PastellePirate — Species Sheet - The Ragnorok

Published: 2013-08-25 20:17:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1226; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 4
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Description The Ragnorok is a closed species. You cannot create a character of this species for yourself without my written permission.

General Information:

Common Name: Ragnorok
Scientific Name: Daemon ragnorok
Other Names: Australian Demon Dog or "Raggie"
Place of Origin: Australia
Average Lifespan: 70 to 80 Human Years
Average Height: 7'6" (Males) or 7'0" (Females)
Intelligence: Average
Hostility: Low
Technology: Poor

Physical Features:

- Ragnorok are a species of canine, with large, muscular bodies and thick, powerful legs.

- Ragnorok have round heads with short, thick muzzles, equipped with sensitive noses and whiskers. Their noses may be black, brown, pink, or a combination of two colors. Their ears are short, rounded, and erect, while their eyes are small and wolflike, but rounder than the average wolf's. Their teeth are blunt, but their jaws are much more powerful than a domestic canine's, due to their massive size and muscle mass. Like other canines, Ragnorok regulate their body temperatures via panting. Their tongues may be pink, black, or a combination of both colors.

- Ragnorok have sensitive noses and ears, but their vision is poor, especially from afar. However, unlike other canine species, Ragnorok can see in color.

- Ragnorok have large paws with four toes and no dewclaws. Their thick, durable paw pads have the feel of sandpaper and may be pink, black, or brown/tan in color. Their short, blunt claws are useless in combat, worn down by their constant movement, but their curved shapes make them ideal for digging. Ragnorok can have black or white claws.

- Ragnorok exhibit a "sloped back," which is also seen in hyenas. Their shoulders are hunched and muscular, while their hindquarters are smaller and less developed. Because of this anatomical feature, Ragnorok run with an awkward gait, similar to a hyena's.

- A short, stiff "mane" of fur runs from the base of the Ragnorok's skull to between its shoulder blades. Between the animal's ears, the mane becomes a "fringe" that resembles human hair, often hanging in its face.

- The most distinctive feature of the Ragnorok is its three tails, which are boneless but powerful. The cartilage tails are embedded with bone protrusions referred to as "razors." The Ragnorok uses its razored tails to hunt, spar, and protect itself. The flexible tails are semi-prehensile and can also be used to touch and grasp at objects, people, or other animals. However, the tails are not capable of lifting objects without fumbling and dropping them. An adult, healthy Ragnorok can swing its tails with enough force to cleave an adult man into two. If one of the Ragnorok's tails is severed, it will generally return within one year of the injury. Due to their exposure to the elements, the razors are not white, but off-white, yellowed, or pale gray.

- Their fur is thick and dense on their cheeks, stomachs, chests, and hindquarters. Elsewhere, it is short and thin, due to the species' hot environment.

- Their coats can contain combinations of browns, tans, and whites. Standard Ragnorok do not exhibit gray or black colors, due to their hot environment.

- The Ragnorok's skin is thick and difficult to penetrate, adapted to protect it from sunburns. The skin is often the same color as the animal's paw pads and can be peach, tan, pink, or black in color.

- Ragnorok are shape-shifting creatures, who have access to a human form at will. Their human forms mirror the features of their canine forms, with identical scars, hair colors, and eye colors. Their human forms are identical to an ordinary human, but are tan-skinned due to their frequent exposure to sunlight. Their canine teeth are sharper than the average human's. While Ragnorok are generally friendly towards humans, most people will be deterred from them by their foul smell, which can be eliminated by frequent bathing.

- The strengths and weaknesses of the species varies with each individual. However, Ragnorok are generally quick, agile, and flexible in their human forms, but slow, heavy, and brutally powerful in their canine forms. Ragnorok may prefer to use their human forms for tribal life, but their canine forms to hunt or confront others.

- In both forms, Ragnorok enjoy accessories, piercings, and tattoos. The shape-shifters may use paint or blood to draw temporary tattoos on one another, or pierce their bodies with piercings crafted from stone, bone, wood, or metal. Other accessories may be crafted from bones, antlers, or stones. Feathers and hand-crafted beads are common hair accessories in both sexes. Scars from battle are viewed as attractive in Ragnorok tribes.

