moreeman06 — First Impressions: Ch.4 Impressions
Published: 2012-09-09 22:19:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 1071; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 8
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Description First Impressions ch.4:  "Impressions"
Universe:  Mass Effect
Characters:  Tiberius Shepard, Liara T'Soni, Karin Chakwas
Author: moreeman06

Liara sat at her makeshift desk, a former shelf that held extra packets of medigel in the store room where she had taken up residence.  Dr. Chakwas had been kind enough to accommodate her need for privacy and moved a cot and some computers into the storeroom.  Liara was grateful knowing that privacy was something of a luxury on ships from her previous excursions to unknown planets in search of Prothean ruins and had created a small live-in office from the space her and Dr. Chakwas had created among the supplies.  

Its better if I stay out of everyone's way around here  She thought to herself remembering some of the suspicious if not venomous looks and loudly whispered words she had encountered from some of the ship's crew as she had made her way back to the medical bay after the debriefing.  Not all of them see you as an enemy though.  Liara smiled to herself as the image of Commander No Tiberius that's what he told me to call him by,  Shepard popped into her mind.  He had been nothing but friendly towards her since they had first met only hours ago and there was something about the way he looked at her, talked to her.  It was as if...

I just want to talk to her.

Liara was broken out of her reverie by the sound of the voices across the closed doorway.  She felt a childish urge to push her head against the door to catch their every word.  No that would be wrong but, they are talking about you aren't they?  her moment of indecision cost her the next exchange and she was only able to make out a muffled sigh near the end.  She couldn't hold herself back and hopped across the small space not even bothering to grab her crutches.  

"I just want to check on her Karin."  Tiberius asked in a pleading voice.

"I already told you Commander physically she's fine but she needs rest I'm not allowing anyone to see her until she's had at least a full day's sleep."

"Will you just let me see her?"  Tiberius' voice had lost the pleading tone and had adopted an angry bite.

"Commander I've already said she needs her rest."  Dr. Chakwas' voice had turned icy and as much as he knew he couldn't win this without some damage Tiberius kept pushing.

"Let me...."

"No, Tiberius."  Karin stood there, arms crossed, facing the young commander.  She was reminded of a previous time years ago when she had first met the young Commander.  His face was younger, fresher even if it had been covered in freshly raised bruises and caked in dry blood.  He had held that same exact stance possessed that same stubborn look and his eye's those clear blue eyes they reflected a mix of anxiety, concern, and a fathomless sorrow.  Karin let out an exasperated sigh and budged.  

"If and only if you let me give you a full look over I'll let you see her, but only for a moment and if I determine you're upsetting her in any way."  Karin let the sentence trail off she didn't feel any need to finish it.  When Tiberius didn't move she glared at him letting her body language tell him this was the best he was going to get.

Tiberius walked silently towards the bed closest to Liara's makeshift cabin and hopped on.
Karin had turned away from Tiberius to grab some instruments from one of the cabinets.  He glanced shiftily towards the door and started thinking of a way he could get out of this and just see Liara.

"Now from what i heard," She turned back to Tiberius and caught him as his eyes shifted from the door to her figure, "you got bounced around pretty badly down there.  It was, what did Garrus say..." she paused a finger on her chin as if she were contemplating her next words. "... Oh yes.  You tried to kill a Krogan by head butting it."  The look on her face was a mix of amusement and very motherly disapproval.

Tiberius could only manage a smile; there weren't any words that would wipe that look off of her face.  Karin turned back into the cabinet and Tiberius decided that if he was going to do it, it might as well happen now.  He concentrated hard on his body's inner workings, the minute palpitations of his heart, the small electrical impulses carrying messages through out his body.  He focused hard on those forcing his mind to concentrate those pulses into his right hand.  Normally he wouldn't have to concentrate this hard to use his biotics but normally he let out huge bursts of energy and he didn't want to tear his own ship apart just open a door.

"Don't even think about it Tiberius."  Karin spoke with her back to him still rifling through one of the cabinets.

Tiberius looked at her in disbelief, another one of the reasons he was concentrating so hard was to avoid the normal build up of blue waves and bolts around his body, he had been sure that he hadn't given away anything that she would have noticed with her back turned.  "How did you?"

