Horror Fantasy Female Goth Pen and Ink Drawing, Digitally Edited and Painted, by Mood Disorder...
Horror Pen and Ink Drawing, Digitally edited, by Mood Disorder...
torturedsoul drakodarksyde
"Happiness leads to Misery and Hope is nothng but delayed Dissapointment"
"Life is a a Walking Shadow...It is a Tale told by an Idiot.."
"It is always darkest before the dawn...Then it goes totally black."
Horror Monster Zombie UnDead Skull Biomechanical Demon Pen AND Ink Drawing by Drako Dark Syde/Mood Disorder/Dark Heart Dystopia. Digitally Edited...
Dark Horror Industrial Hip Hop Dubstep Trap Music and Videos by Drako Dark Syde: AKA DJ Dark Martyr…
Dark Heart Dystopia and Mood Disorder on Sound Cloud:
Gothic Industrial Electronic Music…