MrSman5 — Clawson family secret pt 5

Published: 2014-09-01 23:48:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 539; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 3
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Once Solo started his training with the fourth member of the guardians Sago Clawson, who was training him to combine his training from the others.  At first, Solo couldn't handle it, but after remembering the wise words of the other family, and the thought of his loved ones, he became more focused and started to take control of his Chi aura little by little.  Three years past.  Solo became stronger by the day, and as he became more intone to his hidden power, he can almost unleash his aura as if it was natural.  However, Solo still felt that he was still lacking something.  Then one day, Saro along with Biluta called for Solo,  Once arrived; Solo was told to meditate for special training, once he entered his sub-conscious, he was told that his training was to fight a powerful opponent.  Just then, Solo saw a dark figure approach him, not just any figure.  Solo's opponent was himself.  Or more to the point; his inner hatred.  At that moment, one of Solo's greatest challenge begun.


Sero:  Solo, it is time to face your dark side, the very embodiment of your inner hatred, and rage. 


With that said, the two Solos due battle, using their full power.  Even though they attacked full force, they were equal.  As they continued their fight, Dark Solo talked about the past, the negative side.


Dark Solo:  You're such an IDIOT!!!   You're using this power to protect....  Those FREAKS!!!


Solo: ....  They are my friends,  my family.  This is why I'm here.


Dark Solo:  FRIENDS?!!  You mean the SAME friends that made our lives miserable?  The same friends, that always put us through humiliating pranks?!  The same Fuck'n friends that used us as bait for hell fish, tying us down and give us unnecessary shots, that made us feel worse,  Who Turned our sisters into UGLY, DISGUSTING, FREAKS LIKE THEM??!!


Solo:  My sisters are happy with them...  The Bleeds didn't kill them or anything...     


Dark Solo:  Oh of course they'll happy, mostly because...  They are now as stupid as the others!  And what about our beloved mother?  You sensed her aura didn't you?!  She's in more pain than ever before!  You know what they're doing to her?   That heartless BITCH Abby made her a demon, that can live forever as long as she drinks blood!  Haven't you noticed, that she's ALWAYS drinking blood, and just stay the same, while Dad just get's older and older?!   If the Bleed's really loved them...  Then answer this little question....  WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY ALL LETTING THEM SUFFER??!!!


Solo was still and silent at that moment, he was wondering himself.  Why do all the demons make mom so miserable?  It seems that, the demon world love to make Mom suffer.  Just like....  Suddenly  Solo remembered his first meditation training.


Solo:  ...  You know...  You have NO  idea how Mom, or ANY of the demons thinks!


Dark Solo:  What?!!


Solo:  I didn't sensed just mom's aura...  I sensed EVERYONES!


Dark Solo:  W What?


Solo:  You said that the Bleeds don't care about anyone?  Then you're the idiot...  I saw their hidden sorrows, and their pains, the same pain that haunts them to this day!  Marco his mothers and all his siblings are in pain because Master John is gone.  Master Sinako and B.B are still in pain because of all the pack members who were gone forever because of the Soul eaters, Eris is in pain because the pain of loneliness still haunts her, and even Skullerack a demon god, had experienced pain!  As for Lady Abby...  She's feels guilty for what she done to mom...  She's just handling it like a typical alcoholic, by drowning her pain in blue shadow. But that's just her demon side doing it.  Because that side of her is completely weak...  And speaking of mom...  I still think she has her Chi power! 


Dark Solo:  You're making excuses for them!?  They are monsters!  And What do you mean that Mom's power's still there?


Solo: Because I felt it!  


Meanwhile back in the demon world, Polo was hard at work training, meditating, and working on her fighting style day after day after day.  Then one day when Polo was training she was attacked by five high level hell creatures, in her spider demon form Polo fought hard, and took out three of them, and after word sliced up the remaining two.  Just then, a giant hell creature came out.  A few minutes later, Adam was walking home with his son and daughters visiting, when they saw Polo  battling  the giant hell creature with everything she had.  Without a second thought Adam rushed to his wife's aid, with Jolma, Ada, and Paula coming from behind with weapons out, Lola in her demon dinosaur form. only to get ambushed by thirty more Hell Creatures,  Of course for Adam and the kids, there wasn't much trouble, spite all of the hell creatures, they did nothing more than slow them down.  Just then a bruised and tiered Polo was still on her feet and was barely doing real damage.  However she was not going to lose, for she had a propose to for fill.


