MrWhiteShin β€” Ylisse's heavy turn of events prt 2 [NSFW]
#gluttony #ssbbw #weightgain #fireemblemawakening
Published: 2016-08-22 01:18:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 18818; Favourites: 63; Downloads: 0
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Description Panne felt her husband, Gaius, hand grasp her dimpled bottom as she waddled past him into the kitchen. A pleasant smile intertwined within her thick lips as she savored her husband's interest in her more than ample assets.

She made sure to allow him a few grasps before making her way towards the feast he had set out before her.

Her belly shifted to and fro as her bulging backside crashed into itself in strange harmony. She made her way to the table and began to eat like a starved woman. She sipped lightly at the special tea that had been sent to her. She felt her stomach roar for more and dived into the next course eagerly.

Gaius watched as his Taguel wife devoured his hand cooked food greedily. He couldn't help but imagine her fatter as she slid her head back and began to guzzle down a bowl of grits. She was getting so soft that he couldn't help but consider her more of a pig than a rabbit. Of course, he would never mention it as long as she could still throw a proper kick at him.

He savored the delighted moans she let loose between swigs of tea and bites of food. He walked up to her side and began to massage her belly folds as she downed another plate of eggs.

"Keep rubbing human" she moaned as he pressed deep into her warm soft flesh. She increased her pace and began to guzzle tea between plates. Her belly roared hungrily as Gauis continued to knead its protective flab hastily.

He swore that he saw her nipples stiffen as he made his deft fingers swoop down to her lower belly fold. He rubbed its expanse slowly as she stuffed the last of the massive feast down her gullet.

"Let me show you my gratitude in your human custom" she smiled as he looked up into her eyes. She reached for his genital region and grasped lightly at his pants creases. Gauis felt her slide her thick hand below hes beltline. He made sure to let loose a pleased whistle as she began to stroke lazily as best she could within the reinforced chair.


Cordelia moaned in delight as she slid another spoonful of Donnel's homemade chicken and dumplins past her thick lips.

She counted herself blessed for having such a culinary expert as a husband. She blamed him and his addictive cooking for her ever-increasing waistline but didn't complain too long as he always seemed to make it up to her.

"At least I don't have to worry about him being disgusted by my size" she thought to herself as she recalled their countless intimate moments since her weight gain began. She downed a glass of wine as she shook the images of their more naughty times from her mind.

"There ya are darlin" Donnel chimed as he made his way over to his corpulent Cordelia with another pot of food and a bottle of the strange wine.

"Ya still eatin the last course?" he sighed as he slid his hand across her pillowy soft upper arm.

"Ya gotta keep your strength up honey....and wastin foods a sin and all."

"Its quite a good deal of food here" she sighed as Donnel lifted a filled bowl to her plump lips eagerly. She opened her lips and slid her head back on cue as he began to slowly pour its contents into her open maw. She swallowed the food with a growing greediness as the wine began to effect her.

"Nonsense" he chuckled as she continued to slurp down each offering he bought to her lips "this won't last ya long at all."

He began to rub her bloating belly with his free hand as they reached the bottom of the first pot of food. She let loose a grateful moan as he poured a glass worth of wine down her throat before starting on the second pot.



"Long live the Princess!"

Say'ri let loose a small belch as her faithful citizens cheered her victorious devouring of their tribute offering. She downed a glass of tea as they chanted her praises throughout the courtyard. She struggled to keep her kimono cinched tight around her blubbery belly as she slowly tried to stand.

"The Chon'sin....really love thier tributes...." She huffed as she slowly rose to her feet "I swear their offerings get larger each week."

She felt her weight shift as she stood jiggling beneath her robes. She rested a fat hand atop her heaving breast as she struggled to catch her breath. She downed another glass of tea as she slowly made her way to address the crowds. Their chanting died down as she stood winded before them all, her belly rumbling all the while as she began to address them.

"People...of....Chon'sin" she huffed as two over zealous servants bought and placed a reinforced bench behind her. She nodded her head in approval before lowering her dimpled bottom atop it.

"You...have...been...through...much..." she belched slightly as she waited for her body to settle once more. She placed her hands atop her belly and felt its soft expanse as she chose her next words carefully.

"I know your pain....and that is why I accept your tributes wholeheartedly."

