Novarules — The Kyoge family Timline part 3
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Description *One Thousand One Hundred sixteen years later*

Miser: *Walking along a river* *Appearing 20*

*A tall thin young woman appearing about 20 years old with long pure white hair and bright yellow eyes is standing in the river, she’s trying to catch fish with her bare hands*

Miser: *Walks over* E-excuse me miss?  I don’t think you can catch fish with just your hands; they’re too quick and slippery

Woman: *Smiles at him then catches a fish* Thank you for your concern but I think I can do it

Miser: *Blinks* that’s incredible

Woman: *laughs a little* Thank you, my name is Angelus

Miser: *Blinks* Oh I-I’m Miser

Angelus: *Smiles* It’s nice to meet you Miser

Miser: Y-you to

Angelus: *blinks* you have a very bad stutter

Miser: I-I’m sorry I stutter when I’m scared or n-nervous

Angelus: Oh I’m sorry

Miser: It’s a-alright

Angelus: *Smiles* would you like to learn how to catch fish this way?

Miser: If you want to t-teach m-me sure

Angelus: Alright *Smiles* Come over here

Miser: o-okay *Walks over to her and stands in the water*

Angelus: *Takes his hands and puts them in the water*

Miser: *Eyes widen*

Angelus: Now you have to stay still and wait for the fish to come to you then at the right moment you grab it

Miser: O-okay

Angelus: *Waits*

Miser: *Waits for a fish to get close then grabs it*

Angelus: *Smiles at him* Great job and on your first try

Miser: *Blushes a little* Th-thank you

Angelus: *Smiles* Oh my, it seems I made you blush

Miser: Oh I’m so s-sorry

Angelus: It’s alright your cute when you blush

Miser: *Turns even redder*

Angelus: *Smiles* Now you look as red as a beet *Laughs a little*

Miser: *Smiles slightly* I guess I am

*One year later*

Miser: *walking down a tunnel in a cave* *Makes it to a room and knocks* Angelus?

Angelus: The door is unlocked you can come in Miser *Smiles*

Miser: *Opens the door and walks in* I-I have to ask you something important

Angelus: What is it?

Miser: *Gets down on one knee and holds up a diamond ring* Will....will you marry me?

Angelus: *Smiles and hugs him* Yes, I will

Miser: *Smiles and hugs back*

*Three days later*

*3 days after Angelus agreed happily to Miser’s proposal to her she and him were sitting under a tree listening to the birds sing as Angelus rested her head lightly on Miser’s right shoulder smiling*

Angelus: *Smiling* Today is such a beautiful day, isn’t it?

*Angelus is wearing a simple green dress with her white hair cascading down her shoulders and free*

Miser: I-I s-suppose so…

Angelus: *Looks at him and kisses his cheek* No one is going to attack you or I, I promise *Smiles at him*

Miser: *Blushes deeply* Angelus please….

Angelus: I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t love you *Smiles* Now, why don’t you sit here and try to relax?  I’ll go get a nice blanket and then we can get a few things to eat and have a lovely outing on such a gorgeous day *Smiles* and I won’t be gone more than a moment I promise you

Miser: *Looks at her* O-okay

Angelus: *Stands up and heads towards the direction of a large cave and their home*

Miser: *Looks around nervously at the birds, trees and plants, winces slightly and reaches his hand up to his left shoulder gripping it* P-please…….n-not again….*Grips his shoulder tighter as the pain worsens*

Angelus: *Walks into the opening of a large cave and down the tunnel that is lined with candles until she reaches an opening with a wooden door and opens it walking into a bedroom and over to a chest* There should be at least a few blankets that can be used in here *Opens the chest and starts going through the clothing inside*

*Whilst Angelus looks for a good blanket Miser’s pain only intensifies*

Miser: *Falls over and yells in pain, gripping his shoulder so tight he had nearly pierced his own skin*

Angelus: *Blinks and looks up, holding a simple lite blue sheet* Miser?

Miser: *Screams in sheer agony as the pain continues to grow stronger*

Angelus: *Eyes widen dropping the sheet and running out of the room and cave back towards where she and Miser were* Miser!

Miser: *Screaming in agony on the ground, his fingers having gripped his shoulder so tight they priced his own flesh and now his blood flows freely from the freshly made wound*

Angelus: *Sees him, her eyes widening in panic and runs over to him* MISER! *Kneels next to him, both fear and shock in her eyes at seeing both Miser’s blood from his self-inflicted wound and then the burning black curse mark that can be seen beneath the blood* Oh no Miser *Looks at him as he screams bloody murder, his eyes closed tight in his pain* I’ll try to ease the pain just stay still, I’m here for you Miser *Her hands glow a lite green as she places them gently on his shoulder and bloodied hand, trying her best to ease his pain with her magic until it passes*

*The mark glows brighter and more menacingly*

Miser: *Opens his eyes wide* A-Angelus DON’T TOUCH IT!

