MonztarVerse — Abel, Saint of Heroes

#abel #angel #angelic #armorofgod #bible #christianity #holy #knight #metahuman #monsterhunter #muscle #originalcharacter #paladin #sacred #saint #superhero #vampirehunter #vampireslayer #knightwarrior
Published: 2021-10-24 19:07:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 18289; Favourites: 85; Downloads: 9
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Abel's Theme:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_29vH…

"I say this to you, big brother.  Where you bring death, I shall bring life. Where you bring sadness, I shall bring joy. Where you bring despair, I shall bring hope. Where you bring war, I shall bring peace. Where you bring darkness, I shall bring the light. Where you bring division, I shall bring unity. Where you bring lies, I shall bring truth. Where you bring the night, I shall bring the day. For as long as my soul continues to shine like the Sun and stars of Heaven, I will always be here to send you back to the depths, back to where you now belong! As long as you and that hag  you call wife wage evil, I will be your nightmare. Evil cannot remain hidden, so I say to all of all Hell, step into the Light!" — Abel.

Name: Abel.

AKA: Able Adamson (modern-day identity), Able And His Disciples (with his Christian rock band), Significantly Better Commander Atlas (by various heroes featured in Blastmasterism324's Savage Beautiful Worlds), the Light in the Darkness, the Hope of the Universe, Great Mentor, Abel from the Bible, Habil, Able, the Knight/Lion/Defender/Scion/Might of God, the True Hero, Shining Knight, Representative of God & Heaven, Angel of the Lord, Divine Wrath of Justice, Icon of Valor, Satan's/the Devil's Brother, Cain's Younger Brother, First of the Found, the First Metahuman/Mutant/Quirk User, the First Martyr, the First Murder Victim, the First Saint, the White Paladin, the First Hero, Saint Vengeance, Good Son, Man of Light, the Shepherd, the Ultimate Vampire Hunter, First Superhero Ever, the Chosen One, Cain's Foil, Heart of Light, Resurrection/Immortal/Eternal Man, Second Son of Adam and Eve, Protector of all Goodness, the Bringer of Light, Saint of Light/Strength/Redemption/Justice, the Legendary Hero, Patron Saint of Heroes/Vampire Hunters, Greatest of All Heroes, Divine Protector/Savior of Mankind, Scourge of Hell, Greatest Enemy of Hell, Light of the World, God's Champion, the Monztarverse's Greatest Champion, the Greater Good, Spirit of Vengeance/Redemption, Representative of Goodness, the Life Bringer, Hero of Heroes, Hero of The Universe/Multiverse, Pillar That Supports the Sky, Champion of Us All, Spirit of Divine retribution, the Good/Benevolent/Heroic One, Bane To All Demons, Devilkiller, Punisher of Bad Souls, Heaven's Mightiest Warrior, the Man Who Would Bring the Light, the One Who Shines Our Darkest Hour, the Doomslayer, the Strongest Man Across the Heavens, the Mahdi, Kalki, Saoshyant, Li Hong, Bibleman, Foolish little brother of mine (by Cain), Piece of shit brother (also by Cain), Adam's good-for-nothing son (by Lilith ), Heavenly Whore, Worthless Piece of Holy Shit, God's Attack Mutt, God's Bottom Bitch, Buckethead, Adam's Rape Baby, etc (various names used by Cain's minions), Our Good Son (by Adam & Eve), Mister Deus Vult (by his friends), the Hallowed Hero (by Spyro ), Brother (by Commander  Atlas ), Sacred Friend (by Arthur), Commander Atlas's Secret Brother (by Asriel), Tin Head (by Krocken ), Big Boy, Abe, Abbie, Abelicious, A-Bear, Muscles, Hunk, Honey (by Mel/Blackswan).

Race/Species: Angel (Erelim).

Sex: Male.

Age: Millennia old (was alive prior to the destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria).

Marital Status: In a relationship.

Height: 210 cm (can change depending on whatever form he's in).

Weight: 139 kg (can change depending on whatever form he's in).

Hair Color: Golden Blonde (Brown in human form).

Eye Color: Golden Yellow (Ice blue in human form.

Place Of Birth: Somewhere in the ancient Middle East (East of Eden).

Current Residence: Mobile (travels wherever his brother may resurrect.)

Occupations: Former shepherd, Patron hero of the Monztarverse, servant and champion of God, Leader of the Warriors of the Light, Leader and founder of Millennium Justice, Christian rock band vocalist, various other jobs he has taken while living amongst humanity.

Affiliations: The Heavenly Host, the other divine pantheons, the Van Helsing Clan, and several members of the Warriors of the Light which have faced off against his brother, Millennium Justice, other hero teams across the multiverse.

