Pastastaar — [ANP] Boartusk APP

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Published: 2018-07-13 04:35:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 945; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 0
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[ General Information ]

| Name(s) | Boarkit || Boarpaw || Boartusk ||

| Pronunciation | 

Boar - B - ore
Tusk - Tuhhsk

| Origins | 
 || Boar, for his fur coluration and his teeth
 || Tusk, for his stubborness, noticable underbite and ferocious bite

| Nickname(s) | N/A
| Age | 48 moons (Late Updated: 11/11/2018)
| Joined At | 40 moons = 16/07/2018

| Birth Season |  Leaf-fall | Zodiac Sign | Scorpio
| Sex |  Male | Gender Identity | Male

| Breed | Somali cat x Havana Brown

| Alliance(s) | Riverclan
| Heritage | 100% Riverclan

| Rank |  Warrior
| Mentor(s) | Jaggedclaws | Birchtail  

| Current Apprentice | Icepaw
| Previous Apprentice(s) |
 Softsnow | 

| Belief System | StarClan: "They're there I guess." | Belief Strength | 70%   

                  Dark Forest: "Guess they're there too." | Belief Strength | 70%  

[ Appearance ]

| Book Description | A sturdy dark brown tom with two snaggleteeth. 

| Pelt | Dark brown with patches of lighter brown fur here and there.

| Fur Statistics |
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Rough
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Dry
1/10 :: ●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Smooth
1/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Soft

Short :: ●●●○○○○○○○ :: Long

| Eyes | A paler green - kind of like the colour of green peas
| Body Type | Slightly lean and quite muscular  

| Height | A couple of inches above average
| Weight | He's leaning moreso on the lighter side

| Most Noticeable Features |

  • Snaggleteeth/underbite

  • If ever possible, he always has a fish or something fish related around him or near him

  • His constantly unsheathed claws

| Disabilities or Scars |

  • None

| Accessories |

  • None

| Body Movement | Languid yet confident and quick

| Scent | Surprisingly not fish. He smells of the riverbed and water
| Voice | Chris Hemsworth or Mr Krabs  

[ Statistics ]

 Strength ::  Average ::   Weakness

| Battle Statistics |
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Strength
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Speed
10/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●● ➟ Attack
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Tactics
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Endurance
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Defense
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Charisma

| Natural Senses |
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Seeing
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Hearing
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Feeling/Touch
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Smelling
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Tasting

| Knowledge Skills |
1/10 :: ●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Kitting and Kitcare
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Den Building
0/10 :: ○○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Herb Knowledge
10/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●● ➟ Fishing Tactics
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Hunting Tactics
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Battle Tactics
3/10 :: ●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Compassion

| Other Skills |
10/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●● ➟ Swimming
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Rock Climbing
4/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Tree Climbing
6/10 :: ●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Leaping
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Night Vision
4/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Rabbit Chasing
3/10 :: ●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Leading
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Tracking

[ Romantic Relations ]

| Orientation | Bisexual, biromantic

| Preference(s) |

  • Anyone that's not annoying

  • Someone he can work well with

  • (tbh no one)

| Looking For |  Yes :: No
 Quick Fling
 Lasting Relationship
 Not Sure

| Currently Attracted to |

No one.

| Previous Attractions/Relationships |

No one.

| Sexual Activity | Inactive

| Relationship Statistics |
2/10 :: ●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Charisma
10/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●● ➟ Loyalty
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Respect
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Devotion
2/10 :: ●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Flirtatiousness
1/10 :: ●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Sexuality

[ Personality ]

 Positive ::   Neutral ::  Negative ::  Hidden

[  | :: | Confident:  ]

Boartusk seems like the kind of tom who wouldn't even bother trying to jump into danger if he can help it and well ... he is. But, he is also a tom who would also jump into danger just because he has to or if he feels that he needs to in order to fulfil some sort of duty or job. In the face of danger, Boartusk's expression rarely ever changes into one of fear. Rather, it still remains the sour or reserved expression that is seen usually on the tom's face.

[  | :: | Loyal:  ]

Despite rarely ever going out of his way to interact with his clanmates on personal matters, he is 100% loyal to Riverclan and would (without a doubt) lay out his life for the clan he was born in. Once Boartusk has his heart and mind set on a duty and task, he will stick to it until the end for he would never back out of an agreement he has willingly taken upon himself. If he's on your side, he'd critique you but would also defend your honour if someone else on the opposing side does the same.

