Rajayne — WT Prato

Published: 2015-03-26 23:13:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 3299; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 7
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Edit: 12/13/2017: Finally refurbished his history
10/25/17: My fastest revamp, this one only took a month from start to completion** I am very pleased with how it came out!! I'd also like to introduce all of Prato's children: A nameless fire elemental, Malphas the dark elemental, and Elluin our beloved bird queen himself <3
02/17/17: Ten thousand years later, finished that one revamp. Thank you Pierre once again for helping me out OTLLL
02/15/16: FINALLY UPDATED OUTFIT HAH! And a big thanks to DicedPears for making my potato a new mask ;v;/ <3
08/29/15: Changed the head shot because old, ugly art was old and ugly...


"I'm a doctor. I don't make mistakes, I bury them." 

Name: Prato Gadriel Mathas

Nickname: Pratey (by A'am), Potato

Job: Doctor

Gender: Male

Birthday: June 29th, 1328

   Age: 246

Star Sign: Cancer

Height: 7’0”

Weight: 279lbs

Species: Incubus/Grigori hybrid

           Incubi: Male demons who are the embodiment of lust and are known for their seduction of human women.  They require a form of physical intimacy with other living beings in order to absorb life essence to stabilize their unstable souls.  Unlike succubi, their female counterparts, incubi do not have tails, wings or horns.  They are also much weaker than succubi.  However, incubi are imperative to both races for the females cannot reproduce.  The birth of females is more common than males.

          Grigori:  Also known as "Watchers", they are angels tasked with the protection of Canaan.  Each angel is different in their abilities, Prato's mother Bezelial having a unique affinity for Dark Matter Manipulation.  Dark Matter is a physical manifestation of an energy that is beyond the scope of gravity.  It neither emits nor absorbs light but is only accessible to users from shadows or the environment of dark-planed dimensions (such as Ghenna).  Dark matter has no set function and can be utilized in extraordinary ways, but is also extremely volatile and can cause corruption.

           Hybrid: Prato is obviously a mix between the two species, and therefore gets a bit of both worlds. Prato does not have wings, nor a tail, nor horns.  This is because, being born a male, the incubus bloodline negated any possibility of his mother's physical features to have been passed on to him (he looks more like daddy).  Girgori blood is highly potent in magical ability which is why Prato's incubus powers are so powerful. However, it is also because of the diluting of the Grigori blood by the incubus side which causes Prato's weakness towards the manipulation of dark matter.

Dimension: Ghenna

[A more detailed description is in the works]

A heavy caste system is put in place in Ghenna. Ones place in this system is determined by the amount of dark energy they are able to wield. Dark energy is the most abundant and important resource of Ghenna. With it, beings are able to travel through space as well as defend themselves, construct buildings, communicate, and various other purposes depending on the skill level of the being manipulating it. There is several hundred divisions between one demon type and the next in Ghenna, but what it boils down to is that those at the highest tier, the arch-demons, control the entire economy. They are able to dictate all who fall within their jurisdiction (that is, those who live within the borders of the arch-demons property) and go mostly unchallenged for power. Occasionally, two arch-demons may fight for the others land, but much more frequently, demons of lower ranks will challenge arch-demons for their titles and property. That is how one can gain status within society, though there are also many stereotypes that restrain demons based on species. Incubi and succubi for instance, although not included in the lowest tier of the power system, are looked down upon because of their weakness of lust. Other demons find their impulsive desires animalistic and crude and many judge them for that.


Personality: Having been betrayed several times throughout the course of his life, Prato is very distrustful towards those around him. He isn't very forthcoming with people when it comes to things about himself. However, those able to break past his relationship barriers would find him to be extremely loyal. Prato is very protective of those he manages to befriend. A very blunt person, Prato has a knack for saying exactly what is on his mind regardless if it is an opportune moment or not. Not to mention he can be a bit rude sometimes. His jokes are a bit tasteless and are mostly made for his own benefit. Being a pessimist, he has a difficult time seeing the bright side of most situations or will jump to negative conclusions based off of past experiences. In new environments, he is observant and will take notice of every little detail because of his cautious nature. When working, he is very meticulous, especially when it involves anything health related. Negotiations with him can be a little dicey because he is very stubborn, but often times he can also be very lenient depending on the situation. He could be considered courageous, for he is not afraid of meeting any challenges and is very tactful in executing his victories. Prato also has a strong sense of justice, and will interfere in other’s business if he feels someone is being unfair. He is notably kind towards women and children, but he will not tolerate anyone disrespecting him regardless of who they are.  Because of his powers, he can be emotionally unstable when under the influence of any negative emotions. He has a short-temper and is easily angered if someone pushes him in the right way. Otherwise, he has an impressive ability to keep himself completely neutral. He is also very pragmatic. Things are done with purpose and utmost practicality.