*The curse mark suddenly releases a blast of demonic energy that bursts forth at Angelus hitting her in her abdomen and throwing her back 50 feet, before finally becoming dormant again*

Miser: A-Angelus! *Scrambles to his feet as best he can, falling several times before managing to stand and run over to his injured wife and kneeling beside her, eyes filled with both worry and fear*

Angelus: *Black blood oozes out of her mouth as she slowly opens her eyes*

Miser: D-dear Lord V-Vires, Angelus…..what h-have I d-done t-to you…? *Gently lifts her up and pulls her into a hug, tears running down his face*

Angelus: *Hugs him back gently* It’s alright Miser.  *Smiles a little* I’m alright *Pulls away and looks at him* see?  It just pushed me away that’s all

Miser: *Wipes the blood from the corner of her mouth* I-it hurt you…..I h-hurt you…

Angelus: *Kisses his forehead* No you didn’t, I’m alright I promise you *Smiles at him* I feel just fine
*5 months after the incident*

Angelus: *Walks down the cave tunnel coughing so terribly she has to lean against the wall*

Miser: *Sees her, eyes widen and runs over to her* Angelus!

Angelus: *Coughs harder and up black blood before falling to the floor*

Miser: Angelus, please go back to bed, you need to rest, you are still very ill *Kneels down and picks her up gently bridal style*

Angelus: I’m alright Miser….I just need to get a glass of water…*her body is weak and her face is covered in a sheen of sweat as if having a terrible fever*

Miser: Please rest, I will get you the water and whatever else you need, but you need to rest so that you can recover *Walks back to his and her bedroom playing her gently in the bed and pulling the covers over her*

Angelus: You don’t need to do this Miser….*Forces a smile* I’m alright

Miser: Rest, I’ll return with your water *Turns to leave but seems to pause as if debating whether to ask something or not* Angelus…?  I-I’m sorry……you h-have become very sickly since that day……and I know it’s m-my fault……I-I’m so….s-so sorry…

Angelus: Miser, don’t blame yourself, it’s not your fault I promise *Smiles a little* my immune system is just a little off lately, that has nothing to do with you nor is it your fault.  I promise.

Miser: A-alright…..I’ll be back with your water *Walks out of the room, tears in his eyes* It is my fault…..Angelus has become so sickly ever since she tried to me relieve the pain of my curse that day….I did this to my wife….*Hangs his head as he walks out of the cave and towards the river* I did this to her.

*5 months later*

Angelus: *walks up to Miser who was sitting on a bed* Miser?  Can we please have a child?

Miser: *Looks at her a little shocked* you want a child?  From me?

Angelus: Yes please, I would love to have a child with you

Miser: A-alright if that’s what you want you can have it

Angelus: *Smiles and hugs him* thank you Miser

*Eight months later*

Miser: *Walking down a cave tunnel carrying a tray with a glass of water, a plate with toast, eggs and bacon on it and a small flower holder with a single white daisy in it* *The tunnel is lit with torches but decorated like a house hallway would be* *Makes it to a room and opens the door*

Angelus: *Looks up at him from her book and smiles* Hello Miser *Sitting up in bed with a pillow at her back for comfort and her white hair tied back into a ponytail looking 8 months pregnant*

Miser: *Smiles* Hello Angelus, I brought you breakfast

Angelus: Oh Miser that’s very sweet but you don’t need to keep doing that, I can still take care of myself

Miser: It’s alright I want to do it, and I don’t want you to strain yourself *Walks over to her carrying the tray and sets it down*

Angelus: *Looks at everything* it all looks wonderful thank you Miser

Miser: Your welcome *Smiles*

Angelus: *Notices the flower* Why do you always place a white flower in the vase?

Miser: Because it symbolizes your white hair, pure nature and soul *Smiles*

Angelus: *Smiles at him* you’re such a sweet man *Leans out and kisses him on the cheek*

Miser: *Blushes bright red* Angelus please

Angelus: I can’t help it *Smiles* you’re handsome always so sweet to me and now we have a baby on the way, how could I not?

Miser: *Blushing* I only say what’s true

Angelus: *Smiles* Well then you say it in a beautiful way

Miser: *Smiles still red* Thank you *Winces slightly and puts a hand to his shoulder*

Angelus: ….It’s hurting you again isn’t it?

Miser: *nods slightly* Yes…..and I’m worried that it might be inherited by the baby…

Angelus: I doubt that I don’t think a curse mark can be inherited

Miser: I hope so…

Angelus: Miser….*Takes his hand and pulls him to her and onto the bed so he’s sitting next to her* *Hugs him* Please don’t worry yourself

Miser: *hugs her back* I just don’t want the baby to suffer….the baby or you

Angelus: Miser look at me

Miser: *Looks at her*

Angelus: *Kisses him on the lips then slowly pulls away* we’re going to be fine, the baby and me, I promise you

Miser: Alright…

Angelus: *Frowns slightly then blinks and takes his hand, places it gently on her stomach and smiles* Do you feel that?  

