MonztarVerse — Cerberus, Watchdog of Hell

#dog #muscledog #cerberus #demon #giantmonster #greekmyth #greekmythology #hellhound #kaiju #monster #originalcharacter #pitbull #supervillain #greekmythologymonsters
Published: 2021-11-16 19:50:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 28306; Favourites: 141; Downloads: 8
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Description Cerberus' Theme:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE1Scw…

"Sic ’em, Cerberus!" — Cain ordering Cerberus to attack someone.

Name: Cerberus.

AKA: Demon of The Pit, Cancerbero, Kerberos, Great Hound of Hell, the Hellbeast, Watchdog of Hell, the Hellhound King, Monster With Many Mouths, the Gatekeeper, Cain's Hound, Beast of Darkness/Hellfire, the Stygian Dog, Hound of Hades/Disaster, Cain's Guard Dog, Devourer of Shades, Vicious Keeper, Hell's Top Dog, Guardian of The Underworld, Spotted One/Spot.

Race/Species: Hellhound.

Sex: Male.

Age: At least millions of years old (was born some time before the Titanomachy).

Marital Status: Single.

Length: 200 Meters.

Weight: At least 10000 tons.

Fur Color: Black, with red markings on his muzzles and paws.

Eye Color: Yellow (Right head, snake mane and serpent-tail), Green (Middle head), Red (Left head).

Place Of Birth: Arima, Cilica, Earth.

Current Residence: Hell.

Occupations: Cain's pet and guardian, Gatekeeper of Hell, Ruler of Hell's Circle of Gluttony.

Affiliations: Cain's family and the Hellish Hordes.

Relatives: Typhon (father), Echidna (mother), Nemean Lion, Orthrus, Colchian Dragon, and Ladon (brothers), Scylla, the Crommyonian Sow, the Greek Sphinx, Lernaean Hydra, the Chimera, and Caucasian Eagle (sisters), hellhounds (offspring), the Harpies (kinfolk), lesser chimeras and manticores (relatives), hydras (relatives).

Alignment: Evil.

Weapons And Equipment:

  • Spiked Collars: Cerberus wears metal collars with golden spikes on his three necks, each with a dog tag decorated with his master's symbol.


