MrSman5 — Behind the mask

Published: 2014-04-13 05:16:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 601; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 2
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Description The Story:  Let's turn back the clock;  back when the world was protected by the noble and powerful hero known as Alphaman.  Before he was corrupted by his own power, and was beloved by everyone all over the world, and before the outbreak of Ex-humans.  There lived a young man named Steven Julius Tylor.  Steven did not live a very peaceful life, with crime and occasional gang wars.  It seemed Steven was always in a fight, sometimes it's just to defend himself, sometimes it's to help others.  Unfortunately for Steven; it's because of that that got people thinking Steven was just as bad as the criminals that Alphaman put away.  Just hearing that made Steven cringe, to be honest he (like few people) think that Alphaman is making thing worse because he makes the people who risks their lives everyday look worthless,  like it was a corny comic book.  As if it wasn't bad enough, Steven's father, Tomas Tylor a once respected police officer, was always cruel to his own wife and son.  Back when he was a officer of the law, he was a hard worker, and always took his job seriously.  Once Alphaman started to clean up the city, and the world However, Tomas gotten lazy, and started drinking, because of that, he lost his job, and he took his frustration on his family.  Steven once looked up to him, but now; Steven hated him.  Then one day Tomas got into a drunk rage and attacked Steven, after a brutal fist fight, Steven knocked Tomas down with a massive punch, and left home.   Couple of years past, and Steven lived in a old Tibetan monastery where he trained under a old monk named Miefu.  Miefu was the master of a deadly martial art known as Kytuyo ken.  A powerful fighting style that is rumored that the user of the technique would have fists of steel.   At first, Steven didn't want to be part of it, and the training and insults from the other successors made Steven feel upset.  However Miefu knew the potential in Steven and convinced him to stay, when Steven asked why, Master Miefu just said: Because you have the potential.  At first Steven thought he was just talking more nonsense, regardless; he stayed.  Years later, Steven became a master of Kytuyo ken, and finally found peace with in himself.  With that Steven went back home.  Unfortunately, Steven saw that his home was worse off than it already was.

As Steven returned to Lansing, he thought about what has happened in his life, the fight with his dad, his hatred of Alphaman, everything.  Steven was thinking of patching things up.  "Maybe... I was just upset over how having a real life superhero, doing a cop's job...."  Steven thought to himself.  " I should try to talk to the old man...  when he sober..."  Just then once the bus made it to Lansing Mi, a massive crash made the bus come to a sudden stop.  "What the hell?" Said Steven as he ran out the bus door.   Once out Steven saw a sight, the city he called home now looked like a scene from a bad action move, buildings burning, people running in the streets in a panic and two superpowered people fighting like mad dogs.  Just then one of the super powered was taken down.  "Ha!  What a wuss."  The Superhuman gloated.  At that moment, he turned his attention to Steven.  "What'cha looking at normie?"  he asked, but Steven only looked at him like he was a major nutcase.  "Hey don't you know you worthless ordinary guys are under our protection?"  After hearing that made Steven blood boil,  some high and mighty guy with powers acting like the world was beneath him, reminded Steven of why his dad was now a drunk loser.  "You Asshole!"  Steven said enraged.  "Who the hell do you think you are?  Ya think that just because you have power you can do whatever the hell you want?  You're just a PUNK, just like Alphaman!"  After hearing that, the super human started to clutch his fist in a rage.  "You fucking....  I'm going to shut that mouth of yours!"  In a flash the super human ran to Steven at full speed an delivered a strong punch to Steven, sending him flying to an ally way.  "How ya like that?" Said the superhuman as he strut to the ally.  "Looks like you know your place loser.  And the name's Speed bolt!"  As Steven tries to get to his feet, Speed Bolt slowly walked a boasted like he was a god.  "Tell ya what, I'll forgive and forget if you lick my boots..."  But at that moment when Speed Bolt got too close, Steven got up in a flash and hit Speed Bolt with a massive gut punch.  The hit was so strong Speed Bolt felt like he was hit by a cannon ball.  "URG.... W W What... the Hell...?"  Said Speed Bolt holding his stomach in pain, however it also made Speed Bolt mad.  "You fucker!  I'm going to beat you DOWN!"  With that Speed bolt ran at lighting speed, however thanks to his training, Steven saw Speed Bolt as if he was running in slow motion, and once Speed Bolt got close enough;  Steven started striking Speed Bolt with heavy punches that could shatter bones.  With one final blow; Speed Bolt flew out the ally and into a building.  "N....No... I'm an E Ex- human.... Like alpha...ma..."  And with that the battle was over.  "Wow the old man's training paid off after all."  Said Steven.  Just then a man came to Steven. "Did... you do this?" He asked.  "Yeah, trained in china... Long story."  Steven responded.  "Oh good.  You can help us."  With that Steven fallowed the man to a secret underground lab, which was made to help Ex-humans go back to normal (the ones not following Alphaman, or Lord Silver anyway), and they needed all the help they can get.  Because of Steven mastery of the Kytuyo; Steven can go undercover as a Ex-Human, so with a new costume Steven Tylor, has become, KnightWolf.