Miser: *Blinks* the baby is kicking

Angelus: *Smiles* Yes, it’s saying that if anyone bad comes and tries to hurt us your gonna kick them until they go away

Miser: *Blinks then smiles a little* you can always cheer me up

Angelus: *Kisses him again and smiles* and you need to stop moping about the past and think about the future of your new family and be happy

Miser: *Smiles and kisses her back* I’ll try

*One month later*

Angelus: *Lying in bed*

Miser: *Sitting by her bed* Angelus?

Angelus: *Looks at him* Miser.....there’s something wrong....I can’t give birth to the baby...

Miser: *Eyes widen* what do I do?

Angelus: Please....you have to cut me open...save the baby...

Miser: *Eyes go wide* Angelus I couldn’t do that to you

Angelus: Please Miser...please save the baby before it’s too late...

Miser: *Forms a knife in his hand, holds it over her stomach, hands shaking badly* Are you sure there’s no other way?

Angelus: *Nods slowly eyes start to close* Please....save our child...I love you...*Eyes close all the way*

Miser: *Tears in his eyes* I love you too Angelus *Pushes the knife into her stomach and starts to cut down* *Trying not to cry* *Finishes the cut and reaches his hands in then pulls out a perfectly healthy baby boy* *Throws the knife at the other side of the room and holds his new son* It’s a boy, Angelus...*tears fall to the ground* It’s a boy....

Angelus: *Silent*

Miser: *Pulls the blanket gently over Angelus’s body, kisses her lips before he covers her head* May you rest in peace and awaken in paradise *Wipes the tears from his eyes and sits down in the chair by the bed, holding the baby boy* Welcome to the family Inigo *Cradling newborn Inigo gently and carefully in his arms, sits back down by the bed where Angelus lays with the blanket pulled over her, tears falling every now and then*……

Inigo: *Yawns opening his eyes* *Looks up at Miser and reaches his hands out to him*

Miser: *Notices and looks down at him* *Wipes his eyes* Hello Inigo, I see your awake *Looks back where Angelus’s body lays* I wish you could see him Angelus…

Inigo: *Blinks then looks where Miser is looking and sees the body outline under the blanket* *Reaches his small hands out to the body under the cover*

Miser: No Inigo….she’s gone…

Inigo: *keeps reaching his small hands out to the body under the cover*

Miser: …..*Stands up* I suppose…even if she no longer lives….this is the only time you will ever see her….with your own eyes…and you have that right…*Walks over to the bed, pulls back the cover to reveal Angelus’s pure white hair, closed eyes and peaceful face* *Gently sets Inigo down next to her* This is your mother Inigo, her name is Angelus….she loved you more than the world itself and wanted more than anything to be here with you….*Tears start to run down his face again*….she wanted you to live….her only son…

Inigo: *Looks at Angelus and puts his hands on her side and cuddles it*

Miser: You can’t stay there for long Inigo…I need to bury her…*Looks away with tears running down her face*

Inigo: *Yawns and closes his eyes falling asleep*

Miser: *Walks over to Inigo and gently picks him up*….*grabs a nearby baby blanket and wraps him in it* Angelus made this for you…

Inigo: *Snuggles into the soft warm blanket in sleep*

Miser: In a way it is like she is holding you….what she always wanted to do….*gently lays Inigo into a crib then walks out of the room and outside to dig a grave*

*Twenty minutes later*

Miser: *Walks back into the room and over to Angelus’s body and picks her up with tears streaming down his face* *Walks back out of the room and then back outside and over to the freshly dug grave* *Gently lays her down into the grave* *Starts to cover the grave, his head hanging* *Finishes then pulls out a single white daisy and lays it on the grave* Goodbye Angelus ….I will always love you…*A few tears fall on the grave and he turns to go back inside and to the room he and Angelus once shared* *Walks over to Inigo’s crib and looks inside*

Inigo: *Snuggled into the blanket Angelus had made for him fast asleep*

Miser: You will never know her voice…..you will never know her face….and you will never truly know her touch…..but I swear you will know she loves you and she wanted more than anything for you to live…

*Four years later*

*Young Inigo wanders down the hallway of his cave home, currently only 4 years old, his hair black and still quite short, wearing simple grey pants and shirt*

Inigo: *Walks up to Miser’s room and knocks on the door* Dad? *Waits for a reply but when receiving none pushes open the door and peeks inside* Dad are you up yet?

Miser: *Fast asleep in his bed but tossing and turning every now and then as though having a horrid nightmare*

Inigo: I guess not…..