  • Hellhound/Giant Monster Physiology: Born of monstrous heritage and raised by Cain himself, this demonic canine now guards the Gates of Hell. Cerberus, Cain's kaiju-sized canine faithful companion, is a hellhound, supernatural canines hailing from Hell, considered omens of death by those unfortunate enough to catch a glimpse of them. Features that have been attributed to hellhounds include red-hot or coal-black fur matted with soot or ash, glowing red or yellow eyes, super strength and speed which allows them to overtake their quarry, hellfire manipulation, ghostly/phantom characteristics, and a foul odor like sulfur. Cerberus is the biggest, strongest, and most vicious hellhound in existence, as well as the first hellhound to ever exist, the progenitor of these types of demons. He is the son of Typhon and Echidna, the most powerful monsters to ever threaten the Olympian gods. Among his siblings include the worst monsters ever featured in Greek and Roman mythology. He serves as the main Guardian of Hell, only allowing the damned souls of those whom have recently died to enter, and never allowing anyone in Cain's Realm to leave. He was the last and strongest monster Hercules had to face while performing his 12 Labors. Whenever his master resurrects on Earth, Cerberus serves as the first line of defense that the Warriors of The Light must break through in order to confront Cain. Only the foolish or truly mighty dare confront this magnificent beast. Cerberus obeys only his master  and his mistress , as well as their children.
    • Immortality: As a demon dog and mythical beast, Cerberus is effectively immortal, and thus, immune to age, diseases and toxins, and death to natural causes, having been born some time before the Titanomachy. He will live for all eternity as Hell's watchdog without ever aging. This immortality also grants Cerberus the ability to survive in any hostile environment, including underwater and in outer space. All demons are part of Cain, and Cerberus is no exception. As long as the First Vampire exists, Cerberus too will continue to exist. Despite being immortal, Cerberus can succumb to an unnatural death, such as murder. Should this happen, Cerberus’ essence will be transported back to Hell. Among the only known things that can kill Cerberus include: holy weapons forged in Heaven, the power of God and other divine beings, and the power of his master Cain.
      • Demonic Strength: Like other hellhounds, Cerberus possesses great levels of super strength, able to break chains built specifically to restrain him in place. This has helped him perform his duty as the Guardian of Hell very well throughout centuries. He is far larger than any hellhound, with the power to match his size, allowing him to perform staggering feats of strength greater than that of his smaller kin. No hellhound can match him in physical might. Cerberus stands as one of the most physically powerful monsters of Greek myth. Other infernal kaiju may be bigger and thus, more physically powerful than Cerberus, but Cerberus is the strongest pound for pound. In terms of relative strength, Cerberus is the strongest among all of Cain's giant monsters. Cerberus also possess the highest bite force among all of Cain's giant monsters, all three of his heads. As the Guardian of Hell, his level of superhuman strength is a must. With his strength and size, he can lift/press/crush massive boulders with ease, tear giant mechs apart, create violent destructive earthquakes and shockwaves by slamming his paws into the ground, create tremendously powerful sonic vibrations by snapping his jaws shut, rupture the ground around him to send meteor-like rocks hurtling all around, crush huge vehicles with his jaws or paws, rip apart weaker kaiju and munch them into mincemeat, literally rip mountains and skyscrapers off the face of the Earth and suspend them in midair (before dropping them down onto his enemies), and break through massive reinforced barriers (forged from stone, metal, dark and divine energy, alien technology, etc), able to withstand asteroids, meteors and incoming enemy attacks by simply running through them in a charging force.
        • Super Leaps: This strength also extends to Cerberus' legs, allowing him to pounce on top of his enemies and prey, and jump immense vertical and horizontal distances, with him leaping across entire towns and cities effortlessly.
        • Jaws: Cerberus possesses the highest bite force amongst all hellhounds, and among all of Cain's giant monsters. He is able to munch up giant sheets of adamantite as if they were mere chew toys and reduce megazords into scrap metal. Once having bitten an enemy, he will not release until something else captures his interest. Otherwise, he will hold onto his prey, shaking and thrashing them about, until they are completely torn apart. His jaws also feature a locking mechanism, allowing him to effectively, "lock his jaws" and never let go until his victim is dead. Anyone and anything caught by those jaws of his quickly gets turned into bloody mulch in mere seconds. His snake-tail also possesses an inhuman amount of bite force, able to snap man-sized beings in two.
