Mr-Marcus-81 โ€” Guilty As Charged

Published: 2012-04-19 04:57:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 10078; Favourites: 80; Downloads: 122
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Description *Update* 5/18/12: I lightened Angie's skin complexion greatly; she was way too orange before. I also tweaked the colors/highlights to her hair and enhanced the colors of her leotard as well along with a few other things that I feel has made this pic even better looking! -The Management
Although she's the cop, we put an A.P.B. out on the notorious Playpet Veteran; none other than the exotically alluring and super sexy Angelica "Angie" Santana. She's wanted for several counts of indecent exposure as well as being drop dead gorgeous and stealing our hearts. When we finally caught her we made assume the position.

It's been quite a while since she was last featured in the pages of Playpet Magazine...way too long! Now she's back and after a series of fortunate and unfortunate events she is now a Cyber-Cop for the Metahumans Crimes Unit of the Solaris Valley Police Department. Angie was cool enough to take some time out of her busy schedule of busting the bad guys and gals to let us take some mugshots of her dangerously curvacious body of evidence!
Playpet: "First and foremost, I'd like to welcome you back to the pages of Playpet! It's always a pleasure when you stop by and grace us with your presence!"

Angie: "Why thank ya', sweetie! And the pleasure's all mine!"

Playpet: "There's something that I've always wondered about..."

Angie: "What's that?"

Playpet: "You're a Latina, right?"

Angie: "Simรณn ese, yo soy Boricua!" (*Translated From Spanish* "That's right man, I'm Puerto Rican!")

Playpet: "And those are your natural hair and eye colors, right?

Angie: "Um hm."

Playpet: "Umm...what's up with that?!? Can't say that I've seen too many folks of Hispanic decent with fiery dark red hair such as your along with hazel eyes!"

Angie: *Laughs* "You know, that's a great question! I've been asking my Mami the same thing for years now and she can't give me a straight answer! All I know is that she also has fiery red hair and hazel eyes just like mine...plus she looks unbelievably young to be my mom! I'm 30 and she doesn't look a day past 40 despite her claims of being 57 years old! Every time I bring it up, she changes the subject...plus, how many Latinas you know of with the name Tasha Xandara? Sorry for puttin' you on blast and throwing your name out there like that, mama...but I want some answers!!!!

Playpet: "What about your father? Did he have such prominent natural features?"

Angie: "Well, my step-papi Ramon, who I consider my actual father because he was the one who raised me and who I got my surname Santana from, is 100% Puerto Rican to the bone marrow without any doubts! I've never met my birth father or even seen any pictures of him. My mom said that he was a brave and noble man that sacrificed his life for his family. She always gets choked up when he or any mention of her past comes up, but won't ever give me any details.

*Pauses* Now that I think about it, she won't give me any details about her own past! I'm not the smartest chica out there, but I know that she's hiding something from me. I'll figure it out one of these days!

Playpet "You're a cop now...you've always struck me as a free spirited loose cannon that doesn't always play by the rules. What made you go from being a world class fighter to becoming a police?"

Angie: "Well, I decided to take a semi-hiatus from fighting...I started my own bounty hunting business a few years back and that kept me busy enough. As you said, I sometimes have a problem playing by the rules. Well, I guess broke the rules one time too many with my bounty hunting and my license was revoked...not to mention that I was hit up for thousands of dollars in fines, court costs, and paying for collateral damage. Yeah...I like it rough, baby! *laughs*

Up to that point I had been spending my money very poorly blowing it on unnecessary shit and not doing the right thing like saving and investing it. I fell behind in the bills, which caused an avalanche of debt and the salary that the Triple F offered wasn't enough to help me keep my head above water; I wasn't the champ anymore so that meant that I wasn't making championship money...in short I was broke living off of ramen noodles and hot dogs because that's pretty much all I could afford for food. I had to get jobs moonlighting as a bartender and a bouncer at the world famous Nipsey's Sports Bar, which caters to metahumans and other freaks, just to keep the lights and hot water on...being that I too was an augmented enhanced freak myself, I was right at home. And of course occasionally the fine folks here at Playpet would call up to feature me a few times in my full frontal butt naked glory for some quick extra cash!" *giggles*

Playpet "Glad that we could aid a damsel in distress!"

