October 16 is boss day so I've decided it's boss eye-bars upload day. If you see a blank spot don't worry it's going to get filled in soon. ... Hopefully.
Anyway I do hope to do the heroes of this game again.
So I decided I was going to do this boss month thing and I asked my sisters what should I do. We decided M.L.P. and Y.Y.H. and hopefully update Ryoji's eyebars, but what else.
my Cheshire Cat like personalities older sister said. “Hitler”
“What?” I said. Did she mean Helsing ultimate or Indiana Jones or F.M.A.
“You know like persona 2” she replied
“Oh the Fuhrer.” Etc.
She was only kidding but thanks to that we have all this lovely art I really like how it turned out, but I am sorry if it offends anyone. I realize this is a sensitive topic and 'Adolph Hitler' is way more than just a character in a game, which is the reason why in the updated version of this game he was changed to 'the Fuhrer' so I'm very sorry if anyone's offended.
Persona 2 I.S. bosses 1
SMT Persona 2 innocence sin joker Lady Scorpio Prince Taurus King Leos Queen Aquarius the Fuhrer