[  | :: | Efficient:  ]

Despite his complaints and nitpicking, Boartusk is a cat who will get a job done no matter what. From his unkempt fur and nest to his somewhat disordely conduct, the warrior doesn't appear as much of an ... organised guy but surprisingly, in cases relating to his duties as a warrior, he is incredibly organised. No matter how long the task or job is, Boartusk will do it as perfectly as possible. You can call him a perfectionist as much as you want but in reality, he's just someone who wants to get a job done to the best of his ability.

[  | :: | Stubborn:  ]

Don't make him do something he doesn't want to do nor try to even persuade him because he will (usually) give you a flat-out "no." This tom isn't a pushover and he won't easily be swayed to follow a movement or belief he sees as wrong or one that goes against his morals and values. Boartusk will stick with his decisions and duties like the fleas on an elder. He's incredibly hard to budge and will most likely bite your tail off if you keep on pushing him. 

[  | :: | Surprising:  ]

Boartusk is hard to get to know and many find it hard to find themselves as his friend. His negative traits outshine his positive and his proneness to pick and choose what he wants to do does get on everyones nerves. However, despite all the prickles and claws, he can be a surprising fellow. With random acts of kindness such as going out of his way to help an elder cross the camp and his random quips of wise words, Boartusk can stun those who don't know the entirety of his being. His bad and his good.

[  | :: | Snarky and snappy:  ]

Don't expect this tom to be all smiley and sunshine because he really isn't unless it comes to fishing. If he deems you as a pest after you start talking his ears off, he'll throw you into the river. Boartusk is full of sass and bite and won't back down until he gets his point across. Even then, he probably won't. Unless he has a lot of respect for you, then you can keep dreaming. No matter what mood he's in - good, bad or neutral - he'll still remain somewhat snappy.

[  | :: | Irritable:  ]

Boartusk gets annoyed with many things and gets annoyed a lot. The only time he can find himself at peace and without feeling any sort of irratation is when he is fishing and by the river in general. If not, he's back to his "talk to me only if you need to" mood. The tom is short-tempered and easy to tick off, a big reason as to why he's hard to get along with. As easy and great he is to work with, if you're looking to make small talk or bond then you're looking the wrong way. 

[  | :: | Petty:  ]

If things aren't going his way ... Boartusk can reveal his petty side. These are like moments where Boartusk isn't put in charge of leading a hunting patrol. He'll be sure to catch the most fish just to shove it in the patrol leader's face. The smallest issues and problems are always blown far out of proportion than is necessary by him. Another reason why he is mostly hard to get along with. He's a person who doesn't seem like it, but if the moment calls for it (which is never because no moment calls for pettiness but Boartusk is a heck) Boartusk is known to overreact. 

[  | :: | Helpful:  ]

Boartusk doesn't show this side much or really notice it himself when it is shown but the tom is surprisingly very helpful. Boartusk will tell everyone he's just doing his job but sometimes, the things he does aren't even necessary and he doesn't even need to help. But he will. He doesn't seem like he likes it but nothing calms him down better than helping someone out or doing something useful.  

[  | :: | Inspiring:  ]

 This is a trait that Boartusk doesn't even know he has and isn't aware of it. But it's there and it's very real. Boartusk is seen as a strong hunter and a great fighter with a lot of experience and he knows it. So him saying something resembling a compliment is usually taken to heart by the recepient. Boartusk isn't someone who gives up and will keep on working even if his bones are broke. Perhaps to some, that could be inspiring.

| Personality Type |  ISTJ "The Logistician" 

[ History ]

[ Before Birth :: Kithood / 0-6 moons :: Apprenticeship / 6-12 moons :: Adulthood / 12+ moons ]

| Before Birth :: |

Featherwhisper and Timberstorm had always been known as two love-birds. Ever since their younger warrior days, they have always had a budding romance growing. Timberstorm had always been the first cat to jump at the chance to be on the same patrol as Featherwhisper. As obvious as it was to the entire clan, Timberstorm had always had a crush on Featherwhisper. The two of them were a dynamic duo, always moving as if they were one. In battles, they would fight as if they were one cat. They were surely a force to be reckoned with.