Behavior and Tribal Life:

- Ragnorok live in small- to medium-sized groups called packs, clans, or tribes. The tribes are headed by an alpha pair - one male and one female. The clan members beneath the alpha pair are called betas, who are respected and given honorable positions in the tribe. Beneath the betas are the omegas, who are regarded as pathetic, impotent, and unworthy of respect. Omegas are charged with the pack's "dirty work," such as the cleaning of carcasses or disposal of wastes.

- Alpha males are the most powerful and capable leaders in the tribe. An alpha male (or female) can be born into his position, if he is the child of the previous alpha pair, or he can crown himself by challenging the current alpha and winning, which is rare. Alpha males choose their own mates, but are pressured to choose the most attractive, powerful, and genetically correct females of the clan. If the alpha pair's first-born is female, she will be allowed to choose the clan's alpha male as her mate. Her mate must be approved by her parents beforehand.

- Betas are allowed and encouraged to choose mates and bear children, but omegas are discouraged from mating and are not allowed to pursue clan members of a higher rank.

- There is much work involved in the upkeep of the tribe, as overseen by the alpha pair. Betas are assigned careers such as hunters, scouts, and craftsmen, while omegas are expected to be babysitters, cleaners, etc.

- Human forms are often used for tribal life, while Ragnorok forms are reserved for emergencies and hunting. Ragnorok live in open areas and build their own tents, supplies, and fires. While their technology is mediocre, Ragnorok are superb preservers and tanners, who use animal hides to create tents, clothing, and bedding for themselves. Ragnorok are also skilled craftsmen, who can create spears, knives, bows, and arrows from natural materials, such as bone and stone.

- Ragnorok are not opposed to trade with humans. Humanoid Ragnorok may venture into cities to buy or trade for medicine, candles, matches, string, or other items that they cannot make themselves.

- In Australia, Ragnorok tribes are regarded as Aboriginal tribes, who are often ignored or overlooked by unsuspecting humans. However, the Outback is not unpopulated, so Ragnorok must be careful about the use of their canine forms.

- While Ragnorok are not religious creatures, the species is known to be superstitious. Individuals wear hand-crafted dreamcatchers on bracelets or necklaces, believing that the accessories will protect them from nightmares and evil spirits. The origin of this tradition is unknown, but all Ragnorok have always believed in it.

- Because of their low, heavy build in canine form, Ragnorok are poor swimmers and are deathly afraid of water. It is extremely rare for a Ragnorok to know how to swim. Because of this, demon hunters often eradicate Ragnorok by drowning them.

- Most demon species are vulnerable to holy water, holy emblems, and silver bullets, but Ragnorok are an exception.

- In human form, Australian-raised Ragnorok have Australian accents and frequently use the area's slang.

Relationships and Reproduction:

- Like humans, most Ragnorok mate for love, not genetic correctness, power, etc. The exception is the alpha pair, who are often chosen because of their physical abilities, leadership skills, and/or genetic correctness.

- Ragnorok mate for life, even if one partner dies and the other lives. Unfaithful Ragnorok are demoted to omega status, publicly humiliated, and/or shunned by their tribe. Alpha Ragnorok may scar the faces of unfaithful partners, to warn others of its disloyal nature. While most scars are viewed as attractive in the species' culture, facial scars are not, due to this practice.

- Ragnorok are an entirely heterosexual species, with rare exceptions. Instances of homosexual or bisexual Ragnorok are extremely rare. This is because the species is partially animal in nature, regarding mating as a means of reproduction that ensures the survival of the species.

- Female Ragnorok are "in heat" at least twice a year, every four to six months. This causes them to emit a powerful, pheromone-based scent that can be detected by Ragnorok, other animals, and even humans.

- A mating ritual precedes the mating of two Ragnorok. This ritual, which is akin to a wedding, makes the pair "official" to the rest of the tribe. First, the pair departs on a private hunt and shares the heart of their kill, which is considered a delicacy that should only be eaten on special occasions in their society. Afterward, the two bathe each other, due to the goriness of their hunts. It is not uncommon for the blood from their kill to be used to "paint" on each other's bodies. Afterwards, the mating itself will ensue, in either human or canine form.

