OneShot-KO — Nikki Biography
Published: 2011-05-09 04:00:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 810; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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A general snapshot of your oc as a whole:


Full Name: Nikola "Nikki" Brookins
Pronunciation of their name(first, middle/middle names and last): Nee-Koh-Luh, Nih-kee, Brook-inz.
Meaning of their full name: No specific meaning
Why did their parents name them this?: Unique
Why did you, their creator name them this?: It was unique.
Title(Mr./Mrs./Lord/Lady/Sir/): Ms., Mrs.
Nickname(s): Nikki
Why they have that as a nickname: It's close to Nikola
Do they like their nicknames?: yes, It's what she prefers to be called

Sex: Female
Race/species: Homosapien
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Realm/Universe(Real world, an anime verse, etc.): RW
Age(and how old they look): 17-21
Birth date: December 15, 1994
Birth place: Richmond, VA
Orientation/Sexual preference: Straight
Why this sexual choice?: She was taught it was correct
Do they believe it's right?: yes
Are they opposed for their sexual choice?: Maybe by some lesbians

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 125
Are they overweight/underweight?: A little under, perhaps
If so, why?: Low appetite
Shoe size: Women's 8
Blood type: A
Can they bleed?: Yes
What color is their blood?(Mainly for non human-based characters):

Describe their voice(Deep, rough, soft, high, etc.): Soft, Girly
Do they like their voice?: Meh
Do they usually speak like this(Or is it a learned behavior?)?: She always talks like this
If it is a learned behavior, why did they learn it?:
Do they sing?: Yes
If they sing, are they good at it?: Exceptional

Defining physical characteristics(Describe them how you would in a story):

Eye color(s): Green
Contacts?: No
If so, why do they have contacts?:
Glasses?: No
Describe their glasses:
Is this eye color uncommon?: No
Are their eyes good?(Meaning they don't /need/ glasses): Yes

General facial structure(high cheekbones, narrow eyes, etc.): I haven't put much thought into her RL facial appearance
Face shape: Above
Describe their eyes: Large, bright
Describe their nose: Normal I guess
Describe their lips: Soft, "Like a Baby's skin", as Blake puts it.
Ears(pointed, cat, etc.): Above
If something about their face is different than the norm of their realm, do they get grief/disapproval for it?: No

Body build(slim, muscular, etc.): Thin, Male standard for "Hot"
Body type(medically speaking): Mesomorph
Posture(slouched, correct, etc.): Correct, leaned
How they smile(Smug, sincere, false, etc.): Cheerful
Body abnormalities(Cleft lip etc.): None
Extra extremities(Another arm, tail, horns etc.):
How does this extremity cripple them/does it cripple them or is it helpful?:
Describe how they walk(Fast, slow, weak step, etc.): She walks at her own pace, which is usually slow
Why do they walk this way?: Lazy
Do they limp?: Not unless she's been injured

Right/left handed(or ambidextrous perhaps?): Right
Big hands/small hands/something else?: Normal hands
Long fingered/short fingered hands?: Long
Are their nails taken care of(Decently)?: Yes
If not, why?:

Hair color(s): Black/Dark grey
Hair length: Shoulderblades
Dyed?: No
If so, why is their hair dyed?:
Hair style: Scene (layered spikes, bangs)
Why?: literally, NO ONE OC I've ever seen has this hairstyle
Is their hair healthy?: yes
If not, why can it not be maintained?:
How thick?(Coarse, baby fine, etc.): Very thick

Skin/fur color(s): White?
Patterns/designs(on skin/fur and where they are, such as a zebra stripe pattern):
Scars: None
How did they get the majority of these scars?:
Birthmarks(and what they are/were): Haven't put much thought into this.
Tattoos(what they are and where): Angel, left thigh
Reasons behind tattoos: Religion
Piercings(what they are and where): Ears, Hoop earrings
Reasons behind piercings: Desire

*While I realize that for most of us change clothes every day, just describe a general outfit, or several for them.*

Outfit one

Clothing-Top: White tank under Blue wide-necked shirt (usually with some design on it)
Clothing-Bottom: Dark Blue Slim-fit Jeans
Clothing-Shoes: White Slip-ons
Clothing-Accessories: 2 Jelly bracelets, Silver bracelet, checkered arm band, Emerald Pendant necklace
Weapons?(If any):
How the outfit is put together(describing what goes where and how):
Only thing to explain is her sleeves. I don't know how to name it, but it's one of those shirts that has a neck the goes over the arms, rather than the shoulders.