Angie: "Oh man...you don't know how many times those checks that I get from you guys in the mail have come at the most opportune times when I was dead broke! Speaking of full frontal nakedness, I was even an exotic dancer...which lasted for all of one weekend. Obviously, I'm comfortable with showing off my body to complete strangers but nah; I knew it wasn't for me. My very first night, thinking that I was cute, I messed around and bent the stripper pole due to my augmented strength. The last straw was when some vato made the mistake of smacking my ass with that hundred dollar bill...I could feel his jaw shatter as my fist met his face! And you better believe that I kept that crispy hundred dollar bill too!"

Playpet: "What was your stripper name?"

Angie: "I just used my ring name from the Triple F, Timebomb...everybody already knew me from my fighting career. I was supposed to be X-X-Xplosive!!! But I turned out to be a dud of a dancer! *laughs*

So I'm doing the bartending and bouncing thing for a while, which all in all wasn't so bad. But there would be times that I'd find myself hating my life and kicking myself in the ass for not investing my money properly. Although I didn't stick with the stripper idea, I was still lusted over on a daily basis while made to feel like the liquor wench to a bunch of drunk metahumans, aliens, cyborgs, and the like...some of them are called themselves 'Superheroes' some of them were 'villains,' I call 'em a bunch of creeps and douchebags that don't always know how to tip properly...and some of those so called heroes and heroines aren't as goody-goody as you would think they were after a few pints and shots! Often times it was the villains that were the cool ones!

Eventually, I was promoted to assistant manager of Nipsey's...I guess that was alright; it was a slight pay increase. My longtime gal pal Raina Hunter came in one day and told me that she was assembling a specialized task force of cybercops. I blew it off at first...I couldn't see myself as a cop! However I was sick of slinging suds for a living as well as having to borrow money from my family and friends just to pay my bills, so I told her that I would think about it.

So one night, I'm getting ready to go and hang out with my bestie Sapphira (Reese) to tear up the town like we would do on a regular basis and I arrive to her mansion, which was half destroyed and covered in a raging blaze. I run in to find her and she's getting jumped by a gang of these huge armored cyborg chicas...we take them out and then another cyborg chica came out and whooped the ever-loving shit out of both of us! Last thing I vividly remember was getting kicked in the chest, flying though two walls, and then out of a window from the second floor on top of my head! I vaguely remember waking up in time enough before being blown up and being launched yet again across Sapphira's huge lawn!

After spending the next four days in a life-threatening coma, Raina came and visited me in the hospital when I finally came to. After telling me that my best friend in the way of Sapphira was missing and presumed dead, she once again pitched her idea of joining her task force. Once again I stewed on that for a few days until I went to visit her upon hearing that she had been seriously injured on a mission...I wanted to get justice for Sapphira, plus I did miss the thrill and rush that comes with the dangerous nature of the business. I said yes and was instantly put into the ranks! So far, I'm lovin' it! I don't feel like a cop at all...I'm more like a superheroine than anything!"

Playpet: "Rock on Officer Angie!"

Angie: "That's Sgt. Angie to you, buster...Jinx if you're nasty!!!" *winks her eye, blows a kiss, and laughs*

Playpet: "Well excuse me, Sarge Jinx...oh yeah, I'm nasty! You can cuff me up, throw away the key, and have your way with me, girl! *laughs* So, I can't help but notice...you've got some new 'additions' to your body.
Care to elaborate?"

Angie: "Oh...you're talking about my bionics! Yeah, those are new...they were a package deal with me joining the MCU. Honestly, before I got them I wasn't that far off from being a cyborg in the first place...I had previous bio-augmentations, however not quite enough to legally classify me as a cyborg. While I don't have nearly as many bionic components as someone like Raina, there's no question about it now...I'm a cyborg now.

With the dangerous nature of my line of work and some of the incredibly powerful criminals and villains that I have to go up against, my previous enhancements wouldn't have cut it. I was souped up something fierce to give me a fighting chance against the perps...my strength, speed, durability, healing factor, sight, hearing, reflexes, memory, overall IQ, and a bunch of other attributes and senses have been jacked up to insane metahuman levels! The only thing I can't do is fly!"

Playpet "You sure that you don't have a set of angel wings tucked in somewhere on your back? I mean your name is Angelica and you look like you fell from heaven!"

Angie: "Aww...aren't you a sweetheart? I've actually got a pair of wings at home, but they were for a Halloween costume that I wore a few years ago...they won't allow me to sustain flight. But I have used rocket propelled jet packs a few times thanks to the nifty gadgets that I get to play with courtesy of the MCU! Now that is f**kin' cool!"