The people cheered approvingly as their leader's cherubic smile warmed their hearts.

"They say that fate is generous to those who give selflessly" she continued as the crowds cheers died down "you all have given much and will surely be rewarded."

"Long live our Quivering Queen" a man shouted from within the crowd "her growing beauty is a sign of our growing prosperity."

Say'ri sighed as she tried to silence the man's strange claims...but she was too late.

"Feed the queen!" the crowd began to chant as she nervously sipped from a glass of tea she had bought with her. Her belly began to roar hungrily as it mixed within her stomach...only adding fuel to the crowd's new goals.

"The queen is hungry! Bring her another feast!"

"If it will please my people" she sighed as her hands patted her belly hungrily "I would gladly become their symbol of prosperity."


"Lady Sonia!" a fat maid yelled as she entered her master's chamber "We have arrived at Port Ferox and are beginning to dock."

Her eyes widened as she took good stock of the obese alchemist that was seated before her. She found herself holding back a gasp as she watched her lady, Sonia, shovel chocolate cake lazily into her open maw. She could not fathom which surprised her more...the fact that Lady Sonia was eating almost incessantly or that she had already finished off the generous portioned lunch that was just delivered to her a half hour earlier.

"mmmmmph" Sonia grunted as she chewed a mouthful of cake lazily. Her fat face was blushed a strange shade of crimson as her gaze met the eyes of the fat maid. She swallowed the food slowly, relsishing its taste, before downing a glass of quivering queen iced tea. Β 

The maid watched silently as Sonia reached for another forkful of cake, cautiously, her bingo wings jiggling as she moved. The obese alchemist bit into the forkful of cake greedily and was moaning quite unashamed as she licked the fork prongs clean. Her free hand bought the tea to her lips, emptying it within seconds, as she continued to tear away at the cake before her.

"....Good..." She huffed, stifling a belch, as she methodically bought another piece of the large cake to her lips.

"Go find this merchant Anna..." she spoke between bites, her voice notibly deeper than it was before the month long journey began, making sure to pour herself another glass of tea as she chewed. She patted at the taut black fabric that covered her blubbery belly curiously as she drank this glass hastily.

"Invite her to dinner tonight...and make sure that the chef's begin preparing a massive feast before you leave."

The maid followed her lady's commands quickly and was out the door before Sonia had eaten another bite.

"Good" Sonia mused as she leaned forward a bit further, her robes seams tearing a little at the sides, and pulled another cake within arms reach.

"I couldn't imagine wearing this tent of a dress a month ago....and now I am bursting out of it."

She chuckled as she remembered Maris insistance on her bringing the dress and a few larger ones along.

"I suppose he has his considerate moments" she cooed as she slid another forkful of cake past her lips.

"How surprised he will be when I return bursting out of the largest robes available!"


"There you are my beautiful rose" Virion chimed "I was wondering where you had gotten off to....the bed was so cold without you."

"Don't act as though you couldn't figure it out" Robin sighed "it isn't hard to guess if you look at this fat body of mine."

"Pleasingly plump" he chuckled as he made his way to her side "and you wear it well."

"Glad to see you one of us is enjoying my alarming weight gain" she huffed as he patted her big belly lightly "I am gonna end up an obese ghost of my old self at this rate."

"Nonsense" he retorted "You look better than ever....besides a few more curves would only accent your beauty."

"Sure" she replied sarcastically "lets hear you say that once I can't reach my feet."

"You will never be anything less than beautiful to me" he said sternly as the maids returned with his wife's breakfast feast. He pressed his hand into her blobby breast and was surprised to see the fabric surrounding her nipple darken.

"Still producing sweet treats" he teased as he continued to knead its expanse eliciting moans from his wife's fat lips.

"Its gotten worse" she cooed as he milked them beneath her blouse "the fatter I get the milkier they become."

"Then we will just need to milk you regularly" he smiled as he prepared the first forkful of food for his wife.

He fed her the first forkful to her, watching her worried expression vanish as her cheeks began to blush.

"So eat as much as you want my rose" he whispered as he bought another forkful to her lips "eat until you are satisfied."

She bit into the tender meat and chewed its contents well before relenting and opening her mouth for another offering.

"I will keep you to those words" she cooed as he began to feed her eagerly "even if you try to redact them."

