PurfectPrincessGirl — SU Controversy Meme (FINAL)

#su #controversymeme #stevenuniverse
Published: 2020-03-29 17:54:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 9544; Favourites: 68; Downloads: 2
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Description Heh, weeeell since SU is finally over (both by the regular series & the Future spinoff), I figure now would be a better time than never to quickly update that old controversy meme I filled out a long time ago. Hope you enjoy!

And as always though, keep in mind that these are just MY personal thoughts and such, so please don't throw a fit at me or whatever if you happen to disagree with any of these. I just made this all for fun, so I'm not really up for much debating rn


-Favorite Character = Garnet

Gah, this was honestly kind of a hard pick since I really do enjoy all the Crystal Gems in their own way... but Garnet just especially stuck out to me for how she's always been so consistently chill, strong, and yet very warm & motherly at the core . The kind of leader all groups deserve, with a beautiful backstory of being born from a fusion of love, and even her future vision powers are pretty fascinating to see too . All in all, I just love Garnet~

(Honorable Mentions): Peridot, Pearl, Steven, Connie, Bismuth, Greg, Amethyst, the Cool Kids, Jamie

-Least Favorite Character = Aquamarine 

Eugh... this little bitch -_-. I know she's supposed to be one of those usual "stuck up villains" you're kind of meant to hate... but even on a villain-level I just can't find much to enjoy about her . Her design feeling so out of place from this show, the stupid Emoji-inspired teardrop gem of hers, the grating voice, and just her overall smug asshole-ness all melded together in one annoying character to watch. And don't even get me started on that fusion "Bluebird"... *shudders* ><

(Dishonorable Mentions): Marty, Holly Blue, Ronaldo, Lars (early season-wise), Onion (I don't "hate" him but he just didn't stick out much to me)

-Favorite Fusion = Stevonnie

Again, another really hard choice but I just can't resist myself in appreciating Stevonnie on their own . Sure, they're not as "flashy" as some of the other gem fusions... but they're still a beautiful concept of perfectly mixing Steven & Connie's attributes together... almost like a human-version of Garnet in a way . I always have fun watching those focus-episodes featuring Stevonnie's presence :3. 

(Honorable Mentions): Garnet, Sardonyx, Obsidian, Opal

-Least Favorite Fusion = Rainbow Quartz 1.0

Ehhh... might be an unpopular choice, but this fusion just never sat well with me . Even as someone who's a lowkey sucker for 80's glam aesthetics... it didn't really work with Rainbow Quartz imo (not to mention those really off-putting eye placements it just... *shudders* unsettling somehow e_o). Plus even if she is "aesthetically" pretty to look at... the fact that the whole concept behind Rainbow Quartz (or at least, first-debut wise) was a symbolism of Pearl's petty jealousy at Rose & Greg's relationship (as well as the toxic one-sidedness of Pearl's attachment to Rose) just... really rubbed me the wrong way . Thankfully "Rainbow 2.0" ultimately ended up looking a little bit better in comparison, but otherwise... yeah I'd prefer to forget about the predecessor, thanks

(Dishonorable Mentions): Malachite (cool design and all, but pretty creepy conception-wise .-.), Alexandrite (I don't "hate" it, per-say... it just never really impressed me much), Bluebird Azurite, that one Jasper/Corrupted Quartz fusion (forgot the name lol)

-Most Overrated Character = Lapis Lazuli

PLEASE DON'T HATE ME FOR THIS, SU FANS I do NOT hate Lapis by any means... far from it! Hell, I've enjoyed watching her general character growth from an scared, trapped gem to a loyal friend to Steven & the others... plus I do think her design and water powers are pretty cool . But I just... I don't know, I feel like of all the gems Lapis just seems to get TOO much attention than she honestly deserves... especially in terms of her redemption/"friendship" with Peridot which I've always thought was rather rushed tbh . Like, she starts off coming back from Malachite as just being a bored, bitter bitch at everybody, harshly brushes off most of Peridot's attempts at befriending her and only briefly saves her from an attack... but then the next few episodes onwards they're just instantly BFFs with Lapis simultaneously being completely accepted as a Crystal Gem at that point? ._. Like... idk man, that never really sat right with me... and it definitely didn't help once Lapis had to go and take the ENTIRE barn to herself when she ran away to the moon for awhile... leaving Peridot without a home nor so much as an apology for stealing all that from her willy-nilly . ...So yeah, like I said I don't "hate" Lapis at all, and I DO appreciate the good aspects about her... there's just certain things that still bug me about her canon execution that it's kinda hard to fully get into all the fan-hype around her :/. 

