I don't always have laptop access
Google Docs -- Just learned about this, just note me for my email. I can do this when I have laptop access
Text -- this is new for me and I don't want to give my number out to just anyone but it's easy while I'm out so it's in a prototype testing phase thing

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Comments: 2

Squiggy13 [2013-10-12 23:47:33 +0000 UTC]

He looks great. :3

Pfft, I don't think Mantis would like being around him much, he'd probably box his ears even if Maggot is his brother. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

momma-SHIN In reply to Squiggy13 [2013-10-13 00:18:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks c:

I don't know if mantis could catch him like this. He's like a high school bully and his older siblings like the teachers. When they come around he's all cheesy smiles and buddy buddy with the cats he's bullying lol

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