neo-chan7 — RQ: RikuXReader

Published: 2013-11-26 01:39:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 18014; Favourites: 282; Downloads: 0
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Description “Hey (y/n)!”

“Oh Kairi, hey to you too.”

(y/n) was a high school student at Kingdom Hearts High, it was a rather interesting school with a wide variety of students and teachers, but that’s what made everyday exciting, whether it be in a good or bad way. She was good friends with the red-head named Kairi and her twin sister, Naminé.

“So, you doing anything tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow’s Saturday . . . . . No, why?”

“Well, I just thought it’d be a fun idea to gather up our friends and head to the beach for some R&R. Whatcha think?”

“Oh really? That sounds like fun, course I’ll come.”

“Great! Now I really can’t wait!” An explosion was suddenly heard, making the students all go into a panic. (y/n) and Kairi were both knocked off their feet from the force of the explosion. (y/n) closed her eyes and braced herself . . . . .



“Hey, you ok?”

'That voice!!'

(y/n) looked up, holding her by her waist was one of the most popular guys at school: Riku. His silver hair, piercing turquoise eyes, athleticism, and cool demeanor made every girl faun over him like rabid fan-girls, heck he’s even got his own fanclub, to which is kinda creepy since all they really do is stalk and research him. (y/n)’s cheeks burned right up. She herself had a bit of a crush on the guy, but she was just so simple and nothing really special, she always thought she’d never have a chance with someone as extraordinary as Riku.
“Uh, are you ok (y/n)? You’re getting red,” Riku said, noticing (y/n)’s tinted cheeks.

'He knows my name!!?' (y/n) thought. She looked away from those beautiful orbs that are his eyes and answered, “I’m fine.” She glanced over to Kairi and saw that her boyfriend, Sora, happened to be near enough to keep her from falling as well. It wasn’t too much of a surprise that both boys were there together, they were best friends after all. Riku and Sora helped the girls stand back up.

“Thank you Sora, my hero,” Kairi said with a giggle, kissing Sora on the cheek.

“Anytime, my princess,” Sora said back, blushing.

“Uh, hey, you guys know where and how that explosion happened?” (y/n) asked.

“I can answer that!” A new voice said.

“Roxas! Hey bro!” Sora said to his twin. Roxas and Sora were twin brothers, although they possessed the same bright, blue eyes, Roxas’s hair was blonde and not as wild as Sora’s. In addition to that, Sora was a little more outgoing and careless, whereas Roxas was a little quieter and more mature.

“So how did that happen Roxas?” Kiari asked. Roxas sighed and rubbed his forehead with his fingers, “It was Axel, he though it’d be a good idea to toss a match into a container of liquid Mr.Vexen kept in his laboratory to see what happens. I think we found out what kind of solution that was.”

“An explosive solution no doubt?” (y/n) said.

“Bingo.” The gang began to laugh, all but Roxas.

“Hahahaha! He’s so not gonna be able to get to the beach tomorrow!” Kairi said through her tears that sprung from laughing too hard.

“Oh right, about that, what time should we be at the beach?” Riku asked. His question made (y/n)’s heart race.

'Wait! Riku is going to the beach too!!?'

The very thought made (y/n)’s heart beat so fast, she was worried everyone
around her would be able to hear it. As Kairi stated the time, (y/n) managed to sneak away form the group and head to her next class: art.

As she walked the halls, Naminé spotted her and jogged up to her side.

“Hey! (y/n)! Headed to art class?”

“Yeah, wanna go together?”

“Sure!” Art was Naminé’s favorite subject, she was almost always seen with a sketchbook, ready to draw anything.

“So are you going to the beach with everyone tomorrow?” Naminé asked.

“Yeah, how bout you?”

“Sure! I’m sure Roxas is gonna be speechless when he sees me in my bikini!” She was his girlfriend, quite ironic that the twins were together with another pair of twins. (y/n) giggled at Naminé’s statement.

“I’m sure he will.”

“And I’m sure Riku will be too if he sees you in a cute swimsuit! (y/n) instantly turned red.


“Come on (y/n), I know you have a crush on the guy.”

“I . . . . er . . . ugh. . .” she sighed, “what gave it away?” Naminé made a face that made her look like she was deep in thought.

“Oh well let’s see. You blushing every time we mention him, stuttering every time you try to talk to him, and every time you glance over at him. So alot gave it away.”