Relatives:  Adam (father), Eve (mother,), God (parents' creator/grandfather), Cain (brother), Seth (brother), Awan (sister), Luluwa (sister), Azura (sister), Lilith (sister-in-law), Enoch, Olad, Lizpha, Fosal (nephews), Citha, Maac (nieces), all metahumans (fellow kin), the Helsing Clan (blood relatives descendants of Seth), Van Helsing (lineal descendant via Seth), Lucifer (relative), Jesus Christ (relative), Mel (girlfriend).

Alignment: Supreme Good.

Weapons And Equipment:

  • The Full Armor of God: Abel's mystical holy combat armor, the armor that is described in Ephesians 6:10-18, which further increases his power and might, allowing Abel to take his stand against his devilish brother more effectively. The Armor of God is a shimmering suit of armor forged and made in Heaven from the finest holy metals of the celestial skylands, comprised of the Waistbelt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Boots of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Aside from donning the whole armor, Abel can also summon individual pieces of the armor to perform a specific task (ex. summoning the Shield of Faith to defend or the Sword of the Spirit to cleave though demonic hordes). He can also lend his armor to other righteous people to use, even those who don't practice the Christian faith can put on the Full Armor of God. As long as the person whom Abel is lending his armor to is a true righteous soul, then they too can use the power of the armor. The Armor of God is incredibly durable. Absolutely no one except for Cain has been capable of causing scratches and dents on the armor, a testament to the armor's power and durability. The Full Armor of God cannot be used for evil or for selfish purposes, nor can it be used by anyone else other than Abel, unless he grants them permission to do so beforehand.
    • Self-Repair: The Armor of God restores itself from damage when laid out near a ley line or place of power.
    • Power Increase: Abel is already an incredibly powerful being. Upon donning the Full Armor of God, he gains a greater power boost, further increasing his power level.
    • The Boots of Peace: Platinum-colored metal greaves with golden crosses and wings which Abel wears on his feet. With them, Abel is as light as an elf, so much so that no reed or blade of grass ever bends under his weight. As such, while wearing them, he can easily run along the tops of trees through a forest and travel across grass and heather just as easily over roads as they are as firm under his feet as paving stones.
    • Waistbelt of Truth: The first piece and perhaps, the most pivotal one of God's Armor that materializes on Abel whenever he suits up. It holds the armor together, and houses the scabbard in which the Sword of the Spirit is stored in, thus linking truth and the Word together, the perfect counter to Cain's Lies. The belt increases Abel's natural strength and stamina, and features detachable utility pouches, a scabbard for the Sword of the Spirit, sheaths for his daggers, and a buckle with the symbol of the Three Crosses.
      • Millennium Justice Communicator Device: Like fellow member Major Supreme, Abel has integrated in the buckle of his belt, a communications device that allows him to communicate with his teammates when needed.
      • Dimensional Gate: A special gadget which allows Abel to travel to other realities where the innocent and those crushed underneath the heel of tyranny need him. Given to him by his girlfriend Mel. Only two of these devices are known to exist, Mel possessing the other.
    • Shield of Faith: Abel's mystical shield, which he uses to extinguish Cain's flaming arrows, as well as protect himself from other weapons and energy blasts. It is a large, rectangular silver/platinum shield decorated with a large golden cross. Whenever the magic of the Shield is activated, the gold cross glows. The Shield of Faith makes for a formidable and devastating hand-held offensive weapon, and not just for defense, with Abel smashing it hard against his enemies and pushing them away with great force. Furthermore, the shield's razor-sharp edge located at the bottom part proves a handy additional bladed weapon in close combat. The Shield of Faith could also be used as a thrown weapon, like a large discus.
      • Indestructibility: Much like Guardian Athena 's Aegis Gauntlets, the Shield of Faith is nigh-indestructible and can withstand massive concussive force, able to deflect disintegration blasts and reflect/return said blasts at targets, as well as bullets, missiles, laser fire, torrents of demonic lightning, dragon firebreath, massive blasts of concussive energy, including energy magical and/or demonic in nature, withstand great falls, survive the heat of a blue star, withstand highly concentrated corrosive acids, attacks from the Sword of the Sinful, and much more. While Cain has been capable of damaging the rest of Abel's armor, he has not ever been able of damaging the Shield of Faith.
      • Magic Absorption: The Shield of Faith can deflect, disrupt, absorb or penetrate mystical energy fields and energy beams.
        • Magic Immunity: The Shield of Faith is immune to magical powers, granting Abel an immunity to magic while wielding it.
      • Psychic Resistance: The Shield of Faith also prevents psychic influences and attacks from harming Abel. The shield protects him from telepathic detection, probing and assault, as well as illusions, even those cast by Cain's. Abel can always see through whatever illusion his brother may cast while wielding his shield.