"Mirrors."  The answer was startlingly simple and as Dr. Chakwas made her way towards him laden with a set of instruments and a few scanners he looked towards the cabinet she had been using and saw his reflection.

What does he want to talk to me for?  Liara wondered still propped against the door.  "Probably wants to talk about my mom, to interrogate me about her,"  Liara muttered to no one in particular as she hopped away from the door and back towards the desk.  She opened up the file she had been working on before she had decided to listen in on the argument across the doorway.  The file describing Prothean security measures opened with a low beep and Liara stared at it.  

"It has been hypothesized the Prothean's employed a number of neural scramblers in several of their artifacts...."

Liara stared blankly at the screen her mind racing about the man in the next room.  She hadn't had much contact with humans but what she had seen from members of the crew was enough to concern her that despite how nice Shepard was being to her that all human's were in essence arrogant, short-sighted, and to put it lightly less than enthused about having "Aliens" aboard their ships.  For all she knew, and she knew very little about the Commander, he was using her as a tool and nothing more.  That his kindness was all a feint in order to manipulate her.   Don't think like that not all of them are like that Dr. Chakwas has been very kind almost mother... the voice inside her head stopped.  This was after all the cause of this, her mother the one she had been essentially estranged with for the past year, had unthinkably joined a rogue Spectre in his for what she had been able to make out crusade with the Geth. "That's what he wants then, not my expertise on the Protheans.  Just my Mother," she muttered at the screen.  That's not true the way he looks at you whenever you're in a room with him should be enough to tell you that.  If you were only here because of your mother you'd be in the brig right now.  Plus what he's said about his encounter with the beacon is interesting to say the least.  Liara continued to stare blankly at the screen contemplating the mysteries of humans in general and in particular of Commander Shepard unaware that the door had just opened.

"She Needs her rest," Shepard imitated in a mock whine glaring back at Dr. Chakwas. "She's perfectly fine look at her."

"You have ten minutes Commander than you have to leave."  Liara could hear Chakwas' voice echo into the room and she heard the doors slide shut.

"So how are you feeling?  Not following Doctor's orders I see."  Tiberius nodded towards the computer behind Liara as he made his way to a singular crate that Liara had left out for use as a bedside table.

Liara looked at the Commander and felt annoyance and a little bit of anger flare inside her.  Who's he to call me out for not resting.  I know he's done worse. It was true though, Liara had suffered through a very detailed if not angry rant from Dr. Chakwas on her way up to the debriefing the main point of which was "He never listens."

The annoyance and anger that was buzzing inside her stomach must have shown because Tiberius looked at her appraisingly and let a joyful grin spread across his face.  It only caused the buzzing in her stomach increase to a roar and yet still he smiled on.

Tiberius looked at the asari and saw annoyance and a tad bit of anger etched on her features.  He let a grin play over his face to show her he was joking, when that only served to increase the anger he could see on her face he took an exasperated sigh.  "I was just teasing you Liara, joking.  I never listen to Karin either she's a good doctor but a bit to motherly at times."  Tiberius pointed at the door and let the smile slide onto his face again to show he was kidding again.  All he saw was Liara break eye contact with him and glance away at the wall, her cheeks flushed with color.  What really caught Tiberius' eye though was the effect her blushing had on her skin.  The center of her cheeks had turned a deep dark indigo and as it moved outwards across her face the color flowed in soft bands of violet, Han purple, red-violet, and pink.  The effect was amazing, Tiberius had never seen anyone than a human blush before and he couldn't help but stare at the exotic display.

Liara heard him speak "I was just teasing you, joking."  She felt the roar begin to melt away only to be rapidly replaced by embarrassment.  Of course he was joking,  she could feel his eyes on her and it only served to increase the sensation.  "I... I'm Sorry Commander.  I've never encountered many human's before and the one's i have well they've never had a sense of humor," she muttered unable to meet his gaze.  

"Its ok though if your going to stay on you'll need to get used to it unless you plan on staying here for the rest of this war."  He couldn't tell if Liara had caught that he was joking again and quickly added, "I'm kidding."  Tiberius forced himself to look away from Liara's beautifully painted face and looked around the small niche she had carved for herself inside the storage room.  He waited for Liara to regain some of her composure and when he glanced her looking at him from the corner of his eye he turned to face her.  "You still haven't answered me.  How are you feeling Liara?"