(Dishonorable Mentions): Peridot, Lars (again, I do like him now... I just didn't get the hype for him in terms of the earlier seasons )

-Most Underrated Character = Pink Diamond (aka: Rose Quartz)

Aaaand now we're getting to some more "particularly" controversial choices... on a character that's grown pretty divisive on both a fandom and canon scale . After Rose's whole reveal as Pink Diamond, her previous image as a saintly protector of gems was pretty much shattered as a now morally ambiguous and shady persona, with a not-so-good track record prior to her Rose Quartz life preluding that (lying to Spinel and abandoning her, giving Pearl a gag order to never speak of her past (no matter how much it pained her in the present-day), and was heavily implied to have been the one to have broken Pink Pearl's eye through a possible tantrum-like rage). Not to mention the fact that she's basically dead now, there'd be no real hope for her to actually make proper amends to those she's hurt

Yet... I dunno, am I the only one who honestly finds it unfair how much her reputation's been tainted nowadays (even by her own son continuing to speak her name like it's poison), when we have other characters like the remaining Diamonds (who've arguably done much more reprehensible acts) virtually praised by the narrative as being allowed a redemption/happy ending alongside those they've hurt? Maybe it's just me, but well... I dunno, as much as I myself may be conflicted on how to feel about Pink, I do wish to at least try to acknowledge how far she's changed from her darker past, even with how flawed/clunky that road to healing might've ended up as in hindsight. So while I totally understand why some may be either mixed or even hate Pink, I'd prefer to give the benefit of the doubt in this case for the potential she could've had outside of all these questionable acts of hers. 

(Honorable Mentions): Opal, Greg, Connie, Topaz, Kiki Pizza, Shep

-Favorite Villain = Spinel & Jasper

Ughhh, it was too hard to pick between either of these gals so I went ahead and picked them as a tie with Spinel, she was a really pleasant surprise from the movie for how she was so uniquely wacky, expressive, both funny AND creepy at certain points... and yet when you listen to her backstory about being abandoned by Pink Diamond for all these years, it really put things into a pretty tragic perspective . Luckily she was able to find a good home as she was by the end though

As for Jasper, she's definitely pretty iconic for all the right reasons~ . Badass, determined, so passionate in her pursuits to find more power... and even she feels pretty tragic in a way for how devoted she was to her own Diamond . Even to the point of forming a sort-of mentor/student-like bond with Steven during their later encounters... how interesting

(Honorable Mentions): Blue & Yellow Diamond, Eyeball Ruby, Peridot (pre-redemption)

-Least Favorite Villain = Holly Blue Agate

Welp, since I didn't want to reuse Aquamarine for this spot I went with the next-(not so)-best thing... Holly Blue lol. Yeah, she was just too much of an uptight bitch for my liking... trying to boss around everyone like some "superior" being and then acting like a whiny brat when things didn't go her way. Glad Pearl went and told her off as she did

(Dishonorable Mentions): Ronaldo, Marty, Aquamarine, Onion (I mean, not "technically" a villain but he was pretty creepy at certain points... and not always in a good way )

-Favorite Song = "Drift Away"

While I know "Other Friends" is a bit more memorable to people... honestly I've been growing really into its sister-song "Drift Away" lately :c. The themes of Spinel just sadly recalling the last times she spent with Pink... slowly realizing how much she actually abandoned her, and then the reveal of her only THEN learning the truth by the later broadcast with Steven... all leading up to her shifting back into her old, corrupted-self . Definitely a hard-hitting song for anyone who had to go through abandoned bonds like that imo... so it's no wonder I gotta give it some more love rn <3. 

(Honorable Mentions): "Made of Love", "It's Over Isn't It", "Here Comes a Thought", "Like a Comet", most of the songs from the SU movie 

-Least Favorite Song = "Steven & The Stevens"

Hm, kind of another hard choice since I don't exactly "hate" any song-numbers from this show... but I guess I'm still not that into the "Steven & The Stevens" song . No offense to Zach Callison or anything, but idk... his vocals back then weren't really that strong to carry in a multiple-harmony like that... and the lyrics weren't really that memorable to stick with me either. There's been better SU songs down the line tbh. 