      • Protection Spells: Abel's shield can form protection force fields that are as indestructible as the Shield of Faith itself, either as domes or large walls and barriers of varying lengths and girths.
      • Energy Bolts: After Abel's shield absorbs energy from any attack it deflects (kinetic, elemental, magical, energy-based, etc), the Shield of Faith can then emit that same energy as powerful divine destructive energy, similar to lightning bolts. Through this, the Shield can project powerful energy blasts and/ or unleash powerful destructive force in the form of shockwaves. However, the Shield is drained of the energy it absorbs using this spell, as well as how long the spell is used.
    • The Sword of the Spirit: The Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, is Abel's signature melee weapon. When Abel is ready to finish his opponent, he unsheathes the sword, ready to strike down his enemy once and for all in a single strike. All matter of demons and monsters are instantly destroyed by the sword in a single hit. Not even the mightiest of vampires and demons can stand up to the blade. Backed by Abel's strength and might, the Sword of the Spirit can obliterate any substance and slash through any barrier that stands in its way. Thus far, only Cain has been able to resist more than one attack from the Sword of the Spirit. Abel's sword is the strongest weapon in Monztarverse Chronicles, far stronger than Van Helsing 's whip, Mjølnir, Excalibur, Guardian Athena's sword and lasso, Libertina Glory's rifle, Poseidon's Trident, and all other mighty holy weapons of legend. Cain has scoffed at all other divine weapons used against him. However, the Sword of the Spirit is the one thing he fears. Completely unbreakable, the Sword of the Spirit is a massive, duel-bladed greatsword, with its hilt being in the shape of the Cross, which constantly surges with energy bolts throughout it, burning from the tip to Abel's hand, and grants him great power. Due to its divine nature, the Word can injure otherwise invulnerable beings as well as those that are invisible or intangible, is incredibly sharp and indestructible (showing no apparent damage after Abel's extensive use of it for centuries). When other people lift Abel's sword, they are either unable to, or even if they do somehow, it acts like a normal sword. When a vampire or other creature of darkness attempts to lift it, they are immediately incinerated upon touching the handle alone.
      • Indestructibility: Due to the various ores, metals and magic the sword was forged from, it is an incredibly sharp and durable weapon. It is virtually indestructible and able to cut through any substance. It is also immune to all magical enchantments of demonic nature.
      • Sharpness: Aside from being practically indestructible, the sword can cut through any material, including ghosts, spirits, even atoms and electrons, and can chop through even other enchanted weapons and extremely strong metals like Adamantite and Uru. The sword is the embodiment of the Word of God, and Hebrews 4:12 states, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
      • God's Eternal Fire: When the Sword of the Spirit glows blue, it channels God's blue flames, further increasing its striking power. It superheats its surface, becoming like molten steel and ignites powerful blue holy flames on any surface (flesh, wood, stone, metal, ect) that burns so hot that not even supernatural water or ice can’t extinguish it. These blue flames are capable of extinguishing unholy beings of darkness into ashes, or even nothingness, completely disintegrating everything and anything which Abel waves the sword at, changing it into nothing more than ash, engulfing the surrounding landscape in a blazing firestorm. Only once they taste the blood of Cain will the flames be extinguished. As Abel is in sync with the blade, this grants him complete control of the sword's blue flames, when he releases a wave of flames, he can control the direction of where the flames are being thrown at.
      • Unstoppable Poison: Any wound inflicted by the Sword of the Spirit spreads until it rips the inflicted apart. This overrides even high-level regenerative healing factors. As a matter of fact, God gave this ability to the Sword specifically to counter Cain's healing factor. The only known cure to this magic is to have the wound be healed by wrapping it in a bandage soaked in Abel's blood.
      • Mystical Link/Teleportation: The Sword of the Spirit forms a mystical bond with its rightful wielder, allowing Abel to transport himself across space and time to each other's location if separated. As such, Abel can be transported to the blade's location or vice versa through a mystic ceremony (long range) or through sheer act of will (short range).
      • Illumination: Abel's sword can illuminate the surrounding area in a golden glow. This can be used to light darkened areas or vaporize creatures formed from darkness.
      • Duplication: The Sword of the Spirit can split parts of itself and form additional swords, able to spawn thousands of them which can be used for attacking hordes of enemies.
      • Elongation: The Sword of the Spirit can also increase in length many times its original size, allowing Abel to strike down opponents from afar with it.
  • Angel Lance: This is Abel's secondary weapon after his sword. It is a blessed, ornate, ivory white and gold accented cavalry lance-javelin forged from the the finest Empyrean steel, he can use it as a spear and javelin, throwing it from afar to pierce far-away enemies. The lance can become engulfed with holy fire for increased effectiveness. Once thrown, Abel can call the lance back to his grasp, preventing villains from using it against him.