The two of them had a son by the named of Mountainbark, a young warrior who brought them pride each day that went by. The family of three would still interact even after Mountainbark was far from the age of a kit. They would always make sure to strengthen their bonds and to continue to be the loving family they have always been. In time, Featherwhisper had just heard news that she was pregnant once again. Timberstorm was exstatic and absolutely excited at the thought of growing their family even more. Mountainbark was excited at the chance of having younger siblings.

The pregnancy seemed to be going smoothly and things with the family were only of peace until news of Timberstorm's death was announced. The warrior had encountered passing rogues that he had valiantly chased off however, at the cost of his own life. The cat at his side was Mountainbark, who had returned carrying his father's body with a shocked and grief-stricken face. On that day and many days after, the camp was clouded with the sound of Featherwhisper's wailing. Her anguish and grief was heartbreaking, and continued on even after Mountainbark told her Timberstorm's final words. 

At her weakened and heartbroken state, Featherwhisper's health began to detoriate and as she gave birth to two kits, her end was clearly near. She had given birth to two kittens, one stillborn and one living. Both toms. Whatever remained of Featherwhisper's heart broke even more at the sight of the her stillborn kit. She named him Breezekit and the living tom, Boarkit. Weakly, she curled around the both of them and tenderly and lovingly nuzzled them. At that moment, Mountainbark finally arrived, pushing past worried clanmates and a solemn medicine cat to enter the nursery. Heartbroken and crying, Mountainbark was able to hear of the names of his two brothers and their mother's motherly words before she whispered a bittersweet goodbye, her head resting on the soft moss for the final time. Mountainbark was allowed to lay curled around his last living parent and his two brothers before Featherwhisper and Breezekit were taken to the middle of the clearing where the entire clan would sit vigil to bid their spirits safe travel to Starclan.

| Kithood / 0-6 moons ::  |

Boarkit had only a brief moment of his mother's voice before it would eventually be pushed out of his mind in order to fit new memories. The young kit was instantly taken to share nests with Featherwhisper's fellow queens, Kelpclaw and Puddlesplash. Puddlesplash had just recently had her kittens be apprenticed but she still had a lot of milk to spare to the poor orphaned Boarkit. Kelpclaw would be there to provide additional warmth and care and together, they would help raise Boarkit. 

Mountainbark had also been there to help whenever he could, despite having his duties as a warrior. Whenever he'd have a chance, he'd lay beside Boarkit and would tell the young kit stories of their parents and how great they were. He would also never fail to tell Boarkit the amount of love their parents had for them and the amount of excitement they had at meeting Boarkit. Mountainbark would also remind Boarkit that their parents and brother were up in Starclan, always watching and guiding them. 

Boarkit saw Puddlesplash and Kelpclaw as his parents, alongside the parents he had never met who were currently up in Starclan, and would be constantly doted on by the two of them. It was apparent that even they had begun to see Boarkit as a kit of their own. Whenever the two of them were sleeping or not watching, Boarkit would quietly sneak to the entrance to the nursery to watch and witness what life was like beyond the protection of the nursery. Sometimes Mountainbark was able to walk Boarkit around the camp before the little one would grow tired (despite telling his older brother he wasn't). The older tom was like a hero in Boarkit's eyes and he saw him as if he couldn't get anything wrong. Boarkit looked up to him and strove to just be like Mountainbark, whilst always trying to follow him around everywhere.

| Apprenticeship / 6-12 moons ::  |

As soon as Boarpaw was an apprentice, his love of fishing grew. However it was awhile before his mentor allowed him to do any serious fishing. He had begun his apprenticeship with his first mentor - Jaggedclaws, a small but strong tom who was skilled with fishing. Boarpaw was a slightly arrogant apprentice and was one of strong-will. He'd always jump at the chance of being able to explore the territory and river. Jaggedclaws was a strict mentor and had his fair share of apprentice in his past however, not even he could seem to handle Boarpaw's hardheadeness and his tendencies to rush off and do things his way. Boarpaw still looked up to his older brother, who would come and see how his training was going.

