Pearin — WorldTrain- Ospire McKaug

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Published: 2013-01-29 01:47:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 3802; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 35
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Ospire McKaug
Age: 24
Height: 6’4
Birthplace: Xaphylos'Ede
Birthday: December 19th.
Creature: Sol’Rzinar
• A Sol’Rzine is an elven-like creature who is able to take the form of brightly colored, smoke-feathered wolves of war. Many are described as being horrifically beautiful; but a Sol'Rzinar, a mutant of the Sol'Rzine, is not beautiful in any sense and does not retain its wits when shifted. It is more powerful than a Sol'Rzine, but in turn cannot control itself or its strength, and is not immortal.
• Vouraic is the ancient language created by the Brothers and is spoken by a majority of creatures that inhabit the vast landscapes of Xaphylos’Ede.
The nicknames that Ospire gives people are often in Vouraic, as he speaks it fluently.

Health: 255

Magic: 245

Attack: 715

Defense: 140

Speed: 265

On the average, Ospire is well-mannered and courteous, knowing his place within the society, whichever society he comes in contact with. His customs may differ in the slightest with some of the other ones, and this makes him somewhat awkward while in the presence of a person who stems from a different ‘time’, so to speak.
Having little actual experience in associating on non-formal terms with others, he tends to come off as arrogant and blunt. Truthfully, he is, to some extent. Flaunt what you’ve got, eh?
Never doubt the lethality of his word. If he means to pursue damage, it shall be done. Though he is no brute, he is swift and determined. By no means does Ospire win every battle, and rarely escapes from one without an assortment of unsightly scars. That being said, there has been no time in history when he has simply ‘given up’. He is stubborn and, if challenged, will not back down.
He does not take failure very well at all, and will never allow himself to forget, if he should lose. A bit of a sore loser, but not one to hold grudges easily.
He has nothing if not his pride.
Having little to none that you love and/or love you in return leads to Ospire being very protective over those who have earned his loyalty/adoration. Fear of losing them is a feeling that never completely disappears, and though he might never admit it directly, Ospire worries a tad more than he probably should. On the inside, anyway.

Violence is not his favorite thing, in fact he somewhat abhors the whole idea what with the trouble its caused him. Though he exerts a rough exterior, he means well most of the time. When around Thymenton, a louder, more playful side shows itself, as the odd little furball is the only friend Ospire has acquired so far. It’s probably safe to say that he will grow more and more open and friendly with others once they fight their way past a carefully-built wall of ice. But who’s to say?
Being fair and understanding does not mean he will cloud his mind with unnecessary emotional involvement with others, however, and proves to carry about him a reserved air for most people. Unwavering loyalty is reserved to those he sees fit, and who have given him a reason to be; the same applies to those whom receive his distaste.

This man is very driven once he’s given a task to accomplish, but the rest of the time? Music. Stories. Songs. Books. Imagination. He is one of many faces…Some of them childish and gleeful, the other malevolent and cruel. It stems from the origin of his creation-- the stark contrast between a gentle, good-natured soul, and a spiteful, cold-blooded and powerful preciseness of a machine.

In Xaphylos’Ede, there were 9 Brothers, godlike beings who oversee the dimension. A majority of these entities were kind and warm. They ruled their cities—their people—with utmost pride and honor. The lands they oversaw were peaceful.

However, there were some among the Brothers who were not so noble, some who were cruel, even, some who thirsted only for blood and power—Clockworke, or ‘Klaude’, being the most notorious. It was he who had sparked countless wars in the past, and the horrendous condition of his land, Skadus, and its people were well known. Many of the Brothers attempted to reason with the tyrant, and more had gone to war in the hopes of earning the freedom of his people; all had failed, and since Klaude was a Brother—one of the original four, one of the most powerful—eventually efforts from the outside ceased entirely.

