Plutonian-Frostmonky — Fate servants meme by-nc-sa

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Published: 2017-11-25 04:16:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 5415; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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I wish I could say I did this cause I was bored but honestly I'm still getting off me Fate/Zero high which was lengthened by Apocrypha being actually pretty good. Way better than UBW at least. So this just seemed like too much fun not to do. Might also do one for actual mythology/history if I can be that nerdy. Also I spent way too much time writing these character sheets. It was fun. looks like Undyne's serpassing the Lancer's luck and while coming u with this I thought Deidara and Junkrat would be the pair to blow off the grail and just kill people. Then I realized they'd both have a real reason for fighting for it that may just break up the bromance I layed out. Meanwhile, Taako seems like the one to just fuck off. ALso Taako and hitomi were just too good not to put together. So without further to do...

 Saber: Black Star & Tsubaki 
    Much like the 4th Holy Grail version of Hamish, this servant is actually cast between two bodies. The throne of heroes recorded these two as one due to their powerful resonance between their souls and the fact that they almost always fought together as weapon and miester. Tsubaki is actually Saber's B rank noble phantasm that can act independently and take on multiple forms, usually starting out in the form of a double chain kama which can be confusing to the enemy but her most powerful forms is the enchanted sword, an anti-divine noble phantasm which allows saber to control others' shadows. In contrast to his weapon's gentle personality, saber is brash and abrasive, often giving away his true name in order to gloat. He's often willing to defy the orders of his master or run off before his master's done speaking in order to seek glory. He can posses E rank divinity but can fight others as if he had B rank due to his will to "surpass the gods". Saber or his weapon can survive if the other is killed in combat but their fighting prowess will be severely reduced. Saber wish for the grail is to gain the ultimate power. 

Master: Odin Dark
    Born Owain in a future that has not come to pass Owain traveled back in time to save avert fate. Having done so, he and several companions found themselves swept into another war to prevent a corrupt kingdom from gaining to much control. Owain dedicated himself to this cause and was happy to take up the new name of "Odin dark". however Odin's companions died fighting for this new cause. Now Odin finds himself wrapped up in another war, but this time he's on his own. Well...almost on his own. He's infatuated with his servants and their dark abilities, especially over shadows. While Saber's weapon found him nice enough, Saber originally shared his enthusiasm but has since grown tired of the man and his insistence in renaming all of their noble phantasms. Odin's true wish for the grail is to revive his fallen allies and transport them back to their new home they helped build. 

Archer: Shimada Hanzo
    Archer has lived his life in conflicted half-regret. He knows that killing his brother was correct but it also felt wrong. He tried to leave his clan in order to run from that regret only realizing later that's just what Genji was killed for. The result made him nothing, a bitter old man alone in a changing world. After learning of his brother's true fate he eventually took to finding all he could about the omnics and organizations his bother pledged his soul too. Eventually his search took him to the wastes of Australia where his bow break under the weight of 1,000 bombs. Now Hanzo finds himself in a new war he didn't ask for. One where he is easily one of the weakest fighters to enter. That's fine, he shall restore his honor here then by killing that explosive clown. And should anyone underestimate him, Hanzo's A-rank Phantasm, Dragon strike, shall put their mockery to an end. And if by some miracle Hanzo does see this to the end, he shall wish for a world where he never took his brother's life.

Master: Dean Winchester
    Dean is fucking pissed. He'd been studying the summoning rituals exclusive to these wars for months. He did all the right symbols to summon a dragon, and what did he get? This weak mother fucker. Heck Dean could take Archer on if it came down to it, and it just might. Cause someone up there was definitely laughing at him. Not only does Dean's servant have a permanent stick up his ass, he killed his own brother, and expects sympathy for it. When Dean heard that, he nearly strangled his own servant. But he can put up with the old guy, if that was what it took to get Sam out of hell, he'd gladly work with the devil himself. 