      • Demonic Durability: Cerberus, like all hellhounds, possesses a highly durable body, which can withstand a vast amount of physical damage, easily enduring powerful strikes from the likes of Hercules and other Greco-Roman heroes. Like with the rest of demonkind, conventional human weaponry won't hurt him. Cerberus' massive size grants him increased density and muscle mass, which makes him naturally far tougher and more durable than other hellhounds. Thus, few attacks are powerful enough to cause him grievous harm, even those that would otherwise gravely injure and kill other hellhounds. Like other kaiju, bullets, missiles, tank shells, and smashing into buildings have little to no effect on him. High-caliber bullets and anti-armor artillery just bounce off Cerberus' furry hide. Similarly, he can withstand powerful energy blasts, pressure extremes, falls from orbital heights, maximized heat without blistering (such as the heat of his master's realm) and cold without freezing, and massive impacts such as asteroid collisions, physical attacks from other super-strong kaijus and being physically struck by many superhumanly strong attacks, (even from powerful opponents wielding holy power). He can shrug off even some holy/divine attacks. Only holy power and holy weapons of the highest caliber can harm Cerberus. Enemies that lack holy powers but are incredibly powerful enough to hurt Cerberus can also harm him, however without the same success as someone with holy powers would. Hercules, being the demigod son of Zeus, was able to overcome and defeat Cain's pet (although it should be mentioned that Cerberus was out on the mortal plane without Cain present at the time, and thus subject to lose his power the more time he stayed on the mortal realm).
        • Magical Resistance: As the Guardian of Hell's Gates, Cerberus is also highly resistant to mystical spells and attacks magical in nature. Certain binding/restraining spells will also not work on him.
        • Immense Endurance: Cerberus' demonic nature gains pleasure from physical pain, thus giving him an inhuman resilience towards pain and is only mildly handicapped by damage done to his body, making him immune to the crippling or even fatal effects of injury dealt by holy powers. He takes most damage without flinching or making a sound, quietly allowing the enemy to attack before retaliating tenfold.
      • Demonic Speed: Hellhounds can run for two months without resting and cross from Canada to New York in just a day. They are able to use their speed to instantly move behind foes, appearing and disappearing faster than their prey can notice. Hellhounds can outmaneuver and effortlessly dodge/side-step attacks launched at them, no matter what effort their adversaries put into their attacks (unless they are as fast as or faster than they are). Similar-level monsters, speedsters and highly-trained hunters can anticipate, track, and sometimes keep pace with a hellhound. Cerberus is just as fast as his smaller fellow demon dogs. Most people believe that Cerberus is quite slow due to his size. That is completely false. He maintains the same normal speed and reflexes as his smaller kin. Due to the length of his stride however, he can cover an incredible amount of ground in a short period, much faster than an ordinary-sized hellhound can.
        • Enhanced Reflexes: Cerberus has lightning-fast reflexes, and can easily dodge fast flying objects, and sometimes catch them with his jaws or snake-tail.
        • Climbing: Cerberus is a great climber, being able to scale sheer cliffs and mountain faces with relative ease (largely in part due to his size and claws).
      • Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his extraordinary durability, it is possible to injure Cerberus. Like all hellhounds, however, Cerberus possesses an accelerated healing ability due to his immortal, demonic flesh, allowing him to heal injuries with much greater speed and efficiency than any mortal dog without causing him any seeming discomfort. He is capable of healing from severe slashes, pierced vital organs, puncture wounds, and other gory injuries within a matter of seconds to minutes depending on the severity of the wounds. If either his left or right head, or his snake-tail are cut off, they will regrow back completely healed. Cerberus can only be slain by damaging his middle head. His regenerative healing factor also grants him complete immunity to all forms of diseases, illnesses, viruses, poisons, toxins, venoms, bacteria, allergen, etc. and other contaminants on Earth. Attacks dealt by holy powers and divine weapons of the highest caliber will greatly slow down his regenerative abilities however. Catastrophic wounds dealt to his middle head with the aforementioned methods will kill Cerberus and send his essence back to Hell.
      • Demonic Stamina: Cerberus' demonic musculature doesn't produce any fatigue toxins or lactic acids in his muscles during physical activity, able to exert himself at peak capacity for very long periods of time without tiring at all. As such, he can maintain continuous physical actions for an undefined period and can last a great deal of time in any fight and with virtually anyone, with him notably never needing to slow down or catch his breath during his ferocious battles, despite him being considerably pressured. However, he still must return to Hell after a period of time.
        • Sleeplessness: Cerberus' need for sleep and rest are greatly reduced. His heads sleep in shifts, ensuring that Cerberus is a danger always, even while he sleeps, always feeling refreshed and well-rested.
      • Predatory Senses: As a hellhound, Cerberus' sense of sight, smell, and hearing are heightened to supernatural levels far above human standards, and reminiscent of those of wolves, werewolves, and wargs. His giant size greatly enhance his sensorial capabilities beyond those of his fellow hellhounds. Additionally, each of Cerberus' heads has its own mind capable of seeing, hearing and acting independently of each other. However, all three heads are governed by a single will; This allows Cerberus three times the perceptive capabilities of a single hellhound without fighting amongst himself. Also, he has senses that normal dogs lack altogether.
