phantomdotexe — Trophy Wife by

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Published: 2020-08-27 23:02:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 59274; Favourites: 381; Downloads: 106
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“Really, Natasha, you’re quite hopeless. I’m hardly surprised that you were captured by Dr. Valdera - that Teutonic devil is very powerful.”

Dr. Natasha Zhukov ran fingers through her shoulder-length black hair, crossing her legs and looking out the window with a pensive, somewhat glassy expression. 

Phantom was enjoying the luxurious environs of a Queenstown vacation home, made all the sweeter by her guests. Many other hypercorporate jet setters had purchased apocalyptic bunkers across Aotearoa, buying up tracts of land and anticipating the end of civilized society. Phantom had bought a home for the view. 

The living room was a glorious off-white with rich wooden flooring, antique carpets, and windows that seemed to go on forever. The dramatic view of the Southern Alps and clear waters of the lake made the place seem like a simulation. Phantom had checked, just to be sure, and once satisfied that it wasn’t, had gone about improving the vacation home with gusto. It now had room for a number of guests and visitors, most of whom would be able to sleep in beds and with plenty of stables and sleepsacks for the rest. 

After a lively debate of exactly who was Phantom’s secretary, most of her party had went to town to buy coffee and dinner, leaving Phantom alone with her dear companion, Natasha, to enjoy an evening in the sitting room. 

She wasn’t above some creative decision-making to make her investment worthwhile. Even now, the net worth of many tens of millions of dollars was squirming, moaning, and gasping in a cozy chamber in the basement. Offering limited space and services to her fellow capitalists meant offering them a very real space - she wasn’t a fraudster. They were just surprised when the space was a glass tube, and the service was a twice-weekly bootlicking of their host’s leather footwear. Phantom hoped to make the money back by the end of the month, but if necessary she could engage in some light extortion.

Natasha, however, would never face such harsh treatment from Phantom. She’d never let her lover mewl and squirm in the basement when the bedroom would do. 

“I’ve dealt with her before,” Natasha said, turning back to Phantom. She had a twinkle in her eye. Dr. Zhukov’s memory of her abduction wasn’t entirely negative.

Phantom relaxed as well. “Valdera was very compelling.”

Tasha smiled. “Like a good novel. Not that I had much choice in the abduction, but Dr. Constantine was very convincing.” 

The pale CEO shifted in place, marginally discomfited. “Back to my earlier point. I wasn’t surprised that you were captured, but… there is the small detail of you working for her during your incarceration.”

Looking out the open door again, Tasha sipped from a tall glass. She tilted her head and gave a broad smile. “Well, huh, any villain worth their salt can get access to my work with or without my help.” She accentuated her statement with a tip of her glass. “I viewed it a few different ways.” 

Phantom nodded, flicking her hand to indicate that Tasha should continue.

First, I was hoping that “abduction, kidnapping, and incarceration” could turn into a mutually beneficial arrangement. I might have started squirming in a sleepsack in the back of a car, but my hope was to end with a steady cashflow and a place to work.”

Phantom nodded. “Of course.”

“Second,” she continued, “it was a chance to just get some work done. You know how helpful it can be to get a change of scenery. Oh, and third…”

Natasha smiled, placing one hand on her cheek. “I knew that eventually, I’d be rescued.” Her eyes met with the green optics across the table.

They smiled at each other. Phantom topped off Natasha’s glass of wine. “I understand,” she said. Natasha breathed a heavy sigh of relief, sloughing off anxieties like rain off a coat. 

“I knew you would,” Tasha said. Phantom looked out across the lake. 

“We’re more than ordinary humans. Transhumans like ourselves are still a rare breed. Our worries are different than theirs. Besides,” said Phantom as she finished her own pour, “Our shared transhumanity is a bond that isn’t tested by simple jealousy.” 

There were no further questions, and Natasha knew there’d be no further consequences. 

The two downed glasses and smiled. Other guests who had been out on the town soon returned. The evening was spent with quiet relaxation, then a rousing late-night dinner, and finally private time. Aria got up to tricks; Red shared a new trick. Natasha fell asleep in Phantom’s arms in a private bedroom with the feeling of warm lips on her forehead. 


There were consequences. 

Tasha began to realize this with the loud hiss sound of pressurized pneumatic canisters and pistons came to life. The loud dring-dru-dru-dring sound of gears raising something from the floor was somewhat noisy, but heavily oiled cranks kept it from being deafening. The whine of heavy metal lifting made for an unusual baseline. 

Phantom knew how to manhandle her things. She was smaller, but no less strong, and she had great confidence when handling Natasha. Sleepy, but not limp, Phantom was busy slipping a stretchy suit barely over her chest and neck. Tight, but not skintight, the spandex-like material had replaced her normal nylon stocking. Natasha ran a finger over her belly, feeling the familiar sensations of synthex scanning and adjusting to her frame. Phantom was having slight trouble getting the last of it over her double L cup breasts. She had to really cram Tasha’s frame inside the suit, and that not-so-gentle handling had been enough to wake her up. 