"I would never" he chuckled as he picked up the pace of his food offerings "I know better than to get on your bad side."

Robin managed to eat her ever increasing amount of breakfast food in record time and downed a few pots of her gifted tea. She waited for the food and drink to settle before she drew her husband in for a passionate kiss. She released his lips only as her stomach began to roar for food once more.

"Virion...." she chuckled "I doubt my stomach is going to be satisfied anytime soon."

"I will have the chefs prepare more food my darling" he responded surprisingly "and will begin plans on expanding Roseanne manor's staff and renovating its rooms."

"How big does he think I am going to get?" She sighed as he exited the room quickly "I still have some self control....."


Cherche let out a content sigh as Frederick bought her another glass of iced tea.

"Thank you darling..." she cooed as he handed her the drink lovingly "but I should have gotten it myself...."

"I would allow no such thing" he smiled as his wife bought a fat hand between her bulbous breasts shocked.

"You will relax until I return to Ylisse" he chuckled as he bought a tray of cookies within arms reach of her chair.

"I have been relaxing too much dear" Cherche smiled maliciously as she looked down at her obese body. She lowered her hand from her cleavage onto her belly's upper fold and patted it for emphasis as Frederick planted a kiss upon her fat cheek.

"You will need your rest" he said sternly as she looked at him eyebrow raised questionably "the move from here to Ylisse will surely tire you out."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"I won't return to Ylisse without you..." he smiled weakily as he placed his hand atop hers affectionately.

"What about house Roseanne?"

"What about it?" he queried as she stared at him confused "Lord Virion has reclaimed his lands and re-established his nobility status long ago. The rest is meant for him and Lady Robin to deal with."

"I am still lost" Cherche sighed as she examined the vast amounts of empty platters that she had been consuming each day. "Why must I eat this much if we are just moving to Ylisse?"

"Lady Sumia" Frederick sighed a sweatdrop forming on his brow comically as he spoke "has emplemented strict tea times at the palace....and you wouldn't have been able to keep up with her without some preparations."

"Oh my" Cherche chuckled as her husband finished his awkward explanation "Lady Sumia must have quite the appetite."

"That she does" he replied as he urged her to begin eating "we do not have much time left before the move....so please eat my love."


"....Mother...." Lucina panted as she waddled into the pegasus stables to find Sumia clad only in a pair of purple panties and bra. A pleasant smile was planted atop her thick lips as she slowly brushed her pegasus's hair.

Lucina examined her mother's obese body curiously as the obese pegasus knight waddled off to hang up the cleaning brush. Sumia's ponderous backside quivered hypnotically with each step as she made her way to the wall. Her progress impeded by the small trips that she partook in as she stepped forward. Lucina watched, nervously, as her mother avoided falling flat on her fat face as each hang up of a fat foot sent her body swaying intensely backwards and forwards.

"Thank the Goddess she has gotten better at catching herself" Lucina thought as her mother turned to face her after replacing the brush to its holder. Sumia smiled at her warmly before beginning her bloated walk to her daughter.

Her heavy footfalls sent those thunderous, dimpled, thighs of hers into a jiggle frenzy as her belly swayed heavily across them. Her lower belly fold slapped their surface with each step's end making it shake greatly despite her panties attempts to hold it steady. Her breasts slapped atop her uppermost fold eagerly threatning to slip free of her bra with each jiggling revebaration.

Why even as Lucina stood in awe of her mother's exposed body...she could swear she appeared to be a bit fatter than she was this morning. Sumia stopped short of belly to belly contact with her daughter, waiting for her body to settle before she spoke.

"What do you need dear?"

"What are you thinking wearing only that?"

"I am thinking that I am in the privacy of my own home cleaning my pegasus" Sumia scolded sternly as she turned slowly to face her fat daughter. Lucina stood silently as her flabby chest heaved heavily, as she breathed, her mother continuing to speak.

"...Besides...." Sumia mumbled slightly as the look of pain on her daughter's face threw her off somewhat "skin to skin contact helps build affection."

"So you stripped down..." Lucina sighed as she tried to understand why her mother would go to that kinda length for her pegasus's affection.

"Heavens no" Sumia giggled sending her fattened forefront into a slight wobble "I burst out of my last good dress after breakfast Lucina."