        • Enhanced Sight: Cerberus has superhuman eyesight beyond the ordinary 20/20 spectrum, able to see with greater accuracy and more detail than humanly possible (ex. he can perceive prey across many kilometers). He is able to see in three directions at the same time, and due to the size of his eyes, Cerberus can see much further than other hellhounds. However, because his eyes have so much surface area, bright lights can impair him. His eyesight also encompasses a variety of sensory capabilities, including:
          • Astral Form Perception: As hellhounds are supernatural creatures, Cerberus can perceive ghosts and astral beings.
          • Night Vision: Like all hellhounds, Cerberus can see as well in complete darkness as in the daytime, even in magic-induced darkness. When using his night vision, Cerberus’s eyes glow a noticeable red hue, similar to how the eyes of werewolves glow a golden hue.
        • Enhanced Hearing: Comparable to werewolves and other canines, Cerberus can expand his hearing range, allowing him to hear sounds with far more detail and at far greater distances before the sound waves reach him, including sounds on frequencies undetectable by humans (ex. dog whistles). This also gives him incredible hearing at extreme variances of sound and pitch frequency, allowing him to pick up noises such as beating hearts, pumping blood, frightened whispers, panicked breaths, and even bones shifting when someone is moving. By honing his senses, he has enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency, able to mentally screen out most of these sounds to function normally (even in a noisy environment) and can focus in on specific things (ex. in a crowded city with loud traffic, he can still hear a person’s heartbeat). Hearing the changes in people’s pulses also allows him to predict how they feel and what actions they’ll take, such as if they will attack or run. Cerberus is able to hear things in three directions at the same time, and due to the size of his ears, he can naturally hear sounds at farther distances than other hellhounds.
        • Enhanced Smell: Like a werewolf and warg, Cerberus has a heightened and highly accurate sense of smell, enabling him to recognize targets by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent and track them to their exact location, detect odors from many miles away and through very thick barriers that separate him from the source, detect things like the chemicals in a bomb hidden somewhere in a crowded room, smell fear, tell individual people apart by the scent of the blood coursing through their veins or bodily odors, and detect if someone is lying by a change in their body odor. He is able to smell in three directions at the same time, and due to his massive size, Cerberus can pick up scents much further away than other hellhounds.
          • Supernatural Tracking: Once he has acquired their scent, Cerberus can locate any being he is after, no matter the distance or if they hide, guaranteeing no one can escape from Cain's pooch. He will never stop hunting his prey, unless Cerberus himself is either killed or is called off by Cain.
      • Natural Weaponry: Being a hellhound, Cerberus possesses various forms of natural weaponry, including his fangs, claws, and snake-tail.
        • Razor-Sharp Teeth: With multiple pairs of jaws equipped with razor-sharp fangs and teeth, Cerberus is the ultimate shredder. He can use his teeth as weapons in close-combat situations, as they can cut though virtually any material, most notably and especially flesh, as well as wood, stone and metal, and obviously tear off limbs, break through bones for consumption, and munch up enemies into mincemeat. Any lost teeth are instantly replaced by new ones. Cerberus's hard fangs can also become red-hot with hellfire while hacking into foes, carving and cooking exposed meat simultaneously.
        • Poisonous Saliva: Cerberus's slavering mouths produce saliva that is highly poisonous, killing mortals on mere contact. Whenever his accursed drool hits the ground, bundles of aconite plants grow forth from the salival fluid.
        • Razor-Sharp Claws: Cerberus also possesses infernal claws like those of a big cat on each toe. Their natural edge, coupled with his strength, are sufficient to rend any material, including flesh, bone, wood, concrete and metal. He usually uses them for combat, to tear into a fresh carcass for consumption, and can climb up vertical surfaces (strong enough to support his massive size and weight of course) at great speed in pursuit of prey by wedging his toes into cracks. Like with his teeth, Cerberus's claws can also become red-hot with hellfire. When his claws are superheated, he can create forceful heatwaves that strike with bursts of scalding air by swiping at the air with his paws.
        • Snake-Tail: Like his fellow Greek monster, the Chimera, Cerberus has a great serpent as a tail. This snake also possesses a mind of its own, allowing Cerberus to spot out and attack enemies from behind. Venom leaks from Cerberus's snake-tail, it can either be injected via its fangs or be launched in thin streams like a spitting cobra.
        • Snake Mane: In addition to his snake-tail, Cerberus also sports a mane of writhing green snakes, running from his three dog necks down to his back. These snakes are also venomous just like his snake-tail, and make loud hissing sounds when Cerberus is on the attack. They will bite anyone that attempts to approach Cerberus from behind and gets too close.
