Pihash — Silent December:Earth's Endgame

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Published: 2022-01-29 07:42:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 13711; Favourites: 72; Downloads: 24
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After a long silence,i present you the final edition of Silent December. I could not write a synopsis,but here is a general timeline of important events and how the world was shaped.


-An global EMP wave lasting approximately one to two months is sent to Earth to prepare for the invasion. Most consumer electronics break,with key military infrastructure remaining intact.

-Boris Yeltsin declares a state of emergency,mobilising troops country-wide to deal with food problems arising with electronics breaking down,something very simillar happens with China,with Deng Xiaoping taking control instead.

-United States goverment move to underground bunkers upon receiving short-lived NASA information. This information is deliberately hidden from public to not invoke a mass hysteria.

-Ambassador of Heaven is born.


-An spaceship armada led by Phidea Trosar lands on Earth with 10 smaller detachments sent to each continent. All hell breaks loose. The war is quite short,but the bloodshed is unpararelled. Most organised resistance in mild climate territories is subdued in a few months. Extremely cold/hot parts of the world such as Gobi or Siberia is left alone. This event was named as “The Great Arrival”.(Will now be referred as TGA for convenience’s sake)

-Boris Yeltsin seemingly disappears during TGA,with martial law being declared by local city goverments in Siberia. Something like this also happens in Central Asia,albeit to a lesser extent. Unfortunately,this does not prevent the complete fracturation of unoccupied Soviet territories shortly after.

-Tibet breaks off during TGA,PLA is fully mobilized and retreat to the mountainous west,with Lanzhou being declared the capital.

-IRGC takes full control of Iran,securing the northern half of Iran from Aepuverian invasion.

-Scandinavian goverments merge into one for the crisis.


-Phidea Trosar deems Earth to be cleared enough for the Sector Transition. Lines are quickly drawn in a Sykes-Picot sense,with Vrens being chosen from Strers and Senihs that attracted Phidea’s attention during the journey to Earth. An Planetary Congress is founded to properly tend for the needs of each sector.

-FARC guerillas and remnants of other countries unite to form a collective front and dig positions in Amazon,striking down any space vehicle if they can.


-Phidea Trosar is coronated as the Planetary Governor of Earth.


-Patagonia experiences a surge of refugees from the north,throwing what order has been left with complete chaos.

-Kashmir,despite the doubts of many,is suspiciously left alone. Pakistani and Indian garrisons agree to work together.


-Remaining West African goverments begin a full military and economic integration.


-In response for several Xaino and Yunu revolts during the Sector Transition,Phidea designates spesific sectors as “Liquidation Sectors”,where lawbreakers and anyone thought as threatening to Vrens and Phidea’s hold of power is sent to. Sector governors receive personal calls to be informed,with them being obligated to obey these policies if they are to keep their status.

-The first industrial conglomerate Dorzin is founded under the watch of one of Phidea’s relatives.


-After almost a year of chaos,several organisations located at Sahara oversee the founding of The Saharan Council. In contrast to other resistance movements,Saharan Council is much more decentralized to represent the many political entitites it is made of.


-During the Sector Transition,Vren Kaisa Ostods is discharged from his role as Sector Governor of Ogut. Furious,severs all contact with the Central Planetary Goverment(Will be referred as CPG for convenience),leading him to be designated as a Qen.

-89’th Army is founded by Phidea to supress human resistance in areas where Aepuverians’ control has not solidified yet.


-Phidea declares the Sector Transition over. Raphuthwhich she personally led the conquest of,is now the nexus of the Central Planetary Goverment,the leading sector of Earth.


- Phidea launches a Marshall-Plan type investment program by the request of several governors to develop these sectors,with Xizil benefiting the most from.


-Four more industrial mega-conglomerates are created,those being Aezis,Cens,Argun and Phogar.


-Order in Central Asia is mostly restored.

-After much chaos,UNITA and MPLA decide to work together.


-Deng Xiaoping passes away. An PLA military council is founded in his place.

-Bhokut Association is founded,mostly funded with embezzled money from Aezis.


-United States slowly begins to send expeditions to Canadian wilderness,encountering remnants of Canadian army and Inuit peoples. They are quickly integrated to the American army.


-An general from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq manages to reunite Arabia under a vision of jihad. This new entity is named Arabian Free Brigades.


-Phidea gives control of the 89’th Army to a trusted Vren. Behind the scenes,89A slowly turns into a force dedicated to doing governors’ bidding.


-Anchorage Goverment shoots down several important ships containing Aezis’s CEO,leading to Aezis funding a war with Phidea’s direct support,which goes on to this day.


-Due to increasing Chinese pressure on the Argun controlled sectors,Frontiers on the border with China are created where Yunus and Qen are used as cannon fodder,promising  to free them of their social status.


-Incompetent administration in the Southwestern Liquidation Sector allows several crime syndicates and organisaitons to form. The roots of Suveh and Aepuverian Individualists can be found here.


-After almost a decade of strife,Siberian Russia and Central Asia is reunited,and USSR is refounded. Envoys are sent to Iran,China and other countries to form the Eurasian Reclamation Authority,or ERA.

-The Dorzin Stagnation,an visible decrease in production and efficiency throught all of Dorzin-aligned sectors begins.


-First cases of the Atea Disease begins to be seen,named by the patient zero. These mostly go unignored by the local governors and doctors.

-Medina is retaken by the Arabian Free Brigades.


-Yangtze turns fully pink.


-Aeta plauge is officially designated as a threat,and disease research teams are brought to Icred to find a cure.

-Multiple Qen-Yunu holding facilities located at Australia break free.


