monstermaster13 — Tia Dalma TG.

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Description A Goddess In Mortal Form
Tia Dalma TG
People with split personalities can be a bit of a pain sometimes, especially when they can't make up their own mind and seem to be indecisive when it comes to what they want.  Mel was dealing with one such person while at her job in the supernatural superstore,  that person was Gilliam or 'Sir Can't Make His Mind Up' as she often referred to him as,  he was going through the book isles and looking for books about werecreatures.  'Is there any reason why you're going through the entirety of the whole damn shelf?'  'Yeah, I'm trying to find the ones that actually can transform you into a werecreature with incantations and stuff.'

'Well we've got plenty of those but please put those back when you're done'.  'Oh, but we have already started going through what we wanted to be. He loves monkeys and apes so he wants to be a weregorilla.'  'Well what's wrong with that?' 'I think gorillas are lame and are too human-like, he has to be a totally not related to humans werecreature'.  'Uhhh..excuse me? Did you  just refer to wereprimates as lame?  Granted i'm not the biggest fan of them myself especially since that one awful ex-roommate of mine tried to pollute my apartment with his hoarding of Diddy Kong related DK merchandise and his gross muscular animal dude calendars, but I think he has the right to choose what he wants to be. So don't call the thing he likes lame.'  The argument went on for several minutes, with Gilliam clearly not being able to make up his mind on what he and his friend wanted.

"But they're too human-like.."

"Yeah yeah I know...but make your damn mind up before I use my magic to SHUT you up." 

"Well he said a were-skunk would be his other choice but I want him to be a were-reptile like what I am as opposed to what he wants.  I think we should be the same family, but not the exact same species.  You see i'm going to be a snake-man..."

"Why should he be a reptile like you when you clearly said he likes monkeys?  He should obviously pick who and what he wants to be since he can make up his mind,  unlike you.  I heard you back there, you were talking to him saying that if he chooses a werecrocodile it shouldn't be pop culture based.  You've got a bad case of a split personality."

"No I don't...at least I think I don't."

"Oh for the love of Francis Ford Coppola,  make up your mind already!"

Gilliam stuttered a little bit before switching between two different werecreature books Advanced Werecreature-Ology and Werecreatures From Around The World, he couldn't decide on which one to buy first or whether or not he should buy both at once,  he kept switching between the two and picking up several more books.  'Are you done yet? I've got other customers to attend to.'  'Almost, but...' 'BUT WHAT? You've been stammering and going back and forth for several minutes and it's annoying as hell. Can't you ever make up your mind?'

Mel just couldn't stand people who couldn't make up their mind on what they wanted and at this point, she was sure she was going to lose her mind by the end of this shift.  'Look, pick one book that you want and take it. If the sticker on the back says you can take another one,  then you can buy a second one'.  'I have to see if there is a sticker?'  'YES!' she rolled her eyes as she gazed over at him,  she couldn't help but imagine herself using her magic to sort him out,  she imagined herself turning him into a koala-girl like her to be her assistant and saying to herself...'Well now he's a LOT more organized'. 

That's when she decided to use one of her spells on him, her eyes turned a neon blue color and gave off a supernatural glow as she hovered in mid-air,  she transferred dark supernatural energy into Gilliam's body which sent him spinning around in circles,  making him quite dizzy but dizziness wasn't the only thing that was hitting him.  His skin slowly started to smoothen and soften as it darkened,  developing an ebony skintone as his arms slenderized, his hands slowly shrinking in the process.  His fingernails lengthened, he grasped his torso as his torso slimmed and his chest followed suit, two round formations developing on it and becoming what were known as breasts.

His dark red button up shirt and jeans slowly contorted as well, becoming a dark brown dress and leggings, his legs lengthened while his hips inflated...his mannish privates subtracting and replacing itself with the female variant as his back arched.  His feet slowly shrank down in size as he slowly grew in height from 5'7 to 5'8,  his shoulders shrank inward as his neckline altered, a beaded necklace materializing around it as his hair turned from dirty brownish to jet black, his hair lengthening and developing dreads in the process,  making him look like he had dread-locks..he felt his new hair with his hands and was shocked.

'What is going on here? You didn't tell me this was real magic.'  'Oh but I did, you just didn't listen closely enough. And now look at you,  why you look like a Pirates Of The Caribbean character.' Mel chuckled as she saw him panicking and trying to adjust to the changes that were happening to his body and form in general.   He looked over at her as his eyebrows thinned and his eyes widened, dark eye makeup applying itself on them as eyelashes blossomed forth and a couple of tribal markings burned themselves onto his face.

His  cheekbones sharpened while his jawline softened,  his features contorted and feminized as his lips plumped up and his teeth dirtied up a little,  making him look like had the teeth of someone who had been at sea for more than a few years.  His features feminized and finalized morphing,  now looking like those of a rather exotic woman.  He coughed as his voice feminized and contorted to go with his appearance,  both of which were those of the character Tia Dalma (the powerful mystic who was also the goddess Calypso).   Now he even had Tia's mannerisms and accent as well.

A few seconds later and his mind and personality merged with Tia's,  her memories slowly overtook his own and he thought he had always been born as a female...specifically as Tia, she remembered that she had come to the store to find something for her love...the infamous Davy Jones.  'Tia, are you alright?' 'Of course i'm alright, my child.' 'You took quite a fall back there.' 'That was because you've got some powerful magic,  Mel.'  'You know my name?'  'Well yes, of course I do. Jack told me of you and your magic.' 

"Oh yes I do remember Jack Sparrow stopping by here a few weeks ago."

"He said a lot of things about you and your magic.  And honestly I am impressed.." 

"Well if you see him,  tell him that he's welcome to stop by again anytime."

"Will do,  oh yes...I will do that."

"So what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for something for my love..."

"Ah,  Davy Jones."

Mel chuckled as she helped Tia search through the store, going through each of the different departments until Tia came across a collection of artifacts including shells and a few lockets, one locket caught the mystic's eye...that locket containing a portrait of a sea-monster on the inside...she picked up and immediately decided on buying the locket. 'This locket here will be perfect...I can see it.'  'Would you like to buy it?' 'Oh yes,  I definitely would. I would definitely love to have this to give to him.'  

Tia handed over a few enhanced monster coins to Mel as Mel handed her the locket, she wrapped the amulet up and smiled as the mystic looks over and smiled a little bit. 'You made a good choice.'  'I think he's going to love this.  It reminds me so much of him.' 'I definitely think so too, it suits him too.  You choose wisely, Tia.' Tia took off with the locket as she headed out,  but before leaving Mel a tip before she left.  Mel looked over at the tip and smiled...'Ah,  don't ya just love it when someone tips you?' 'Looks like another successful sale, you did really good Mel.' Eucalyptus responded,  adjusting her glasses.  'Aaaaw, thanks Eukie.'

And thus with that Mel hugged her best friend and the two of them bonded over another really good sale, both of them were skilled in their field and definitely did some excellent work in their newest shift, a few hours later their shift was over but both of them decided to stay at the shop, just to stick around in case any other surprise guests showed up,  which they sure were to do anyway.  After all...there's nothing more fun than surprises.
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