Outfit two

Clothing-Top: Sky Blue sweater (usually with some kind of name logo, eg. PINK, AE, A&F)
Clothing-Bottom: Grey Slim-fit Jeans
Clothing-Shoes: Checkered Slip-ons
Clothing-Accessories: 2 Silver bracelets, Checkered arm band, Gold necklace, Heart Pendant
Weapons?(If any):
How the outfit is put together(describing what goes where and how):
Bracelets on right arm, arm band on left, sleeves sometimes rolled up.

Outfit three

Clothing-Dress: Sleeveless Short-dress, Black Natural Waist-level Belt
Clothing-Shoes: Snadals
Clothing-Accessories: Thick Gold Bracelet, Checkered arm band
Weapons?(If any):
How the outfit is put together(describing what goes where and how):
The dresses are very popluar among high school girls these days.
Why they have this clothing preference: Usually just for style


Mental state: ?
Mental disorder(s): None
If they have a mentally threatening disorder, what caused it to arise?:
Mental stability: Good
Why do they have this degree of mental stability?:
Emotional stability: Bashful
Why do they have this degree of emotional stability?: She's afraid of NOT being noticed

(Briefly)Describe their mental and emotional state during early childhood(3 - 5):
(Briefly)Describe their mental and emotional state during childhood(6 - 9):
(Briefly)Describe their mental and emotional state during early adolescence/tween(10 -  12):
(Briefly)Describe their mental and emotional state during adolescence/teen(13 - 16):
(Briefly)Describe their mental and emotional state during young adulthood(17 - 21): Happy as a High school student, Happy relationship with Blake, and soon, happy marriage. Happy life with him and their child, Amie. Depression after Amie's Kidnapping.
(Briefly)Describe their mental and emotional state during adulthood(22 +):

Personality snapshot: Bashful
In depth personality: She's happy, but she finds it very hard to make friends, simply because she's afraid of rejection. She overcomes this eventually, simply by admitting her feelings for Blake. However, her nature causes her to regret this decision afterwards, and she doesn't give him an immediate chance to say what he thinks, forcing him to put forth the initiative as well.
Most prominent personality trait: …bashfulness, lol
Best traits of their personality: Affection, will to please others (not particularly sexual, lol)
Worst traits of their personality: reaction to anything negative (hiding, crying, block-outs)
What caused this kind of personality to form?(based upon upbringing/social whatnot): I suppose her fiends. Her parents have taught her to be respectful, and she managed to hold true to that trait, but her first boyfriend cheating on her without remorse did the deed.
Do they like their personality?: On occasion.

Do they have a healthy self image(How they themselves view them)?: Yes, much of the time.
If not, why?: If anything, it'd either be because someone told them otherwise (how rude…), or she's so depressed she loses all sight of reality (Part 3 of my story)
If so, what gives them the drive to maintain it?: Her boyfriend, Blake; her family, and her friends.

Where do they get the majority of their personality?(Like how children tend to act like their parents/caretakers over time): Parents
First impression usually given: It really depends on the subject. If it's a male, their first impression is usually that she's cute, and they'd really like to fuck her, to put it bluntly. (However, Blake has tact. His first thought lacks the lustful desire.) If it's a female, they usually greet her with a smile, and even engage in conversation with her, which doesn't really explain her shyness.
How do they handle times of struggle?: Again, it depends on the situation. She could cry over her best friend being killed in a car accident (this eventually DOES happen in the story) or she could go nearly insane over her daughter being kidnapped (also happens, and is the climax of the story)
Are they logical thinkers(nearly null question if they have certain disorders, no contradictions allowed)?: Sometimes. However, she limits the logical thoughts to Math class most of the time. In a real life situation, she would only use logic if she can't come up with a reasonable explanation, and would rather figure it out than lie about it.
Right brain/left brained?: I've not put any thought into this. Maybe her other descriptions can tell you, I don't know how to figure it out myself.