-Patagonia is reunited.

-Several Russian “Authorities” unify European Russia,which all agree to work with ERA to some degree.


-An primitve version of the(by the time pretty obscure) Internet is found in a university in Krasnoyarsk. Named EURANET,it is very simillar to the imageboards of the early 2000’s.


-Crime syndicates of BLS begin to hoard weapons.

-LRA resurfaces with Joseph Kony retaking much of Uganda by a year.


-Dorzin Catastrophe(Depends on who you ask,some will refer to it as Dorzin Corporate War meanwhile some refer to it as Dorzin Strikes begins with several factions of Dorzin conglomerate covertly attacking factories and workers of other factions,throwing a wrench in production on the already ailing conglomerate.


-ERA forces begin moving to Europe,with planning to extend to the full reach of the USSR,and then,the entirety of Europe.

-Aepuverian Hegemony Protocols are founded.


-Sector investment programs conclude,with most of it being a success.


-ERA begins to near Poland. As a consequence,Phidea authorises the usage of Ahods Device,commissioned to Cens,which is fired ten times. Cities such as Moscow and Leningrad are annihilated withn seconds,throwing the region to a second warlord era shortly after. Border regions are caught in this,leading to one sector being considered MIA.

-Exploiting this,Hadaran sectors retake their land,with annexing a few border regions.

-With it,ERA retracts to the mountains once again,humiliating Dorzin and strengthening Cens once more.


-Suveh crime syndicates,Individualists and Yesleh Society openly rebel aganist BLS,marking the beginning of the BLS’s end.


-Atea plague begins to sprawl out of control,with serious unrest appearing in the Icredian sectors.

-The Xizil Prosperity Era begins.

-Zelgu sector is created to host Phidea’s personal enemies.


-Australian Qen and Yunu rebellions turn to full-scale civil war.

-BLS continues to lose control over the territories it controls.

-Ico Special Force defects.

-Ambassador of Heaven is able to translate(although with many errors) several books about Buddhism,which he uses to craft a religion of his own.


-BLS is fully expelled from its’ non-Andean territory. The remnant sector closes to the wider world.

-Federation of Suveh is founded.
-Aepuverian Individualists manage to take over much of Brazil,creating some sort of anarchistic association of communes.


-Aepuverian authority on Icred collapses,with millions of refugees pouring to south and east,looking for asylum. Most of the healthy ones are sent to Vagaih meanwhile the ill stay on the Engah sector.

-Many splinter states form out of the crisis,with statelets such as Empire of Enieth,Green Zone and Jewel Territories.


-Icred Venganence Army is founded to fight aganist Jewel Territories.

-MPLA and UNITA resurface.

-Ambassador of Heaven begins to preach his teachings,originally received with ridicule.

-LRA establishes control over Tanzania with many vassal states established.


-All contact with the rest of the Aepuverian Empire is suddenly severed. All output disappears,and any inputs bring no result. The force led by Phidea is stuck on Earth. Planetary Congress holds a vote on what to do,with no faction having a neutral stance.

1)Consolidate control over Earth to use it as a seed for a new Aepuverian empire. Proposal 1 is mainly supported by Citizen’s Leauge.

2)Take any resources Earth has to offer and travel back to Empire-held planets.

Proposal 2 is mainly supported by Prosperity&Security Group.

None of the proposals are able to hold a majority. Planetary Congress is disbanded to be held at a later date.

-Empire of Enieth is founded.


-For distributing resources more efficiently,CPG takes direct control of several important Sectors. The replaced governors are given sectors in the far reaches as compensation.

-ERA begins to send expeditions into West Kazakhstan and Komi ASSR.


-Uqra Task Force defects from East Icred.

-Caucasian Muslim republics are forcibly brought together to create “Mountainous Caliphate”.


-Suveh offers their soldiers as a cheaper alternative to 89A. Many threatened sectors accept this offer.

-Suveh soldiers are sent to Xurgh to create a colony. Due to the moves of a few well-intentioned officers,Xurgh becomes a safehaven for Enieth escapees and Aeta patients.

-Enieth expands to it’s full extent.


-Employer’s Union begin to sell slaves(AKA Qen and Yunu) to Argun,Phogar and Aezis.


-CPG reclamation of BLS begins
-Yesleh defects to the CPG.


-Suvoir is de facto taken over by Suveh,and its governor is held hostage to represent Suveh interests at CPG.

-Ocirs ports are founded.


-Dorzin CEO resigns with Phidea assigning a trusted Vren shortly.


-Earth’s Endgame set date.



-Xizil:Aepuverian geographical term encompassing almost all of coastal West Africa.

-Zelgu:Southern part of mountainous Mexico.

-Ahods Device:Aepuverian superweapon,very simillar to a orbital nuke.

-BLS:Stands for Baimunus Liquidation Sector. Used to cover almost every splinter state exempting Patagonia.

-Baimunus:Named after the leader of the Aepuverian ships who landed in Brazil. Geographically it encompasses Brazil,Bolivia,Northern Argentina,Uruguay and Paraguay.


-Castes are not hereditary with the exception of Qen. Otherwise,it is possible to be a Yunu and raise to be a Vren and vice versa.

-Baimunus is the name of a venered conqueror of a space empire we never knew the existence of and is bygone by now. Sort of like how we named America after Vespucci.

After a long silence and two versions,the final version of Silent December is here. Thanks for your patience.

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Comments: 3

aaaaZa [2022-01-29 16:53:09 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Pihash In reply to aaaaZa [2022-01-29 17:27:32 +0000 UTC]

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Magloria17 [2022-01-29 07:55:26 +0000 UTC]

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