Seeing that her partner and doll was coming to consciousness, Phantom decided she’d accelerate it. A few loud slaps across Tasha’s chest elicited a few grunts, followed by a quiet, “yes, dear?” 

“Good morning, Tasha!! The rest of the house is still asleep. The last millionaire who owned this place had this place sound-proofed; probably so he could get up to no good without waking whatever squeeze he had at the moment. I’d ask him, but he’s on ice - and in perfect stasis - about twelve feet below us. Anyway, as for you  . I was afraid I’d given you too weak a dose of nanites.”

“Why would you do that?” Tasha said. She was smiling, but suspicious. 

“I can’t have you yelling or screaming yet, nor can I have you doing any resisting. Not that you would anyway, but if you were too cognizant or physical you might just convince me against what I’m doing. Here, up up.” 

Phantom guided the buxom, synthex-clad toy over to the source of the earlier noise - a gigantic glass cylinder. Machinery above and below it extended down from circular discs that made up the top and bottom of the tube. Tasha tried to resist, but it wasn’t even an option; her head clouded up whenever she went against Phantom’s maneuvering.

“The nanites from last night’s bottle of port should be keeping you docile, customized to neutralize any tricks in your system - so no effect on me. Now now, no complaining, there will be time enough later.”

The glass tube slid open, the front half circling over the back, and Phantom had to give a powerful push and shove to fit her in. It wasn’t happening. The tube was simply too small for Dr. Zhukov’s wide hips, wider rear, and more-than-ample chest. Even a few frustrated spanks and shoves and molesting gropes couldn’t get her quite inside. She compromised, pressing a few buttons and expanding the circumference of the tube. Enough, but only barely  enough. And unless she was leaning back, Tasha’s chest were flat, prominently squished against the side. 

Panting slightly, Phantom reached into the air and activated the first command. 

The synthex suit Natasha wore instantly stiffened, then went slack, then stiffened again. It was tightening, building itself to minimize mobility and maximize a comfortable long-term fit. She was supported, hugged, and kept cozily restrained all at the same time, with her limbs and fingers stiffly able to squirm. 

“All right. Time to get started. These tubes are built for indefinite enclosure, after all, so why not try out all the upgrades I’ve added?” 

Another command, and Tasha felt a thick smart-rubber catsuit being printed on. Kept still by the lower layer, a series of small armatures and rings went from her toes to her neck, and then back down, ejecting and printing a thin filament of high-tech MirageCorp rubber over every square inch of her body. Tasha gasped after the first layer, at which point the synthex once again stiffened and a second was printed over her as well.

The thick odor of heavy rubber filled the tube. The tightness of the undersuit and the shiny black gear should have made all touch feel completely deadened - but Phantom was not so merciful. The synthex had adhered to her form precisely to apply shocks, temperature, vibrations, and more sensory delights from afar. That included making every touch, even through 4mm of rubber, feel very real. 

“What’s all this, Phantom? Am I testing something for you?” Natasha asked.

“Oh, no. I wouldn’t test anything on you I hadn’t already tested on myself - or others. You’re too valuable to be just a tool. That’s why I’m treating you so nicely.” 

Natasha looked down to see armatures bearing a metal band and a fearsome-looking pair of toys adhered to a slim chastity plate. She scrabbled, rubbing her fingers at the glass and twitching as a pair of heavily, heavily lubricated toys slowly slid their way inside her. 

UNF! She panted, gasping deeply for air as she felt the penetrative power slip between her legs, cool lube turning warm as she reflexively ground her thighs together. 

“Unngh… Phantom…” Tasha tried to play with the belt, but couldn’t find any way to slip it off. The rubber and synthex had parted ways to allow a deep  and thorough filling. She chewed her lip, fiddling her fingers over the belt, wondering if she could get any purchase or remove it. 

Phantom smiled, leaning against the base of the bed. Tasha’s tube was right in front of the bed itself. The scientist noticed that the dressed had been moved to the left. With a grin, the cruel, capricious, and loving CEO prepared the next phase, which meant another thin layer of rubber just to seal it all on. Tasha squirmed, trying to block the extruding nozzles, while Phantom enjoyed a monologue.

“I love you, dearest Natasha; but I also can’t have you getting caught like this. Really, you’re hopeless.” 

Phantom’s smile was earnest, joyous, and wide as she spoke. “I’m afraid that I’ll have to teach you a lesson and keep you safe; I can’t tell if there will be any type of retaliation, so this will have to do. Keeping you vaulted and sealed up is for your own good!” She leaned in closer, smiling against the glass. “Besides, I’d hate to see others having their way with you without my permission.”

The third thin layer was dry and sealed, with Tasha busy groping at her incredibly shiny, slick, and newly-coated body. It was cute; she thought she might get out of it. Phantom advanced the process, and a cinching heavy corset locked in place. Thick metal nicely contrasted against slender, thin rubber. Tasha heaved forward, grabbing at it, and the CEO began the next item, finally binding her arms.