(y/n) hung her head. She had been making it a bit obvious that she had love towards him. It was not only his looks, she knew he also had a caring heart. Once in her freshman year, she had twisted her ankle badly while running to class due to sleeping in. Coincidentally he was late as well and ran into her, he offered her his help by carrying her to the nurse’s office, and even after that he
kept asking her how her ankle was feeling until she confirmed that it was
completely healed. Since that day, he had her heart, and he didn’t even know it.

“It’s pointless Naminé, he wouldn’t want to be with someone like me,” she said.

“Oh come on, you never know until you try!” Naminé said, patting (y/n) on the shoulder.

“I don’t know,” (y/n) said as she and Naminé entered the classroom, “I’m just so plain and simple, he’ll never notice a girl like me.”

Naminé huffed and lightly hit (y/n) on the head with her sketchbook.

“Hey!! What was that for!?”

“For underestimating yourself, you’re a really wonderful person to be around, you’re nice, and you’re not superficial like all the other girls that go after him.”

(y/n) looked down at her desk and sighed.

“Thanks Naminé, I . . . . I’ll try.” Naminé smiled.

“Great! And don’t worry,” she held (y/n)’s shoulders and pulled her close, “I will always be right behind you whatever the outcome.”

“Thanks so much Naminé, you really are a good friend.” Then a certain thought struck (y/n).

“Wait. There’s something I forgot about!”

“Huh? What?”

“I don’t have any swimwear for the beach.” Naminé had a silly grin on her face.

“Naminé, why are you looking at me like that?” (y/n) asked, although she thought she had an idea why.

“We are going shopping after school.”


The next day . . . . .

'I can’t believe I’m actually wearing it!!' (y/n) thought as she sat in the back seat of Kairis and Naminé’s car. She wore a beautiful, (f/c) sundress, and under it, a (s/f/c) bikini with black stripes that she was more then uncomfortable with.

“Seriously Naminé, what possessed you that would make you think this would look good on me?” she asked. Naminé giggled and answered, “Oh come on (y/n), you look great in it!”

“Ugh, I don’t feel so comfy in it,” (y/n) whines, always used to the one piece bathing suits, “I feel so exposed!”

“Oh come on (y/n), it’s the beach, there will be plenty of other girls in bikinis, Kairi and I have them as well, you’ll be fine,” Naminé said with a reassuring smile. Although (y/n) was all but reassured. Kairi saw the picnic area where everyone was supposed to gather.

“Ah! Here we are!” she said in a sing-along voice.

After finding a parking space, the girls began to unload the towels and drinks they brought, the guys were in charge of the food.

“They better get here soon,” Kairi said, sipping some grape soda, “I’m so hungry my stomach is eating itself.” (y/n) giggled as she drank some (your favorite soda). She looked at her refection in her drink.

'Would Riku notice me in this getup? I mean, I know I’m not the prettiest girl in the world, but it wouldn’t hurt to be noticed every once in a while.'

Some minutes passed and the guys still haven’t shown up.

“Hey girls,” (y/n) said, standing up from the table she was sitting at, “I’m gonna do down to the water, call me when they get here.” The girls agreed and (y/n) went on her way. She simply wadded in the water, stopping when the water began to wash over her ankles.

“Ah~ That feels nice.” She looked to her side and gasped. A few feet away from
her was a shell that was shaped like the legendary papu fruit she read about
once. She brisk walked towards it, but the tide swept it up deeper into the ocean.

“No! Come back!” (y/n) said, now jogging after it. Through the clear water she saw it and pounced playfully after it, but at the same time the waves took it a little farther.

“Gah!” She then began to chase it around, and every time she felt like she was gonna get it, the waves took it further out to sea. She eventually had to lift her dress up to keep it from getting wet.

“Oh where is it! I just had it!”

She finally saw the shell feet away from her.

“You’re not gonna get away from me this time!” She charged, but just as she reached for it, another hand reached and grabbed it, pulling it out of the water.

'Oh no! Someone beat me to it!' (y/n) thought with grief, all that time she spent chasing after it was wasted.

“You want this?” a voice asked. (y/n) silently gasped and looked up. It was Riku, dressed only in his dark blue swimshorts and a yellow and white vest that was left unzipped. (y/n)’s face became as red as a cherry. He had no shirt under his vest, so she was able to see his wonderfully toned abs, and the shirt of the school uniform no longer hid his muscular arms. She was speechless, her brain went on vacation after taking in the sight before her.