"Does father know?"

"He does" Sumia said with a smile "he has already called the tailors to the castle...I was merely passing time here dear."

"...Good..." Lucina sighed, in relief, before feeling her mother's hand grab ahold of one of her lard filled lovehandles.

"You should be fitted with me" Sumia chuckled as she squeezed her daughter's flab playfully "this outfit doesn't have much time left."

"Lets head back to have some tea first..." Lucina blushed as her mother retracted her fat hand "I am a bit thirsty after all this."

"Sounds good" Sumia cheered as she pumped her fat arms enthusiastically "We can discuss what kinda dresses we will get!"


Flavia listened to Raimi read the newest letter that had been sent with her latest shipment of waddling wine.

"To Flavia, the beautiful, Kahn of Ferox

I have heard wonderful news from my messengers that you are enjoying my gifts, our products, greatly. I am pleased to inform you that my partner will be traveling to meet you shortly in person. She is a woman of many depths and tastes and I am sure that you will get along with her easily. She will arrive with the merchant Anna and will come with wine and a proposition we know that you won't disagree with.

-Sincerly hopeful
Maris of the Heavy Hillfalls merchant guild."

Flavia smiled arrogantly as she watched her obese knight commander fold up the parchment and waddle over to the shipment of wine. Raimi pulled two bottles of wine from the crates and began to lumber over to Flavia.

"Raimi, why do you insist on wearing all that armor still? Do you not realize you have no combat ability left?"

Flavia laughed as she watched her knights fat nostrils flare with each armor and fat laden step. Her body quivered from her laughter as her knight commander's anger filled eyes glared at her.

"...I...am...still...your...knight...commander..." she huffed as she reached her kahn shakily, she handed off the wine and wiped her sweat covered brow before opening her bottle.

"Not anymore" Flavia spoke between gulps of wine "You are hereby retired and promoted to Kahn's personnal attendent."


"But nothing" Flavia scolded as she finished the last of the wine in her bottle "When did you last see your feet Raimi?"

Her silence spoke volumes as Flavia motioned for her to join her at her table once more.

"Lets be realistic" Flavia huffed as her belly began to rumble "me and you are far past the point of denial."

"We can't see our feet and are growing larger by the week" she continued as she bit into a bread roll "we could not stop even if we wanted to now....our appetites are far too large."

"What am I without my title" Raimi smiled weakly as she too felt her stomach hunger "I live for my work."

"Live for me instead" Flavia whispered as she drew Raimi's lips onto hers eagerly, eyes closing and soft moans emerging as she kissed her deeply. She withdrew and watched Raimi closely as the short haired woman touched her plump lips dazingly.

"What do you say" Flavia queried her voice betraying her fear "will you accept?"

Raimi merely leaned and engaged the kiss anew as her answer as her hands explored her new found lover's mocha colored folds.

"I accept" she whispered after breaking their long kiss "but you are going to have to get a great deal heavier..."

"Oh" Flavia raised her eyebrow defiantly "How heavy must I be to please you?"

"I will let you know" Raimi blushed as she bought a pastry to Flavia's lips eagerly. She found herself surprised as Flavia mickmed her motions in return.

"Don't tell me you thought you were done?"

Flavia pushed the treat into her lover's mouth slowly before bringing another to her lips.

"I share those sentiments" she cooed as she watched Raimi chew at the delectable pastry "and I intend to feed you until I am satisfied as well."

"I will keep you mobile though" she smiled as Raimi pushed her pastry into her mouth muffling her words.

"Less talking more eating dear" Raimi scolded sternly "it won't do for you to great our guest in this state."


"So this is where the kahn resides" Sonia questioned as the carriage driver wheeled her and Anna up to the Arena's gates.

"....urrrp....yes..." Anna belched as she lowered a now empty bottle of wine from her thick lips. She rubbed one of her soft lovehandles as she passed a newly uncorked bottle over to her business partner across from her. She felt her belly fat press into Sonia's as she reached forward to offer the drink. She blushed slightly as she noticed as Sonia's hand made contact with hers.

"Are you okay?" Sonia questioned as she grabbed the bottle and bought it to her plump lips "We can delay the visit if you are unwell."

"I am fine" Anna chuckled as she slowly reclined backwards "just had a little too much wine today."