But all hope was not lost. The people of Skadus, after withstanding foul treatment for hundreds of years, began to rise up against their leader. Word spread like wildfire throughout Xaphylos’Ede and many of the Brothers sent aide to Skadus in the form of soldiers and supplies. All fought for this cause, and it soon became apparent that Klaude’s army would not be enough to win the war this time. He needed a weapon. He needed something to crush—no, to obliterate—this rebellion and renew his people’s fear of him, as it would seem they’d forgotten who they were trifling with.

And so, Ospire was created.

Klaude chose a woman by the name of Sezuen to cross his blood with. She was a Sol’Rzine, which at that time were the second most powerful species to dominate the lands of Xaphylos’Ede. Blessed with immense strength, intelligence, and the ability to transform into beautiful ethereal beasts of carnage—A Sol’Rzine son would surely prove to be the rebellion’s undoing.

First attempts are not often known for going well.

The blood of Klaude caused a severe mutation of the child. It did not have immortality, it did not have a complete soul, and, most importantly—it did not have wings.  Every Sol’Rzine has wings. It is their source of power, of life—their size and shape determines their social ranking and potential. Wings are their biggest asset and also their biggest weakness--if they are removed/wounded badly enough, it kills a Sol’Rzine far more painfully than a death by any other known method. To be born without them was to be a travesty. A disgrace. Worthless. And because the wings are what keeps a Sol’Rzine alive, Klaude assumed the child would die a few days after birth. Outraged and disgusted, the Brother of Clockworke banished Sezuen and her son—cruelly named ‘Ospire’, or ‘Wingless’—to the Deadlands.

The boy is completely blind and deaf for the first year of life because the pieces of his soul that were necessary for sight and hearing were still dormant. His mother awakened them with a bit of magic (quite literally giving him parts of her own soul--which was bound to the lilac flower and clover, hence why he still carries the scent of lilacs and clover to this day.) and by offering the child powerful and unconditional love.
But with the continued awakening of some of Ospire’s soul, Klaude was eventually able to sense that the child wasn't dead, as he had believed for five years. The Brother traveled to the Deadlands and retrieved Ospire before sentencing Sezuen to death for withholding the boy from him. Before her execution, the woman casts a powerful enchantment over a small timepiece. It would ensure that Ospire would always withhold the gentleness of the lilac, the softness of clover; he could never be fully broken or made a slave to the will of his tyrant father. With it, he would always know the unwavering kindness of the mother that loved him.

She gives the timepiece to Ospire, and it is something he covets always.

The child was a frail and guileless one, a boy who enjoyed rolling in the grass and imitating songbirds and talking to snails more than anything else. He was no soldier; he could not naturally fill the role of ruthless killer that his father had built him for. And so over the course of 11 years as the rebellion grew, Ospire was broken and re-broken a thousand times over until there was nothing left that defined him. Then, and only then, was he forged into a mindless killing machine that was unleashed upon rebelling towns like an animal who did not have the ability to care how many he slaughtered, so long as its master patted it on the head afterwards and said, “Good job.”

Eventually Ospire was permitted to be trained as an official soldier. His chains were removed, as were the nails from his hands. No longer was he kept in a freezing cage filled with water. No longer was he drowned in the night. A soldier’s life was hardly a kind one, but was far better than that of a beast—and after another three years, Ospire had risen to be the Captain of the Black Legion. He now led those who would defend the lands just as quickly as they would destroy them. 

Up to this point, one half of Ospire’s soul had been dormant; the fragments responsible for feelings of regret, remorse, sorrow, love, compassion. It could only be awoken by the presence of his soul-partner. As fate would have it, Ospire came across her when he led an attack on a town that was housing rebels. He saw her only once, as she fled, but the effect was profound.
Sudden realization dawned, followed by insurmountable guilt.  

The Brother of Mercy, who had been watching over Ospire with fascination over the years, knows that sorrow of such a degree would be enough to drive the boy to insanity. In the end, Mercy winds up smuggling the despairing soldier from the Citadel. He forges a mask for Ospire that will hide his identity, grant him sight, smother the connection between Ospire and Klaude (thus rendering him 'invisible' to the Brother's all-seeing-eye) and suppress a good majority of the soldier’s memory so that the darkness of it all cannot crush him.

