NightDragon204 — Sibling Rivalry

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Published: 2020-10-20 02:24:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 1027; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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    ‘Another long day’ thought Flurry as she quickly trotted down the long and echoing halls of the castle to another meeting. Though they were usually brief, there were always exceptions. No meeting could be missed; no matter for what. Royal duties can’t ever wait or be put on hold. It made her often wonder why she was so eager to follow in her parents' steps when she was young, the dream to make a difference and be celebrated for it. All that desire and drive to become great was replaced by stress that begged her to keep up with the daily tasks she had. 

    “Flurry!” a voice called down the hall. 

    She turned and was greeted by her younger brother who was running to catch up to her. 

    “Could I talk with you?” He seemed nervous standing in front of her as he caught his breath. 

    “Sure, but please make it quick. I can’t be late again.”

    “So… I’ve found something that I think holds tons of history for the Kingdom.” He stuttered under her gaze. 

    “Another relic? You haven’t been poking through those caves again, have you?” She spoke in a hushed tone, looking around to be sure no one was listening in on their conversation.

    “No, not a relic. It’s a ruin, Flurry. Multiple of them, actually. The old and withering structures of history long forgotten… I think we can save it.” He felt a shy smile spread across his face. “Imagine how much joy it can bring to ponies knowing there’s still history that we can save.”

“That sounds rather imaginative considering I oversee the archeology team. There’s no ruins anywhere within Kingdom ground. And if anything was found, I’d know about it.”

    “That’s because it’s not within the current domain.” He walked to the nearby window and gestured for her to follow him. “It stretched deeper into the mountains back in its day, there’s so many old structures out there. I think that’s why this Kingdom used to be an empire.”

    She looked down at him with mixed emotions. “And… how do you know that?” She dreaded what he would say next.

    “Do you promise you won’t be angry? Promise not to tell Mom and Dad?” He rested one of his hooves on her shoulder. 

    “You said you were done exploring the caves. Don’t you remember how mad our parents were?”

    “And I am. There’s nothing more that can be found down there…. nothing that can’t be done without a proper team.”

    She went to say something, but held her tongue. She didn’t know where he was going with this.

    “I’ve been using my spare time after practice to explore the mountains around us.” He seemed nervous speaking to her about this; a long held secret that he’s been dying to share. “I know it sounds crazy, and please don’t think any less of me when I say this, but…” his gaze was fixed on the rocky horizon. 


    “I feel like the mountains call me, the ruins and temples, every little shred of the past… I know it sounds ridiculous considering I don’t understand the use of preserving relics, but I really think this can benefit the Kingdom and the people.” He smiled up to her. 

    “Calls you? North, we’ve talked about this.”

    “It’s not crazy, Flurry.” He put his hoof down sternly. He was serious, but she only saw it as a toddlers fit.

“So you spend how many hours a day out of the Kingdom, pretending you’re not lost?”

    “My squires training ends hours earlier than I say it does,” he kept his voice low. “And I’ve never gotten lost. I learned to navigate when I explored the caves.”

    “And you don’t see the glaring problem here?”

    “No, because there isn’t a problem. You’re missing the point, this isn’t about-“

    “The problem here is that you don’t learn. You’re continually stubborn and stupid to run off into the literal unknown with the expectation you’ll be safe and okay. You have responsibilities here.” 

    “Of course I do, I get them all done punctually too. And exploring the surrounding land is the one thing I have to unwind. You’d understand that too if you weren’t so stuck up, always running around to do this, that and the other.” 

    “North.” She stepped back from the window, looking down at him in frustration. “You don’t get it. The caves were dangerous, and stupid. They could have collapsed, caved in, been flooded, or an avalanche could have covered the entrance so you couldn’t escape. Did you have food? Did you have any proper supplies in case something happened?”

    He lowered his head, his ears falling back. “No, not really. I had what I could fit in my pockets, and once I started making money I was actually able to afford proper materials. Maybe if you had been supportive enough so mom and dad would let me do it properly-“

    “Let alone the fact no one knew where you went. Nor when, or to what cave system. And now you’re going on hikes into the mountains? Everything I’ve listed that I know you’ve been snooping around in is undocumented and uncharted land that we lost all records of when Sombra cursed the Kingdom.”

    “I’m documenting all of it! I know what I’m doing, Flurry.” He felt his voice begin to crack. 

    “No you don’t! What do you think would happen to the Kingdom if you vanished suddenly? Or to Mom and Dad? Or Sonata… What about me? What would I do?” 