(Dishonorable Mentions): "Cookie Cat" (a harmless jingle in of itself... just not really that catchy looking back on it tbh)

-Favorite Episode = "The Answer"

Dawww, this episode always gave me the biggest feels when I first watched it~ Hearing the sweet and simple lovestory of how Ruby and Sapphire first met, how they first fused into Garnet and them going through all the awkwardness/uncertainty of feeling these newfound emotions for eachother... all leading up to them deciding to keep fusing anyway trapped on the planet together, as the best answer for their little journey was simply "love". Awwwww~

(Honorable Mentions): "Hit the Diamond", "Mindful Education", "Mr. Greg", "Jailbreak", "Story for Steven", "Change Your Mind", the SU movie (if it counts lol)

-Least Favorite Episode = "The New Lars"

Ughhh... even today this episode just leaves me with so many uncomfortable vibes >.>;. Even if I wasn't the biggest fan of Lars back then... honestly HE surprisingly wasn't the worst part of this episode, as it was actually Steven and all his awkward attempts to "befriend" all those in Lars' life that creeped me out more. Especially at the worst bit with him trying to profess a "love confession" to Sadie... WHILE still possessing Lars' body? e_e Like... I love Steven, don't get me wrong... but that was just really disturbing that he'd try to force something like that when Lars isn't even conscious in his own body... . Oh, and the best part? When Lars DOES get his body back and understandably freaks out about it... somehow HE'S the one put in the wrong 'cause of him yelling at Steven?? ...Yeah, I was pretty done at that point . I know the ending tried to make it all okay with Lars accepting an offer to hang out with Sadie at the end... but even then I just find that one of the worst examples of trying to showcase a new power of Steven's by making him take over someone's life like that... especially if he's supposed to be the main hero we wanna root for

(Dishonorable Mentions): "Joking Victim", "Island Adventure", "Say Uncle", "Keep Beach City Weird", "Onion Trade", "Steven and the Stevens"


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Comments: 23

UltraMan807 [2021-11-23 00:37:20 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to UltraMan807 [2021-11-23 01:29:27 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CJCroen [2021-06-24 03:12:25 +0000 UTC]

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PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to CJCroen [2021-06-24 04:19:47 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

CastoroChiaro [2020-04-03 19:59:38 +0000 UTC]

Agreed on Lapis and all your points about her. I don't care much for her myself -- I did sorta warm up to her towards the end of the show, but overall, she was just very off-putting to me for the reasons you mentioned.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to CastoroChiaro [2020-04-04 02:11:20 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, glad someone else shares such a sentiment too It's like... yeah I get she's meant to be a sympathetic character and all... but it didn't really work in some areas when you look back on her

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ZinkaDear [2020-03-29 22:12:39 +0000 UTC]

My favorite song is Drift Away as well.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to ZinkaDear [2020-04-01 06:43:19 +0000 UTC]

Cool ^^

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kohsayo [2020-03-29 21:49:52 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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whitebearboy In reply to kohsayo [2022-01-07 03:32:56 +0000 UTC]

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PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to kohsayo [2020-04-01 06:43:07 +0000 UTC]


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ArtisticAnimeFanGirl [2020-03-29 20:29:36 +0000 UTC]

Though I’m not a Steven Universe super fan or have been watching the movie and later series but it was still a really great show. I remember seeing the commercial for this show and I said “this show’s going to go far”. And it did. Sad to see another great series come to an end, but I’m glad I could experience it.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to ArtisticAnimeFanGirl [2020-04-01 06:43:00 +0000 UTC]


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ArtisticAnimeFanGirl In reply to PurfectPrincessGirl [2020-04-01 17:55:20 +0000 UTC]

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The-Moon-Witch [2020-03-29 18:11:54 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful updated meme, especially with your choices for “Least Favorite Character” and “Least Favprote Villain”~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to The-Moon-Witch [2020-03-29 18:13:47 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you! Heh, those two bitches certainly deserved said spots lol 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Moon-Witch In reply to PurfectPrincessGirl [2020-03-29 20:26:24 +0000 UTC]

No problem! Honestly, I have never seen a more annoying pair of characters than them lol

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Duckyworth [2020-03-29 18:07:10 +0000 UTC]

Awesome choices here. I'll have to make mine now I've finalized my choices.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to Duckyworth [2020-03-29 18:13:26 +0000 UTC]

Oooh, thank you! Can't wait to read yours too!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to PurfectPrincessGirl [2020-03-29 21:20:39 +0000 UTC]

I'm currently writing it right now and I'm about half done.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to Duckyworth [2020-03-30 16:42:17 +0000 UTC]

Nice! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MelaGirl [2020-03-29 17:57:52 +0000 UTC]

Fun fact, Rebecca Sugar reportedly based Aquamarine off of Eric Cartman.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PurfectPrincessGirl In reply to MelaGirl [2020-03-29 18:01:09 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, did she?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MelaGirl In reply to PurfectPrincessGirl [2020-03-29 18:10:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, she used him as the basis for her personality. Which COULD NOT be more like Cartman's.

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