Playpet: "You mentioned Raina Hunter, who we featured in our mag about 2 years ago...I'm gonna ask you the same thing I asked her: how does it feel to be a cyborg?"

Angie: "Honestly, it doesn't feel a whole lot different from before I underwent the minor procedures that were performed on me. I didn't want to get them at first, as I was afraid that they were gonna turn me into a robot or something! But I've grown used to my bionics and they're pretty badass, actually.

If anything my thoughts are much much quicker thanks to a system of microchips and other systems implanted in my brain, thus boosting my reflexes to beyond that of the quickest cat. Plus, I was given the ability of having a kinetic-photographic memory...meaning that I remember everything that I see, hear, and witness verbatim. EVERYTHING. The bionic optical lens implanted in my retinas allows me to look at things differently...I can zoom and pan, see perfectly in the dark, I have infrared vision, X-ray vision, an amazing targeting system, and other cool things. I also have audio receptor implants that amplifies my hearing 100 times. This thingy on my wrist is really cool...it's like a little mini computer. And I've got quite a few dataports and plugs all along my body that allow me to sync and jack into machines and computers and stuff...I'm like a Latina Jamie Sommers!

Certain things I don't feel anymore...I don't feel much pain, if any at all anymore. Everything else is the same...I don't feel like some sort of robochica or anything. Even though I'm much stronger and faster than what I just to be, I have parameters that control my attributes so I don't overdo it. I'm just glad they left all of my good meaty parts! *Squeezes her breasts and slaps her hips*

Playpet:"And so are we!!!"

Angie: "And just so you know, I can still feel pleasure all over...especially down 'there'. *pointing to her nether regions*

Playpet: "Now that's what we REALLY wanted to know! *laughs* Last question...we've always seen your 'Press' tattoo with the arrow pointing to your bellybutton. It looks like with your cybernetic additions, there's an actual button looking device in place of your navel. What happens if someone pushes said button?"

Angie: *grinning wickedly* "That depends on if I like you or not...it might solicit a negative reaction followed by mild violence from me. Or...it might be the button to turn me on as well as the button to make all of my clothes fall off. Although I just recently received my cybernetic parts...I've always been a sex machine!" *traces her finger sensually down her breasts and abdominal muscles circling around her bellybutton without actually pressing it*

Playpet: "Whoa...this interrogation just got uber intense! Well, I think we've detained you for long enough...you're free to go until next time!"

Angie: "As always, I had a blast getting nude and talking it out with you! Maybe next time I'll let you actually press my button!"

Playpet: "That's gotta be police brutality or something for teasing me like that! *laughs* Thank you for your cooperation!"

Angie: "Anytime, hon."

It's been awhile since I last did a Playpet Magazine interview with one of my gals. I originally came up with the idea of Angie being the first of my characters to pose for Playpet but I realize that I didn't give her the Playpet Interview treatment.

I saw this pose in a magazine with the girl standing in front of the line-up height chart and knew that I had to draw it with one of my OC's...immediately, Sapphira came to mind. But, Sapphira always gets the good sexy poses...so I decided that Angie would be the next person that would best suit this pose! And I'm glad I did choose Angie...I don't think Sapphira could've pulled this one off any better! For those of you that have been watching me for several years now, you know that Angie was my pin-up cheesecake girl before Sapphira was!

This is a belated birthday gift to myself, from myself...just wanted to draw myself a nice slice of birthday cheesecake. It's two weeks removed from my birthday, but hey...better late than never! I love how this one came out...and I also love the little cyber nodes and additions that I made to her body! I need to get Angie back in the game of featuring her in these sexy situations more often!

P.S. Full View and look at her eyes...
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Comments: 56

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to ??? [2012-08-11 00:14:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! And out of my cyborg gals, she probably has the least amount of cybernetics and is still more human than machine. I'm glad you dig her pose in this pic!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

zkfanart In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-08-13 02:53:33 +0000 UTC]

Welcome and welcome! Oh yeah!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 0

Dualmask [2012-05-11 12:41:27 +0000 UTC]

Your drawing is getting cleaner and your colors are getting better. You're improving by leaps and bounds, my friend! One thing you might want to add is highlights and shadows to the eyes. They look pretty cool now, and it may seem like a small thing, but believe me, it's noticeable when the eyes look glossy and the viewer feels they could get lost in them.