Liara tried to compose herself there was no reason for her to be so thrown off by this human but try as she might she couldn't escape the feeling that whatever she was going to say this conversation was going to end in deep embarrassment.  She took several long steadying breaths. there's no reason to feel so embarrassed.  The Commander isn't any different than you your both still made out of flesh and bone.  She looked up and saw the Commander looking away from her examining the room  she looked at him appraisingly he had rough yet handsome features his cheeks slightly hollowed and it looked in profile like his nose had been broken and repaired a few times his lips were slightly cracked and colored a light red and his hair, a strange feature that piqued her curiosity, was a mix of orange, blond, and brown that Liara thought exotic. He looked back towards her and she held eye contact long enough to take in his bright ice blue eyes before she averted her gaze guiltily a small smile on her face He's cute to  a small voice inside her head whispered as she gazed back towards the Commander.

"I'm feeling fine Commander, thank you for your concern," Liara said in as confident of a voice as she could muster.

"Liara you can call me by my name you're not in the Alliance.  You can call me Tiberius or at the very least Shepard.  Are you sure you're alright? Dr. Chakwas' report said that you had been trapped in that thing for four days I don't know much about asari Physiology but most humans can barely survive that long without water... and"  Shepard paused his face remained congenial although his mind was racing to find a way to phrase his next statement. "...and I realize the situation we've put you in about your Mom."

"Commander I can't help you with my mom i haven't had any contact with her in over a year," Liara said she couldn't help the icy way the words came out even as she looked at the sorrow and concern that had washed over Shepard's face.

"I realize Liara, I wasn't going to ask I was just going to apologize and tell you that if you ever wanted to talk."

An uneasy silence spread across the small space as Liara blushed again.  Why do humans have to be so complicated.

"I'm not going to demand you talk to me you know i just wanted to let you know that if you want to, and also if you want to move into a regular berth we have room."

"Thank you Comm...Tiberius but I'm fine here, its probably best for everyone I'm isolated so i can work in peace and I'll be able to stay out of the crew's way."  Liara said in a voice that she hoped conveyed content if not happiness even though it wasn't entirely truthful the voices of some of the crew she had passed popped up in her mind as she finished.  She sat there in silence fidgeting slightly waiting for Tiberius to speak again he didn't move his mouth but just sat there studying her.  Eventually he nodded in affirmation of some thought that Liara had no access to.

"Ok well Liara we're going to dock at Arcturus Station in a week for a refit.  While we're there Garrus is going to take you to one of the firing ranges and teach you how to shoot considering my instruction didn't prove that fruitful."  Liara looked at his forehead where a patch of synthflesh and medigel covered a gash that Liara was sure would have killed him if her aim had been any wilder, she felt a fresh rush of embarrassment as she thought of what happened.  "Also I'm going to be teaching you hand to hand combat and how to apply your biotics to combat situations."

Liara looked at him he had to ask even though she was almost sure of why he was telling her this.  "Tiberius why are you telling me this?"

"Well I've got to make sure you won't accidentally kill one of us when you go out into the field with the team."  Tiberius finished with a smirk as he saw Liara blush again with the fresh reference to what had happened on Therum.

"Time's up Commander, come on let her get back to resting."  Dr. Chakwas voice echoed from across the now open doorway.

"Tiberius," Liara spoke with rapidness as he began to leave his seat having just remembered, "your pistol."  Liara turned towards the desk moving leaflets around and only pulling her attention back to the human when she had felt her hands grip against the cool metal.

Tiberius looked at it longingly but didn't reach out to take it from Liara's outstretched hand.  He looked up at her and reached out Liara was surprised when he felt her fingers being wrapped back around the grip.  "Keep it safe for me, you'll need something to practice with," he said.  His eyes lingered on Liara's face for a moment longer before he turned to leave.  When he reached the door he was slightly surprised to see Liara still watching him and as he crossed the threshold he looked back at her one more time.  "Also if any of the crew give you any more trouble, of any kind.  I want you to tell me I told them you were to be given free rein of the ship but not all of them took the order kindly."

Liara sat there as he left for good her eyes following him as her mouth hung open in surprise.  how did he know?