Lancer: Undyne the Undying
    Undyne did her duty. The royal guard had orders to capture all humans at any cost, just one more and they'd be free. It didn't matter that papyrus liked them, that idiot was just the kind of sentimental fool to befriend his enemy. Even if the human was nice Undyne understood their greater purpose for all monsterkind and hunted the fallen child. That's when they did something she didn't expect; they fought back. It was long and arduous, the human couldn't fight back well with that notebook but they were determined and blocked even Undyne's trickiest attacks as if they new what moves she would make before she made them. Worse still, their neutral alignment prevented her from using her undying noble phantasm to stick it it out. Eventually she succembed to her paper cuts and the human moved on. Now summoned to the surface thanks to the help of Alphys, Undyne knows that she should wish for the freedom of the rest of her people. But if given a chance, she'd much rather have a rematch with that stupid child! 

Master: Alphys
    Alphy's wish has already come true...at least partially. Undyne was alive but could only remain so due to Alphys's magic which was never as good as other monsters, forcing her to always rely on her science to get through problems and make 10 more in the process. Now Undyne's life force was bound to Alphys's limited magic, so even after death she's still holding her friend back from her true potential. What a waste. Still Alphys has a duty to Undyne and all the others she's amalgamated with her stupid experiments, she will use the power of the grail to bring them back for real this time. And even if though they're both likely to die on the way, maybe it would've been worth it just to see Undyne again.

Rider: Deidara 
    Rider is really tired of being summoned. His life was destructive and short, just like a real work of art should be. Then that snake just had to bring him back as a puppet. That was fine, Rider enjoyed the reunion and the chance to show off a bit more art. But it was getting repetitive. Finally he was released only to be summoned again. These reruns are ruining his art! Now he was recorded forever in something called the throne of heroes? Rider wasn't sure whether to laugh or scream at that recognition. He was getting ready to kill his fool of a master and be done with it, when he noticed the hand painted bomb hanging from his master's chest. A fellow artist! Now with help of Deidara's Rank A+ Noble Phantasm, C3 Dragon, the two now travel the world spreading their art. Perhaps it is the curse of the artist to have to live for eternity so that he may continue to spread new and original pieces across the world. 

Master: Junkrat
    Junkrat never thought of his work as art. Beautiful? Yes. Did he put love and care to making each and everyone? Also yes. Did he ever think he could find someone to really appreciate his work other than him. Never. Junkrat never meant to summon anything from that weird spray, he was just having a bit of a laugh thinking it could get him Roadie back. But forget roadie, thanks to this rider fella Junkrat now had a new best friend that actually appreciates his work. And when he needs muscle, well the ride's got that covered. Junkrat always wanted a dragon since killing that wierdo with the bow, and now he has one that breathes bombs! It's almost as if all of Junkrat's dreams had come true...almost. 

Assassin: Hei, The Black Reaper
    Assassin's true name is lost to the throne of heroes. Even he doesn't remember it. To the few that knew of him, he was Kuro no Shinigami, a contractor that would choke you in the night with no remorse. But to those close to him he went by the codename Hei. That's the name he'll keep for now. In defiance to the code of contractors, their very biology, Hei died fighting for the one he loved. But now he's returned to the world of the living, and around him stands a battlefield of gods and a very competent woman working for a shadowy government organization trying to keep him in line to further her ideals. Business as usual.  Kuro no shinigami will rise again, and Kill as long as his master sees fit. He may not be able to take any of these combatants on in a fair fight, but his C rank Noble phantasm will mean he'll always escape to try for another assassination.  But when this grail, Hei's one chance to truly save Yin presents itself, it might be Hei's master with the cord around her neck. 

Master: Amanda Waller.
    Waller knows assassin plans to kill her. he's shown no signs of it of course, he obeys every command without hesitation. Compared to most people she had to control in her time, assassin seems like the perfect tool. But the grail doesn't summon tools, it summons suitors for itself. And once Waller figures out just what her assassin wants, she'll have his heart and all the power of a heroic servant at her disposal. 