The boxtie was generous, keeping both of Tasha’s hands behind her back, in a vaguely comfortable but not unkind position that had her fists tucked against her elbows. A powerful leather sheath with no fewer than four straps locked, closed, and sealed shut. It was a nice pose, too - it forced her to just out her chest that little bit more, which absolutely delighted her lover. 

Phantom opened the glass tube again, and leaned in. Tasha’s breathing was short, slightly shallow as she ground against the plugs in her womanhood and rear while navigating a layer and a half of rubber coating her body. 

“Please, I - I’m sorry about getting caught. And I’m sorry about providing-”

“Shhh…” Phantom smiled, placing a finger over Tasha’s lips. It was nice to touch her. In fact, since it might be a while, she extended her gloved hand to entirely cover Dr. Zhukov’s mouth. 

“No need for apologies. They are not necessary, nor accepted. But no matter what you say, it won’t get you out of this.”


“Let’s see… when everyone else wakes up, I’ll tell them that I dropped you off at an excursion or at a meeting. We’re here for three more days, so that gives you three days in your hole. Oh, and three nights of me raising your tube from the floor so I can stare at you all night, cumming and groaning. After that, I’ll be gone for a week, so I can put you into a nice dream-state while I’m away. It might be more than a week, though. In fact, I might decide to keep you encased for a good, long time. Enough to make me really  miss cradling your curves.” Phantom punctuated her statement with a gentle grab and a generous grope of Tasha’s chest and hips. 

She released Tasha’s lips. Tasha was smiling, blushing, flustered, panting.

“Love you dearly, Natasha.”

“Y-you too.” 

It was all she needed to hear. Phantom planted a long, earnest, and glorious kiss on her scientists’ lips; exploring, eager with her tongue and lips, grabbing Tasha by the back of her head to bring her in and exert tremendous force. 

Before the sensation of intimacy could be broken, she provided Tasha with a massive, fat plug-gag (one with her own undergarments wrapped around the bulb of the gag for good measure). Natasha squirmed left and right as it was inflated, bulging out her cheeks as the last few items for her long enclosure were locked and socketed into place. 

Her legs were locked into a heavy sheathe - padded with gel inserts for comfort and temperature - that went from her thighs down to her toes, ending in a single, heavy boot. It had a flexible sheeting which retracted for immobility, around which a heavy steel frame kept her rigid. 

More steel bands around her hips in a Y-shape, keeping her buckled down and into the mono-boot. A keypad with automated emergency release functions, but also a 32-digit code for manual release - just in case anyone found Tasha, they wouldn’t be letting her out without Phantom’s express permission. And just finding her would probably earn them a week in a matching tube! 

The posture collar was bolted to the Y-bar and boxtie binder, forcing her chest out, her shoulder back, and her head up. A nice hood covered her head, though Phantom tapped a few buttons to add an extra layer of rubber over it - just to make sure that it matched the rest of her suiting. 

One final kiss on the cheek, and Phan locked a padded cover over her gag, keeping the inflated bulb in and really hammering home how terribly, horribly immobile Tasha was. Her eyes were rolling with waves of pleasure, but it wouldn’t do to let her see during her internment. A padded, squishing blindfold permanently attached to the hood and frame would do nicely. 

Phantom grinned. Natasha groaned. Commands were issued; the toys within Tasha sprang to life. Phantom rubbed her body against the transparent tube, knowing that her quarry could feel and sense the world around her - remotely see Phantom’s lusty grinding.

With a loud ch-kunk-ch-kunk, the tube was soon lowered into the ground, the dresser replaced, and Tasha’s presence all but removed from the vacation home - same for the remote-recorded groans of orgiastic bliss, recorded, sampled, and broadcast to Phantom herself. 

Her doll’s first, epic orgasm of her total encasement was music to the villain’s ears. She tucked herself under the blankets, secure in the knowledge that Natasha was completely secure. 


Original image by NatashaMilasevic  

Character Natasha [not technically married] belongs to the same.

Cameos from others belong to their owners.

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Comments: 13

jarvik2009 [2021-05-12 22:21:45 +0000 UTC]

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phantomdotexe In reply to jarvik2009 [2021-05-16 07:01:31 +0000 UTC]

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voyeur52 [2021-02-11 19:07:14 +0000 UTC]

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phantomdotexe In reply to voyeur52 [2021-02-13 02:35:08 +0000 UTC]

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FetDreams [2021-01-31 18:54:58 +0000 UTC]

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phantomdotexe In reply to FetDreams [2021-02-04 05:56:16 +0000 UTC]

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LordOmegaZ [2020-09-23 22:51:32 +0000 UTC]

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apo-cat-lypse [2020-09-13 01:29:15 +0000 UTC]

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NoneOfYourConcern5 [2020-08-28 02:15:43 +0000 UTC]

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Coalition [2020-08-28 00:55:25 +0000 UTC]

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NatashaMilasevic [2020-08-28 00:41:50 +0000 UTC]

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phantomdotexe [2020-08-27 23:02:47 +0000 UTC]

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werejaguar In reply to phantomdotexe [2020-08-27 23:15:35 +0000 UTC]

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phantomdotexe In reply to werejaguar [2020-08-28 02:33:18 +0000 UTC]

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