"Dear are you alright?"  Dr. Chakwas had taken Tiberius' place in the doorway and was watching her suspiciously.  "He didn't do anything to upset you did he, I swear I'll skin him with a laser scalpel if he...."

"No Doctor I'm alright."

"Ok,"  She said not entirely convinced. "You should get some rest."

Dr. Chakwas turned and left leaving Liara alone with her thoughts and the soft buzz of the computer behind her.  The Commander, Tiberius, is much more interesting than i would have thought
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Comments: 15

Akernis [2012-09-10 23:53:52 +0000 UTC]

That was excellent, your best yet in my opinion

The portrayal of the characters were very good, Liara in particular felt exceedingly true to herself in-game. There was several very memorably moments in that chapter that I felt you really did splendidly, Liara's thoughts about how the crew percieves her and her embarrassment when talking to Tiberius in particular deserves praise.

I really like the way it is going, steady pace and an interesting take on their interaction with each other which felt very elegantly written and emotionally fulfilling.

I am really looking forward to see what you create from here

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-09-11 06:06:01 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you love it, I haven't done anything other than hash out what i want for ch.5 yet and with school/work I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it out but i hope that i can top this ch. with the next few and you didn't hear it from me but there will be a few big reveals that were hinted on in some of my other stories

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-09-11 19:39:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh no fair, no I am really looking forward to it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-09-12 04:07:20 +0000 UTC]

haha let the teasing and unbearable waiting begin

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-09-12 14:56:39 +0000 UTC]

Danm you
Well, if it has to be that way, bring it on

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-09-12 19:23:11 +0000 UTC]

Let's go son

lightsaber beats bat

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-09-12 19:56:59 +0000 UTC]

Ah crab, where is my lightsaber, what is a Sith without his lightsaber?
*rumbles around*
ah there it is

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-09-12 21:20:52 +0000 UTC]

Then let it begin.

The alliance... will die. As will your friends. Good, I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-09-12 22:15:56 +0000 UTC]

*Force Lightning*

And for the recond I am on the Dark Side, as you well know, Sith (if somewhat untraditional) through and through

...now get up Matser, I know you, you are quite strong enough to survive that

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-09-13 00:54:44 +0000 UTC]

*uses the force to levitate and rise to his feet*

You still have much to learn my young apprentice

*multiple force phantoms*

Now lets have some fun

(sorry they didn't have a lightsaber one)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-09-13 18:47:21 +0000 UTC]

I am ready

*A little while later*

Fair enough Master, you win this one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Akernis [2012-09-14 03:05:43 +0000 UTC]

no rise my padawan perhaps some other day you will defeat me

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Akernis In reply to moreeman06 [2012-09-14 09:29:15 +0000 UTC]

*smiles viciously while getting up*
Very well.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Theodoricos [2012-09-10 12:11:03 +0000 UTC]

You can definitely see the way Tiberius and Liara connect here, I'm enjoying your take on their initial interactions on the Normandy. I also like Tiberius' character, he's not too different from my own Shepard and how he would react in a similar situation, which makes "First Impressions" only more immersive and valid for me, and hence makes it more enjoyable.

I also enjoyed the way you've written Chakwas, I thought her character was spot on in this chapter - the overly concerned and motherly doctor, who is also strong enough to stand up to herself to her Commander and his orders, of all people.

And also - I laughed at your voice-over introduction to the chapter, so definitely keep those coming in later chapters, as well!

Eagerly expecting to see how your story will continue from this point on!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

moreeman06 In reply to Theodoricos [2012-09-11 06:16:34 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you enjoy it and that you can get so immersed in the story. And i'm very pleased to hear that you thought i did well with Chakwas i wasn't entirely sure if i was pushing her character traits to the point were i was exagerating a few at the expense of her character.

As for the voice over well I aim to please and corny voice-overs just remind me of old sci-fi B movies and well most may call them corny but the cinephile in me loves them

and thanks for the faves on both ch.s as i just told Akernis not entirely sure when I'll get the next ch. done but I hope it can top this one and the next few should contain some nice reveals as long as i don't get to sidetracked

Ok and that was embarrassing accidentally posted this as a comment instead of a reply

👍: 0 ⏩: 0