“Uh, (y/n)?” She finally snapped out of her thoughts.


“You want this?” he repeated, holding out the shell to her.

“Oh! Y-yes, thank you,” (y/n) said, taking the shell from Riku and turning her face away, hiding her blush.

“Everyone is at the site, we’re about to eat if you’re hungry.”

“Oh, yes. I am.”

“Kay, let’s go.” The two walked side by side in silence.


As (y/n) munched on her burger, she couldn’t help but to wonder what the heck Axel was doing here. Surely he would’ve been grounded due to his little “experiment.” She walked over to him and asked, “Axel, didn’t you get in trouble for what happened yesterday?” He quickly swallowed his hotdog before answering.

“Yeah I did, but I sneaked out while my parents are having a day out. They wont be back till late,” he suddenly had a smirk on his face, “which means,” he reached out and pulled (y/n) onto his lap, holding her by her waist, “I get to spent all that time with you cutie,” he said, flashing her a wink. (y/n) wasn’t too comfortable with how close she was to Axel, but she was too polite to shake him off.

“Uhh . . . . right . . . “

Unbeknown to them both, there was a pair of turquoise eyes glaring at their direction. Riku’s anger began to build as he watched Axel get a bit comfy with (y/n), so much that he crushed the cup he was holding into bits of plastic.

“Uhhh, Riku? You ok?” Sora asked, worried for his friend.

“Just, fine,” Riku mumbled through his teeth. Sora definitely wasn’t convinced. He looked in the direction Riku was looking and saw (y/n) and Axel getting close, well, (y/n) was trying to politely scoot away from Axel while he still held her in a firm grip around her waist. Sora had his signature silly grin on his face.

“Oh, now I see what this is all about,” he said.


“You like (y/n), don’t you?” Riku went red.


“Correction my dear Sora,” Kairi said, butting into the conversation, “he’s in LOVE with (y/n).” Riku’s face could rival a ripe tomato.
“N-no I’m not!”

“Uh-huh, yeah, tell that to your blushing face,” Kairi said, holding up her makeup
mirror so Riku could see his face. He shook his head and looked away.

“I-I-I . . . . I just don’t think Axel should be getting that close to (y/n) if she doesn’t want it.” Sora stood up and placed his hands on Riku’s shoulders from behind.

“Well then, why don’t you do something about it then?” Sora tried to push Riku towards them, but Riku was stronger then Sora and held his ground.

“Hey! I’m not gonna do that! Let me go!” Sora put all of his weight into pushing Riku forward.

“Kairi! Help me!” he called out. She complied and now Riku was being pushed by them both, but he still we able to hold them off. Kairi looked to were Naminé and Roxas were eating.

“Guys! A little help!”

They looked at them quizzically, but they stepped in with Roxas stating “I’m not even gonna ask.” Now with even more manpower, Riku finally began to move.

“What the heck! Stop this you guys!”

“Not until you confess to (y/n)!” Kairi shouted.

“No way!”

“Come on! (y/n)’s a nice girl, she’s really easy to talk to!”

“That still doesn’t change anything!”

“What about me?” a new voice asked. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of the voice. (y/n) had managed to shake Axel off and had been watching them and their little performance.

“What’s going on here?” Everyone behind Riku stepped away from him, resulting with him falling to the ground on his butt.

“Ow!” he cried.

“Oh Riku! You ok?” (y/n) asked, forgetting about hr shyness for a moment.

“Yeah, it’s nothing.” Riku said, standing up and dusting the sand off his shorts. In an attempt to clear up the awkward moment, Kairi suggested, “Hey, how bout we get down to the water? Looks great for swimming!” Everyone agreed and headed down to the shore.


“Ahhhh!! Get it off meeeeeee!!” Axel shrieked, trying to pry the squid that was attached to his face. While Roxas tried to pull the darn thing off, everyone else was howling with laughter.

“How did Axel get that thing on anyway?” (y/n) asked between laughs, “wasn’t he just sunbathing on a towel?”

“Let’s just say a certain silverette placed it on his face,” Kairi said, wiping the tears from her eyes. (y/n) only laughed harder. When she finally caught her breath, (y/n) shyly walked up to Riku, who just simply stood close to the water, watching as the waves washed over his feet.

“Um, Riku?” He simply glanced her way, trying to hide his slight blush from the sight of (y/n) in a bikini, and said, “Hm?”