Current faith(religion): Christian
If they do have one, why?: It's how she was raised, and she believes it's right.
If they don't have one, why?:
Are they strong in it?: About average. Occasionally goes to church, but is by no means a person who would read the entire Bible.
Do they actively practice it?: Yes.
Why did they choose this faith?: After a while, she pieced together bits she heard from the biblical stories she was told as a child, and made sense of them.
If they didn't choose it, were they forced into it?:
If forced, do they like it now that they're in it?:
Why do they believe this religious plunge is correct?: Because the Big bang makes no sense at all.
Do they know?: No one "knows," but we can all believe.

What superstitions do they have?: None ATM
If not superstitions, what myths to they tend to cling to as truth?: Possibly Ghosts
Reasons why they have these odd beliefs: Personal experiences.

Outlook on life: Positive
General attitude: Optimistic, sometimes pessimistic.
Why this attitude?: She likes to "keep moving forward" as Dr. Robinson would put it, but believes that not everything can go exactly how it should.
Alignment(Good/evil/bystander/etc.): Good
Why they chose this path: Because no good is done with any sort of evil
Do they know the outcome of this choice?: yes
Do they believe this is right?: yes

Emotional trauma(if any, and why): Death of her best friend, Jamie Senior year. She is killed in a car accident, because she got behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated. Ironically, this happens Christmas morning. Merry Chritmas Mrs. Hilton!
How do they respond when the trauma issue is talked about/touched on?: At first, she avoids the topic altogether, but at some point she succeeds in forgetting all about it. It's probably best anyways.
Morals(and what they are): I'm not exactly sure how to put this.
Do they hold these morals for religious reasons?:
Personal quote and(or) motto: "Give me my daughter back you fucking prick" Idk, lol.
Drugs they take/have taken/or do: She drinks a single beer at her Senior Christmas party, but never touches it again.
What caused them to do drugs?: Curiosity killed the cat…there's another term for cat that applies better here, especially since it's this party that she has sex with Blake and gets pregnant. Think about it…it's sort of gross, but if you take the "killed" part metaphorically, it'll be funnier….or not.
Are they dependent on a certain drug?: No
Is it prescribed to them?: No

Earliest memory: Vacation to Myrtle Beach at age 3.
Mental ailments: None
Emotional ailments: None

In times of trial/trouble, do they react, or respond with logic/decent coherence?: Sometimes
Why?: It depends whether it affects her personally or not.
In times of happiness, how do they react/respond?: A smile, a laugh, whatever any sane human being would do.
Why?: ^
In times of great excitement, how do they react/respond?: Depends
Why?: If she gets a present or something, she's obviously going to flip her shit. However if, say, Blake proposed to her, she'd burst into tears of joy in a heartbeat.
In times of much sadness, how do they react/respond?: Tears, Silence
Why?: If something upsets her enough, and it involves her, she won't want to say much about whatever it was.

Personality question zone/crack down

*You may skip this section.*

Do they have decent character?:
Do they struggle with apathy?:
If they do, why do they?:
Are they secure enough in themselves to admit they have flaws?: Yes
Without putting themselves down?: Yes, she's very self-confident.
Do they blatantly disregard compliments that are given to them?: No, unless the person is not of her personal interest.
Do they find these compliments unbelievable/untrue?(That they aren't worthy of them): Not unless it's something outlandish, like "You're even more beautiful than an angel." It's a terrible example, but you get the idea.

