AW16021996 - ARIA WARDEN
Crimes: Immeasurable. Brat-type. Vacsuit has been sealed. Rubber mittens, chastity, gag. Captive can rub as much as she want, escape is impossible.
PDE0795363 - PHANTOM
Crimes: Attempted world domination, attempted personal domination, wastefulness, sloth, hurting feelings, tax fraud. Vacsuit has been sealed. Captive's boxtie-armbinder is mag-locked and ensures availability and compliance, escape is impossible.
VN27111853 - VIOLI NOVO
Crimes: Laundering, money laundering, villainy, napping, possible kidnapping, selling clothes at suspiciously good prices, designing outfits that are "illegally cute." Vacsuit has been sealed. Novo has been locked in an armbinder that forces her chest out and allows for easy maneuvering in case VN27111853 needs to be brought for hypnotic processing.
By Creation-Spawn…
Featuring Lady Violi and Aria Warden!
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