Beserker: Grubbs Grady
    This isn't right. Beserker made peace with his inner wolf. And while that's very different from caging it he was still himself, he could still cast his spells just fine. He could still become a god. He was a god. But now in this new fake universe, Grubbs finds himself subject to the whims of a mere mage. A fiercely determined one yes, but he could squash her head with in a moment if he so chose. But he did not chose. Whatever she did to him, whatever she summoned him as, he was a wolf once more. And a wolf respects the pack leader if it means finding the game to hunt. And boy could he hunt. Now unable to talk, Grubbs finds himself hunting in a the blood-stained world once more, but not the true world. Not his home. Whatever peace or acceptance he made as a god was madness, and now in madness Grubbs will find the grail and reclaim the universe of his home. 

Master: Intergra Hellsing
    Integra is no stranger to monsters. Keeping Her homeland safe and the monsters under her control is the responsibility of every Hellsing for the last five generations. Now with Alucard gone and Seras still in training, Integra must find a new one. Well before when she learned of this wish-granting the phrase, "be careful what you wish for" did come to mind. Beserker is to strong. He may not match Alucard in terms of sheer durability, but his power is rivaled only by this war's beast. Even more so he possess magic nearly on par with Caster. In short Integra found just the guardian of England she wanted, even if the werewolf is Irish. Still, she has to keep constant vigilance to make sure he doesn't override her command seals and unleash his Anti-world noble phantasm.

Caster: Taako (from TV)
    Taako is good out here. No need to be fighting against some Fish people and a pair of explosive freaks. And for what, A magic chalice that can undo the worse mistake he ever made? Been there, fucked that offer too, and that's when it was practically handed to him. Taako is not fighting his way to reject it again. Nah, that magical werewolf freak can have the caster class. Is there a watcher class cause Taako is just gonna sit here and watch this shit show happen. And maybe get rich teaching a cooking class or signing autographs. And maybe Kravitz wouldn't bind if he checked some guys out, that priest looked nice. Not him, the blonde one. The other blonde one. The one with the fucking axe, idiot!  

Master: Shizuki Hitomi 
    Hitomi just wanted magic powers like her friends, but upon realizing the identity of the servant she summoned Hitomi put her hands to her face and screamed, "But flesh-boys can't love death-boys!" She then took of crying this and Taako has not seen her since. Mostly due to lack of trying...

Avenger: Sans
    Well this one's different. Honestly this weird city is on the surface is a welcome change of pace from that dumb repetition Avenger's been trapped in for...a long time. And a bunch of human wizards are now fighting for some kinda magic cup. neat. If only papyrus was here instead of that dumb priest. Oh well, he can't make sans do anything he doesn't want to. well, he can. he can make Sans do a bunch of things with all those command seals he got but Sans doesn't mind that as long as he gets a break after. Undyne and Alphys are also, here though ones from one of the other timelines where only Undyne was killed. She kinda deserved it though for being a total...FISH! heh. Still though. If that Cup can actually grant any wish, well then maybe Sans will keep an eye and maybe use his rank A noble phantasm to take a short cut right to the grail once it's found and finally wipe that damn child from every possible universe.

Master: Enrico Maxwell
    WHAT IS THIS BLASTED HEATHEN SKELETON DOING! the plan was so simple! Be elected as mediator by the church to oversee the war for the holy grail, then use all the command seals he gets from the position to summon an insanely powerful servant outside of the main 7 classes and wipe them all to dust, then take the grail for the church and use it to rid the world of the protestant plague! And now he summoned a servant THAT WONT DO ANYTHING! Well, powerful summoning servants isn't the only perk of being a "mediator" Now he can influence thing sin the church's favor, even if it means using up all 21 of his command seals to do so.

Saver: Kaname Madoka 
    Saver knows suffering. And she knows that people will suffer to make wishes and that the wishes can only lead to more suffering. Therefore she's incarnated in this army to try to talk people down before someone makes a wish they're regret later. It's not going to be easy, and she may have to do some bad things people will hate her for later, but if she can save them before they make their wishes then there's still hope. There's always hope. 