"Thats a good thing" Sonia chuckled before draining a good portion of wine from the bottle "this feast is going to be a long one."

"Really" Anna sighed as she watched Sonia finish emptying the bottle "we must be in for a night if you are saying that."

"I am just saying to expect to gain some weight from this one" Sonia chuckled as she patted the side of her flabby belly for emphasis.

"I hear the Kahn likes to eat..."

"Not as much as you I bet" Anna giggled as she reached forward and slapped Sonia's bloated belly.

"You don't have much room to talk" Sonia sneered as she returned the favor a bit harder "we both have a food problem."

"Calm down" Anna giggled as she slid her fat foot up Sonia's flabby calve "you know I wouldn't give up any of this for the world."

"You have had too much wine" Sonia sighed as the carriage driver opened the side door "lets go get some food in us."

Anna watched lazily as Sonia slid her fat fingers under her underbelly and began to lift its mass as she slid her leg closest to the door outside of it. Her belly slid down to reach the dimpled thigh flesh wantingly as Sonia clutched at Anna's fat hand to keep herself from falling out. She braced her free fat hand on the carriage's wall and slowly bought her thighs together. She sat on the edge of the carriage, causing it to lean heavily with her, and with a little rock and roll bought herself to her feet.

"Phew..." she sighed as she wiped some sweat from her brow "perhaps its time we got a lower carriage...."

"I agree" Anna huffed as she followed Sonia's method of exiting "you know I don't like closed spaces."

"Perhaps we can get the Kahn to provide us one" Sonia huffed as she began to waddle towards the arena gates. Her heavily dimpled backside providing a pleasing sight to Anna despite being encased in black fabric.

"Kahn Flavia would be happy to do so!"

Sonia turned to see an obese blonde haired woman waddle up to her with a stoic expression upon her fat face. Sonia looked enviously at the blonde woman's immense breasts, which cascaded down the sides of her blubbery belly, encased in a hunter green leotard.

"I am Raimi..." the woman huffed as she looked over Sonia and Anna carefully "I will take you to see the Kahn."

"Sonia" the raven haired, obese, alchemist smiled as she offered a bottle of waddling wine to the stoic woman. Her gift was well received and Sonia almost swore she saw the woman begin to smile before Anna interrupted with a playfull slap to the blonde's belly. Sonia felt her fat chins drop as the blonde's belly erupted into a series of quivers that reverbarated through the rest of the ex knights body.

"I see you still lack manners" Raimi scowled as she looked at Anna's smiling fat face "Do not lay your hands on me again."

"So the only soft thing nowadays is your bod eh?"

"Not as soft as your wit" Raimi snipped as she turned her fat encased head to glance at Sonia once more.

"Come with me" Raimi sighed as she turned her ponderous bulk slowly towards the entrance "Kahn Flavia has been eager to start the feast."

"So have we" Sonia chimed as they began waddling into the arena, her eyes fixated on the heavy blonde's quivering backside.

"She must be fatter than me or Anna easily" she thought as she resisted the urge to ask the woman her weight "our messenger's failed to report this to me."

"Raimi" Sonia huffed as they made their way slowly down the corridor "How big is the kahn these days?"

Raimi stopped in her tracks causing Sonia's swaying belly folds to slam into her dimpled bottom. She turned her body slightly to face Sonia smiling as she spoke "she is quite healthy and well fed."

"Glad to hear" Sonia chuckled nervously as Raimi's stare seemed to burn holes into her own "we should waste no time meeting her then."


Maris sat silently as he watched Yelina waddle to and from the table filled with desserts as she performed her daily duties. A smile crept on his face as her dimpled hips knocked over a few books from a nearby desk as she tried to dust a nearby globe.

He watched intently as she struggled to bend over to reach the books, her hanging belly and bloated breasts impeding her efforts, as she struggled to replace the books.
He motioned her over to him as she looked his direction somewhat sheepisly.

She waddled closer to him cautiously stopping within armsreach of her master. Maris smiled at her kindly before uncorking a bottle of wine and handing it to her.

"I can not believe I did not notice" he sighed as she drank greedily from the bottle "you haven't had a day off in weeks."

She looked at him dismissively as he motioned for her to sit at his table. She slowly took a seat opposite of him. He placed his hand atop hers, causing a blush to grace her fat cheeks, as he instructed her to take the week off.

