Novarules — Recovering
Published: 2014-03-03 03:05:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 527; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description *It has been 2 months since Inigo was born and Angelus has passed leaving her son motherless and her love in mourning.  Infant Inigo has not cried, smiled or even made a single sound once since he was born as if feeling his father’s pain and knowing someone important was missing but unable to figure out who or what this person is.  Miser has visited his wife’s grave every day since she passed, begging for forgiveness and her return, often falling asleep in front of it in exhaustion and depression, leaving it only to eat and feed his silent infant son*

Miser: *Sits in front of Angelus’s grave, staring at it and weeping silently* Angelus….please…..come home…..I am waiting for you still…..I do not know how to raise a baby….please come back to me….I cannot live without you….*Hangs his head, his tears hitting her grave* No…..what am I saying…?  You are dead because of me…..Inigo is motherless because of me…..because I was too weak to hide the pain of my curse from you....you are dead because I killed you….

*Two hours go by before Miser slowly gets to his feet and stands, walking back into his cave home and into his room where a crib with an infant Inigo sleeps inside*

*Miser walks over to a small table that has various supplies on it, including a pitcher of what appears to be some form of cow milk, a pitcher of water and a two bowls, one filled with sugar another empty.  Miser grabs the empty bowl filling it with the milk then uses the heat of his fire ability to boil the milk.  After boiling the milk he adds a small amount of sugar and a bit of water to dilute the milk a bit before testing the heat of the milk and picking his infant son up*

Miser: Inigo….wake up, it is time to eat…

Inigo: *Opens his eyes a little and looks at Miser*

Miser: *Holds the bowl carefully to Inigo’s mouth* Drink slowly….I know you don’t like the taste but…..your mother is not here to properly feed you….*A few tears run down his face* and this is all I can offer until you can chew…

*Inigo puts his small hands to the bowl and drinks the makeshift formula slowly before looking up at his father and noticing his tears*

Miser: Keep drinking Inigo…..you will never grow if you do not eat…

*Inigo drinks a bit more before finishing*

Miser: *Sets the bowl on the floor then sits on his bed holding Inigo, tears running down his face*

*Inigo looks up at his father, noticing the tears and reaches his tiny hands out to Miser’s hand and pulls it close to him and closing his eyes as if trying to comfort his father and say “I love you and everything will be alright”*

Miser: *Eyes widen but then smiles slightly* Thank you Inigo….

*Inigo opens his eyes and notices Miser smiling and then for the first time in his new life Inigo smiles as well even making a few happy baby babbles*

Miser: *Smiles wider becoming teary eyed not from pain but from joy* Thank you Inigo *Pulls Inigo close and hugs him* you are the only piece of Angelus I have left and a wonderful gift from Lord Vires.  I love you, my son
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Comments: 1136

Novarules In reply to ??? [2015-09-13 04:06:52 +0000 UTC]

Deep inside Raven's rock, the home of the cloaked figure a young dragon 88 years old but still at the mental age of a 17 year old stands in the wizard's room wearing one of the wizards black cloaks with golden trim.  
The dragon holds the wizards staff as well standing in a fighting stance with a serious expression as he stares at the wall. "Your evils deeds end today dark wizard!" He exclaims at his imaginary opponent.  "For the great Wizard Lord Inigo is here to stop you and your terrible ways!" 
Inigo changes his voice to a deeper tone as he does a fake evil laugh seemingly doing the voice of his opponent. "Not today Wizard Lord!  Move and I'll kill this beautiful young woman!"
He then quickly shakes his tone to a somewhat feminine and more high pitched tone seemingly voices the woman in his little fantasy. "Oh please save me from this evil man Inigo!"
Inigo points the staff at the wall. "Don't worry pretty lady!  I'll save you!" He exclaims before making fake magical blast noises. "Ffffffrrrah!  Brrrruam!"
Inigo drops on the ground and pretends to fire another magic bolt. "PEW!" He quickly changes his tone to a deeper one again. "GAH!  Curses I am no match for the amazing wizard Lord Inigo Kyoge!  I am vanquished!"
Inigo stands up and grabs a nearby broom changing his tone to the poorly made girl like tone. "Oh Inigo you saved me, you're so incredible and handsome."
Inigo smiles. "Why thank you beautiful."
"Kiss me my love!" He exclaims in a girl voice before pulling the bristles of the broom close and kissing them.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-13 04:12:27 +0000 UTC]