Osp searches for and eventually finds the woman, named Siivet...only to find out she is betrothed. He tries to explain the situation, and unthinkingly removes his mask in doing so, making him visible to Klaude. Years of brokenness has left Ospire with the inability to understand or express emotions in general, let alone love of this degree, and so in desperation he continues to insist that he isn't a liar, or a madman, he just feels love and doesn't know what to do or how to respond other than just to tell her. Siivet is appalled by this 'Wingless' and tries to fight him, angry and disgusted.
Humiliated, Ospire departs. He is overwhelmed by the sheer force of this rejection, and tries to come to terms with the fact that yes, she is the one who will ultimately complete him--but she despises him and is not bound by the same laws of the universe that Osp is; He does not complete her.

After some time, Ospire returns in hopes of apologizing, because he can't stand the thought of being hated by the one person who was supposed to be his other half. He is met with the fire of a town in ruin.In a blind panic Ospire searches for Siivet, and finds her running from a Legion soldier on horseback. She is cut down before Ospire can do anything else, and the soldier recites the phrase that had been drilled into the mind of soldiers for centuries.

'Esn'inferne noe das Varen', he said. Only death will love you.

Ospire is horror stricken and immobilized for long enough a time so that he can be apprehended by Legion soldiers and hauled back to the Citadel. There, he is placed into a holding cell with some of the prisoners that were captured for interrogation. Two of the prisoners were very young children; Elsie and Vincent, and they take to him immediately. When the Rebellion rises again and storms the Citadel, Ospire is able to escape into the mountains--the two children follow him. Concerned for their safety, Ospire creates a 'world within a world' that would keep them safe until he could locate their parents. When it is discovered that they no longer have any, the 'world within a world' is instead adapted into a home for all of them, and they live happily for a while until Ospire is recognized one day in the city a few years later, when he is out with Elsie and Vincent for their birthday.

In the chaos, Elsie is taken, and she will be executed at dawn unless the Wingless turns himself in. When of course he does, it no longer matters, and the young girl is killed anyway. Ospire in turn slaughters every participant, every civilian who observed the young girl's torture and did nothing. The massacre is so horrific, and the city so devastated after suffering the masked man's grief that he manages to escape in silence.

His daughter's death hollows him. After that, he does his best to raise Vincent, but Vincent blames the ex-soldier for Elsie's death and grows to hate his father. At the age of 16, the boy disappears and the masked man has been searching for him, to no avail, ever since. Ospire fades into isolation and at some point the hopelessness of it all breaks him so completely that he resolves to storm the Brother's Citadel and murder as many of their soldiers as he possibly can before ultimately being killed himself.

His suicide mission is deterred by The Brother of Mercy; and old friend who convinces him to leave Xaphylos'Ede on a very...peculiar train.
-He is immensely strong and is a very skilled at shooting a gun; his own are blessed with magic as it is, which makes them more lethal--though his aim isn't at all perfect.
-That said, he can bless weaponry with magic. Currently, the only attributes available for him to bless with are Fire, Ice, Holy, and Lightning.
-He is brilliant at reciting miscellaneous information that nobody cares about.
-He can blend into the environment perfectly if the situation is awkward enough.
-If he comes unhinged or hysterical, Ospire can 'shift' into a macabre, mindless thing called a Wingless that is adept at mass-murder and dismemberment.

Likes: lamps, hugs, kindness, trinkets, warm colors, fire, classical music, shiny objects/gems, small animals, books, baking, sassing the hell out of people who think they can sass him.