One day Steven was sent to the laboratory of Dr. Weaver, a mad scientist who is specializing in making more Ex-Humans, and The Alpha Force is going there not to stop him, but to find new recruits.  Steven was there to actually help the People who were forced into becoming these monsters, once at the lab, Steven fought through the minions of Lord Silver, acting like an Alpha Force member, and using his techniques to make it look like he was an Ex-Human, and freed as many people as he could just then, Steven heard a dog cry, when he looked into the room where the cries came from, he saw a giant Wolf dog in a cage being mistreated by a lab helper.  "I'm your master you stupid beast!"  He shouted while using a shock collar.  " Now attack!  I command you!"  As the dog walked out of it's cage with a raging growl, it's sights went to KnightWolf, however the wolf Dog was really mad at his master.   "Hmmm...  I think he'd rather chew on you leg than mine."  KnightWolf said.  The Lab helper only let out a light growl, and saw his little pet hesitating.  "Damn it!  I said....  ATTACK!!"  But before he could use the shock Collar, KnightWolf through a small shard of glass right at his hand.  Realizing that he has lost control the Wolf Dog unleashed a powerful bite right on the lab Helper's neck  snapping it in two.  After that, Knightwolf slowly walked towards the wolfdog, but the dog was not intimidated by Steven.  "It's ok boy...  easy now..."  said Steven as he removed the collar from the dog's neck.  After that the dog started to lick Steven's hand, like a loyal dog.   "Heh.  And to think,  I've asked my folks for a dog when I was a kid..."  Thought Steven.  Moments later, Steven saw two Anthro Ex-Humans in the hallway.  "Hey are you alright?"  asked KnightWolf.  "Yeah, but my friend..." The snow Leopard Ex-human said in a worrying tone.  After seeing the Fox Ex-human, Steven knew they both don't want to have this life.  "listen.  There are people with me who can help you.  They can turn you back to your old selves."  The words from Steven gave hope to the two Ex-humans.  "Hurry!  before anyone else comes."   Steven said pointing to the door to the outside.  Just then a Ex-human named Psyphon, came in.  "Where are the recruits? "  He asked.  "Tell me now!"  But KnightWolf just remained silent.  All it did was made Psyphon angry.  "Very Well, If you won't tell me, then I'll just hurt you until you talk!"  At that moment Psyphon used his psychic powers that held Steven in place, and was slowly trying to break all of his limbs, when suddenly, the Wolf Dog attacked Psyphon from behind, chomping the back of his neck, and with a powerful leap the dog jumped up with Psyphon and piledrived him on to the floor.  " Damn!"  Said KnightWolf in total awe.  However Psyphon was still alive and was enraged, slowly he got up with psychic energy in his hands.  "You DARE!!?"  Psyphon shouted, and charged into the attack, but Steven charged after him.   The battle raged hours, kicks punches and energy waves flew everywhere; of course KnightWolf was only stalling so the escaped victims could get away.  Feeling that he took enough time Steven was ready to leave.  "Sorry pal, but I'm done playing with you!"  Said KnightWolf.  "FOOL!  What do you think this is?  A Stupid Anime?"  Shouted an insulted Psyphon,  but at that moment KnightWolf dashed towards him and used the ultimate Kytuyo technique the one hundred slash palm.  An attack that looks like the user only chopped his opponent once, only to have hit with fast devastating blows that feels like a barrage of hundred fists.   After the onslaught ended,  KnightWolf and the wolf dog left the lab.  Once back at the secret lab, Steven learned about most of the escaped Ex-humans who didn't make it, they're with Alpha Force now.  "What?"  Said Steven in shock.  'What... What about the two animal Ex-humans...."  "I'm afraid they're going to become Alphaman's men...  But don't worry, we'll help them, and all other Ex-humans.  We WILL make everything normal again."  Said the doctor.  "Alright doc,  I'll help out anyway I can."  Said Steven realizing his new role.  "Heh...  I wonder if this is what the old man ment?"  He thought.  As Steven sat down to rest, he wasn't alone, the wolf dog from the lab was with him.  "Heh.  I don't think I've gave you a name yet."  said Steven petting the dog's head.  "Hmmmm...  I think I'll call you Midnight."  With that Steven lay down to rest; for he and Midnight have long battle ahead of them.  "I hope those two are ok...."  Thought Steven thinking about the two animal Ex-humans.  "Alphaman, Silver,  You two really screwed things up." 

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Comments: 1

sinako777 [2014-04-13 09:41:50 +0000 UTC]

john :- this guy .... this guy is real hero ,  he is a real knight in my eyes , knightwolf anytime you need a hand , i be there to  help out

shadow :- any human is a true friend to animals is  my friend .   ( turn to  normal  dog and being friendly )

john :- stop that !!!   and start acting a real sidekick for once

shadow pee on john's leg :- i am not a sidekick !!

john is pulling  shadow's face and making funny face :- you damn dog !!!

gwen :- oh brother not again , anyway Steven  the hell seekers are on your side  

mari :- yes  we are

tulip :- i wish you luck my good warrior human friend

sinako :- Steven , i want you and your little doggy  be in my pack   , we need more pack warriors like you

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