Master: Libra
    The mediator from the church is a false prophet full of nothing but lies. He pretends to uphold the doctrine but really positions himself above the people instead of in service to them. If Libra had it his way, he'd strike the heathen down with one slash of his axe and this world would be the better for it. But that's not what saver wants. When Libra prayed to Naga for divine guidance to end the suffering wrought by this holy grail war, he did not expect the form of a young girl to appear before him. That said he knew the legends of how Naga originally spoke through the voice of Tiki when she was younger than the petite girl before him so Libra asked if she was Naga or the voice. saver answered that she, naga, and the God the mediator claimed to worship are all aspect of a greater whole and that she deals with the salvation of suffering mages. She can free them with her EX anti-unit skill if she needs to, but would greatly prefer to talk to them first. Libra wonders if this saver may be a bit too naive even for a goddess but he will follow her lead even if the only one they managed to takl down is than more children and that strange caster who seems to have taken an...uncomfortable liking to Libra. 

Beast: Cthulhu
 Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Master: Johnny Powell
    Oh man. Oh Man. Johnny did not intend this! He was trying to study some ancient lore for the long dead civilization of fish people so he good the nice artifact, a small bas-relief, and put it up to a animate sigil to see what a mini clay Cthulhu in a jar could act. No one told him that he just happened to be standing at the spot where the Holy-freaking Grail was trying to turn any sorta relic of any significance into a catalyst to summon the most powerful monsters that ever walked this realm or it's myriad versions. And now Johnny just dropped the holy fucking grail of-...well a really powerful relic into the system causing all realities to converge because of it. There is one upside though; one of the heroes summoned is a fish person, so at least he can complete his research. 

Shielder: Steven Universe
    Shielder won't let anyone down again. He was so stupid letting homeworld shatter him like that, and all for what? The earth was free but, he let his family down. He let Connie down, he deserved that punch in that punch she gave him when she resurrected him. Still though, He was here now and he if connie and him made it through this they could make it to the grail and stop homeworld from every being able to hurt earth for sure. That was a goal worth fighting for, right? But...do they have to kill people? connie's been saying that everyone they fight is already dead, that they're just ghosts who don't deserve a second chance but isn't steven one also. And that pink haired girl, the saver, God she looked just like a small version of his mother. She said that even if they do get the grail and wish, it would only make things worse. They're weak, maybe the weakest two in this entire tournament, and even if Stevonnie could stand against them with Steven's C level Self noble phantasm Steven just can't fuse with Connie right now. He's now sure if he can keep fighting.

Master: Connie Maheshwaren
    Connie didn't tell Steven that without the grail, he'll die again. She should've it's stupid not to. They have no reason to be here if it's not for him. But she couldn't. he was so happy to be back and alive again that she couldn't let him know it was only temporary. And if things work out, and they get the grail then it wont be. After all that research into gem and human magic and leaning how to become a mage, she'll finally have him back for real. But Steven isn't fighting like he used to. He's not talking to her and they've had a couple close call when Stevonnie could've won. But he wont fuse with her anymore. Connie's not sure what's happening, if he's mad at her for throwing them into this mess, or what that dumb saver girl is saying to him. does he, like her more? Well that's just fine, cause even steven's going to not be her friend anymore, she's still come this far to save him. Connie's nearly as strong as he is, she can handle this on her own. 

Ruler: Morpheus
    It appears someone has unleashed the dreams of heroes upon this world. Not real heroes mind you, but the perception as remembered by the still living dreamers. That makes these copies even more dangerous, Ruler included. If he had his old kingdom he'd hunt them down and take them back to the  Dreaming himself. And yet the throne of heroes has bound him to a sense of rules he must maintain, Mostly to ensure nothing spills out into the rest of the world and perhaps put an end to that so called "mediator." A simple enough task if it wasn't for the Ancient one currently lose upon the world. Oh well, Ruler can keep him dreaming for now but it wont last forever. Especially since Ruler can't appear in person thanks to his imperfect summoning. Still though, Morpheus has his ways. 