"Help yourself to as much food and wine that you want" he smiled as he got up from his seat and headed towards his bookshelf "I will have one of the others take care of you."

She thanked him profusely and rose to her swollen feet happily. She left smiling as he scribbled in a ledger atop his desk.

"She is progressing nicely" Maris laughed as he noted the difference in her size "although she will need to be much larger for my suspicions to be proven correct."


"Vaike...." Olivia moaned as she rubbed her bloated lovehandles tenderly as she lowered her empty fork to the table before her. A mass amount of empty platters were stacked atop one another before her as she sat in discomfort.

"I need more wine..."

"Coming" Vaike sighed as he lifted a barrel of waddling wine over his shoulder and began to make his way to his wife.

"I am glad Anna started selling barrels of this stuff..." he smiled as he entered the dining room to see Olivia massaging her bloated belly lazily. His eyes made their way to her chair demolishing bottom as he bought the wine to her side and placed it down carefully. He removed the lid of the barrel and scooped her out a glass full of the stuff before kissing her fat cheek.

"Drink up" he chuckled as she drained the first glass greedily "you promised that seamstress that you would be big enough to fit into her latest dress by the month's end."

"She keeps making them bigger..." Olivia groaned as she looked over at the muumuu esqe dress hanging on the wall. Her mind reliving the past few weeks of ever increasing dress sizes and near endless feasts to fulfill her promise to the tailor.

She could swear that the woman was purposely fattening her up. Nevertheless, Vaike had been paying her a great deal more attention lately and the clothes were free as long as she could fit into them.

Olivia looked down at her blubbery belly and bloated breasts somewhat frantically as she began to imagine herself growing even larger. She imagined the seamstress making tent-sized dresses that her body threatened to explode out of....she bit her lower lip after draining another glass of wine.

"...Vaike..." she mumbled as her husband stared at her intently "...I am still beautiful to you right?"

"Of course" he chuckled as her eyes began to tear "finish up some more wine and I will show you how beautiful you are."


"Honey" Panne yelled, her voice a deeper bass from her gain, as she waddled as fast as she could after her husband. "Give...me...back...my....sweets..."

"Thats my line" Gaius chuckled as he rounded the entryway of the kitchen happily stopping only when his wife's massive, mocha colored, dimpled butt cheeks came into view. He snuck up behind his waddling wife and laid a playful slap upon her thong devouring backsides surface. Her body quivered wildly as he slid past her flabby arms attempts to grab at him and soon was standing in front of her smiling proudly.

He looked at her snarling face and held back a laugh as he realized she appeared more like a hog these days than a rabbit. She waddled towards him angrily, low hanging belly slapping atop tremendously thick thighs, as a small stream of drool oozed out from her very plump lips.

"Do not make me defend my food like a Taguel does" she huffed as she drew closer to him "you will not
stand a chance."

"What will you give me in exchange for the food?"

Panne stopped her ponderous waddle simply raising her eyebrow at his question.

"...What..." she panted as he drew closer to her behemoth belly and patted it lightly.

"Well a thief needs a reason to return his loot" he whispered as his fingers traced her cellulitic curves slowly.
Her flaccid cheeks blushed as his fingers found their way to her bountiful breasts.

"What do you want" she moaned as he tweaked a nipple playfully.

"Simple" he replied "wear that lingerie I bought you from now on."

"Never" she retorted "its degrading for a proud warrior as myself."
"All the more reason to wear them with pride" he quipped as he bought a pastry to her lips "do we have a deal honey?"

Panne's belly rumbled loudly as the sweet dessert's odor filled her nostrils as she breathed. She tried to resist but her lack of willpower sent her lips towards the treat unconciously. Gaius smiled slyly as she devoured the treat from his hand.

"Lets get you changed" he chuckled as he pulled out the forementioned lingerie eagerly "a pair of pink piggy panties and bra as agreed."

"This is demeaning" Panne sighed as Gaius started to slide her threadbaren shorts down her cottage cheese thighs "I am no sow."

"Now now dear" Gaius chuckled as he deftly switched the shorts out for the pig tailed thong quickly "sows are pampered and well valued in Ylisse."