Dislikes: Separation/loneliness, water, sleeping, eating, ignorance, mangoes, not being able to locate libraries, coffee.
Misc. Facts:
-He sometimes falls asleep in very strange places.
-Is prone to fits of rage and maniacal depression.
-He keeps a journal with him always and scribbles notes into it constantly (often about other people)
-When exhausted, in pain or out of sorts, he tends to speak robotically.
-May have a small addiction to wine; drinks it in copious amounts when stressed.
-Is also "Leonce", the train's own NotFrench uglypretty sass-cat.


-Thymenton is roughly the size of a housecat, and its fur is somewhat similar in both pattern (Grey tabby, in a way) and texture.
-Thymenton has a thin, whiplike tail that resembles a rosevine. The end is a dull red, that blinks/flashes brightly when it senses a being other than Ospire nearby. This makes ambushes/surprise attacks on its master almost impossible to pull off. The end is covered in downy red fur, which it can use to 'help' when Ospire is painting.

-As for attacks, Thymenton possesses a great number of teeth, and though they can tear flesh if enough effort is put behind the blow, the creature generally uses its agility and speed to distract or pester the enemy until Ospire can take care of it.

-Has no arms. Instead there are featherless wings forged from the same material as Thymenton's legs.

-If surprised or angered, Thymenton will release a high pitched shriek that has shattered a few eardrums in the past, but not always.

-Thymenton is skittish but excitable and friendly once it is established that a newcomer will not cause it or Ospire harm. It loves, loves small items (preferably shiny), that it can add to a small collection it keeps in Ospire's right-inside pocket. (On his coat.)

-It has no regard for personal space, and on a couple of occasions has stolen shiny objects from strangers, but will return them promptly, as Ospire has no patience for thievery due to the promise made to the Old Merchant.

-It will immediately love you forever if you give it fruit.

-It does not like being cold, being in the snow, or any kind of precipitation for that matter.

-Water. The torture that Ospire endured at the hands of the Brothers oftentimes involved the use of water and electricity. This led him to having an irrational fear of the former that is so intense, for years after his escape, touching water was physically painful to do. It has calmed, somewhat, but still insanely difficult for him to handle for too long. He showers at the speed of sound.
1.)Because of a somewhat mechanical origin, Ospire cannot drown, but can still feel the sensation and anguish of suffocation for as long as he remains beneath the surface.
-Strong surges of electricity/Electric-based magic. This is because nearly half of his body is machine, and such parts will slow down/stop working if exposed to large doses of electricity.
Though the will to die is often forcefully suppressed, the wish is always there in spite of how desperately he tries to convince himself and everyone that it isn't, no matter how deeply he loves his friends and no matter how often or heartily he laughs and smiles and dotes on each of them. Deep down, Ospire is still a reckless masochist who will--if given the chance--hole up and mull over every bad thing he's ever done, his every internal and external error, until he can't breathe or function properly. If something hurts, his first subconscious instinct is to make it hurt so badly that it's hell to withstand, if only to convince himself that yes, it hurts, and yes, I deserve it and so it is good for me. He would do anything to feel alive and is known for throwing himself into the line of fire for the hell of it.
RP Sample:

As more of Ospire’s blood pooled and seeped into Hotaru’s clothing and the floorboards of the tavern, his vision blurred at the edges and he felt himself beginning to be pulled away, his breaths coming shorter and limbs going cold and numb and agony ripped through his chest until it blinded him and and and—

No. No, this wasn’t the best he could do. Gone were the years of cowering pitifully beneath those who sought to cause him pain, to inflict torture of the most heinous degree upon his form because he was an animal that deserved nothing more than to suffer—to kiss the feet that shattered his bones, to thank his masters, his people, for their scorn and their hatred, to beg and scream and sob for forgiveness for the act of existing. Of being what he was because it was filthy and unforgivable and it didn’t matter that he’d only ever tried to destroy and rebuild himself into something they found beautiful but the deed was done and he was an abomination and that was that was that.