      • Hellfire/Darkness Manipulation: Cerberus is able to generate and manipulate the dark elements of his homerealm in many ways. As mentioned before, he is able to infuse his fangs and claws with hellfire to increase their deadliness. He can disappear into and instantly travel through flames and shadows for teleportation, allowing him to cross even far greater distances than by just running. Like other hellhounds, Cerberus scorches the ground where he walks, leaving behind burning pawprints. His most powerful ability is summoning all the powers of whatever hellhole he originated from, as his flesh becomes shadow and his fur turns into fire, to maul his foes with all his unholy might. In this state, not only is Cerberus untouchable by harm safe for the mightiest of holy weaponry and powers, but he can warp and stretch his body freely, like a great literal beast of darkness and hellfire. In the most extreme of situations, Cerberus can also self-destruct, the resulting blast powerful enough to destroy entire landscapes.
        • Shadow Claws: Cerberus's claws become coated in shadows as he slashes at foes, launching long arcs of pitch darkness at foes. These inky crescents cut as easily as a razor, and can also be used at a distance, thrown to create curved blades that can't be blocked by physical or energy means by their supernatural properties.
        • Shade Cannon: Dark copies of Cerberus's jaws can be formed as shadows wrap around his fangs and fire out like a demonic cannon shot. These inky maws wield a bite just as deadly as the real thing, yet cannot be touched by foes, they can only be avoided or endured.
      • Ghost/Phantom-Like Powers: Cerberus, as a hellhound, also possesses various abilities often seen in ghosts and other disembodied spirits, such as invisibility, intangibility, and the ability to travel between the living and spirit realm at free will. He can also manipulate and exhale ghost fire from his three mouths. Hellhounds are often said to possess phantom-like characteristics in many legends around the world.
        • Intangibility Cancellation: Like all hellhounds, Cerberus can physically affect and harm both mortals and the ethereal.
      • Multiple Heads: Cerberus has three heads (four if his serpent-tail is counted as another head, and if counting the snakes on his back, this number goes even further up). This enables him to look, hear, and smell in several places at once, and attack different opponents simultaneously. His three dog heads each respectively see and represent the past, the present, and the future, while also representing birth, youth, and old age.
        • Elemental Breath Attacks: Cerberus is able to generate and manipulate infernal elements from within himself in a way that allows him to shape the exhaling of the effect. These shapes can include bursts, streams, spheres, even a mist of it from his mouths. Cerberus can combine his breath attacks together to project a mighty infernal element barrage that severely damages his foes as well as the landscape around him.
          • Demonic Lightning Breath (Right Head): Cerberus can exhale the cursed lightning of Hell from his mouth at will, which harms the soul as well as the physical body. He can fire very powerful bolts, slashes, beams, blasts or orbs of infernal electricity at various sizes and intensities, allowing him to destroy, pierce and severely burn his opponents, even to the point of death. These bolts pass a current through any target, stunning enemies, electrifying bodies of water, and charging up electric devices.
          • Acid Breath (Middle Head): Corrosive green acidic smoke and dripping venom leaks from Cerberus's mouth, capable of burning through armor, flesh, and fur like paper while causing the ground to shrivel and decay. He can fire his acid breath as either bursts, streams, and mist.
          • Hellfire Breath (Left Head): Cerberus can exhale the cursed flames of Hell from his mouth at will, which harms the soul as well as the physical body. He can fire explosive hellfireballs of various sizes, fiery blasts to topple even other giant-sized opponents violently with gory bursts that crater even tough flesh, heat beams of burning energy that sear like a horizontal slice of Hell, and destructive bursts of hellfire that consume everyone and everything in its path.
      • Death Inducement: Legends state that if someone stares into Cerberus's eyes three times or more, that person will surely die, an ability also shared with other hellhounds.
      • Afterlife Guardian (of Hell): Cerberus is the "bouncer" of Hell. He is the entity in charge of keeping uninvited guests from entering Cain and Lilith's empire, and ensuring that the damned never leave, ever. He can open pathways to Hell, either to travel into or back from the realm in question, and drag the damned into eternal torment.
      • Hellfire Vision: Cerberus' eyes flash with flames, projecting hellfire blasts from his eyes onto his enemies, incinerating their bodies and souls.
      • Fear Inducement: Cerberus' eyes are also able to pierce the souls of the living and the dead alike, causing them to be paralyzed with a sense of fear and dread. 
      • Sonic Howls: The deep, haunting howls of Cerberus can make even the boldest of heart to momentarily pause in fear after hearing them. He can unleash potent sonic blasts via his howls, able to damage, disorientate and stun any target he uses them on. Under regular use, his Sonic Howls are powerful enough to cause avalanches, shatter glass, damage buildings, send squads of armored vehicles spiraling down a street, and otherwise damage and disorientate all within his line-of-fire. At full power, these howls are powerful enough to create massive bomb-like shockwaves, shatter concrete, extinguish fires and otherwise cause tremendous damage to the area around him.
        • Hellhound Summoning: With his howls, Cerberus can summon other hellhounds to his location to assist him and serve his whim.