  • Twin Enochian Blades: Abel also carries two small angelic knives in sheaths worn on the Waistbelt of Truth, with the hilts facing outward so that he can easily draw them. He uses them for sneak attacks and slitting enemies' throats.
  • Talisman of the 7 Archangels: Abel has a talisman blessed by the 7 Heavenly Virtues, which he draws power from to increase the potency of his attacks. The talisman can also be used as a focus for his power.
  • Copy of the Skeleton Key of St. Peter: As a member of Millennium Justice, Abel has a copy of Van Helsing's magical key to The Ravencrest Manor, in order to have access to the Manor on his own. With the Key, Abel can summon anything he desires from inside the Manor to him by simply inserting the key into the open space around him and can send things/others to the Manor just as easily. This also doubles as a great holding cell for prisoners he may wish to interrogate or transport as they can’t escape on their own, or safe houses for people he may need to protect as their assailants can’t break in without magical aid. The Skeleton Key can also open any locked door no matter if it is sealed by magic or welded shut.
  • Heaven's Legend: Millennium Justice is known to employ various bases, but one stands out from the rest, their main one, as well as Abel's personal headquarters. Enter Heaven's Legend, a mystical steam locomotive, given to Abel by "a close friend from another dimension." At one point in time, Heaven's Legend was once an ordinary old-school steam-powered train, which has been repurposed into the ultimate base of operations and siege machine in the battle against Cain and the Forces of Evil. Colored gold and royal blue, Heaven's Legend is far stronger, faster, and tougher than any steam locomotive. In tandem with its generated holy energy shields, Heaven's Legend can be used as a battering ram, with extreme efficiency, even against beings as mighty as Cain himself. Running on holy water and gold nuggets from Heaven, the train defies the laws of physics, is capable of treading on vertical surfaces, can fly and can create its own tracks to go anywhere and cross over any surface. When moving at fast speeds, the wheels on Heaven's Legend become engulfed with holy fire, as it leaves a fiery trail behind. Several of its cars are weaponized, housing angelic blasters, a massive canon that fires Empyrean bombs, several missile launchers equipped with blessed missiles, angelic blasters, pylons that generate holy electricity, mounted holy flamethrowers, and many more sacred armaments. Furthermore, the train can erect holy energy shields for further protection, while also further fortifying the train whenever Abel uses it as a battering ram. It also houses an on-board security system to prevent any unwanted guests from boarding inside. Its passenger cars, are far bigger on the inside than what the outside would suggest, able to house multiple occupants. The train's whistle brings comfort and hope to any good and kind hearts, and causes immeasurable pain in the ears of the wicked.
  • Altair, Eagle Familiar: Altair is Abel's pet eagle and companion, also serving him as a spy, scout, and interceptor. Once an ordinary baby eagle, Abel had blessed him with holy powers. Altair acts as Abel's eyes and ears for the happenings across Earth and realms beyond, and is also usually the one who will warn him about evil afoot. Whatever Altair sees and hears, Abel too can see and hear. Both angel and bird can sense where each other are at any moment, and communicate telepathically with each other. Additionally, Altair has enhanced strength, endurance, and agility. He can fly easily and swiftly even in the vast emptiness of space, perceiving his surroundings while moving at high speed and executing aerial maneuvers. He can travel across any dimensional barriers is immune to all holding spells. He also has the ability to shoot laser beams from his eyes. His golden beak and silver talons can rip through even tough metal, while he can slice through enemies with his wings. In a fight, Altair is not afraid to attack beasts many times larger than himself, such as wyverns and dragons.
  • Whitehorn, Abel's Noble Steed: Whitehorn is Abel's alicorn and his ever-loyal steed. Hailing from the Fae Realm, this sacred stallion could never be tamed by anyone, be it man or monster, except for Abel, for only someone as pure and brave and steadfast of character like Abel can ride Whitehorn's back. At some point in history, Abel had tamed the holy stallion (thus far having been the only person who managed to do so), and the two have survived countless battles together ever since then. Whitehorn is a titanic divine wild beast, roughly the size of a warhorse, and loves battling fiends from Hell. He will slay every evil creature set in his path, using his mighty strength and silver hooves to crush any demonic foe into a bloody pulp, and using his gold spiraling horn to rip apart his enemy into pieces. Abel can call upon Whitehorn at any moment from the Fae Realm to ride into battle. Their rider-mount bond grants them a few other mystical and telepathic abilities in addition to the ones they already possess, such as communicating telepathically with each other no matter the distance, seeing and hearing what the other sees and hears, sensing where each other are at any moment, and viewing memories that the other is willing to let be seen. Whitehorn will only allow someone with a pure heart, such as Abel, to ride him.

