When: January 28, 2018
Where: Zoo Duisburg, Germany
Once they woke up, they were really awake and up and moving. After having mosly seen them sleeping the previous few times we hoped to see them, it was really just amazing to see them being well, amazing
Species: African Wild or Painted Dog (Afrikaanse wilde hond)
Latin name: Lycaon Pictus
Originates from Africa.
Current status: Endangered.
Did you know:
…The African Wild Dog is known in Germany as “Picasso Hund”, another take on the Painted Dog, but sounding a lot more fun.
…They differ from their other Canid relatives in that they have four toes on their front feet, instead of five.
© Mouselemur’s Photography - Portegiesje
I love it when you love my work, but please, if you want to use it in any other medium, ask my permission first.
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