She felt herself blush angrily as his words reached her ears, even though he had every right to compare her to a hog these days. She reached for a handful of pastries from the platter that Gaius had left in armsreach and devoured them nervously as she continued to ponder his comments. It wasn't until he slid his fingers across her lady parts that she began to wonder at his comments true meaning.

She let loose a moan of surprise as he buried his fingers within its embrace as he rose to his feet. She began to piece together the meanings behind the pig lingerie and his comments quickly as he urged her to eat more. She did so excitedly as he slowly twirled his fingers within her as she ate.

"Some people even go so far as to fatten up their best ones" he whispered as she munched down the pastries even faster "nobody considers them weak or inferior either."

"Now lets go show you what I mean" he smiled as he hooked his fingers within and began to walk slowly towards their bedroom "my sweet sow."


"Enjoying the food darlin?"

Cordelia merely nodded her fat head slightly to her smiling husband as he placed a few more platters of fried foods in front of her. Β She reached for them awkwardly as she tried to maneuver her back-breaking breasts and bottomless belly out of her flaccid arms way.

"Glad to see ya ain't wastin any of it" he chuckled as his bloated wife stripped the meat from the bones of a few fried drumsticks. He patted her belly's uppermost fold appreciatively as she took a deep swig of tea from a nearby glass greedily. She flashed Donnel an appreciative smile before diving back into the pile of fried chicken on her plate.

"Got a strange letter in with the latest shipment" he continued as his wife continued to greedily devour everything he had placed in front of her. "Something about some contest their planning down in Ferox...whoever these people are they sure are good marketers."

"....mmmmph....contest?" Cordelia muttered through a mouthful of chicken and mashed potatos "....what....kinda...contest?"

"Well its one that I think you'll wanna enter" Donnel smiled as his wife looked at him expectantly. He leaned in a bit closer to her, patting her belly playfully as he continued to speak.

"Its an eating contest darlin" he chuckled as a smile formed on his wife's fat lips "its in a few months and the prize is enough to keep us set for life."


"Of course I did" he smiled as his wife pulled him in for a hug as best she could "I know you will win for sure."

"You got that right sweetie" Cordelia smiled as she returned to her food with a vigor "so get back in that kitchen and keep the food coming."

"Don't have to tell me twice" he chuckled as he got to his feet eagerly "gotta keep my lover large and lovely."

"Save the sweet talk for tonight" she winked as he walked away "you are gonna need it."
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Comments: 10

juraj2002 [2021-05-04 05:31:50 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MrWhiteShin In reply to juraj2002 [2021-05-04 05:51:48 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

juraj2002 In reply to MrWhiteShin [2021-05-04 05:53:10 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

blitzkrieg9892000 [2018-03-25 05:47:09 +0000 UTC]

The story has a solid foundation in what it's trying to portray, i'm curious to see 'more' of the characters as the story goes on. I'm not sure how i feel about the frequency of jumping around to different characters. On the one hand i like seeing the different characters in the story and i see am interested in how the 'wine' effects Sonia and the people she will directly visit in the future. I guess i would like to see a bit more time spent on each 'section'. I also now notice this chapter was posted a year and a 1/2 ago. Is there a chance of this being continued?Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MrWhiteShin In reply to blitzkrieg9892000 [2018-04-02 23:00:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the input and yeah towards the end it feels forced, chapter length wise, I can see now where I missed opportunities. I do have it on the back burner, I need to play the game again cause I have lost all the knowledge I had about the game. As to when it will continue, I am working on a commission or two so that takes priority but this is definitely a W.I.P.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

theking2281 [2016-10-21 12:48:02 +0000 UTC]

Do you think you will ever do a Fire Emblem fates story once you're done with the Awakening one?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MrWhiteShin In reply to theking2281 [2016-10-23 02:56:56 +0000 UTC]

I am actually working on one right now to be honest with you

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

theking2281 In reply to MrWhiteShin [2016-10-23 05:26:50 +0000 UTC]

Awesome, can't wait.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

DOOM-Knight009 [2016-08-22 16:46:11 +0000 UTC]

I like.

I like a lot.


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MrWhiteShin In reply to DOOM-Knight009 [2016-08-23 01:40:27 +0000 UTC]

There should be some more stashed away in my cluttered folders, and Thanks for the appreciation.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0