Powers: To view a more complete description of them, click here.

  • Almighty Ascension/Transcendent Angel Physiology.
    • Warrior Angel.
    • Absolute Embodiment.
    • Metahuman Powers.
      • Life of God/Absolute Immortality.
        • Self-Sustenance.
        • Absolute Resurrection.
          • Environmental Adaptation.
          • Reactive Adaptation.
        • Absolute Regeneration.
          • Disease/Contaminant Immunity.
          • Blood Curse Immunity.
      • Super Senses.
        • Supernatural Detection.
        • Soul Reading.
        • Empathic Reading.
          • Identity Detection.
        • Super/Telescopic Vision
          • Astral Perception.
          • Aura Perception.
          • Night Vision.
        • Super Hearing.
      • Super-Ventriloquism.
      • Eye Beams.
        • Spatial Awareness.
    • Divine Powers.
      • Holy Nature.
      • Nigh-Omnipotence.
        • Limitless Power.
      • Divine Presence.
      • Good Lordship.
        • Sin Immunity.
        • Good Heart & Soul.
          • Inner Light.
        • Blessing Inducement.
        • Virtue Inducement.
      • Destiny Chosen.
      • Patron Saint (of Heroes and Vampire Hunters).
        • Transcendent Monster/Demon Slayer.
      • True Hero Archetype.
        • Heroism Embodiment.
        • Courage Embodiment.
        • Courage & Bravery Inducement.
        • Goodness Sense & Inducement.
        • Love Empowerment.
        • Preservation.
        • Purification.
          • Salvation.
      • Miracle Performing.
      • Faith Empowerment.
      • Afterlife Judgement.
      • Punishment.
        • Smiting.
        • Judgment Stare.
        • The Plagues of Egypt.
          • Plague of Blood.
          • Plague of Frogs.
          • Plague of Lice.
          • Plague of Flies.
          • Plague of Beasts of Burden And Livestock.
          • Plague of Boils And Sores.
          • Plague of Hail and Fire.
          • Plague of Locusts.
          • Plague of Darkness.
          • Plague of The Firstborn.
      • Transcendent Voice.
      • Strength of God/Divine Strength.
        • Super Leaps.
      • God is my Refuge/Divine Durability.
        • Omni-Protection.
        • Magical Resistance.
        • Immunity to All Angel Weaknesses.
      • Divine Stamina.
        • Immense Endurance.
      • Readiness of the Gospel of Peace/Divine Speed.
        • Super Agility.
        • Super Reflexes.
      • The Wisdom of Solomon.
        • Superhuman Knowledge.
        • Clairvoyance.
        • Omnilingual.
      • Vampire Power Resistance.
      • Possession Immunity.
      • Cosmic Awareness.
      • Sealing.
      • Banishment.
      • Sacred Energy Manipulation/Projection.
        • Access to The Ohr.
        • Kamehameha.
        • Stardust Breaker.
        • Holy Aura.
          • Holy Backlight.
          • Flight.
      • Wings.
      • Angelic Rage State.
      • Mechanokinesis.
      • Invisibility.
      • Dreamwalking.
      • Cloudwalking.
      • Intangibility Cancellation.
      • Divine Healing.
      • Telekinesis.
      • Telepathy.
      • Angelic Possession.
      • Heavenly Element Manipulation.
        • Astrokinesis.
        • Pyrokinesis.
        • Photokinesis.
          • Angel Halo.
          • Rainbow Generation.
          • Holy White Light Burst.
        • Electrokinesis.
          • Electric Aura.
          • Electroreception.
          • Thunder Manipulation.
        • Hydrokinesis.
        • Aerokinesis.
      • Shapeshifting.
      • Abel's Celestial Army.
      • White Magic.
        • Exorcism.
        • Enochian Wards.
        • Razormagick.
        • Summoning.