The creatures lunged forward again and one dragged its claws across Ospire’s face, wrenching that mask away from those wounded, gentle violet eyes which brimmed with tears of pain and regret, their pale depths misted over with the looming promise of a fate worse than death. But in that moment he could not have protested the change even if he’d wanted to. His cancer, his sickness, shoved to the forefront of his mind and flooding his system at an alarmingly fast rate once the mask was no longer there to shield him from it. With a cry not unlike the keening wail of a parent that had just lost their child, Ospire’s vision went completely dark, and that terrible, heartwrenching sound twisted sharply and rose into the piercing howl of the Sol’Rzinar, the Wingless, the lonely child that had been carved and brutally distorted to fit into the terrifying role he’d been given.
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Comments: 53

Pearin In reply to ??? [2015-09-22 01:07:23 +0000 UTC]

Health: 380 (+20)
305 (+15)
1155 (+200)
230 (+50)
280 (+15)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2015-09-23 16:41:46 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ScruffyPalmTrees [2015-02-10 06:50:09 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations, brother!! You have reached level 7! Totally tubular!!!!          

You now have an additional:

+300 Stat Points 
+40 Discs

Your current Stats are:

Health: 275

Attack: 715

Defense: 180

Speed: 265

Please reply with your new stats and a (+???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you, cool cat!

Also, remember to update your app's stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2015-02-12 23:07:24 +0000 UTC]

Health: 275 (+80)

Attack: 715 (+220)

Defense: 180

Speed: 265 

New Stats:

Health: 355

Attack: 935

Defense: 180

Speed: 265

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ScruffyPalmTrees In reply to Pearin [2015-02-13 01:16:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2015-02-13 02:41:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank youuu!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Amynhotep [2014-07-28 01:02:49 +0000 UTC]

Hello, it is I.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Amynhotep [2014-07-29 09:26:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amynhotep In reply to Pearin [2014-07-30 00:34:50 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2014-07-26 18:16:17 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You have reached level 6! You now have an additional:

+300 Stat Points 
+40 Discs

Your current Stats are:

Health: 195 

Please reply with your new stats and a (+???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you~!

Also, remember to update your app's stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2014-07-26 21:19:17 +0000 UTC]

Health: 195 (+45)
200 (+30)
500 (+200)
120 (+5)
215 (+20)

I'd also like to buy 2 Salutem (-150 discs), 2 Life Balm (-150 discs) and a Summoning Horn. (-100 discs) which leaves me with a disc total of 3009.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2014-07-27 17:21:08 +0000 UTC]

Stats have been updated!

Please make all purchases at the [store] ! That way we can look back and make sure nothing was missed.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2014-06-02 03:36:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your participation in the RP event! And congratulations for leveling up twice! You are now level 5 and have an additional:

+350 Stat Points
+240 Discs

Your current Stats are:
Health: 95

Please respond with your new stats with a (+???exp) beside the changed stats and the actual total. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2014-06-02 17:28:23 +0000 UTC]

Health: 195 (+100exp)
200 (+25exp)
500 (+155exp)
215 (+20exp)

Total: 1230

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2014-06-05 01:20:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

chiikyourisenka [2014-04-01 18:04:44 +0000 UTC]

//HUGSHIMTIGHT omg not your fault ospy i s2g and omg his quote-- and holy crap his personality butithinkispazzoutenoughaboutthateh dghdksjghf //SCREEE like wow i could have sworn i commented before where did it go

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to chiikyourisenka [2014-04-03 12:21:33 +0000 UTC]

Fffff I need to re-do like all of this //the history was the only thing I revamped so far fffffff


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chiikyourisenka In reply to Pearin [2014-04-14 06:23:32 +0000 UTC]


...yeah lets do a canon stuff one of these days ahahahaHAHAHAHAHA 


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to chiikyourisenka [2014-04-15 12:18:03 +0000 UTC]

Yeahhh, let's do that-- xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chiikyourisenka In reply to Pearin [2014-04-17 06:35:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2014-03-01 17:01:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for referring a friend! You have received:

+ 100 exp

+ 10 Stat Points

Please comment back with where you'd like to add the stats~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2014-03-04 13:19:29 +0000 UTC]

Health: 90

Magic: 170

Attack: 340 (+10)

Defense: 65

Speed: 190

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2014-03-04 22:34:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2014-01-19 07:26:36 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You have reached level 3! You now have an additional:

+150 Stat Points 
+20 Discs

Your current Stats are:

Health: 90
Magic: 230

Please reply with your new stats and a (+???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you~!

