Quetzalcoatlkinga — EBC - Pyralis the Knight of Flame

#ebc #pyralis #bigcatrpg #empiresbeforeclans
Published: 2021-05-12 01:39:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 6916; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 3
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Description "Just like fire, burning out the way
If I can light the world up for just one day
Watch this madness, colorful charade
No one can be just like me any way!"

- P!nk

- App first submitted to the group August 9th, 2020
- App neatened and information updated May 11, 2021
- Information added and updated May 21, 2021
- Art updated February 4th, 2024

Name: Pyralis Nikita Remus 
Nicknames: Py
- Pyralis; 'Of fire' or 'Born from fire'; name chosen upon her freedom, to symbolize the tool of her new life, keep to her family's naming convention, and invoke the word 'Pyre', as a homage to her greatest skill and ambitions and the fact that any fool who challenges her is a dead man
- Nikita; 'Victor' or 'Conqueror' in Greek, surname of her maternal line, does not use
- Remus; 'oar' or 'master builder'; name of the founder of Rome, last name of her wife she happily insisted as taking, "NO I WANNA HAVE YOUR NAME PLEASE."

Age: 5 years 0 months; born April 12th, 43 BC

Scent: Oranges, lilies, and sunlight, like the personification of the word 'orange', with a hint of Spanish moss and still water beneath.

Current Rank: Shadow Empire Gladiator, Devotee of Devroop
- Previous Ranks: None

Gender: Trans female

Orientation: Lesbian

Species: 75% Tiger, 12.5% Lion, 12.5% Jaguar

- Solid and powerful, fluffy and enormous, this cat is a eye-catching in every sense of the word, with flame-like tiger stripes and neat jaguar spots unmixed across a body that takes long legs and the longer-tipped tail of a lion. Built with slabs of muscle and towering above almost everyone in the empires, she stands out in a crowd both literally- in that there are very few her size, much less taller- and figuratively, as her cheerful demeanor and energetic charisma only make her presence seem big enough to fill an empire on her own. For all her bulk, she moves shockingly carefully and deliberately- she is someone who is fully aware of every inch of her massive body, and knows how to use every hair on her pelt and muscle tying it all together to her advantage. Her piercing, Bunsen burner-blue eyes are only the crowning jewel in a cat that is, by anyone's standards, difficult to overlook and even harder to forget.

Voice: Karen Fukuhara, as Kipo from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts; high-pitched and a little startling coming from someone so big and strong, smooth, and very feminine. Energetic and easily excitable, with little to no volume control, and prone to rambling and chattering out loud. Surprisingly soft and gentle when she's in the mood.

- Dominant - Black toes, light underbelly, light tail-tip, eye-corner markings, dark tail rings, dark paw stripes
- Recessive - Blue eyes, yellow-filled markings, thin stripes, golden color, gigantism
- Carrier - Gold eyes, green eyes, red eyes, purple eyes, piebald mutation, light front paws, pale/dilute coloration, brown/tawny stripes, melanism

[Friendly, Charismatic, Energetic, Oblivious, Overconfidant, Aggressive]
- Friendly: “I’d love to get to know you better, you seem like someone super fun!”
- Py wants to make friends and be a part of something, and what she may lack in social subtlety, she makes up for in eagerness. She’s delighted to have a conversation with you, listen and learn, and then go on to meet and make friends with everyone you know!

- Charismatic: “Is there anything you want to do? I love trying new things! Oh, have you met-“
- Py is a pretty warm, welcoming individual, good at remembering details about people and working with them- or getting them to work together- through the combination of confidence, attention to detail, social-know-how, and desire to have everyone get along that makes up charisma.

- Energetic: “C’mon, time’s a’wasting! I wanna go, go, GO!”
- Py wants to see the world, or at least, Shadow’s part of it, and she wants to do it yesterday. She likes wrestling, practicing, keeping in shape, patrolling, hunting, swimming, anything as long as it keeps her busy. She associates long stretches of nothing with boredom, cramped space, and pain, so she wants to be busy where possible- idle paws are wasted paws, after all!

- Oblivious: “What do you mean? I didn’t notice that!”
- The same ability to persevere and overcome difficulties somewhat hinders her social desires- namely, her remarkable ability not to notice something outside her immediate sphere of influences. Born from a simple lack of experience rather than any real maliciousness on her part, it still means she might not notice if she’s trampling over your feelings or ignoring what you want until you tell her. And maybe not even then.

- Overconfident: “Are you kidding!? Of course I can do it! Have you met me!?”
- She’s used to a life of fights and skirmishes, and she’s used to winning them, so it’s not really a surprise that this has given her the impression that she can handle most things. To be fair, she is physically capable, and certainly knows how to fight, but she’s definitely given to thinking that because she’s tough, she knows how to handle anything, or that no one else is more experienced or clever than her.