  • Legendary Godly Knight: Throughout history, Abel has been considered by many to be one of the greatest warriors to serve God in the ages-long war against Cain, if not THE single greatest one, seamlessly incorporating hand-to-hand combat, slashes with the Sword of the Spirit, shield bashes with the Shield of Faith, and various forms of his powers in his own personalized formidable style. Alongside what he has learned from Heaven's mightiest archangels, Abel has further complemented his fighting prowess with various alien martial arts and even some from Earth's. Cain's brother is the one who trains the other heroes and helps them prepare for the upcoming wars against Cain and the armies of Hell. He has immense offensive and defensive abilities unsurpassed by any other hero and heavenly fighter. His level of combat skills are undisputed by the rest of the angels of the Lord. With his skills, he can face all of his Millennium Justice teammates together during sparring sessions, and can likewise defeat all of the Seven Heavenly Virtues together at the same time. He can overpower entire armies of Hell on his own, where even the likes of Van Helsing, Guardian Athena or even the Archangel Michael and Major Supreme in his Tyrannoc God form may falter. Similarly, Abel can face Enoch and the rest of Cain and Lilith's hybrid children together at the same time an destroy them all. In a weakened state, Abel has shown being capable of fighting while blind against a legion of Cain's strongest troops, solo. Even when pushed into a near hopeless situation, Abel never gives up and is capable of multitasking, performing both acts of fighting and saving lives at the same time. He also possesses a very high level of intellect, which he uses to plan his attacks in a more cautious, careful, and intelligent way. Abel prefers to end a fight as quick as he can, willing to target his opponent's vulnerable spots to gain a quick victory, if it's possible. Abel is a true battle-hardened veteran, and the only being in all of the Mortal Plane that is capable of rivaling his brother's fighting skills on equal terms.
    • Master Combatant: Abel, having been trained in the arts of war by the strongest archangels of Heaven and having millennia's worth of combat experience, is one of the greatest and most powerful warriors amongst the forces of good, earning him the title of Heaven's Mightiest Warrior. Major Supreme, Guardian Athena, and even the proud Prince Karne regard Abel as their superior in the arts of hand-to-hand combat. Even the gods of war from various myths and religions consider Abel's martial arts skills unrivaled by anyone else in the universe save for his brother. Abel's great strength and immense durability are great assets to him when fighting other super-powered beings. Most of his fights are a brawling contest, but when called for it, he can employ his incredible martial abilities and skills to take out opponents quickly and efficiently, while remaining calm and level-headed. He can slay armored warriors and soldiers, and demonic beings just with his bare hands alone, without the need of any holy weapon. His fists and feet are considered holy weapons themselves. He can defeat and tear apart even giants far bigger than himself just with his own skills in hand-to-hand combat. Furthermore, Abel has mastered Ultra Instinct, enabling his body to think, decide and act on its own, allowing him to attack and defend unconsciously. He is also well-versed in Pressure Point Combat. The only being who is considered Abel's rival in hand-to-hand fighting skills is Cain.
    • Master Armed Combatant: Aside from hand-to-hand combat, Abel is also proficient with various types of weaponry, both melee and long-ranged, that he can get his hands on, including swords, lances, javelins, maces, daggers, warhammers, axes, shields, scythes, gauntlets, greaves, bow and arrows, crossbows, firearms, alien beam canons, and even unorthodox supernatural weapons. However, he usually prefers to wield his Sword of the Spirit and Shield of Faith during battle, having fought and defeated several demonic monsters and villains with them. Due to being a blood relative of Van Helsing, Abel can use the Vampire Killer Whip with master proficiency. In the case of firearms, Abel can infuse his own holy energy into whatever gun he's holding, creating a far more devastating weapon.
      • Master Swordsman: Abel is exceptionally proficient in using the Sword of the Spirit, due to millenniums of practice wielding it along with tactical planning in armed combat; however, he won’t kill unless absolutely necessary. As such, he can dual/single wield traditional and unorthodox bladed weaponry, slash at targets even while racing past on Whitehorn's back, slice apart mid-air projectiles fired at him, slay mythical monsters and beings, and engage, hold his own and defeat hordes of enemies in single combat, up-close or from a distance, making him a very versatile combatant. He can even disarm opponents of their bladed weapons and immediately counterattack with them. Only Cain can match Abel's swashbuckling skills.
      • Master Shield Fighter: Abel's centuries of training and experience with his unique shield make him extremely adept at using the Shield of Faith as an offensive weapon. Aside from using his shield as a tool for bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, he can throw it as a projectile similar to Captain America. However, due to the shield's shape, Abel can only throw it in a straight-line path.
      • Experienced Archer/Marksman: Abel, despite hardly ever using a bow in combat, is nonetheless highly skilled in utilizing them, having perfected the art of archery across the ages. He is proficient at hitting targets, even ones moving at considerable speed, with either his sword, shield, projectile forms of his powers, or throwable weaponry. This marksmanship also transfers to guns and alien blasters. With a thrown javelin, he was able to fatally injure a demon lord with little effort. Even with melee weapons such as hammers and maces, Abel can throw them as a last-ditch resort (or in some cases, as a sneak attack) with high accuracy at an enemy’s head.
    • Expert Tracker: Abel, as one of the first vampire hunters to ever exist, is skilled in tracking monsters and the supernatural, both in urban and wilderness environments. His tracking abilities are on par with those of Van Helsing's. Across time, Abel has always followed Cain across the Mortal Plane, trying to rid the world of his brother's evil.
    • Experienced Horseback Rider: Abel is a highly skilled horseback rider, due to his years of monster hunting and fighting against his brother and his troops, able to attack and fight while riding Whitehorn.
  • Influential Connections: Abel has the full support of Heaven and the whole Heavenly Host, and as the Universe's greatest hero and founding member of Millennium Justice, he has a good reputation among Earth's heroes, who would answer his call if needed and he would answer their call in return. He also has good relations with gods from other pantheons and monarchs and royals from other kingdoms of Earth and the other realms.
  • Talented Public Speaker: Abel's ability to rally angelic troops and Millennium Justice teammates is 2nd to none. Heroes, soldiers, warriors, common civilians, and even gods and former villains alike, will stop whatever their doing to listen to what Abel has to say. He has addressed Empyrean masses, rallied troops and fellow heroes into battle, inspired others to take up the good fight and begin their respective hero careers, brought council to the distraught, and given hope for a brighter future to many with just his words. He has also married some of his Millennium Justice teammates.