“A certain red-haired birdie told me you were responsible for the squid on Axel’s face.” Riku turned his head away.

“So what if I was?”

“Just out of curiosity, what did he say or do to make you perform such a callus act?” Riku’s eye slightly widened, he wasn’t expecting for (y/n) to even wonder why he did it.

'Crap! What do I say!?'

“Uh . . . . just something he said while we were eating, that’s all.”

“Huh? But you guys didn’t interact whatsoever while we were eating.”

'Gah! Not good!'

“Um, he just pissed me off.”

“But from what?”

'Damn, this girl is good!!'

“Um . . . . well,” he sighed deeply, better now then never, “well I couldn’t help but to noti-”

“Ah! There you are!!” A pair of arms slung over (y/n)’s shoulders, making her let out a squeak. Axel held (y/n) close to him.

“Axel!! Uh . . . . so you managed to get that squid off your face?” (y/n) asked, noticing the suction-cup marking that were still on Axel’s face.

“Yeah, darn thing’s got quite a grip, I’ll give it that. So (y/n),” Axel nuzzled his face in her neck, making her blush, but uncomfortable, “you up for a little swimming sexy?” he then began to stroke her bare sides. Before she could answer, Riku lunged forward and pulled her away from him, holding her in his arms, close to his chest.

“Hey! In case you haven’t noticed, (y/n) doesn’t want you touching her like that!” His words made (y/n) blush, he was actually defending her. Axel held his hands up defensively.

“Hey hey! I’m just trying to show the girl a good time.”

“Well she isn’t! So go have a good time somewhere else!”

“Fine fine, geez, don’t get your boxers in a bunch,” as Axel began to walk away, he looked back at (y/n) and winked, “hey babe, call me when you get bored of the kill-joy!” When he was out of sight, (y/n) looked up at Riku, he was looking at her with concern and caring.

“You ok?” he asked.

“Y-yeah, thank you.” Much to her dismay, Riku released his hold on her, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
“Um . . . . (y/n)?”


“The reason why I pulled that little prank on Axel was cause . . . . . . I didn’t like how he was giving you a hard time, I did’t do anything when he was getting up close and personal with you during lunch time, so that was a bit of redemption for me. I . . . . . . really care about you . . .” his face got redder and redder with every word he spoke. The same could be said about (y/n)’s face, she never thought she’d ever hear Riku talk like that about her, she didn’t even know that he would care that much about her.

“Riku . . . . I . . don’t know what to sa-MMMPPH!!?” Riku couldn’t take it anymore, he had charged forward and planted his lips against (y/n)’s soft ones. (y/n)’s eyes widened as their lips molded against eachother, almost perfectly fitting onto one another. She was too shocked to respond for a moment, but then she managed to relax and surprise Riku by kissing back. The need to breath was the cause for them to separate.

“(y/n), it’s more then me just caring about you. . . . . I-I l-l-l-love y-you, (y/n),” Riku barely spoke above a whisper, but (y/n) was still able to hear him. Her heart beat a mile a minute, she had only dreamed of this moment, and it was actually coming true.


“Yeah, you’re beautiful, smart, caring, you always put everyone’s feelings above your own, if anything, you have the purest heart I’ve ever seen.”

It’s official, (y/n) heart was gonna beat out of her chest if Riku kept talking like that.

“I . . love you too Riku, for a long time now.”

“Huh? For how long?”

“Ever since you helped me back in freshman year, when I twisted my ankle.”

“Really? That long?” (y/n) nodded. Riku gently pulled her into a hug, placing his face on top of her head.
“Sorry you had to wait so long.”

(y/n) returned the hug.

“This is completely worth the wait.” As their faces began to get close for another kiss, from out of nowhere, a volleyball smacked Riku right in the noggin, knocking him face first onto the sand.


“Ah! Riku! Are you ok?”

“Hahahahahaha!! Oh man!! That was the perfect shot!!” a voice shouted from a certain spiky red-head, “that’s pay back for the squid to my face!!”

When Riku didn’t respond whatsoever, everyone began to worry a little.

“Riku?” (y/n) knelt by his side and shook his shoulder, “Riku!!”

He suddenly leaped up from his lying down position, danger in his eyes.

“Axel . . . . . YOU’RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!!” Axel immediately ran for the hills with Riku shouting how he was gonna tie him to a surfboard and go surfing.