Also, remember to update your app!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2014-01-21 22:33:39 +0000 UTC]

Health: 90
Attack: 245 (+100)
Magic: 255 (+25)
Defense: 65
Speed: 190 (+25)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2014-01-22 21:54:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh I am so sorry, I just realized, I'd mixed up the stats and labeled attack as magic and vice versa. OTL would you like to keep the same additions or change it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2014-01-22 22:12:00 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry, what do you mean?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2014-01-22 22:17:57 +0000 UTC]

I messed you up by saying 


Magic: 230"

When it's really

Attack: 230

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2014-01-22 22:24:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh--dang--I'm sorry for not noticing! He's my character, pfff.
I suppose you could just keep it. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2014-01-22 23:19:56 +0000 UTC]

Alright~! Added~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2013-11-12 01:34:02 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You have reached level 2/3/4! You now have an additional:

+150 Stat Points
+20 Discs

Your current Stats (including what you received from the event) are:
Health: 90
Magic: 75
Attack: 180
Defense: 65
Speed: 115

Please comment back with the stats you added to with a (+???)!

**Note that you are allowed multiple submissions in each category. However, only the first three submissions in each category are eligible for stat boosts.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2013-11-19 13:25:16 +0000 UTC]

Health: 90
Magic: 75 (+50)
Attack: 180 (+50)
Defense: 64
Speed: 115 (+50)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2013-11-19 22:57:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2013-11-19 23:28:02 +0000 UTC]

Many thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2013-10-29 21:32:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your participation in the RP Event!
You have received:

+30 Discs
+100 exp
+15 Stat Points

Please comment back with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Stabrina [2013-10-31 21:29:54 +0000 UTC]

Health: 90
Magic: 75
Attack: 180
Defense: 60

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Pearin [2013-11-01 21:57:00 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cocoajaee [2013-03-31 21:40:54 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh, what a mystery man~ I like his design and personality.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to cocoajaee [2013-03-31 22:55:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Potato-Desu [2013-02-03 06:37:47 +0000 UTC]

Must, see, his, face

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Potato-Desu [2013-02-03 07:31:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Potato-Desu In reply to Pearin [2013-02-03 07:36:24 +0000 UTC]

dfgsdf you should draw his face one day though. and show me.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Potato-Desu [2013-02-03 18:43:12 +0000 UTC]

I think I might reveal it in roleplay for dramatic effect

Kay 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Potato-Desu In reply to Pearin [2013-02-03 20:45:34 +0000 UTC]

awwww yiiissss

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Phishythoughts [2013-02-03 04:02:53 +0000 UTC]

Beauty, beauty is all I see

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to Phishythoughts [2013-02-03 04:23:35 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Phishythoughts In reply to Pearin [2013-02-03 04:30:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh Me! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

naomicococo [2013-01-29 13:18:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Pearin In reply to naomicococo [2013-12-02 00:13:35 +0000 UTC]

So I was just going through a lot of my old work, and I came across your comment on this again and I couldn't help but say--
You supported my work when it was this. xD Bloody terrible. And your work was fantastic before I even met you--Looking at this now, I can clearly remember how excited your support made me back then, and how much it means now.
So...thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

naomicococo In reply to Pearin [2013-12-02 06:03:05 +0000 UTC]




You've already been a wonderful RPer and now you're improving as an artist--I'm so proud--//tears of joy 

Agh I still need to draw Osp more hngg he's so cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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