  • Seduction Immunity: Due to his celibate vow, Abel is immune to normal/supernatural seduction attempts from even the most alluring of women and females, and is immune to sexually-based powers. This said, he still takes extra precautions when facing Lilith, such as blindfolding his eyes in order to not see her during their first battle, for example. One certain elf, however, did manage to seduce him, getting him to break his vows to share their love together.
  • Gifted Intelligence: Abel is extremely intelligent and has a passion of knowledge, which is greatly enhanced by his tremendously long immortal lifespan, which extends for countless millennia, as well as the blessing of Solomon's Wisdom. Abel's intellectual genius grants him an immense amount of knowledge on various mythical and other realm subjects. His intellectual skills also extends itself to his combat, perceptiveness, stealth, and arcane lore. Together with his father Adam, they helped the Apostles write the Bible, and forged the Vampire Killer Whip.
    • Master Shepherd: Abel was the first shepherd according to the Bible with skill in handling numerous sorts of animals. His animal husbandry skills allow him to tame and/or train various types of animals to the point of domestication, getting all matter of beasts to trust him. He can tame and train the most volatile and vicious of beasts and even magical creatures. With this, he was capable of taming Whitehorn and make the mighty alicorn into his steed.
    • Leadership & Tactics: Ever since his brother began his war against God and the Mortal Plane, Abel has been on the frontlines as a leader towards his fellow heroes. As the brother of the Devil and longtime veteran in the war against the Devil, he had to learn the burden of leadership through command of armies against those who desire to plunge the Universe in darkness, proving himself as a gifted commander and strategist. He is able to successfully lead both armies during wars and small squads of superheroes during missions. He is very analytical, cautious, observant, calm, and composed, making plans and countermeasures first, before engaging his enemies. Abel specializes in ambush and guerrilla warfare, coming up with extraordinary plans to trap large numbers of monsters and other enemies, eliminating them all with efficiency. Major Supreme and Guardian Athena do not mind letting Abel take the reigns if necessary. Abel is capable of outsmarting even Cain, using his brother's own cunning strategies against him, while remaining calm and level-headed. Abel employs strategies and tactics from possibly every culture on Earth, usually being mistaken for an entire squad of soldiers, rather than a single man. He commonly utilizes cunning tactics to outwit his foes, relying on his plans and experience to outmaneuver many adversaries. Due to this, he can swiftly make a mental breakdown of the fighting styles and weaknesses of almost any fighter he is up against.
    • Advanced Scriptural Knowledge: Abel knows every single line in the Bible and can quote it on command, always with something relevant to the situation at hand. He even uses it for mid-battle taunting. On occasions, Abel has used scripture to obliterate his foes and cast them back to Hell.
    • Archaeology: Abel, being one of the first humans born from Adam and Eve, has an immense knowledge of arcane lore, ancient history and culture from all around the world, and from all aspects of human culture. As such, he can easily identify such buildings and artifacts to their respective time period of origin and their history from nothing more than what he can see.
    • Occultism: Abel's centuries of experience in dealing with supernatural and mythical beings of all sorts has given him expertise in all types of folklore, supernatural mythology, magical rituals, the use of charms and curses, paranormal creatures and other related topics, even able to recognize the powers of certain supernatural beings and their weaknesses (especially his brother).
    • Eidetic Memory: Abel has total recall and can remember just about anything in great detail, even events that happened many centuries years ago with perfect clarity. He can memorize, understand and recall all kinds of information and skills in extraordinary capacity and in limited time.
  • Chivalry: Abel is the prime example of what a noble knight is and should aspire to. He is able to manifest great courage and nobility at all times, especially in the face of adversity, including Cain. His selflessness and determination makes him very charismatic, able to earn the trust of those around him quickly. He is also well versed in the seven knightly virtues. These are: Courage, justice, mercy, generosity, faith, nobility, and hope.
  • Intimidation: Due to his actions and lore surrounding him, the brother of Cain is greatly feared by all of Hell itself. There are monsters which do not fear Van Helsing or even the Archangel Michael whatsoever. Those which do not fear Van Helsing or the archangels of Heaven, fear Abel. Even Cain and Lilith's strongest minions, at the very least, respect Abel's power and authority.
  • Thievery: Although these are skills he generally frowns upon as they're usually employed by those on the other side of the law, Abel is a skilled thief nonetheless thanks to Mel teaching him, and otherwise learning from her via watching her in the act as he goes off to stop her. He is skilled in stealth, lockpicking, escapology, evading alarms, and cracking safes. He usually resorts to this whenever a mission requires stealth, rather than holy power-backed brawn. This has allowed him to disarm Cain of his weapon without him knowing it.
  • Indomitable Will: Abel possesses a tremendous amount of willpower and determination that cannot be weakened. No matter the situation, no matter the opponents or obstacles he may face, he always pushes forward, refusing to give up regardless of what may happen. His spirit is unbreakable, and absolutely refuses to give up on the mission. He has been shown to rise from defeat and loss, such as the deaths of allies and loved ones, even stronger than before. His determination to defeat his brother and wipe out his minions and protect humanity and the rest of the universe's mortals has remained with him constantly for many years. The Archangel Michael describes Abel's will as a sword which cuts through all matter of enemies.
    • Indomitable Heroism: Abel's force of will is what drives him to be the Monztarverse's greatest hero, protecting and saving the world and universe, and inspiring the hearts and minds of countless individuals with his example. His heroism is unwavering, and will always be willing to go to great lengths to correct injustices and uphold righteousness far and wide, assuming the roles of leader, rescuer, and symbolic figure for those in need across the cosmos and beyond. Fueled by his indomitable heroism, Abel fearlessly faces any danger that threatens the well-being of others, never hesitating to put his own lives on the line for the greater good. His unwavering determination to do the right thing serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for everyone around him, motivating others to follow his example and embrace their own heroic qualities. His heroism knows no bounds, transcending any obstacle or adversity he encounters. He continues to stand strong in the face of challenges, overcoming whatever fears and doubts he may have  to be the beacon of courage and righteousness which others known him as.
  • Indomitable Rage: Abel also possesses an undying righteous fury aimed against the forces of Darkness and Hell. His rage is such that it was enough to keep him alive and propel him forward even after his brother and his sister-in-law subjected him into a literal Hell. The intense hatred he feels towards Cain and his cohorts have not only given him insurmountable strength to wade through waves upon waves of monstrous fiends and apparitions, but made him legendary in the annals of history across multiple dimensions as well as in their recorded fables.