Polo: No...  I won't lose to a brainless freak like you!!  I must continue on...  FOR SOLO!!!!


Just then, Adam and the kids saw a blinding light from the field.


Adam:  *URK!!*  What's that light?!  Polo?


Lola: RRRROAAAARRRR!!!  (Mommy!)


Paula:  I can't see a thing...


Ada and Jolma:  Mom!


At that moment, the light settled, and Adam eye's adjusted he ran towards his wife.  Once he got there he saw an exhausted Polo was looking at her hands and mumbling to herself next to the giant hell creature who had half it's body completed obliterated.  without hesitation Adam ran to her side.


Polo: (My... My Chi energy?  I didn't lose it after all....)


Adam: Polo?  Are you ok?  What happened?


Polo: A Adam?  I...  I feel...  Just... Fine...


Just then Polo who was completely exhausted fainted in his arms.  Sleeping peacefully, with a smile on her face.


Adam:  Oh good...  Just asleep...  Like master John said...  She's the strongest woman here...  ( But that light...  Did it come from her?)


As Adam carried Polo in his arms back to kids so she could get some rest, we return to the battle between Solo and his dark self.  The battle was both a battle of strength and inner strength. 


Dark Solo:  Y You're full of it!  Her power's gone!  And those demons are to blame!


Solo:  I used to think like you...  Always saw the bad side of them...  What about Fury?  What about Coco?


Dark Solo:  Oh...  Yeah.  Those two...  Our sweetheart Coco...  The girl who forced us to be her boyfriend and jumped to conclusion that we hated her without thinking that we were talking about the damn Bleeds!  And Fury the best friend who was good to us...  Oh but wait...  That's right, he worked for the HORSEMEN!!!  And he didn't do a damn thing to help us!!  Fury was a horseman!  Why didn't he attacked Death and told us to run?!  He was suppose to be our friend!


Solo: Oh...  You mean how Fury used the Olympia Crown to save us and Lord John?  And sacrifice his life to protect us?  He was our friend...  He did all that to PROTECT US!  And Coco...  She was always good to us...  since the beginning.  The Bleeds were bringing us back together.  They wanted us to be happy.


 Dark Solo:  IDIOT!!!  It's all a LIE!!!  T They never cared about us!   We're just playthings to them! 


  Just then, Solo noticed that his other self was stuttering and shaking as he tried to convince Solo that his friends did not care one bit.  With that Solo knew, he had already won.


Solo:  This fight is over.  I've won.


Dark Solo:  WHAT!!??  What are you talking about?!  


Solo:  Oh, you're confused aren't you?  I'll make it simple.  All you are is the side of me that just want to think he's right.  You're just mad because you can't take humility.  You're just want the power to be the next Mr. Snow.  But now that I know the truth about you...  You lost all the power to defeat me.


Those words made Dark Solo's Blood boil.


Dark Solo:  GrrrrrrrAAAAAHHHH!!!!  You are NOT MY SUPERIOR!!!   I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG!!!  I'LL PROVE IT!!!!


Like a rampaging bull, Solo's dark side ran towards Solo at full force, but once he got in hitting range, Solo Grabbed his fist and stopped him in his tracks.  Dark Solo was surprised by this, but refused to accept his counterpart's words.  Just then a familiar figure stood behind Solo.  It was the Aura of Fury standing by Solo's side like a loyal ally.


Dark Solo:  W What?  No... 


Solo:  Yes...  It's over...


In an instant dark Solo slowly disintegrated into smoke and Solo absorbed it.  Just then Solo felt at peace.  Slowly he turned to Fury's aura like he knew he was their all along.


Solo:  Thanks Fury...


Fury: ... 


With a nod Fury's aura went away waving good-bye to his dear friend.


Biluta:  Now that you saw what your anger truly was...  Your spirit is now at peace.


Sero:  Well done, Solo.  You passed the test.  Now your training will truly begin.


Solo:  I'll work hard Master! 


As Solo left his sub-conscious, Biluta saw Fury's aura and gave him a message.


Biluta:  I know all about you, Fury...  I have a favor to ask...


Back in the demon world, Adam gone to his room to check up on Polo, only to see her wide awake and sitting on the bed.


Adam:  Polo?