- It is socially acceptable for females to be submissive to their mates, as a sign of respect. Dominant females are viewed as disrespectful and undesirable. In return, males are expected to protect and provide for their mates and their children, and are even permitted to kill one another if their mate is threatened by another Ragnorok. Generally, mates are extremely respectful and affectionate of one another, but, in the event of an abusive situation, the neglected mate can request to be "untied" from his/her partner by the alpha, who will then ban the abusive partner from the tribe.

- Gestation spans from six to eight months. The "pups" are born in the form that their mother birthed them in, with access to their other form in two to three years. Ragnorok can have litters of one to eight "puppies."

- Pregnant females and offspring are to be protected at all costs. Omegas are often charged with the care of small puppies and pregnant females, which is strenuous work due to the bad temper of expecting mothers.

- Young Ragnorok are introduced to tribal life at age ten, when they are assigned small, simple jobs and educated on their species' history and culture. Hunting lessons are also started at this time. Omega children are often bullied by their peers, while alpha children are often spoiled and possess bad tempers and personalities. Young Ragnorok enjoy sparring with each other, like puppies.

The History of the Ragnorok:

The Underworld – an entire, underground world thought to be mythical by humans. A parallel universe populated by demons, monsters, hellhounds. The Ragnorok were three-tailed shape-shifters unlike any other in the entire Underworld. At will, their human bodies would explode into enormous, automobile-sized monsters with tails embedded with razors that could topple entire cities. Their brute strength was unheard of. Their jaws could crush boulders. And worst of all, they were immune to every known method of demon-hunting. Silver bullets, crosses, and holy water had no effect on them at all.

But, the Overlord – Sir Lucifer I – realized that the Ragnorok could not swim. Their lone fear was water. With this realization, he trapped and drowned their leader and enslaved them. The Ragnorok were valued as weapons of mass destruction and as workers, able to move heavy loads and travel terrains that ordinary demons could not. Unfortunately, Sir Lucifer's poor treatment and overexertion of the Ragnorok caused many of them to die of disease, starvation, abuse, and heart failure. Centuries passed, with the Ragnorok enslavement continuing with each new Overlord, all direct descendents of Sir Lucifer I. Driven to near extinction, natural selection began to ensue among the remaining Ragnorok until a lone clan remained.

The new Ragnorok were much smaller, the tallest a mere eight feet at the shoulders, less than a third of the species' original size. With their smaller size came less strength, but the Overlord's descendents still refused to free them from slavery because they were still valuable and free laborers that much of the Underworld depended on. Throughout the years, the larger Ragnorok had died out due to overexertion, while the smaller Ragnorok had been tossed aside as workers and managed to survive, until the species as a whole was ultimately smaller.

One clan remained in the Underworld. Soon, the Ragnorok would become extinct if action was not taken. The clan's leader went to the Overlord and pleaded for his people to be freed, but his negotiations fell on deaf ears. Enraged, he realized that force would have to be exerted if he were to save his clan – including his mate and their newborn daughter, Episka Elliott. With his clan, he formulated a plan that would not only free the Ragnorok from the Overlord's enslavement, but from the Underworld altogether.

It became known as the Stampede. The fifty-seven Ragnorok who remained stampeded through the Underworld, trampling anything that stood in their path. An effortless path of destruction was left in their wake, until the clan reached the Underworld's lone exit. The Overlord's elite soldiers were waiting for them there, prepared for war. While the Ragnorok managed to escape, thirteen of them were killed in the massacre, including the leader's mate.

After their escape, the Ragnorok used hijacked ships to transport themselves overseas to Australia, where the Overlord could not pursue them due to its complete disconnection from the Underworld. The Ragnorok originated in Australia before their introduction to the Underworld and were well-adapted to the environment. The clan now resides there, in the almost unpopulated Australian Outback.