*Inigo looks down slightly sad to see Miser is still asleep though ignorant of the dreams that plague his father every time he sleeps*

Inigo: *Turns and leaves the room quietly closing the door behind him* I guess I’ll have to think of a game I can play by myself…*Wanders out of the cave and to the forest outside*

*Inigo looks at the trees and sky then at the birds as they fly around singing their early morning songs only to walk over to a rather large tree and sit under it sighing at the sight of nothing to do*

*Suddenly looks up when hearing voice that he has never heard before, voices of someone other than himself or his own father*

*Two young children, a boy and a girl looking no older than 10 years old are wandering through the forest nearby*

Inigo: Someone else lives here? *his face and eyes suddenly light up as he quickly stands and runs to the source of the voices*

*Once reaching the source Inigo stops behind a tree and forms his claws to climb up it, once high enough sits on a branch and leans out from the coverage of the leaves to see who these new people are*

*The girl is the first to speak*

Young Girl: Marshal are you sure we should be out this far in the forest?  My mother told me there’s dragons out here and to stay far away because they eat children

Young boy now known as Marshal: Don’t worry Mary, my father told me that there were two dragons out here but one of them died and the only one left never leaves it’s cave, it just stays inside and hides

Young girl now known as Mary: Why would a dragon hide?  What would it be hiding from?  

Marshal: I don’t know but my father said that as long as you don’t go into it’s cave you’ll be fine and we haven’t passed any caves so far so don’t be such a scaredy cat

Inigo: *Whispers out loud* I can’t believe there’s other people out here *Smiles* Now maybe I can have someone to play with other than dad, but what did they mean by dragon?  And why do they keep calling dad an “it”?  Aren’t they dragons too?

Mary: I am not a scaredy cat!  I just don’t think it’s very safe to be this far out in the forest….

Marshal: I told you we’re gonna be fine, there’s nothing to worry about *Smiles*

Inigo: I should go say hi to them *Smiling* I’ve never met another dragon besides dad before, or even seen anyone besides him before *Jumps down from the tree using his wings to slow his fall and guide himself gently down landing right in front of Marshal and Mary* Hi! ^^

Mary: *Eyes widen and screams falling backwards as Marshal jumps back in surprise*

Inigo: *Blinks* what’s wrong?  Is there something on my face? *Uses the back of his hand to try to wipe away nonexistent dirt or markings*

Mary: M-monster!  *Struggles to get back to her feet then hides behind Marshal*

Marshal: *Picks up a small branch and holds it towards Inigo as if it were a deadly weapon but shaking in his hand all the same* St-stay back y-you

Inigo: *Looking quite confused* I’m not a monster?  My name is Inigo Kyoge *Smiles* what’s your names?

Mary: M-Mary….*her voice barely more than a whisper*

Marshal: Marsh-shal *Trying to sound strong and confident but his voice shaking*

Inigo: it’s nice to meet you both! ^^ And finally meet another dragon other than my dad, I’m a black dragon and 4 years old how old are you? What kind of dragon are you? *Smiling widely clearly excited to meet new people*

Mary: *Looks at Marshal confused as he looks back at her with an equally confused expression*

Marshal: *Looks back at Inigo his voice sounding slightly more stable* we’re not dragons…

Inigo: *His smile fades and is replacement by a look of confusion* what do you mean?  What else could you be besides dragons?

Marshal: We are humans

Inigo: *his expression only changing into complete puzzlement* what’s a human?

*Mary feeling much less scared steps out from behind Marshal*

Mary: you really have no idea?

Inigo: *Shakes his head* No, should I?  The only person I’ve ever seen before is my dad

Marshal: *Eyes widen* so you must the baby of that dragon in the cave!

Inigo: *Crosses his arms and pouts* I am NOT a baby!  I’m 4 years and grown up and strong enough to go out into the forest by myself and not be scared! *Sticks out his tongue* and what you said was just mean *Looks away pouting*

Marshal: No I mean-

*Marshal stops mid-sentence when hearing someone calling out the name of the young dragon*

Inigo: *Looks over towards the direction of the voice* Oh no dad woke up, I’m gonna be in trouble for leaving home by myself and not telling him…

Mary: We have to go home now…

Inigo: *Eyes widen and looks back at them* Wait don’t you wanna play?  My dad won’t stay upset for long then we can play!

Marshal: We really have to go home…*Grabs Mary’s hand and partially drags her away and back towards their village*

Inigo: Come back soon and then we can play! *Watches them go sadly* Bye….

Miser: Inigo!  Where are you! *Comes out of the brush then rushes over when seeing Inigo, picking him up and hugging him tight* Thank Lord Vires you’re alright *Pulls him away and looks at him* What were you thinking going out th-this far by yours-self?  Do you have an idea h-how worried I was about you?

Inigo: *Looks down feeling horrible for making his father worry* I’m sorry dad…I didn’t mean to make you worry….I wanted to play with you but you were sleeping so I went outside and heard voices for the first time and thought it was other dragons…so I followed them….