Do they believe they need counseling?: no
Have other characters suggested it to them?: No

If they have a disorder such as DID/MPD or amnesia(dissociative personality disorder, multiple personality disorder) do they actually have the symptoms of it/follow through?(Not pick and choose, but honestly having this problem):


Current dream in life: College Professor at Harvard. (LOL)
Why is this their dream?: She believes she has the drive and determination to do it.
Long term goals: To have a family
Why?: She likes the idea of being able to raise her own child.
Short term goals: Maintain her 4.0 GPA
Why?: She'll increase her chances of getting into a good college.
Life interests: Math, Sciences

Where they're from(as in planet/galaxy/broadly): Earth, Milky Way
What country?: United States of Amurihcuh
City?: Richmond, VA
Current residence: Cincinnati, OH
Do they live at their current residence by will?: No

A brief history on them(how they got to where they are now): Ancestors moved to Penn in the early 1800's, spread across the country. Her great grandparents migrated to VA in the early 1900's.

Family background: Grandparents met in the Cinema, married in 1968. Mother was born in early 1970. Grandparents on Father's side married in 1964, had her Father, Tony in late 1969. Parents met at their High school Homecoming dance in 1986, married in 1992. Nikki was born in Richmond on December 15, 1994.

Describe their upbringing: Brought up in a Christian household. Her parents were catholic up until around the time Nikki was 2 years old, moved to the Baptist Church. At 4 years old, Nikki began pre-K. Started Grade K at 5 years, made outstanding grades throughout elementary school. Attended advanced cirriculum courses in Middle school, made outstanding grades on the VCRCT, attends  AP classes in High school and is currently a Junior at Richmond (not VA) High in Cincinnati. (it's a fiction story)
Did they enjoy their upbringing?: Yes.


Marital status(Single, married, dating, etc.): Dating
What kind of romantic are they?(easily lovestruck, tough nut, etc.): Easy to please, Hard to get.
What caused them to become this sort of romantic?: If a guy could get to her, he had her, but she didn't want to be trampled on either.
What traits do they look for in a possible lover?: attractive… obviously, kind, well mannered, humorous.
Are they picky when it comes to romance searching?: Not particularly
If not, why?: She's not judgemental unless she has to be. (meaning she really only judges the personalities of her "suspects")
If so, why?:
Do they "sleep around"?: HELLZ NO, Blake gets her first and last.
If so, why?: NA
Do their morals allow room for this without guilt?: NA
If their morals do not, why do they?: NA
Does sex matter to them?: Yes.
If not, why?:
If so, why?: It's how she tells someone that he's the only person she wants in her life, and that she trusts and loves him enough to give herself to him.

If you would like, explain the family tree behind/around your character:

Parents: Tony and Sarah Brookins
If for some reason they do not have parents, how were they conceived?:
How did their parents meet?: High School Homecoming. Sarah's shitty date didn't show up, and Tony went alone with some friends. He noticed she was by herself outside, and decided to talk to her. He asked her if she would like to dance, and she accepted, remembering that the other guy was a douche, and that she never should have fallen for him to begin with. They dated for 6 years before finally getting married.
Children of your OC: Eventually, Amie Rhineheardt, her daughter with Blake.
Are they illegitimate children?: No
Any grandchildren?: I might write another story revolving around Amie, but it's unlikely.
Siblings of your OC: None, both are Only children. (it's funny, I never thought about siblings. I only have one OC with a sister, come to think of it.)
View on friends: They're funny?
Why do they feel this way about friends?: I'm not sure, I'd have to ask her.

What education level do they have right now?: High School Junior
(Relative to continue education)What college/academy do they currently attend?: None ATM
Highest education level completed: High School Sophomore
Dropout?: No

Occupation: Stay home mother (later, of course)
Why they picked this occupation: Amie's young through much of the story, making it to 5 before the story ends. Blake's the one with the job.
Brief job history: NA
Do they have a good resume?: An exemplary one so far.
If not, why?:
How much do you estimate they make per year?: If she wanted, around 70 G's
Is that a lot for their lifestyle and occupation?: Yes
Are they financially well off?: Enough
If not, why?:


Self proclaimed status on caste: NA
Social status: Moderately popular
Where are they on the caste of the realm they live?:
Do they like their position?: NA
Where would they prefer to be?: NA

Are they based on a stereotype?: Yes and No. Yes because she's my idea of a perfect girl, and No because stereotypical girls are stupid blondes. Sorry if it offends, but stereotypes tend to do that. Like the one where supposedly Black people love to eat at KFC and drink Kool-aid?... yeano.
Why?: Honestly, I drew her before I thought of her name, her background, or anything for that matter
Did you want them in this general stereotype?: Yes
Do other people see them as this stereotype?: Maybe, I'd have to ask. Although, I've never actually explained her in-depth to anyone but you guys (whoever that may be)

Up close and personal

Biggest phobias(Everyone has them): Big Dicks (SORRY, I'm Bored XD)

No, but really, she's afraid of Shower spiders, so that'd be Aquarachnaphobia?