Master: Coraline
    Coraline thought she was done with the nightmares when she threw that key away. But now some pale guy appears in her dreams every night telling her to go to Japan, she's needed in Japan, in that weird voice of his. If he had a speech bubble it would be this shaky ink blob. There's nothing in Japan but her parents' Bonsai meeting. Still though they were going and were more than happy when she changed her mind. Coraline just hopes they're going somewhere cold enough to justify her constantly wearing her new gloves. The last thing she needs is her parents thinking she got a tattoo. 
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Comments: 9

LakeofFire2016 [2023-07-09 07:16:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sonicfighter [2018-08-16 00:16:23 +0000 UTC]

This is brilliant.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Plutonian-Frostmonky In reply to sonicfighter [2018-08-28 20:42:42 +0000 UTC]

thx,and thanks for the faves

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sonicfighter In reply to Plutonian-Frostmonky [2018-08-28 23:31:15 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome.

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N0-oB213 [2017-11-27 09:46:42 +0000 UTC]

*Tears of joy* nice and i love you put a lot of effort in writing the characters' background in your description and I would love to read this someday I wonder who will win the Holy Grail War

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Plutonian-Frostmonky In reply to N0-oB213 [2017-11-27 22:01:12 +0000 UTC]

I couldn't stop myself once I started. I even ranked everyone in my head. Team Saver is the most powerful combo but they're actively trying to peacfully dissuade anyone from winning. Cthulhu is powerful enough to pull all these different universe together but of course everyone will team up to stop them under Ruler who of course isn't fighting either. That leaves the little known beserker as the only EX rank servant but I have a feeling that Waller would capture Integra and force her to transfer the command seals. To this Integra would comply while secretly wording one of her command seals to work a different way and eventually kill Waller and maybe Beserker. Maybe.  

Aside from that all I know is a scene where Lancer threatens to kill Coraline cause human child, but Alphys talks her out of it. There's of course an early fight between Archer and Rider that doesn't result in anyone's deaths. And after much screaming and a couple command seals, Maxwell forces Avenger to fight Saver where he's actually pretty fucking strong but since he only has 1 heath he's easily Kill-stealed by Archer or Assasin. Tsubaki is also killed in a fight against someone and Saber has to go on without her. Meanwhile this whole time Caster (who is really more of a watcher while beserker is double cast as a caster) is going around sucking up noble phantasms of the defeated into the umbrestaff and unleashes them all an epic final battle when he realizes just how much he wants to stay in this world and become famous in it.

I suppose the best ending would be Saver fighting who's ever left (a saberless saber?) so she can grant all their wishes, while taking whatever bad effects the grail has onto herself in order to satisfy it. Though Saber rising up to kill a god is also very much inline with his and his master's characters. 

Sorry if that description takes some of the mystery out of this piece. I figured I'd be the only one two know all the characters since some are a bit obscure. If anyone has any other ideas of how'd they interact or alternate endings please comment below. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

N0-oB213 In reply to Plutonian-Frostmonky [2017-12-12 07:31:48 +0000 UTC]

lol nice so far but are you not gonna write this on your deviantart or fanfic so people can enjoy your story like i am with bits and pieces your giving me

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Plutonian-Frostmonky In reply to N0-oB213 [2017-12-12 22:58:38 +0000 UTC]

basically yea. I did this for fun and now I have a pseudo story just from being bored but I have too many other projects to write it down. So enjoy this. 

Also I just remembered Beserker also killed his brother so he might get a touching moment with Archer where the wolf's bearing down, Archer is being all dramatic and closes his while talking about killing Genji. Then when nothing happens he opens them to find a nearly human head on a werewolf body who gives him one look and says, "Go." 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

N0-oB213 In reply to Plutonian-Frostmonky [2018-02-20 21:53:49 +0000 UTC]

ah i see and I understand I to have a lot of project

very interesting

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