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Dualmask [2012-05-12 01:31:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks JP! I've been trying to step my game up as of late...I feel like I've plateaued and I miss that year of steady growth that I had back in 2010. I've really been wanting to get better with my coloring; I've been watching some Youtube vids to learn how to use some of the other tools and functions that CS3 has to offer. Hell, I just learned how to use the Dodge/burn/sponge tools!

Agreed about the eyes...I've been thinking of a critique that you gave awhile back in regards to how I draw eyes. I've been studying 's style...as she does some amazing eye work. I'm in the midst of reworking this pic of Nikki [link] and I've attempted to implement some new stuff to make her eyes mesmerize folks!

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Dualmask In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-05-12 01:51:22 +0000 UTC]

The effort you're putting in to improve is showing in your work. It's good that you recognized the problem and acted on it.

Hey, thanks for pointing me in the direction of ...her work is awesome.

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Dualmask [2012-05-12 02:08:58 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you notice! Funny thing is, however, that most of the faves that I've been getting as of late is on the lineart/WIP versions of my pics rather than the colored works!

I've even had a few folks tell me that they like my lines better than my colors...I don't know to take that as a compliment or an insult! It's just that it usually takes me 4-5 hours max to color a pic and with all of that hard work, I wish that my colors got more attention.

Even this pic here...I'm a little bummed that it only has 49 faves as of right now and barely over 500 views. I know stats aren't everything, but I look at some of my older pics that did get a lot of attention and wonder why my newer pics aren't getting that same kind of attention. I really think that I did a pretty good job on this one...perhaps her waist is a bit too thin...but other than that I am pleased with this. But it didn't get the love that I was hoping for. Oh well.

And no prob on pointing you to ~bloodspit She is awesome indeed!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Dualmask In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-05-12 03:44:16 +0000 UTC]

Well, you posted it way larger than you needed to... some folks hate waiting for an image to load. I usually create upload versions of my images, reducing it to something like 800 px high before posting.

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Dualmask [2012-05-13 03:31:41 +0000 UTC]

Honestly...I don't know how to change the px. Plus, I wanted everyone to see her eyes...guess it didn't translate very well.

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Dualmask In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-05-13 06:15:25 +0000 UTC]

Go to edit deviation and you can change how large the image is displayed. Don't pick "original size", pick something like 800 pixels wide.

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Dualmask [2012-05-13 23:31:15 +0000 UTC]

Oh...I know how to do that. I thought you were talking about changing the px in CS3 or something.

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Dualmask In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-05-14 00:02:02 +0000 UTC]

Well, you can do that too, by going to Image > Image Size... on the menu in Photoshop. But doing it through dA allows you to upload your full size pic without showing it at full size on the site, which will help it load faster for viewers.

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Dualmask [2012-05-14 04:30:56 +0000 UTC]

I see.

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Bfetish [2012-05-07 07:42:17 +0000 UTC]

Whoah!o.O! Thats hot!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Bfetish [2012-05-07 22:50:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man...thanks for the fave as well!

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MarratoKensuto [2012-04-23 03:42:21 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! ;D

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to MarratoKensuto [2012-04-23 03:44:38 +0000 UTC]

Thanks bud!

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MarratoKensuto In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-04-23 03:59:12 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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hotrod5 [2012-04-22 21:49:58 +0000 UTC]


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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to hotrod5 [2012-04-23 02:36:12 +0000 UTC]

Everybody wants to press Angie's button!

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Mileenaslove In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2019-09-07 06:43:42 +0000 UTC]

her bellybutton

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Mileenaslove [2019-09-14 23:14:19 +0000 UTC]

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Mileenaslove In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2019-09-15 03:07:07 +0000 UTC]

was I right?

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Mileenaslove [2019-09-15 17:13:49 +0000 UTC]


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Mileenaslove In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2019-09-15 20:48:13 +0000 UTC]

btw I sent u my oc bio in messages

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Mileenaslove [2019-09-15 22:21:28 +0000 UTC]

My bad...I did see it when you first sent it to me and thought that I responded to you! ย  But very cool!!!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mileenaslove In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2019-09-16 00:09:15 +0000 UTC]

thnks. which diva do u ship my wwe oc with?

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Mileenaslove [2019-09-17 02:25:24 +0000 UTC]

Looks like Nia Jax would be the best match.

