Quetzalcoatlkinga — EBC - Crescent the Sunset Scythe

#liger #crescent #empiresbeforeclans
Published: 2021-04-11 18:22:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 4612; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 1
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The river sleeps beneath the sky,
And clasps the shadows to its breast;
The crescent moon shines dim on high;
And in the lately radiant west
The gold is fading into gray.

- Paul Laurence Dunbar, Sunset

- Submitted to the group May 20th, 2019 by Shasta-Pasta; Adopted March 31, 2021
- App first uploaded April 11, 2021
- Reformatted May 3rd, 2021
- Training Updated September 1st, 2021

Name: Crescent Maxima Draco

Nicknames: Cress, Cressy, Snake-whisperer, Scythe, Ophidian (human name)

- Crescent; 'The curved sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon.'
- Maxima; Feminine version of Maximus, a Roman family name that means 'greatest'. Surname of her previous owner.
- Draco; Latin word for 'serpent' or 'dragon'. Surname of her current owner.

Age: 1 year 11 months; born May 20th, 42 BC

Scent: Dandelions, spiderwebs, the dry, scratchy scent of shed snakeskins and reptiles, and cinnamon with nutmeg

Current Rank: Bounty Hunter Apprentice

Past Ranks: Bounty Hunter Tribune
Training Completed:
Tribune Training
 Have your tribune observing a battle in the coliseum.
 Have your tribune playing with with their guardian or parent 
 Have your tribune meeting another feline in the Hunter Program

Apprentice Training
 Have your apprentice guard the captured empire cats
 Have your apprentice on patrol somewhere in the city

Owner: Faustus Domitius Draco, snake farmer and venom-seller

Gender: AFAB, currently exploring other options while still using ‘she/her’ pronouns

Orientation: YES

Species: 75% Lion, 25% Tiger

Build: Solid and powerful, Cress takes after her Lion heritage very obviously; she is well-built and well-muscled, with a tufted tail and minimal markings, yet larger an longer-legged than any pure lion. Her markings are an eye-catching purple-red to pink on gold, her creamy spots speckled like stars. Despite being female, she grows longer fur on her neck that resembles a mane and is almost as long as a man's hand; the rest of her fur is rough but thick to the touch.

Voice: Colleen Clinkenbeard, as Riza Hawkeye from the english dub of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood; quiet, calm, often dryly sarcastic but lacking on tone, authoritative and confidant but unobtrusive. When angered, becomes deeper, louder, and frighteningly firm and in-charge.


- Dominant: Golden coloration, tiger stripes, white tail-tip, white paws, pseudo-mane

- Recessive: reddish-purple stripes, lion ‘cub’ spots, long check fur, red eyes

- Carrier: albinism, leucistic coloration, heterochromia, blue eyes, orange coloration, dark mane


[Kind, Obedient, Nervous, Unforthcoming, Indifferent, Shy]

- Kind: “tba”

- With a big heart prone to bleeding for others, Crescent somehow always manages to see the good in others and won’t hesitate to help- when she’s confident she knows what’s going on and what to do, that is. Even strangers can earn her sympathy- albeit silently and perhaps a little awkwardly- and to her family, while she may not always be able to find the words, she will always have an action to show her support.

- Obedient: “tba”

- Life has Rules, and you follow them, as simple as that. Crescent always follows the letter of a law or order she’s given, and would never act otherwise no matter how badly things went for her, even if sometimes, she does follow things to the letter rather than the spirit, albeit without any malice. In her mind, anyone who breaks the rules deserves whatever they get, be they thieves or empire cats, and even the most casual rule-breaking can frustrate or worry her.

- Intent: “tba”

- Devoting your all to something is easy when you’re her; Crescent gives everything her best and throws herself into her projects. She focuses intently on her tasks, sometimes to the exclusion of every other possible thing around her. When she is doing something, whether guarding, sparring, or actually choosing to hold a conversation, her attention can be unsettling and a little bizarre, as it seems nothing else exists for her when she gets into these states.

- Nervous: “tba”

- Large groups are worrying. Loud noises are worrying. Conversations are worrying. Weather is worrying, people are worrying- everything in life, it seems, stresses her to some degree, and has her juggling what she perceives with her own knowledge of her lack of people skills, a fact that is itself another cause for worry. Her interests are an easy way to distract her, but even then- what kind of a Bounty Hunter is she, unsettled by the simple act of existing, and turning to vermin for comfort?

- Unforthcoming: “tba”

- Personal information? Talking? What are those? Crescent keeps to herself and rarely volunteers anything about herself to others. She is not one to approach other people and prefers to avoid discussing herself, partly out of a fear of mockery for what she finds interesting- there’s little she hates more than being the brunt of a joke after all.