Miser: *Pulls Inigo back into a hug* I’m just happy you’re ok….

Inigo: *Hugs him back* …..what’s a human?

*A few days later*

Inigo: *opens eyes and gets out of bed* I wonder if dad is up yet *Runs down a tunnel in the cave and to Miser’s room*

Miser: *In the middle of getting dressed* *Grabs his shirt*

Inigo: *Opens the door and runs in* Dad I- *Stops in mid-sentence seeing a symbol on Miser’s shoulder*

Miser: *Looks over* Inigo you should knock first

Inigo: Sorry *Blinks staring at the symbol* Dad what’s that mark on your shoulder?

Miser: My shoulder?

Inigo: Uh-huh *Points to it*

Miser: *Looks at it, eyes darken* It’s nothing important

Inigo: But what is it?

Miser: Don’t concern yourself with it; just pretend you never saw it

Inigo: But it’s a weird mark?  Does it mean something bad?  Is that why you looked upset when I pointed it out?

Miser: Don’t worry yourself Inigo, I’m fine, there’s no need for concern

Inigo: Are you sure?

Miser: Yes, did you need something?

Inigo: Oh!  Can you teach me about magic?

Miser: If you feel you’re ready

Inigo: *Smiles* Yeah!

Miser: Alright go outside, I’ll be there in a moment

Inigo: Okay! *Happily runs out of Miser’s room and outside*

Miser: *Puts a hand to the mark and winces* It’s still just as painful as the day he put it on me... *Puts his shirt on and walks outside*

*Two years later*

Miser: *Rearranging some books on a shelf in his room*

*A knock on the door*

Miser: Hm? *Looks over* Come in Inigo

Inigo: *Opens the door then runs in smiling over to Miser looking about 6 years old* Dad!

Miser: Yes Inigo?

Inigo: Dad you promised you were gonna play with me today!

Miser: Hm?  Oh that’s right; I’m terribly sorry Inigo I had forgotten

Inigo: It’s ok dad now let’s play! ^^

Miser: *Chuckles a bit* Alright *Walks over and picks Inigo up*

Inigo: Yay! ^^

Miser: *Smiles and sets Inigo on his shoulders*

Inigo: *Grins*

Miser: *Walks out of the cave and outside* what would you like to do today Inigo?

Inigo: Um….I don’t know I just wanna play with you ^^

Miser: Alright *Smiles* How about a walk?

Inigo: Aw but that’s no fun!

Miser: I’m sure we can make it fun

Inigo: *Pouts* Fine

Miser: *Walks off into the forest*

Inigo: *Pouting* Dad this is borrring!

Miser: It’s peaceful

Inigo: *Crosses his arm* It’s boring

Miser: Try to enjoy the scenery Inigo

Inigo: But I’m bored!

Miser: *Sighs*

Inigo: *Looks around with an uninterested look on his face*

Miser: *Glances up at him then walks into a clearing where leaves have piled high due to them falling off the trees in the Fall, smiles a little and stops then falls back making Inigo fall into the leaves*

Inigo: Ah! *Gets buried under them*

Miser: *Lies on top of the leaves where he fell*

Inigo: *Pokes his head out of the leaves with a few still in his hair* Dad!

Miser: *Looks at him smiling* did you enjoy your fall?

Inigo: *Blinks then grins, picks up a wad of leaves and puts them on Miser’s chest* I’m gonna bury you under the leaves for that!

Miser: *Laughs a bit* and what if I decide to get up and the leaves fall off me before you can?

Inigo: Then I’ll catch you and bury you again! *Grins as he climbs on Miser’s chest and sits there*

Miser: *laughs a bit* Oh you will, will you?  *Gets up*

Inigo: Ah! *Tumbles back into the leaves*

Miser: *Smiles* Catching me is working well

Inigo: *Jumps out of the leaves and tackles Miser smiling*

Miser: *pretends to fall over* *laughs* Oh my, it seems you have captured me but can you bury me?

Inigo: Sure can! *Grabs a bunch of the leaves and throws them on Miser’s face then sits on his chest again* and I’m not moving until your buried! ^^

Miser: *Smiles under the leaves and ruffles Inigo’s hair*

Inigo: Ah!  Dad! *Tries to fix his hair*

Miser: *Wraps his arms around Inigo hugging him* I told you this would be fun Inigo *Smiling*

Inigo: *Smiles and hugs him back* I love you dad

Miser: I love you too Inigo *Hugs him a little tighter* I love you too

*A few weeks later in a far off land*

Apollo: *Sitting in a field smiling while watching a little girl run around* *Apollo looks about 18*

*The little girl looks around 3*

Little girl: *Runs over to him and hugs him* let’s play a game big brother! *Smiles*

Apollo: Alright *Smiles* what game?