A sudden creak in the doorway makes Inigo's head turn, to see there are two standing, and watching everything he does, one a Wizard with a raven on his shoulder, and the other a young mystic shaman, drssed in hide attire, bth watch everything Inigo does as he though he were alone.
Inigo freezes like a deer caught in a bright light, and paralyzed with fear. 
"Oh no, go on. This is getting good." The Wizard comments, amused by this, though the shaman seems more morbidly curious and embarrassed that anything.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-13 04:14:04 +0000 UTC]

Inigo's face instantly turning to absolute horror upon seeing Miklir and Kelen in the doorway and knowing he saw most of his fantasy he was playing out.
But as Miklir stares at Inigo processing what he caught his awkward teenage son doing alone and before it becomes too unbearably awkward, Inigo manages to begin preparing the wildest explanation Miklir will likely ever hear.
“Miklir you’ll never believe this but this all started when a squirrel broke into your room!” Inigo begins his forced story.


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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-13 04:16:52 +0000 UTC]

"Really? A squirrel?" Miklir asks with fake enthusiasm, which gets confused looks from Kelen.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-13 04:17:48 +0000 UTC]

“See I was sweeping up making sure everything looked spotless for when you came back from the market when I noticed the pesky little rodent going into your room.  And like any amazing person I went in to go get rid of him for ya.  But see, the squirrel was hiding from me but I thought maybe if I put on one of your robes he’d think you were back and run out so I put it on.  It didn’t scare the little pest but he did come out of hiding.  Now I easily could have fried him but I didn’t want to hurt the little guy so I grabbed your staff and pretended to fire magical bolts at him instead!  And to make it more convincing I even put a few blast noises!  But the squirrel wasn’t so dumb after all and saw right through that, so I tried to scare him see by making up a lie about there being an invisible dark wizard to scare him away and again throw in the blast noises so he’d think I’m saving him from the dark wizard.  And a little bluff about being a wizard lord myself never hurts right?  Didn’t want the squirrel to be worried about me or anything so I thought it’d be a nice touch.  And hey it worked because now the squirrel is gone!” Inigo finishes with a big triumph grin. “And before you ask about my voice changing and what you may have thought was a kiss I think I’m coming down with a cold so it’s affecting my voice.” He does a few fake coughs to emphasize his so called cold. “And as I was readying to walk out of your room I tripped a bit thus making my face fall into the broom.” He adds finishing his wild imaginative but clearly bullshit explanation.


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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-13 04:21:07 +0000 UTC]

Miklir and Kelen looks at each other in the face of Inigo's story, and Miklir turns to His adoptive child, and pats him on the back. "You're so brave, Lord wizard Inigo." Miklir chuckles, containing full out hysteria.
"So full of crap more like." Kelen laughs.
"Such an Idiot..." Umbra says, shaking her head.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-13 04:24:08 +0000 UTC]

"There really was a squirrel!" Inigo exclaims trying desperately to hide his shame. "And don't' mock me I'll become a wizard lord just like you!" He crosses his arms looking away horribly embarrassed. "And you have a weird way of thanking someone who gets rid of a possibly rabid squirrel."

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-13 04:28:30 +0000 UTC]

"You will become a wizard lord through training and hard work and honorable deeds." Miklir says, taking back his staff from Inigo. 
"Which, I hope you dident forget is why Im here?" Kelen asks. "Right?"

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-13 04:31:59 +0000 UTC]

"Because you wanted to see how I'm progressing as an amazing wizard?" Inigo replies with a big innocent dumb smile. 

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-13 04:41:10 +0000 UTC]

"To Go on our expidition to the southern nations?" Kelen says. 
"Inigo, please tell me you remembered to pack." Miklir says, brushing off his staff. 

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-13 04:42:27 +0000 UTC]

"Uh..........." Is all Inigo says as he realizes he completely forgot he was supposed to.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-13 04:59:53 +0000 UTC]

"Pack, now." Miklir says trying to scare him with a serious tone.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-13 05:01:21 +0000 UTC]

Inigo sticks out his tongue before running to his room to go pack. "I'm packing because I like adventure!  Not because you told me to!" He calls from his room. 