- Indifferent: “tba”

- Crescent is a cat that, all too often, does not seem to have any sort of emotional reaction at all to what she experiences; it’s not that she really does, of course, but rather, she is someone who is always on the outside looking in, and may not understand another’s thought process well enough to sympathize. If you broke The Rules, for instance, then you deserve what happens to you, and while she may feel bad, she won’t show this to others and will certainly not lift a paw to help you out of the situation you got yourself in- without ever recognizing that she is privileged beyond belief, to come from a good family and a good owner in a good job, and never face the injustices some others might.

- Shy: “tba”

- You would not expect a cat this large to fade into the background, nor would you expect her to have as much difficulty with conversation or confrontation as she does; Crescent is someone that does not enjoy the limelight and will not easily get involved, often acting awkward or unsure around strangers. It’s not that she’s afraid, so much as she’s somewhat lacking in intersocial skills, and aware of it enough to second-guess nearly every action she takes around others. Friends can find her more relaxed and outspoken, but in public or around strangers, she will withdraw as much as possible, to the point where she can fade right out of people’s minds after a while. And that’s the way she likes it.

Overall Impression:

- To strangers, Crescent is very much an oddball. Despite being very big and brightly yellow and maroon, she is far from the center of attention and seems to shun the limelight. For her, small groups are best, and any more than two or three people with only further drive down her ability to speak up. She can easily come across as dumb muscle, deeply antisocial, or something of a jerk, in her tendency to act as she sees need without taking the trouble to ask or consult others. Her bluntness can make identifying the issue difficult as well, and most do not know enough about her personal thoughts and opinions to have an opinion of her.

- To family, Crescent can be distant and aloof, and something of an enigmatic figure. In a family as big and brightly colored as theirs’, she fades into the background, content to live her life without interfering. She can be quite the good listening ear, without offering judgment or excessive emotion, yet this same thing can make her upsetting to deal with- her emotions only flare in a few cases, and otherwise, she keeps calm and collected even when she should be upset. For all her unusual demeanor though, she is fiercely loyal to those in her heart, and shows her affection in silent, subtle ways, and in this, she is unlikely to ever change.

- To the empires, Crescent is merciless and unflinching, an unstoppable force that will not hesitate to do whatever she needs to do, push herself as far as she needs or go through as many hardships as is required to make her capture. She will follow across endless distances, patient as the summer sun, and nothing, neither pleading or begging, bribing nor threatening, speed nor strength, will make her stop in her goal. Crescent cannot be reasoned with, cannot be swayed, and will do her job exactly and precisely as she sees fit; all too often, this is too the exact letter of the law, and no further.


Lux and Kapel were, it seemed, destined to love each other. Opposites attract, it’s often said, and Crescent was born from the union of two devoted, passionate hunters who were the sun and moon in each other’s skies, into a litter of golden cubs dubbed the ‘Sun Children’, whose pelts shone as brightly as it seemed their future would, who were loud, proud, and full of life as they reached out to make the city theirs’.

And yet, even from the first, Crescent fell into the long shadow her family cast.

Neither a large nor a small cub, quiet and slow to begin speaking, from the very first she was not prone to calling attention to herself- it was easy to overlook her in favor of one of her much rowdier siblings, and she far preferred it that way, spending her time in quiet cabinets and dusty places, seeking out the little creatures that occupied the corners of the world. Spiders, beetles, grasshoppers, rats, bats, snakes… there was just something so fascinating about these little creatures and their lives. Something so much more compelling than the cats around her.

Maybe she wasn’t much of a Bounty Hunter, but she was okay with that; Crescent never really wanted to be the best. She just wanted peace and quiet, to find her own interests, as a year passed and time moved on.

But then, trouble; little siblings, come to invade her space, then nieces and a nephew, then cousins. Kittens. Everywhere. Besieged on all sides, surrounded by noise and disruption night and day. Even her new pet, Butters, could only help a little.

Honestly, she’d miss her family, but it was so nice to have a new owner, and she could visit all she wanted. A man that sold snake venom? Had to be someone that would appreciate the value of snakes, and it wasn’t as if they would be noisy. So now, Crescent has a new owner, a new life, and a new reason to prove herself; she may not be the best apprentice out there, but Crescent will not be the worst either, and she is going to show it, to everyone.