Little girl: Um.....I don’t know...anything!  I just like spending time with you! ^^

Apollo: Thank you

Little girl: *Hugs him* I love you Apollo

Apollo: *Hugs back* I love you too Alesha

Alesha: *Let’s go picks a flower and puts it in his hair* Now big brother looks pretty *Giggles*

Apollo: *Laughs a little* Yeah I guess I do

Alesha: *Pokes his arm then starts running* Catch me big brother!

Apollo: *Smiles and stands up* Alright *Runs after her*

Alesha: *Keeps running* Come on!

Apollo: *Keeps running* I’m coming *Smiles*

Alesha: ^^ *Keeps running*

Apollo: *falls to the ground and holds his leg* Oh no I think I broke my leg

Alesha: Oh no! *Runs over to him* Are you ok big brother?

Apollo: I don’t know *Closes eyes* Can you come over and look at it?

Alesha: Uh-huh! *Runs over and touches his leg*

Apollo: *Starts to tickle her* I think it’s feeling better! *Grins*

Alesha: *Falls to the ground laughing* you’re a cheater!

Apollo: *Smiles and keeps tickling her* Oh well

Alesha: No fair! *on the ground laughing*

Apollo: It’s all fair *Laughs a little and stops tickling her*

Alesha: *Stops laughing sits up and smiles* Now it’s your turn! *Starts tickling him*

Apollo: *Falls over laughing* Alesha you know I’m ticklish

Alesha: Yep!  ^^ This is for being a cheater! *Giggles and keeps tickling him*

Apollo: *Laughing hard* Alesha I can’t breathe

Alesha: I know what will help! *Stops tickling him crawls on him and hugs him* A big hug!

Apollo: *Smiles and hugs back* that’s the best kind of help

Alesha: ^^

*There is a scream from further along the field*

Alesha: *Looks around, eyes fill with fear* what was that?

Apollo: *Looks around too* I don’t know *Looks back at Alesha* Stay here and stay quiet

Alesha: You’re going to leave me?

Apollo: I’ll be right back I promise

Alesha: But-

Apollo: Have I ever broken a promise to you?

Alesha: No

Apollo: Then I’ll be right back

Alesha: *Nods* Okay

Apollo: *Stands up and runs to the other side of the field then stops and hides behind a bolder* *Peeks around it*

*There are 3 men standing around something, and they’re laughing*

Apollo: *Tries to see what they’re standing around, eyes widen when he sees* No....

*The is the body of a man lying face down in the dirt, he has semi long black hair and isn’t moving* *Next to him is a woman in the same state, her hair is in a ponytail and it’s black*

One man: Two less dragons in this world

Another man: Yep, hopefully in time these monsters won’t exist anymore, and then we can live in peace

Apollo: *Eyes burn with rage and tears* Mother....father...

The last man: I almost feel sorry for these things; they didn’t even try to fight back *Kicks the body of the man and bursts out laughing* Almost! *Laughs harder* There’s nothing better than being a dragon slayer! *Keeps laughing*

*The other men start laughing*

Apollo: They will pay for this.... *Runs down to the men* Die!  *Starts blasting fire balls at them*

One man: There’s another one!  Kill it! *Pulls out his sword*

Other men: *Does the same*

Apollo: *Kicks the sword out of the first man’s hand then sets him on fire*

First man: *Yells in pain and falls to the ground*

Apollo: *Blasts another fire ball and the second man*

Second man: *Tries to block but the fire ball melts the sword then hits the man*

Third man: *Starts to run away*

Apollo: Not so fast! *Grabs the man by the lip in his armor pulls him back then slams him to the ground* Die! *Holds his hand to the chest plate of the man’s armor and forms a fire ball which starts to burn through the armor*

Third man: Ahhh!  Stop!

Apollo: No!  You must pay for what you’ve done! *Pushes hand harder on armor until the fire ball burns through and burns the man*

Third man: *Yells in pain then there is silence*

Apollo: *Wipes the tears away from eyes* How am I going to tell Alesha? *Buries face in hands* She’s only 3....*slowly stands up, looks at the bodies of his parents*....*Walks back to his sister*

Alesha: *Sees him, runs over and hugs his leg* Big brother!  Are you ok?

Apollo: *Picks her up and hugs her* I’m fine...

Alesha: *Hugs back* Where are mommy and daddy?

Apollo: *Sets her down gently* Alesha I....I have something important to tell you...

Alesha: What is it big brother?

Apollo: Mother and father are....

Alesha: They’re what?

Apollo: They’re....they’re dead...  

Alesha: *Eyes tear up* Wh-what?

Apollo: They’re dead...I’m so sorry Alesha

Alesha: How?

Apollo: Humans known as dragon slayers killed them...

Alesha: But- *Starts crying* No!  They can’t be dead!

Apollo: I’m so sorry Alesha *Hugs her*

Alesha: *Cries harder and hugs back* I want mommy and daddy!