    “I won’t ever vanish! Do you have such little faith in me and my skills that when I actually do something for myself for once that you have to be jealous and angry? Not everything is about you.”

    “My faith in you wavers when you sound absolutely crazy, speaking about whispers in deep caves, mountains that call you, and a magical sword from a foal's story that beckoned to you and chose you to free it.” She felt her heart racing in fear and anger for him. “But let’s be honest, we both know you’re pretending it’s a part of that stupid fakey story to give you some self importance.”

    “That’s not true.” Tears stung his eyes as he tried to hold it in. 

“No? Then prove it.”

    “I…. I can’t just-...”

    “And what was your plan in telling me of this, anyways?”

    He felt like he was wasting time at this point. He wanted to curl up into a little ball and disappear. The crippling embarrassment as passing castle workers saw the two fight was unbearable. “I wanted to help you Flurry… I know you’ve been wanting to prove yourself, and I thought uncovering the Kingdoms past even further could have helped you.”

    “I don’t need to prove anything to anyone.”

    “I just wanted to help you. To be a part of your life again, involved with your archaeology and discovery team…” 

    “The sentiment is sweet, but I don’t have time for your games anymore. You seem to forget how much trouble I got into once Mom and Dad heard of your escapades.”

    “We both got in trouble for that. Why is everything suddenly about you?”

    She wanted to leave, knowing she was wasting time here in the halls. “Fine, let's talk about you then. You’ve changed, North. Not for the better.” 

    He visibly flinched when she said that to him. “The only person who’s changed is you.”

    “Really? All my life I feel I’ve been a great sister to you and Sonata, watching over you and keeping you out of harm's way. Even after I became an alicorn I still made sure I could do that. And what have you done? Diving into caves and running off into uncharted land to prove something to no one. Grabbing and holding onto a fake story for kids to feel some self worth and validation. You really think I’m the one who’s changed? The only thing I’ve done is grown up.”

    “I hope someday you’ll realize how wrong you are. How mean you are.” His voice trembled, but he still managed to quell down his tears. “Maybe what I do is dangerous and dumb. But it sure beats living in this hellish home with you. If the most freedom I have is a cold and quiet mountain, I’ll take it over ever trusting you again.”

    “That was your first mistake.” She turned her back to him, breaking their eye contact. “How can a crazy person ever expect someone to believe and indulge in their delusions?”

    “It’s true.”

    “Sure, it’s real, it all is. You know what else is real?” She glanced over her shoulder. “The truth. So go on and keep living in your little pretend story with that hero complex of yours. I’m done dealing with it.”

    His stomach was twisting listening to her speak. “Done dealing with what?”

    “I’m done dealing with you. Don’t ask me for anything, don’t interfere with my work, don’t even look at me.”

    “You can’t just do that…”

    “I can, and I will.” She turned back towards him. “If you do, I’ll tell Mom and Dad everything.”

    “Everything..? My life would be over if you did that, I’d have nothing!” 

    She watched the panic set in as she spoke to him. “Your game of pretend would be over if I did that. It would probably be for the best, anyways.” 

    She started walking away, continuing her way to the meeting she should’ve been at already.

But North cut her off, stopping her. “You can’t just do that Flurry… We’re best friends…”

    She opened one of her wings and pushed him aside with it. “No we're not. If you weren’t my brother I would’ve already taken action to stop you. I will not speak of this again with you.”

    “I just wanted to help you…” He watched her leave, his heart sinking as her words echoed in his mind. He looked down the hall behind him and saw a couple castle workers standing and waiting, obviously having witnessed the argument. 

“Your highness, is everything okay?” One of them spoke up.

    “I’m fine.” He spoke lowly, trotting back to his room before anyone else could bear witness to him.


ahh siblings, mot getting along.... same old same old. I didnt want to spend as long as i did on the art piece but atleast i got it done D,x i need to start working in order....

North is her youngest sibling and former favorite pain in the ass. as the two grew up, they became more divided. North began sneaking out daily and was only caught once; flurry and him were in deep water since he used to sit in on meetings and events with flurry's archeology team, idk if it was clearly enough written but!!! Flurry began taking on more responsibilities since she became an alicorn (born a pegasus) which gave her less free time, which broke norths heart since the two used to play frequently.

Once Flurry begins spending any free time she has alone, she begins to become a bit of a narcisist... afterall, she is the crystal kingdoms pride and joy. youngest anointed alicorn and ;oveable cutie.

the two are still rather young here, though growing up quickly. 

Related story here www.deviantart.com/nightdragon…

TOC for my mlp au here! docs.google.com/document/d/1dD…

constructive criticism is welcome!!

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