Owensan013 — YTCU Part 2

Published: 2020-03-13 03:08:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 927; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Hey guys and gals! Third and last drawing of the day here! This is the second part to Jazza's YouTube Cinematic Universe, with more YouTubers as heroes and villains. Here's a link to the official series:


Here they are:


JennaMarbles: www.youtube.com/user/JennaMarb…

1) Jenna Marvel: Jenna Mourey felt lonely, for she was the only child in her home. She would often play by herself and pretend to have a friend or sibling to make herself feel better, but it didn't last long. Then, at the age of 8, she received her first dog named Marbles and just like that, they got along and played together. Years later, Jenna took her dogs out on a walk in the park and quite suddenly, a meteor fell inches away from them. As they were in its vicinity, they experienced the effects of the meteor, granting Jenna the powers of flight and glitter-bombs. With these powers and her friends by her side, she decided then and now to make the world a better place.

Powers: flight and glitter-bombs with shinestone.
Thomas Sanders: www.youtube.com/user/Thatsthat…

2) Storytime Sanders: Young Thomas was a normal highschool student who loved to read a good book and would often write stories of his own. Then on a sunny day, he started to suffer from headaches and he also heard several voices speaking into his head. Once he recovered, he suddenly knew what to so he suited up and picked up a book to write down words that would serve as a positive influence to his fellow heroes. With the Storytime Book, he became the symbol of hope known as Storytime Sanders.

Powers: words of hope.
Shane: www.youtube.com/user/shane

3) Rainbow Dawson: Born into a pretty normal neighborhood in Y-City, Shane Dawson hid a big secret. Shane was attracted to guys and had a crush on one particular classmate, but the problem was that his neighborhood was full of homophobic people so he kept his sexuality to himself. Sometime during his college years, his powers manifested and he could now do things that no other man could do. With these powers, he joined the YouTube Hero Agency to make a difference and represent all the gays.

Powers: Superman powers.
Phillip DeFranco: www.youtube.com/user/sxephil

4) Phillip DeFunko: Fresh in the Academy of General Education, Phillip passed his school days by making pranks and performing at dance clubs. He may have gotten some disapproval, but to him, music was his passion and he wanted the world to know it. Not only was a good dance, he was a master at it, memorizing all the dance moves he has seen in his life and this skill would pay off one day. That day came, when he saw one of his heroes stop a bank heist and he decided to use his skills to try to stop crime. On his first day, he saw a group try to mug an innocent man so he went toward their direction, turned on his radio and forced the criminals to helplessly dance, leading them to their arrest. From that day forward, he adopted the hero name Phillip DeFunko and used his dancing skills to make the world fresh!

Powers: Dancing skills!
Liza Koshy: www.youtube.com/channel/UCxSz6…

5) Liza-Split: Liza Koshy was once a successful fashion designer, making the most stunning clothes anyone's ever seen and she was even loved for her sincere smiles. That all changed one night, when she got into a car accident that hit her head hard.  She was hospitalized and her wounds were treated, but she suffered from delusions and believed she got a hideous scar. This convinced her that if she couldn't be beautiful, no one else can and so, designed a costume fitting her deranged state. Under the alias of Liza-Split, she began to sabotage other fashion businesses to make sure she stays on top.

Powers: Rapid movements and banana guns!
Tana Mongeau: www.youtube.com/channel/UClWD8…

6) Safety Hazard: A wild girl since childhood, Tana loved to throw off the craziest and most eventful parties. She may have appeared to be pretty on the outside, but she very much behaved like a spoiled girl and made others do things for her. She always got attention and craved for more so she grew from wild to insane as her schemes got more and more dangerous. She tried to be a hero, but pretty much sent others to do deeds for her and she just wasn't a threatening villain so she was captured one day and turned into a box called Safety Hazard.

Powers: Poses a threat to everyone and is just a box.
Boogie2988: www.youtube.com/user/boogie298…

7) The Boogie Man: Steven Williams had it rough growing up, being born to a loving mother and an abusive father. At first, Steven tried to get some love from his father, who just secluded himself, but went on to beat his wife and child for most of their lives. Little Steven still loved them regardless, but for all the good that did, they lost their lives in a fatal car crash. This loss resulted in Steven getting a secondary face and unleashing all his rage towards the drive he held responsible. To say that he gave a bloody beating would be an understatement 'cause not only did he beat the driver, but also tore him to pieces. As he grew up, he focused his anger on to the world, the world that took away everything that he held dear. No more, for they shall all fear the Boogie Man.

Powers: Secondary face and extreme rage.
Vsauce: www.youtube.com/channel/UC6nSF…

8) Dr.V: Looking up at the stars, Michael Stevens was a curious man, asking many questions about the universe and reality. He used up his energy studying astrology, physics, astronomy and more to find the answers to his ever rising questions. His biggest mystery, however, would be what lies beyond the known universe and so he set off to find the answer to this million dollar question. On a night full of stars, Steven saw a UFO fly to his direction and abducted him once they hovered above the human. Turns out they were looking for live subjects to experiment and they gave their captive a boost. This made Steven much more intelligent than a normal man and this was what they were looking for. With clear and powerful orders, Dr.V introduced himself to his home planet and began to try to take it over.

Powers: Massive intelligence.
Casey Neistat: www.youtube.com/user/caseyneis…

9) Casey Meanstat: Casey lived his life the way he knew how, by showing off his skating skills. He constantly boasted about how awesome he is and won every single skating contest he's been to. On one skating contest, he was finally defeated by a 13-year old boy and this made him angry. Casey followed the boy home and trashed his room when said boy was absent, thus changing Meanstat from an arrogant skater to an all-out gang leader.

Powers: Best skater skills.


Part 1: www.deviantart.com/owensan013/…

Part 2: you are here.

Part 3:  www.deviantart.com/owensan013/…

Part 4:  www.deviantart.com/owensan013/…


Part 1: coming soon.

Part 2: coming soon.

Part 3: coming soon.

Part 4: coming soon.

That is all from me, Mr.O and this has been real long!
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