Weaknesses: Abel may be the most powerful hero on the side of good. Even he, however, is not fully invincible, and has weaknesses of his own. These are:

  • Cain: Compared to the rest of his fellow heroes and beings of the light, Abel has very few weaknesses. He does possess one prominent weakness, however. That weakness is none other than his own brother. As the mightiest of all heroes of the side of goodness, the only other being who can rival Abel in power and skill is Cain. Only the Father of All Vampires can fatally wound him, and only the Father of All Vampires can kill him and claim his soul, thus, terminating Abel's cycle of resurrection. He cannot save the souls of those who have been slayed by his brother, as neither God. Cain cannot just harm Abel physically, but also emotionally. Despite everything Cain has done up to now, Abel still considers him his brother. More than once, has Cain exploited Abel's brotherly love towards him, and the results for this have all been disastrous for the heroes.
  • Beings of Equal or Greater Power: Certain beings that are equal or more powerful than Abel, can harm him without having to rely on his specific weaknesses as a crutch. However, even then, this is still a difficult task to carry out.
  • High-level Magic: Abel can be harmed by magical spells and mystical attacks that come from magical sources that are higher in power than his own.

Click here to read Abel's backstory.

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Blastmasterism324 [2023-07-17 19:05:27 +0000 UTC]

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MonztarVerse In reply to Blastmasterism324 [2023-08-12 19:57:56 +0000 UTC]

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Almighty777 [2022-03-06 03:59:44 +0000 UTC]

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