The Venomous Subspecies:

Common Name: Venomous Ragnorok
Scientific Name: None
Other Names: "Raggie"
Place of Origin: The Underworld
Average Lifespan: 70 to 80 Human Years
Average Height: 6'9" (Males) or 6'0" (Females)
Intelligence: Average
Hostility: Low
Technology: Average

"Venomous Ragnorok" are an unofficial subspecies of the standard Ragnorok, which originated in the Underworld, before the Stampede. Venomous Ragnorok are smaller, lighter, and darker in color than their larger and more powerful relatives. Their darker coats and thicker fur make them unsuited to life in the Australian Outback, but well-suited to life in the Underworld. The subspecies exhibits more intricate markings and a greater understanding of modern technology. The species, which is the accidental result of a Ragnorok impregnating or becoming pregnant by a venomous hellhound, is exceptionally rare, with only two known members in existence today.

A Ragnorok who chooses to mate with a hellhound is publicly humiliated and shunned by its tribe, because the process is the taboo equivalent of a human mating with an animal. Ragnorok may use hellhounds as outlets for sexual frustration, or because they love the hellhound as their mate. Children of such pairs are often slain at birth, with few exceptions. If the children are allowed to live, they are condemned to omega status for their entire lives and are bullied, ridiculed, and abused by their tribe members. Venomous Ragnorok are strictly forbidden to mate, to prevent the spread of their impure genes. A venomous Ragnorok who violates this law will be banished and/or murdered.

Venomous Ragnorok are unique because the razors on their tails are hollow and filled with a liquid venom, which, if ingested into the bloodstream, causes temporary paralysis and severe nausea that can endure for up to three days. Venomous Ragnorok can also trigger uncontrollable arousal in members of the opposite sex, via a venom that is emitted from their bite. This venom is emitted from liquid-filled glands in the backs of their throats, which, if punctured, will cause their venom to flow into their own bodies, poisoning them. Their venom is also poison; it is dangerous if ingested. Members of the same sex are exempt from the effects of a venomous Ragnorok's bite, with the exception of the Ragnorok itself. The venom also effects the Ragnorok's own body, which makes them extremely lustful creatures.

- Venomous Ragnorok are black-blooded, due to differences in the chemical composition of their blood and its extreme saturation.
- Ragnorok are omnivorous, but prefer meat to other materials.
- Ragnorok are resourceful and will preserve their leftover meat to be used later.

Texture (c) ~firesign24-7
The Ragnorok and all related characters, concepts, etc. are copyrighted to ~Bottled-Rottweiler .
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Comments: 15

Ghastr [2013-08-25 23:21:20 +0000 UTC]

Such a cool concept. I really wish it wasn't a closed species. They're just so effin cool. ;n;

But anyways, fantastic job. I love it c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PastellePirate In reply to Ghastr [2013-08-25 23:46:37 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ghastr In reply to PastellePirate [2013-08-25 23:56:40 +0000 UTC]

anytime c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rexyplexy [2013-08-25 21:31:55 +0000 UTC]

Venomous ragnorok used attract, it's super effective!


Anyway, I really like your species. They're pretty interesting.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PastellePirate In reply to rexyplexy [2013-08-25 21:45:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. I'm glad you like them.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rexyplexy In reply to PastellePirate [2013-08-25 22:28:40 +0000 UTC]



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thevirtuousone [2013-08-25 20:29:27 +0000 UTC]

I like this. Gives the basics without being overly skimpy. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PastellePirate In reply to thevirtuousone [2013-08-25 20:43:55 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad it's effective. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thevirtuousone In reply to PastellePirate [2013-08-25 21:19:00 +0000 UTC]

It is. Short, sweet, and to-the-point. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PastellePirate In reply to thevirtuousone [2013-08-25 21:23:23 +0000 UTC]

Good. I was afraid that it was too much or too little. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thevirtuousone In reply to PastellePirate [2013-08-25 21:58:28 +0000 UTC]

Nope, it's juuuust riiiiight. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PastellePirate In reply to thevirtuousone [2013-08-25 23:47:05 +0000 UTC]

Good. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thevirtuousone In reply to PastellePirate [2013-08-26 00:18:35 +0000 UTC]

Good. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PastellePirate In reply to thevirtuousone [2013-08-26 11:42:02 +0000 UTC]

Good. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

thevirtuousone In reply to PastellePirate [2013-08-26 18:46:52 +0000 UTC]

Mm. <3

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