- Aggressive: “You wanna fight, c’mon over here and I’ll show you how it’s done!”
- She’s certainly not mean, but she’s happy to settle things through a confrontation or a brawl, and can be something of a bully. However, once the fight is done, whoever won it, she considers the matter settled, and her understanding of her own strength means that she won’t go pushing around cats too much smaller or weaker than herself. She’s not cruel, just... well, a little wild, and used to settling her problems in the ring.

Overall Impression: tba

Bred to be the most dangerous arena fighter in years, born from a liger and a tiguar, the litiguar was the largest and most eye-catching of his litter, and chosen for ‘special training’ because of it. Trained by retired coliseum fighters and pitted against dogs, retired cats, other successful fighters, and anything that could put up a decent fight, his owner made a serious mistake- believing that his eye-catching coat would make him a crowd favorite if paired with a wild attitude, he began regularly beating and inciting the big cat in an effort to increase aggression and violence.

He, in fact, did. He also made the hybrid learn to associate people with hate, pain, and violence.
Named Pyrite for his bright golden colors and tough nature, he grew up angrier and angrier. He learned from his trainers the horror of the life expected of him, the pain and violence in his future all to please humans and make his hated owner money, the breeding deals common to fighters and the role expected of him, and he grew more estranged, uncomfortable, and disgusted with his future.
Shortly before his owner planned to take his into the city for his first fight, he threw a small party to celebrate, and in the gambling, won himself another young, terrified breeding cat he planned to pair with his champion.

And Pyrite went ballistic. This, this was the utter last straw.

He managed to break the lock with effort while the humans were laying around drunk- from there, he opened every single cage and cat on the farm, and let them all loose, before scattering the embers of the celebratory bonfire for good measure, to give the humans something else to think about, and leave them with a reminder of what happens when they think they have the right to do as they wish.
Setting out with the light of her old home burning behind her, she christened herself Pyralis, happy and relieved to finally declare herself female as she always had been, and wandered until she found swampland. Taking to the trees and water to hide from hunters on her trail, she met members of the so-called Shadow Empire, and while she was skeptical, she decided to give this group of cats a chance, as she has a better chance of ducking the human’s pets hunting for her in a group.

Let the hunters come looking for her. Pyralis, the champion that never was, is ready for them.

And she has remained so, across the months of her long stay- meeting new faces and making friends, finding the love of her life and the fire of her heart, fighting in the raid of Monoecus and getting beaten hard, and now, more than ever, with her children in the world, she has vowed to do anything and everything to keep the family that has chosen her safe.

- Father - Cider, City Guard NPC, Deceased
- Mother - Malum, City Fighter NPC, Alive
- Sister - Aureus, City Guard NPC, Alive
- Grandmother (Estranged/Unknown) - Cordelia , Shadow Empire Gladiator, Alive
- Paternal Great-Aunt (Estranged/Unknown) - Ophelia , Shadow Empire Gladiator, alive
-Paternal Great-Aunt (Estranged/Unknown) - Pamela , Stone Empire Gladiator, Alive

- <www.deviantart.com/ca55tamere/… Brother/Shield Brother' - Malik, Shadow Empire Gladiator, Alive

- Wife - Josephine Remus , Shadow Empire Gladiator, Alive
- Daughter - Dianthus , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive
- Daughter - Foxglove , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive
- Daughter - Wisteria , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive
- Son - Sundew , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive
- Son - Wolfsbane , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive 
- Son - Oleander , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive

- Adopted Brother-in-law - Basri , Shadow Empire Gladiator, Alive
- Adopted Sibling-in-law - Nocturne , Shadow Empire Gladiator, Alive
- Biological Sister-in-law - Clarity Rose , Rogue Empire, Alive
- Biological Brother-in-law - Neil , Shadow Empire Gladiator, Alive

- ??? Not sure but fam - Asrai , Shadow Empire Gladiator, Alive

- Adopted Niece - Kingsley "Kiwi" , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive
- Adopted Niece - Peony "Puffin" , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive
-Adopted Niece - Pidge "Pigeon" , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive
- Adopted Nephew - Kingsley "Canary" , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive
- Adopted Nephew - Qrow "Crow" , Shadow Empire Cub, Alive

- Webbed jaguar paws
- Has aches and pains, especially on her joints, due to her gigantism
- Protective of little cats

A big thank you to CanaryBlueRPG and TheBIueCryptid for the new app art!
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