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Mileenaslove In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2019-09-17 04:38:24 +0000 UTC]

lets take this to messages

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BelRhaza4017 [2012-04-20 01:53:45 +0000 UTC]

another excellent pic and interview, my friend

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to BelRhaza4017 [2012-04-21 16:43:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man!

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BelRhaza4017 In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-04-21 23:27:06 +0000 UTC]

u r welcome, pal

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Speedslide [2012-04-19 18:12:50 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: *Sitting on the couch, and apparently actually READS the article* ... You actually managed to bend a stripper pole, Angie? ... While I'm sure that some people would be intimidated by that... *Let's out a lengthy sigh* "I can't help but get slightly horn... Umm, "tingly" from hearing that factoid...


Another great one, mate! Excellent work on the tiniest details, and Angie's "landmines" looks as lovely as ever! (Yeah, we're totally going to keep using that and see if the dictionaries pick it up! XD) Love to see some new work of yours, we can't enough Marcus-goodness! Happy belated birthday as well, sorry, I completely forgot!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-04-21 16:50:04 +0000 UTC]

Angie: "Yeah...I tried to swing around it and do some fancy twirls and tricks and stuff, and it just gave way. I was in mid swing when it buckled and it caused me to slip and fall on the stage. All of the watchers started laughing so hard...they threw money at me, only b/c they felt bad for me! Can you say embarrassed and pissed off?!!? It was awful Virty, absolutely awful! *facepalms herself while shaking her head*

And you would get turned on by something like that, you perv!"

Thanks man! Angie's landmines are about to explode out of her outfit! And thanks for the late birthday wishes!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-05-02 19:38:47 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: No no, I was not turned on by the idea of seeing you humiliated... *Rises from the couch and stands behind her. He unzips her jacket slightly and puts both hands on her shoulders, giving her a heavenly backrub.* I was turned on by the idea of you strutting your stuff like that, and then bending a solid steel pole with your bare hands. *Brings his hands together to her neck, working down her spine* Makes me both jealous and pitiful of those people that laughed at you, to stupid to know better when a true goddess such as yourself shows of her heavenly physique...


No prob!

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-05-15 03:58:52 +0000 UTC]

Angie: *Lets her head hang forward and closes her eyes as she enjoys her massage* "Ah yeah...right there! I can't remember the last time I had a good massage! And speaking of strong hands, only you would be turned on by the thought of me or any big breasted chica bending a stripper pole with their bare hands! I don't know why would you be jealous of some sleazy hornballs that have nothing better to do than hang out in strip joints all night long? Oh wait...don't answer that; I almost forgot who I'm talking to! *giggles*

As for me being a 'true goddess'...when I think of goddesses, I think of perfection and grace. I'm not graceful at all, sweetie, and I damn sure ain't perfect. I may be hot with a killer body and all...but I'm really just a clumsy dork underneath these curves.

Can you work my shoulders again? I can feel quite a bit of tightness and tension in them."

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Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-06-03 18:21:31 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: *Moves up to work on her shoulders, harder this time* First off, is there really any valid reason that a guy like me would want or even need to enter a strip joint to get my blood pumping? You are a goddess to me, Angie. Whether if you're naked, in your underwear or fully clothed, dancing or remaining stationary, I'm still spellbound in your presence. *Takes one hand and quickly pinches her butt teasingly* And if you insist on considering yourself a dork, then I insist on calling you "simply a-dork-able.""

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-06-20 12:51:20 +0000 UTC]

Angie: *Angie moans as her eyes roll to the back of her head reacting to the massage* "Ohhhh yeah...right there! As for you going into the strip club to get your kicks, I wouldn't be surprised if you did...I'm not judging you! If that's what you like then cool. If you don't like 'em either that's cool too. Not everybody that hangs at the titty bar is a perverted creep!

But yeah...most of the guys that do hang there are! *giggles*

*Playfully popping Virtus' hand for pinching her butt* "And I've got your goddess right here bub! *shakes her fist at him* Seriously though, you think that highly of me? Yeah, I know I look good and all...but I'mma mess!" *She turns around and pinches both of Virtus' nipples and twists them slightly, giving him the dreaded "Purple Nurple"*

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Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-06-20 22:07:10 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: I meet enough women as it is OUTSIDE of burlesque houses. Thus, I don't see why I should pay for nudity when being nice and gentlemanly is much cheaper, and frankly, something I feel more comfortable with.

