request from ~Dark-Angel-Rin
The honest reason that I took those requests is because I could never had made something like this on my own. There's just something about drawing for other people that makes it turn out much better, plus you're faced with subject matter that you wouldn't usually give much thought to. This was an adoptable that I wanted to give my own flair to, so I used stag and wolf references for it. Would I have just drawn that on my own time?? probably not no
so I hope you like it!
I'm working on a personal picture next (it's in Photoshop) but I'll still be working on a few more of those requests. I'm not going to say which ones, it'll be a surprise!
Koi watercolors and white ink as usual
perfectly cut to fit into my portfolio
character is previously stated
(and if you catch the reference here then well