Boartusk was able to make a few friends. Two of them being Pebblepaw and Elkpaw. Pebblepaw was one of the only cats Boarpaw could tolerate without getting easily ticked off whilst Boarpaw enjoyed how much Elkpaw, a younger apprentice, looked up to and followed him. He even managed to get the younger apprentice to call him "the king of fishing." Boarpaw's apprentice days went by like a breeze, with him wanting to already become a warrior so he can be more independant. His mentor tried to get him to calm down and even tried to get his foster parents to help as well. Even Mountainbark was called in for assistance at times but Boarpaw decided he quite liked doing things his way but he eventually decided to give everyone somewhat a break by "only doing things his way as long as it's not breaking the rules." Despite thinking how lame that was, he decided to stick with it.

Jaggedclaws caught greencough during the moons before Boarpaw's expected rank up and after some time hoping the older tom would heal, Jaggedclaws was quickly deemed out of commission and Boarpaw was reassigned to Birchtail who would carry out the rest of Boarpaw's training. Birchtail could already see how Boarpaw had grown. He was already showing exceptional skill at fishing even at such a young age and the molly would call him "king of fishing" whenever he'd remain on task. Boarpaw passed his final assesment with flying colours and with his tail held high, he was given his warrior name. 

| Warriorhood / 12+ moons ::  |

Boartusk, named for his furious bite and his strength and appearance. Boartusk was relieved that he could finally be the same rank as his older brother whilst also being able to leave camp whenever he wanted to. Boartusk has become a strong cat who was a skilled hunter and fighter, a menace to whoever was brave enough to call themselves his enemy. Whenever he'd be off duty or whenever he had time, he'd find himself sitting by the river by himself. As if remembering his parents and little brother up in Starclan.

[ Heritage ]

| Father's Side || 
Biological father || Timberstorm || deceased || Riverclan/Starclan || Large brown warrior tom with a thick coat. He had warm yellow eyes.

Foster father || Kelpclaw || alive || Riverclan || Small queen with soft ginger fur and green eyes.


| Mother's Side || 
Biological mother || Featherwhisper || deceased || Riverclan/Starclan || A soft furred fawn warrior with leafy green eyes.

Foster mother || Puddlesplash || alive || Riverclan || A large grey queen with flecks of black and white on her pelt. She has bright blue eyes.

| Siblings |

Mountainbark || alive || Riverclan || A large and bulky brown furred tom with kind yellow eyes.

Breezekit || deceased || Riverclan/Starclan || A small kit with tufty light brown fur and soft green eyes. 

| Nieces + Nephews | None

| Mate(s) | None

| Kit(s) | None

★ t r i v i a

♦ Thing || Fishing
♦ Smell || The river
♦ Food || Fish
♦ Place || The river 
♦ Feeling || Water brushing against his fur
♦ Sound || Rushing water and the sounds of the river in generally
♦ Others || Napping in the sun

♦ Thing || Fire
♦ Smell || Smoke
♦ Food || He likes all food
♦ Place || Anywhere far from the river 
♦ Feeling || Crackly things
♦ Sound || Fast talking
♦ Others || Being doubted

♦ The river drying up
♦ No more fish
♦ Everyone joining him during his quiet river visits

♦ Being the best fisher in Riverclan
♦ Being on equal ground as his brother
♦ Seeing what his parents and little brother 

♦ Nitpicking and critiquing 
♦ Sniffing constantly
♦ Picking at his teeth

♦ Fishing
♦ Swimming
♦ Fishing/swimming

Theme Songs:
♦ Boartusk's Spotify playlist


♦ Loves his family
♦ Looks up to his older brother a lot
♦ Doesn't like being doubted

★ r o l e p l a y
(♥) yes || (★) maybe/depends || (○) no

timezone || AEST

cursing || ♥
violence || ♥
gore || ★
Sexual || ○

role play examples || 
Casual Roleplay Example(s)
Plot-Building Roleplay Example(s)

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Comments: 3

direwolph15 [2018-07-14 00:02:10 +0000 UTC]

i love

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to direwolph15 [2018-07-14 06:08:17 +0000 UTC]

him love fish n u 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

direwolph15 In reply to Pastastaar [2018-07-14 13:28:53 +0000 UTC]

im honored

👍: 0 ⏩: 0