*looks down and simply smirks at the maneuver* Madame, my skin can take a bullet at point-blank range with a little bleeding. At best, you're merely tickling me. Now play nice, or do you want me to pull the same trick on you? *smirks evilly*

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-06-21 02:49:27 +0000 UTC]

Angie: "Try it buster, and I'll make sure that you'll be eating your meals through a straw! *Grabbing boobs* These are for lookin'...not touchin'!!!!

That is...unless...I like you! *winks*

And oh yeah...I like it rough!"

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-06-25 13:58:25 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: In that case... *zips up behind her and gives a rather strong love-bite on her exposed neck* Then consider this harassment of an officer of the law...

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-07-04 23:09:38 +0000 UTC]

Angie: OWWWW!!!! What the hell, man?!!? I said I like it rough, but I didn't say that I enjoyed being eaten!!! You haven't been taking any of those bath salts, have you? Easy there Dracula Jr.!"

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-07-05 12:14:21 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: *Sighs and lets go off her, looking very ashamed* Now you see why I'm not good at taking charge in sensual situations.

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Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-07-05 14:56:23 +0000 UTC]

Angie: *Still rubbing her neck; what looks like glowing circuitry under her skin starts moving around the area of broken skin where the bite mark is located until it's completely healed*

"Perk up, miho...don't be ashamed! *Points to her neck, where there is no trace of Virtus' bite* See...good as new with no pain! You're still young, so it's not like you're gonna be this well-learned sexpert yet. Let Dr. Angie teach ya a few things about us women!

We absolutely love it when the man takes charge and when we get absolutely ravaged...well, I do at least!!! There's nothing wrong with a little bit of pulling of the hair...not too hard though..or spanking, or just picking me up and slamming against the wall even! Stuff like that drives most women wild...nothin' like hot steamy primal lion-style sex!

However, you can't just go from zero to sixty with a woman! You've gotta ease into the roughness! You've gotta let the engine warm up for a while, rev it up some, and once you get to going THEN kick it into overdrive if you catch my drift!

I know you're a speedster and all...but trust me on this one, with the ladies it's best to take it slow. If you're doing it right slowly, then she'll BEG you to go faster! And that's when you go for the gusto!"

*Pounds her fist into the palm of her other hand quickly and repeatedly*

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-07-05 15:34:00 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: I still thought your skin was supposed to be able to take a lot more damage than what a tiny lovebite could muster. *rolls eyes and takes her fist into his hand. He then pulls up his mask half-way and begins to place kisses all the way up her arm... slowly, ending each kiss with a word.* "Iiiiiiis... Thiiiiiis... Sloooow... Enooough...?"

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-07-05 16:07:11 +0000 UTC]

Angie: "Well, yeah...but you've gotta remember that you have super strength as well and you bit me much harder than you think you did! It still healed up instantly and only stung a little...but still!

And yeah...you're on the right track now. You don't have to go turtle slow, but do take your time."

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-07-05 16:22:41 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: "Aww, don't be such a little baby..." *Moves behind her and kisses her where he bit her, while his hands slowly moves from her shoulders, over her arms, across her voluptuous chest, down her backside and her sensuously wide rear, gently kneading like an expert masseuse* Okay, I take back "little"... *chuckles*

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-07-05 18:01:08 +0000 UTC]

Angie: *Starts to breath heavily and whispers* "Now you're getting the hang of it! And yeah...there's not much little about me at all!"

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-08-06 20:37:25 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: I'll gladly repeat that statement... *Blows hot air across her shoulder* Again... *With one quick move, Angie's top is gone, leaving her jutting chest only covered by her lacy bra...* And again... *With another quick move, her pants are gone, leaving her rear clad in only her thong...* And again. *Blows hot air across her other shoulder and runs his tongue teasingly across her collar bone*

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Mr-Marcus-81 In reply to Speedslide [2012-08-10 00:41:08 +0000 UTC]

Angie: "Alright now...you've gotta finish what you start! You can't just tease a gal and leave her hanging!"

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

Speedslide In reply to Mr-Marcus-81 [2012-08-18 21:40:17 +0000 UTC]

Virtus: "Leaving you hanging?" *With one quick move and a devilish smirk, he's twirling her bra in his hand, leaving her topless* "My buxom beauty, leaving you hanging is part of the fun..." *Removes his own shirt and moves closer behind her, letting his bare chest touch her bare back as he gently drums his fingers across her stomach...*

๐Ÿ‘: 0 โฉ: 1

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