Apollo: So do I...*Holds her close* I promise I will take care of you....I won’t let anything happen to you

Alesha: *Hugging him tight* I love you big brother... *Keeps crying*

Apollo: I love you too

Alesha: Promise me you’ll never leave me!

Apollo: *Holding her* I promise *gently picks her up* you’re the only family I have left *Waves hand and opens a portal* I will always protect you, this I swear *Walks through holding Alesha close*

*One year later*

Miser: *Sitting in front of a grave*

Inigo: *Walks out of the cave and over to Miser* *he has yellow eyes and his hair is relatively short, he looks about 7* Dad?

Miser: *Looks over at him* Yes?

Inigo: Is mom really buried here?

Miser: *Nods slowly*

Inigo: Is.....is it my fault mom died?

Miser: *blinks* no of course not

Inigo: Then why do you always come out here and stare at her grave?

Miser: Because it’s the only time I can visit her

Inigo: Okay....why don’t you meet another nice lady?  Then you can be happy again and I can have a mom

Miser: I don’t want to meet another woman...I’ve already watched two women that matter to me die before my very eyes....I don’t wish to see it happen again...

Inigo: I know mom is one but who’s the other girl?

Miser: My mother....

Inigo: Oh, your mom died to?

Miser: Your mother died during childbirth....my mother was killed...

Inigo: *Eyes widen* your mom was killed?  How?

Miser: We don’t need to talk about this, I’m sorry I even told you *Stands up and walks back into the cave*

Inigo: But dad!  *Runs after him* I wanna know!

Miser: It’s not a happy memory you shouldn’t hear it *Keeps walking*

Inigo: But I wanna know! *Still running after him*

Miser: *Walks to his room and sits down on his bed*

Inigo: *Runs into the room and stands in front of him* Please tell me?

Miser: *Sighs* Fine, but first you have to know about my “Father” To really understand it

Inigo: Okay

Miser: *Picks Inigo up and sets him on the bed next to him* Well my father’s name was   Maleficus

Inigo: Was?

Miser: I’ll explain it at the end

Inigo: Okay....

Miser: *Takes a deep breath* Maleficus was my father, he was a full blooded black dragon like you and I but he acted more like a demon...he was a creature known for his cruelty and his insanity....and he had an endless lust for power....even demonic power.....Maleficus would attack innocent people for no other reason except he was bored....he would even make the loved ones watch as he killed them...he said it made it more “Fun”.....he raped my mother...not because he wanted children or even liked her...but because he thought it would be entertaining....I was more of an accident...he always said I was a mistake and he had no use for children...he said all they were good for was torturing....every time he stole power from a new demon he would call me out and use it on me for practice....he said that was all I was good for....he would use even come up with new torture ideas and use them on me....sometimes he attacked me just for his own sick amusement...he loved making my mother watch as he tortured me....he said he loved the look of horror on her face....her name was Harmoney....even though my mother was raped by Maleficus she still loved me....she would always take care of me and would tell me how everything would be alright....after Maleficus tortured me she would take me to my room and clean my wounds...she would kiss my forehead then pull the covers over me....she told me someday it would be better and I would have a better life....she swore to me someday I could leave that horrible place and be happy......she was always so gentle....one day Maleficus’s insanity grew out of control....he told my mother and me to come outside....we didn’t know why but we knew it couldn’t be good.....he smiled like a madman then cut my mother in half....right before my very eyes...I was so scared I ran and hid...he looked for me for a time then the madness seemed to become so unbearable that he killed himself.....this I saw too....he decapitated himself....even in death his face still showed the smile of a madman man....that man terrified me and even now I fear he might come back....the creature that has haunted my very dreams for centuries...the embodiment of evil itself...

Inigo: Dad, if you don’t like the way I act and you think I should act better then tell me, just please don’t make up stories to scare me into doing it

Miser: It wasn’t a story, Inigo

Inigo: I know I act up sometimes but you don’t have to make up stories.....and you don’t have to tell me how your mom died either but please don’t lie *Jumps off the bed and goes to his own room*

Miser: Inigo....    
*Nine years later*

Miser: *Asleep in his room*

Inigo: *Looking about 16 his hair is almost reaching his shoulders and his eyes are still yellow* *Already up and getting dressed* Alright I’m set *quietly opens his room door walks through it then closes it behind him gently*....*Sneaks down the cave tunnel until he reaches Miser’s room*.....*Looks inside to make sure Miser is still asleep*

Miser: *Turns on side still asleep*

Inigo: *Quickly and quietly sneaks out of the cave and outside* *Grins* Alright time to have some fun! *Smiles and runs to a nearby town carrying a bucket, rope and other things*

*later that day*

*A man is working in a bakery*

Man: Alright that’s everything for today, time for my break *Goes to the front door and opens it* *A bucket filled with mud falls on him covering him, the floor and a few of the nearby walls in mud* Ah!

Inigo: *Hiding in an ally* *Falls to the ground laughing* Bet you didn’t see that coming! *Laughs harder*

Man: Inigo!