    • Above-Average Intelligence: Despite their appearance, hellhounds are much more intelligent than mortal dogs, and Cerberus is no exception. They cannot be fooled in the same manner as a normal dog, meaning that if a hellhound has detected your scent, pray that God save you from the demon dog, for they can't be fooled and will track their victim down unless called off by their master. Hellhounds can plan ambushes and traps to better capture their prey. Cerberus himself has shown to also be able to clearly understand human speech and emotions.
    • Intimidation: As Cain's beloved pet and main guardian of Hell's gates, Cerberus is rightfully feared by many beings across the realms. Out of all of Cain's giant monsters, it's Cerberus whom everyone else fears the most. Hercules and Guardian Athena are among the few individuals that have shown no fear towards this canine monster.

    • Sensory Overload: As a side effect to the enhanced raw input of information Cerberus's brain encounters due to his enhanced senses, he can experience shock and pain from extreme stimuli (strong odors, profoundly loud noises, bright flashes of light, etc). Though he can focus his senses, a sudden, unexpected sensory attack can briefly stun him.
    • Beings of Equal or Greater Power: Certain beings that are equal or more powerful than Cerberus, can harm him without having to rely on his specific weaknesses as a crutch. However, even then, this is still a difficult task to carry out.
    • High-level Magic: Cerberus can be harmed by magical spells and mystical attacks that come from magical sources that are higher in power than his own.
    • Holy & Hallowed Objects and Powers: As a demonic creature, Cerberus is vulnerable to holy artifacts (objects such as crucifixes, rosaries, holy oil and water, ofudas, etc) and thus, can be harmed and kept at bay with such artifacts. Also, Cerberus cannot step foot on hallowed ground (churches, mosques, Shinto shrines or any other place of worship), as an invisible force propels him from doing so. However, his great size grants Cerberus greater resistance towards all holy things than that of other hellhounds. Only specific weapons, such as Van Helsing's Vampire Killer whip, Abel’s sword and incredible holy power can slay Cerberus. Powerful people of divine origin, such as Hercules, Guardian Athena, and especially Abel, have better chances at defeating this giant hellhound than others.
      • Religious Songs and Music: Religious music, no matter what the faith or origin, burns in Cerberus's ears like avenging fire and causes the hound unbearable pain.
      • Smell of Incense: Likewise, the smell of incense burns in Cerberus's nostrils, incapacitating him.
      • Mentions of the Holy Trinity's Names: Like other demons, Cerberus cannot bear to hear the names of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the maximum authorities of the Heavenly Realms, visibly making Cerberus very angry upon hearing them. People with exceptional faith can even repel demons. Mere mentions of the names of the Father and the Son often cause great distress upon demons. Reason for why all demons often refer to Jesus/God as simply "Him".
    • Dimensional Impotence: Like other demons, Cerberus' power decreases the longer he is away from Hell, consequently making him weaker the longer he stays on the Mortal Plane. He must return back to his home-realm to recharge his powers. When Cain resurrects however, this weakness becomes nullified, allowing Cerberus to remain on Earth for as long as needed, without loosing his power.
    • Weak Point: His middle head, is his weakspot. In order to kill Cerberus, heroes must target his middle head until it is fully destroyed.

    Click here to read Cerberus' backstory.

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    Almighty777 [2023-10-18 22:23:09 +0000 UTC]

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