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-13 05:08:08 +0000 UTC]

Miklir laughs at this, setting down his staff. "Care for a seat Kelen?" He offers, which kelen bows and takes a seagt, setting his heavy pack and totem down. "You two have quite the interesting relationship. Im surprised you could still have the energy for a kid like him at your age." Kelen says.
"Yeah, well honestly, he is more than one can handle sometimes... Still, it is good having him around." Miklir says. "Keeps things interesting to be sure."

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-13 05:13:47 +0000 UTC]

Inigo finishes packing about an hour later and holds out one of Miklir's robes while rubbing the back of his head embarrassed. "I uh.......forgot I was still wearing this so here's your robe back." He says. "I finished packing to."

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 02:31:28 +0000 UTC]

Miklir stand up. "Thanks Inigo." He says, taking the robe. "You packed your rations? Extra clothing, soapweed?" He asks. 

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 02:34:50 +0000 UTC]

inigo rolls his yes at Miklir's qustions. "Yes mom, and extra pairs of underwear too."

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 02:41:55 +0000 UTC]

"Good. If we forget something we arent coming back for it." He says. "We wont see this place for a few years."

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 02:44:56 +0000 UTC]

"What about all the food in the larder and the garden?  Won't it go bad without anyone working on it?" Inigo asks.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 02:55:43 +0000 UTC]

"I took care of the garden, it wont grow any food anymore, and the larder has been mostly eaten, remember?" Miklir says. "This place we be behind us for a while."

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 03:05:47 +0000 UTC]

"Oh yeah.......that was a really amazing dinner." Inigo responds with a big grin. 

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 03:09:22 +0000 UTC]

"It it is anything like you at the village feasts, I dread to think of how you acted, or how much you ate." Kelen comments. 
Miklir shakes his head with a grin. "You have no idea." 
Miklir grabs his pack and staff, and Kelen his belongings, both heading out of the clean home of ravens rock, with Inigo the last to leave, he looks back to say goodbye to his home for the past 70 years.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 03:14:35 +0000 UTC]

He looks around on last time before catching up with Miklir and Kelen. "Hey old man, so are we just gonna be exsploring or did we get called for a really neat misson?" He asks with excitement.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 03:32:31 +0000 UTC]

Miklir takes his staff and rolls the stone doorway to ravens rock in place, sealing it with magic. "We are going south, there has been quite a bit of activity in the southern lands. This is one part adventure, another part run, and then... The Council did tell me to check something out, and it will probably be nothing."

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 03:35:29 +0000 UTC]

"So........how many times did Dosus tell you to get rid of me this time?" Inigo asks curiously.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 03:38:08 +0000 UTC]

"He wasent wrong on how destructive you could be." Miklir laughs. 
"Or rude? I know you do it diffrently, but there is just no reservations or respect for your elders." Kelen adds, to which miklir grabd his mouth. 
"Shhh, you hear that? That is the sound of not giving a cows rump about 'respect'" Miklir chuckles. 

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 03:41:14 +0000 UTC]

"What?  You mean the old man thing?" Inigo clearifies. "He is old, that's one of the first things he told me when I met him, in fact he says he's old all the time so I just started calling him that.  Never once heard him complain." He explains with a smile. "Right old man?"

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 03:45:34 +0000 UTC]

"Oh, I dont need to complain, I just get back in more... Creative ways." Miklir chuckles.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 03:48:08 +0000 UTC]

"I'm still ahead by one old man." Inigo says narrowing his eyes. "And I'm onto your evil schemes."

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 03:50:14 +0000 UTC]

"Of course you are." He chuckles. "So, are we ready to go?" He asks.
"I am." Kelen says, then looking up, as though listening, as the wind blows across the mountains. After a few moments, he smiles. "Yes, Everything is good."

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 03:53:12 +0000 UTC]

"Okay?" Inigo says looking at Kelen like he hit his head. "So wanna ride with me or Miklir buddy?"

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 03:55:45 +0000 UTC]

"Who said we were flying?" Miklir asks. "Umbra is tired, And you could use the exersize anyway." He says.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 04:00:19 +0000 UTC]

Inigo sqinunts his eyes at him. "I'm sorry who's the one that works hard plowing the land and planting all the seeds?  And whose the one that sits on his ass and shouting. "Good job Inigo!  Keep up the good work!"?" He asks with a critical look.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-14 16:51:46 +0000 UTC]

"When I broke my ankle!" Miklir defends, Though Inigo knew it wasent broken, but Miklir gladly took time off for a whole growing season.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-14 20:09:22 +0000 UTC]

"You have got to be one of the worst liars I have ever met old man." Inigo replies before patting Miklir on the back. "I pity you for that.  Now how about we start the adventure huh?" He asks with a excited grin. "After all it waits for no one!"