Inigo: *Smiles* Later! *Runs off*

*In another part of town there’s a tavern*

*A few men walk out laughing*

Man 1: This was great we should go again tomorrow!  

Man 2: I’ll hold you to that *Laughs*

Both Men: Ah! *Suddenly slip on something and fall on their butts*

Inigo: *Standing behind a tree snickering* Looks like you’ll be cleaning your pants tomorrow instead! *laughs*

Both Men: Inigo!

Inigo: Bye! *Runs off*

*A few hours later*

*Two young girls and sitting in a park talking*

Inigo: *Walks over to them* Hello ladies *Smiles* How would you like to be with a real man?

Girl 1: Oh no it’s Inigo

Girl 2: All he does is terrorize everyone they try to charm all the girls

Inigo: Try?  I think I succeed ^^

Girl 1: Go away Inigo before my father finds out you’re here

Inigo: It would be a crime to leave such pretty young girls all alone *Smiles*

Voice: There he is!  Get him!

Inigo: *Looks over eyes widen* Oh hell they found me

*A group of angry men are holding pitch forks, some are holding swords*

Inigo: *Looks back at the girls* Sorry ladies I gotta go *Smiles* But don’t worry I’ll be back soon *Smiles and starts running*

Mod: *Runs after him* Inigo!

Inigo: Come on!  Can’t you take a joke?

Mod: you’re not getting away this time!

Inigo: *Smiles* Wanna bet? *Runs faster*

Mod: *Starts to fall behind*

Inigo: *Smiles* I am the Master escape artist!

Voice: Not so fast!

Inigo: *Stops* Oh hell

*2 men are standing in front of him holding swords*

Man 1: Where do you think you’re going?

Man 2: There’s no escape this time

Inigo: *Looking around for some way out of this*

*Suddenly smoke fills the area*

Man 2: *Coughing* what’s going on?

Man 1: Can’t see *Coughing*

*Someone suddenly grabs Inigo’s arm and throws him into a portal*

Inigo: Whoa! *He’s thrown out the other side in front of the cave*

Miser: *Walks out of the portal as it closes behind him*

Inigo: Oh, hey dad *Rubs the back of his head* Up so soon?

Miser: I’ve been up for a while; I wanted to see what kind of mayhem my son has been causing

Inigo: Oh.....

Miser: Inigo, I’ve told you to stay away from that town and leave those people alone and yet you keep going back there to cause more trouble

Inigo: It’s not my fault the people there don’t have a sense of humor

Miser: Inigo, please stop going there, leave them alone, I may not always be here to save you

Inigo: Come on dad, nothing is gonna happen to you

Miser: You don’t know that, this is an unpredictable world, something may cause my death tomorrow or I may be captured and taken away next week but if something like that happens I need you to be able to take care of yourself and not cause trouble

Inigo: *Sighs* Alright I’ll try to keep my jokes to a minimum

Miser: Thank you *Turns to leave* Oh and you’re never going to win over a young lady with the way you talk to them

Inigo: *Blinks* you saw that?

Miser: I saw everything; maybe I should give you advice sometime on how to speak to a young woman *Walks inside the cave*

Inigo: *Mumbles* I thought I was doing good

Miser: Come inside Inigo

Inigo: I’m coming *Follows after him*

*Two years later*

Inigo: *Looking about 18, doing pull-ups on a tree nearby*

Miser: *Walks outside and sees him* Happy 18th birthday Inigo

Inigo: *Looks over, drops and lands on feet* Yeah…happy…

Miser: How does it feel to be 18 years of age?

Inigo: *Shrugs* Not that different really

Miser: Well you’ll see that many things change

Inigo: If you say so

Miser: Why don’t we go inside?  It’s getting late

Inigo: Alright *Starts walking towards the cave*

Miser: *Pulls him into a hug* I love you son

Inigo: *blinks confused and awkwardly hugs back* I love you too dad?

Miser: *Let’s go of him* my apologizes

Inigo: It’s ok

Miser: *nods*

Inigo: I’m going to bed, goodnight *Starts walking inside*

Miser: Goodnight.....and goodbye


Inigo: *Wakes up and stretches* *Gets out of bed and walks down a cave tunnel* *starting to sense something is different* Dad? *Walks to Miser’s room and looks inside*

*There was no sign of Miser*

Inigo: Maybe he’s outside *Runs outside to Angelus’s grave but he wasn’t there either*

*a few white roses were lying on the grave*

Inigo: Well he was here, that’s obvious by the roses, but I can’t find any of trace of him *looks through the forest nearby for a few hours only to find nothing* *Walks back to the grave and sits in front of it* Dad never wanders far from here, it’s not like him, did something happen to him?  Did someone attack him?  Where could he have gone?  *Sighs* I guess I’m not going to find out, I can’t believe he’s gone
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