How often does this fear take a toll on them?: I don't feel comfortable finding out…

Biggest hopes: That that God damned spider finally fell down the drain.
Do they depend on these hopes?: Every morning.

Biggest dreams: That one day she'll make peace with her neighbor, who looks like Osama Bin-Laden…
If they don't have any, what keeps them going?: NA

What makes them tick(think the way they do)?: To be honest, I haven't really put any thought into this. She's not completely developed…of course, none of my OC's are. I only recently began putting this much thought into any of my characters.

Good habits: -
Bad habits: -

Eating habits: Healthy…with the occasional visit to Mcdonalds, or something equivalent
Eating disorder(s)(if any): -

Sleeping habits: at least 8 hours a day
Insomniac?: No
If an insomniac, why?: -
What caused these sleeping habits?: -
Do they enjoy these sleeping habits?: Yes

Abilities(As in powers): She's Human, lol
Are these powers inherited generation to generation?: Yes
If not, why?:
If so, why?: Because she's human
Special skills(Not meaning powers): She's good at Calculus
Hobbies: Singing
How do they spend their free time?: Being with Blake, other friends, listening to music.
What about their non-free time?: School, Homework.

Can they honestly hold a job down?: If she had one, I'm sure.
If not, why can't they?:
How do they honestly stay afloat in society if they cannot hold a job down?: Blake
Are they lazy?: On a scale of 1 to 10, she's a 4

What's their favorite time of day?: Evening
Why is this their favorite time of day?: The sun sets, and sets a beautiful orange glow in the sky
Does this time have anything to do with their upbringing?: No

Favorite food?: Ribeye Steak (lol, doesn't match the rest of her, but that's the idea)
Why is this their favorite food?: It's fucking good, that's why
Least favorite food: Ranch Dressing
Why is this their least favorite food?: It's tanginess doesn't appeal to her
Can they cook?: Yes (not just because she's a girl either)

What is their favorite color?: Any shade of Blue
Does this color have something to do with their personality?: No. Blue, I believe, represents sadness.
Why is this their favorite color?: The sky is always blue, and a blue sky means a beautiful day.
Least favorite color: White and Black
Why is this their least favorite color?: They're shades, not colors

Favorite animal: Kittens
Do they not like animals?: She loves them.
If so, why?:

First language: English
Second language(if any): French
Third?: Latin
Was their an urgent need to learn this second language?: No, only desire
If there was, why was there?:

Pet(s): None
Why do they like this pet?: -



Hope: -
Fear: -
Dream: -
Insecurity: -
Vulnerability: -
Weakness: The fact that she's shy
Strength: -
Issue that affects them: -
Lie ever told: -
Regret: Taking her eyes off of Amie in the mall, where she was kidnapped
Thing they are proud of: Her first school-sponsored concert
Secret: -
Skill: -
Failure -:
Flaw: -
Success: -
Fetish: lol, I've never thought of this one before

Food: listed earlier
Drink: Strawberry Lemonade
Color: Blue
Skill: -
Item: -
Type of music: Rock
Animal: Cat
Traits for a lover: Listed earlier
Body part: On herself, her hands. On Blake, his Jaw
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Anything darker than Natural Red
Skin color: White/Tan

Least favorite
Food: listed earlier
Drink: Beer
Color: listed earlier
Skill: -
Item: -
Type of music: Classical
Animal: Spider (that's more like a bug, but w/e)
Traits for a lover: Rude, stalkerish, clingy, EXTREMELY perverted (even she's perverted)
Body part: breasts (lol)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Blonde
Skin color: Although she has nothing against Black people, she prefers whites
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