After that, Axel, and no one else, messed with (y/n)s and Riku’s alone time ever again.
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Comments: 31

SayEeda19 [2016-01-02 22:41:16 +0000 UTC]

XD Imagining Axel tied up and being surfed on is hilarious 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RiseLunaEffervescenc In reply to SayEeda19 [2016-05-02 15:45:05 +0000 UTC]

Same here, Meow! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JuliaAbadeer-Uchiha [2015-10-31 04:35:09 +0000 UTC]

I can so easily picture Axel with a squid on his face, and him freaking out. Maybe because of the dream I had where that happened.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JuliaAbadeer-Uchiha [2015-10-31 03:37:24 +0000 UTC]

Second fav color with black stripes, so black with black stripes?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kkpowercutie In reply to JuliaAbadeer-Uchiha [2016-07-28 01:02:24 +0000 UTC]

same here i just went with red after not wanting a plain black bikini

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JuliaAbadeer-Uchiha In reply to kkpowercutie [2016-07-28 05:48:05 +0000 UTC]

I went with my third favorite color, dark blue

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kkpowercutie In reply to JuliaAbadeer-Uchiha [2016-09-03 19:26:05 +0000 UTC]

that would be really cute

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JuliaAbadeer-Uchiha In reply to kkpowercutie [2016-09-03 23:28:52 +0000 UTC]

my sister has one of that coloring, it is cute

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TwiilightBen [2015-09-16 13:44:54 +0000 UTC]

This was so good! do u have on for Axel though? if not that's fine i was just wandering .

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

neo-chan7 In reply to TwiilightBen [2015-09-16 17:56:38 +0000 UTC]

no sorry ^~^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TwiilightBen In reply to neo-chan7 [2015-09-17 14:04:30 +0000 UTC]

thx for letting me know

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kkpowercutie [2015-09-07 18:45:42 +0000 UTC]

loved it ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RiseLunaEffervescenc [2015-08-08 23:49:46 +0000 UTC]

Roxas: I'm not going to ask.
I bet they do so many crazy things that he dosen't bother anymore. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AlexisTheEliatope [2015-03-07 16:25:42 +0000 UTC]

*swats axel* get away you perv! *runs into rikus waiting arms*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SarahRachelJadeOni64 [2015-01-21 04:21:01 +0000 UTC]

I would of beat up Axel with my keyblade if he even laid a finger on me if the reader character actually had one

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Saix421 [2014-10-29 13:12:38 +0000 UTC]

You're a really good writer. I look forward to reading more of your stories

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

neo-chan7 In reply to Saix421 [2014-10-29 17:59:27 +0000 UTC]

oh thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MangaArts123 [2014-10-07 22:29:23 +0000 UTC]

I love this it's so cute
i see myself coming back to this again and again

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

neo-chan7 In reply to MangaArts123 [2014-10-07 22:38:49 +0000 UTC]

awww thanks ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MangaArts123 In reply to neo-chan7 [2014-10-08 00:22:31 +0000 UTC]

I love it 
I read it when ever I feel sad
then I'm cheered up
great work

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

neo-chan7 In reply to MangaArts123 [2014-10-08 03:13:59 +0000 UTC]

oh I'm so glad that it has such a positive effect on you, and thank you again   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MangaArts123 In reply to neo-chan7 [2014-10-08 13:26:45 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome
keep up the good work

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

aliciabrock17 [2014-09-07 06:45:43 +0000 UTC]

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love the end part. Axel you better run before Riku catches you!~ ahahahah! Couldn't stop laughing for a while. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HermioneStark [2014-06-15 13:07:15 +0000 UTC]

I love this!!! Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Azlena [2014-06-03 05:57:28 +0000 UTC]

how did Riku get the squid out of the water without anyone seeing,
and how did Axle not see him. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

seffykoepsel [2014-03-29 00:15:44 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tigerus15 [2014-03-16 09:25:40 +0000 UTC]

It's really good you made Riku really sweet in the story and I love the role Axel played   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CommanderPrussia [2014-03-12 20:07:07 +0000 UTC]

Great work!
Still laughing that Axel ran from Riku.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

fruitsbasketfreak91 [2014-01-06 23:17:58 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh I loved this! Axel you silly Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nex-DarkLight [2013-11-26 03:42:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AriesGoddessofWar [2013-11-26 03:40:11 +0000 UTC]

Awesome job

👍: 0 ⏩: 0