(Wll Miklir IS why you're a terrible liar too Inigo.)

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-15 03:21:46 +0000 UTC]

"Sounds good." Miklir smiles, turning around, and with a short running start, leaps off the mountain side, and decends down, using magic to slow his fall. 
Kelen looks at Inigo surprised. "Is that common for him?"

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-15 03:23:14 +0000 UTC]

"Only when there's someone new he feels he can impress." Inigo replies. "So you need a ride down or are you good on your own?" He asks with a smile.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-15 03:27:22 +0000 UTC]

Kelen looks up, as the wind blows again, and kelen smiles. "Ill see you down there." He smiles, as he too runs to  the edge, and leaps off, the wind suddenly picking up beneath Kelen, causing him to soar down to the forest below, without the need to Even cast a spell.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-15 03:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Inigo shrugs and runs off the edge forming and spreading his wings, using them to ride on the wind towards the ground.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-15 03:46:37 +0000 UTC]

Inigo catches up with Kelen as he soars to the ground, a vortex of wind visibly encircling him, as they near the ground. Kelen looks over and sees Inigo, and smiles before landing amid the trees, kicking up a bunch of leaves and dust as he lands.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-15 03:48:20 +0000 UTC]

"Whoo!  That's always really fun!" Inigo exclaims with a grin. 

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-15 04:10:58 +0000 UTC]

"Must be nice having wings." Kelen smiles. "Fly wherever you want, whenever you want." He says. Kelen looks off and sees Miklir in the distance. "Come on, Lets go." He says beginning to walk toward Miklir

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-15 04:13:14 +0000 UTC]

Inigo nods and runs over to meet with Miklir. 

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-16 05:39:39 +0000 UTC]

The three, for the next several weeks, traverse the wilderness, camping and hunting on their way, bt eventually making their way to the port city of Ruhman. The three travel into the port town, and book passage across the Mediterranean. The three stay in a cheap inn for the night, when Inigo, from outside, hears some commotion, which is common from this side of town, but perhaps curiosity gets the better of him, and he can look out the window their room to see what is going on. 

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-16 05:41:31 +0000 UTC]

Inigo looks at Kelen seeing he's still asleep before slowly walking over to the window and pulling back the curtain to take a peek at the commotion outside.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-16 05:54:38 +0000 UTC]

Just as Inigo pulls back the curtain, Inigo sees several people down below trying to stop somebody, but that somebody flies through the air and lands on Inigo's window sill just as Inigo opesn it, and knocks him back. A woman, clad in black with a hood and mask, carrying a wrapped cloth on her back, looks just as surprised as Inigo. She looks behind her, and jumps into the room with inigo, but then suddenly vanishes into this air. But Inigo can scence she is still there somewhere.

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-16 05:58:11 +0000 UTC]

Inigo stands there bewildered for a good 5 seconds before closing the window and looking around. "Okay, I can't see you but your scent is strong enough for me to know you're still in the room, so how about explaining?" Inigo asks but in a whisper, careful not to wake his sleeping friend.

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-16 05:59:48 +0000 UTC]

Inigo hears footsteps leading toward the door, though they are skillfully silent, normal people would have trouble hearing them. 

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Novarules In reply to Biju3tails [2015-09-16 06:01:29 +0000 UTC]

Inigo runs to the door grabbing the handle and blocking it. "Explanation first, then we'll see if you should leave or not.  I can't let a possible thief go without hearing what ya half to say."

(Did you get my text about having tomorrow off after all? :3) 

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Biju3tails In reply to Novarules [2015-09-16 06:06:38 +0000 UTC]

The Girl slowly reveals herself, showing she has the power of Invisibility, but seems to be letting herself be seen. She steps forward slowly, but then skrikes Inigo in the chest, sending him through the wooden door into the hallway. She also clearly, has obsurd strength.
"Sorry Handsome, nothing personal." She says, vanishing once again, and running down the hallway.

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