- Biological Mother, ‘Mama’ - Lux , Bounty Hunters, Alive
- Biological Sire, ‘Mom’ - Kapel , Bounty Hunters, Alive

- Older Half-Sibling - Astraeus , Bounty Hunters, Alive
- Older Half-Sibling - Aura , Bounty Hunters, Deceased
- Older Half-Sibling - Hecate , Bounty Hunters, Alive

- Adopted Older Sibling - Pacino , Bounty Hunter, Alive

- Littermate - Solaris , Bounty Hunters, Alive
- Littermate - Eclipse , Bounty Hunters, Alive
- Littermate - Capricornus , Bounty Hunters, Alive
- Littermate - Ravi, Bounty Hunters, Alive

- Younger Sibling - Mune, Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive
- Younger Sibling - Hiro , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive
- Younger Sibling - Pavel , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive
- Younger Sibling - Rodion , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive

- Niece - Arvid , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive
- Niece - Runa , City Faction Cub, Alive
- Nephew - Bjarni , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive
-Niece - Shamrock , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive
-Niece - Branwen , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive
-Niece - Maddoc , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive
- Nephew - Rooster , Bounty Hunter Tribune, Alive 

- Intensely fascinated by ‘creepy crawlies’- snakes, toads, frogs, spiders, newts, bats, rats, and insects- and plants, though her interest primarily extends to plants considered ‘weeds’; she can spend hours studying dandelions in a field, without once ever saying a word
- Favorite color is purple.

- Because she’s under the impression Bounty Hunters are supposed to ‘recapture lost cats’, if she came across a cat who was not a part of the empires and was under the impression they never had an owner, she would likely simply let them go- not a part of the empires, not escaped, not her job description. Have fun, keep doing a good job resisting the insidious message of the Empires, if you join she will capture you with prejudice, so she hopes you don’t join.
- Fairly severe social anxiety, Butters often helps her cope. Threatening or otherwise insulting him is one of the very few ways to have Crescent immediately want to physically hurt you, and will escalate to actually physically hurting you if you attempt to harm her beloved pet in any capacity

Pet -
Name: Butters

Species: Corn snake

Mutations: Albino

Current Age: Just under 2 years (Hatched May of 42 BC)

Gender: Male

Food Source:
mostly mice and the odd baby bird, occasionally rats or grasshoppers but those make Crescent upset so he sneaks those when she’s not looking

Care Regiment:
Spends most of his time from waking to sleeping coiled somewhere on Crescent, most often around her neck, resting his head on top of hers’, or nestled in her mane. Fed once a week, otherwise spends his time napping and lounging on her. When she’s out in the territories or on duty, he otherwise finds a comfy spot in the house somewhere; prefers to explore when he is sure she is nearby, and he feels safer. Usually sleeps with her, for warmth, or on the outside of the bed when he doesn’t want to be squished.

used to being well-fed and interacting with people while hunting; is very docile and gentle, almost never bites unless cornered and very stressed, and will hiss and ball up long before he does. At the first sign of trouble, he will go crying to Crescent, as she is his provider and safe space; otherwise, very curious and something of a derp. His exploring often leaves him stuck in something he shouldn’t be.

Cats were a dime a dozen- every ship had one. Even the ships that carried cats as cargo to and from the markets needed something to keep the rodent population down.

Fortunately, in this, the pale corn snake had found his niche.

Albino animals were often at a disadvantage in the wild, and the snake would not have boarded the ship at all if he hadn’t been chased by predators, but he could make it work. No matter how visible he was, it was really quite remarkable how little attention the sailors paid the snake when they also saw said snake chasing the rodents of the ship, and he spent two years living off the spoils of the vessel, easily scooting away from caged cats and otherwise minding himself.

Until they docked at Massilia, and a few dock cats found him after creeping on board the ship one night- and while they were hungry, they were much more in the mood to torment the little creature for their amusement. They chased him off the ship, across the docks, and into the streets until, panicked and terrified, he picked the nearest non-threatening large object he could find to climb- which happened to be a very surprised Crescent, and consequently, one of the best cats in the city he could have found.

She was more than keen to chase away bullies hurting a poor little snake for fun, and brought the little guy home to patch him up and keep him safe, planning to release him later like she often did with the creepy-crawlies she found.

Except the corn snake didn’t want to leave now- this strange big creature was warm, soft, protective and gentle, feeding him well on mice she caught and talking to him often. And Crescent in turn was reluctant to forcibly release him considering his albino nature- it was a miracle nothing had hurt him already, if she turned him out now she could very easily be condemning him to death. And besides, his habit of coiling around her neck often calmed her during outings in public with crowds or strangers.

So, the two stuck together and Butters, as Crescent has dubbed her new friend, is more than content with his lot in life, and will likely only thrive under Crescent’s devoted care. And gentle head scratchies.

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