Polo tried to hide her true feelings, which was the surprising fact that Abby's little prank didn't destroy her power after all.  Not to mention; the feeling for what's to come.  


Polo:  Oh...  Hello Adam, sorry if I scared you out there...  I guess I should've known that there was a queen...


Adam:  Err...  No Cookie, I know how strong you are.  But really, that light that came from you really surprise me...


Polo:  !!  You...  You saw that? 


Adam:  Yeah...  When I saw what happened to that Hell creature queen after that bright light, I thought about you and Solo suddenly disappearing that night...  Polo...  That light...  It had nothing to do with your spider demon form, dose it?  


As if the shock of still having her Chi powers wasn't enough, Polo now have to do some explaining to her beloved husband.


Polo: (He figured it out so soon?!  I should've known...  he's not like Sin or Abby...  My Adam HAS a brain.)  Um...  Well...  You see...


Adam: No...  No need to explain.  I've actually seen that light before...  Before you became this.  I guess Solo got that from you.  That explain that night...  Solo's being trained by your family isn't he?


Polo:  Yes Adam...  I just didn't want...


Adam:  Don't worry Cookie...  I didn't tell anyone, your secret's safe with me. 


Polo: Thank you Adam... 


Lola:  Mom!  Everyone Mom's awake!


Paula:  Mom!  That was amazing!


Ada:  You blasted a queen Hell creature in half, by yourself!  Not even our immortal packs could do that!


Jolma: That's because she's not a loser like you and Paula!


Paula and Ada:  SHUT UP JOLMA!!!


Lola:  Heeheehee.


Adam:  Alright, that's enough!  Let your mother rest!


Polo:  Hahaha...  My family...  ( And Solo will join us soon...  If he can succeed in his final trial...)


To be continued 

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Comments: 6

sinako777 [2020-11-15 20:08:17 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sinako777 [2014-09-02 05:05:28 +0000 UTC]

wow polo  has amazing family

wait everyone knows that lola is a dino demon   i thought she would tell them that in her wedding day

so thunders aren't piss off with alvin ??? and polo didn't do something to  alvin ???

hell creature queen ??? oh you mean  a "leader rank " hell creature  

that's right about john's family their having the most  pain  now


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MrSman5 In reply to sinako777 [2014-09-02 05:17:36 +0000 UTC]

Lola told them already.  And Polo and Adam knew that since she loves Alvin so much, and she'll be a demon anyway, it was really no surprise, besides Lola and Alvin were already married around that time, as were Ada and Rex, so yeah...   Besides Alvin was a little mad at Polo for sending Solo away.  Al wanted him as best man...

And just wait till you see the next story...  You're in for a surprise!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sinako777 In reply to MrSman5 [2014-09-02 05:22:08 +0000 UTC]

oh i see

ooo i can't wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sinako777 [2014-09-02 04:58:54 +0000 UTC]

in hell 

mr red :- now young hellseeker face your great nemesis ...yourself

mario  :- bring it now

red cuts mario's hand

mario :- hey !!!

mr red talking in unholy language to  the cut

the blood turns to  shadow and form a fire like creature

mr red :- !!!! what the

the shadow form a huge armored minotaur (horse part ) creature

mario  :- wow look at this creature

mr red knows that this thing is mario's dark side but he don't know mario to  know

mr red :- change of plans , you fight this thing

mario's rage :- ..........(isn't  moving  )

mario  :- ..... ( mario is just looking at it )

mr red :- i said fight !!!!

mario  :- something is weird here

mr red :- .... ( mmm maybe i push this thing to  move ) ( using his magic , give the best some angry )

mario 's rage :- raaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! ( almost mario  )

mario  :- !!!! (feels the beast is afraid and not mad ) ( he drops his sword )

mr red :- what are you doing ???

mario runs to  the rampage beast

mr red :- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!    ( skullerack will destroy hell if anything happen to  his grandson )

mario puts his hand on the nose of the beast and the monster is cool down

mario  :- hey  cow butt   , i order you to  cool down  or else i will beat the crap out of you

mario's rage is smile and disappeared

mario :- what the !!!

mr red :-   ...... ( what just happen here ??? ) 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TBRae [2014-09-02 00:57:48 +0000 UTC]

yay I'm so glad that he was able to over come his darkness and his anger. He is going to be such a good warrior.

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