Late entry to inktober
The Dwarves of the Isles:The Isles Of Wealth were a group of many islands off the coast of the Silvian, Southern Wild Elf forests, and the northern territories near snowpeak. The Dwarves and their cousins"Halflings" all lived here in small city states. Most City States lived off the mining of ore, Trading, or the production of made goods. Like Wine, Ceramic, weapons, and tools.The Dwarves were a master at technology as well. Always producing an improvement on older technology.
The City States all didn't get along, so many of these states were at war with each other. It wouldn't be until the Dwarven Succession War when the Dwarven Alliance of DWAR became the new ruler of these isles. DWAR would later be turned into a Capitalistic Company using a corporatocracy as the main government.