           Prato’s mother was a Grigori, an angel that fell in love with an incubus.  The pairing was taboo, and they would be hunted once found she was with child.  His mother thusly fled to Earth and take the alias Astarte to raise her young.  Prato’s father would remain in Ghenna as a precaution for their safety though.

           Born in the comune of Prato, he was named as such.  Astarte attempted to raise him in secret on Earth, but could not hide his powerful aura when he came of age at 10.   Astarte had been prepared to handle his incubus powers.  What she had not expected was the overwhelming aura on par with that of an archangel that emanated from the boy.  The Wild Hunt, a clan of fae people who traverse dimensions, also appeared in Europe around this time.  With them, they would bring what was later known as The Black Death, a plague by which the world has never seen.  During the chaos, the mother did all she could to protect her child from the hoard of demons sent to kill the child.  With human casualties mounting, it wasn’t long before angels joined in the fray.  Archangel Saraquel sentenced Astarte to judgement in Elysium.  Prato would be left in the care of a local human church with the Mark of Saraqael brandished upon his heart to keep his powers at bay.

           After the loss of his mother, Prato was trapped in the clutches of the church for the following years.  During his stay, nuns and priestesses and even some of the males of the congregation fell under the spell of his incubus magic. With one shared glance they would only see him as the one they desired and he was taken advantage of.  He was subjected to frequent lashings and physical abuse until the day he finally ran away at the age of sixteen.  Prato traveled all across the continent, moving from one place to another as he had done when his mother was still alive, but he couldn’t to find anywhere to stay.  His family was no longer of the living and he couldn’t keep still in any town because of his powers.  Every time he met the eyes of a human, he would appear to them as the person that they most desired.  Prato resorted to using various disguises when he would go out and those seemed to successfully negate his power.

           Around the age of twenty-four he fell in love with Chiari.  A fair maiden of golden hair and bright blue eyes, she seemed to be the only one who had ever understood him.  She didn’t mind his polite refusals to show his face or the abundance of disguises he wore.  After spending a year together, they made plans to get married and run away.  Then came the day when Prato mustered up the courage to show her his face.  But when he took off his mask, Chiari called him by another name: her true lover.  He had little opportunity to mourn losing his beloved to another when he was taken by The Syndicate.  They tortured him for two years, during which time Prato discovered Chiari was actually a witch employed by the anti-magic establishment to find and capture creatures like himself.  After corrupting for the first time, he was able to escape the facility.  He would later meet Chairi’s daughter and he watch them both succumb to the plague.  This event would prompt Prato to take up medicine as a full occupation.  It was also why he swore to himself to never again fall in love.

           After studying medicine and more about his demonic abilities, Prato was able to create a portal to Ghenna, the demon world that his father hailed from.  Ghenna was in the middle of civil war at the time.  Prato was too weak to create another portal to the human realm but is taken in by his mother’s right-hand man Aegis.  He would train Prato for the coming years and bestow him with the scythe of a reaper that once belonged to his mother.  Once Prato had regained his strength, he returned to Earth.

           When Prato returns, several hundred years had passed on the Earth plane.  The world was much more advanced than he had left it.  He would study medicine again for some time before stumbling across a band of space pirates. They offered him a position aboard their ship which he readily accepted.  Prato spent the rest of his time up till current day with the crew.  He would meet Dancer, who would become both a mentor and friend to the demon.  Other notable figures from this time would be Starla, Elluin, and A’am.  After creeping her way into his heart, Prato theoretically adopted the A’am and treated her like a younger sister.  However, Prato knew A’am was not cut out for being a space pirate.  After the death of her best friend, Prato finally devised a plot to help the girl escape the mother-ship.  It would not be until many years later that he would finally meet A’am again in a place known as Asurlis while on a mission to steal some feathers.

The World Train:

           After leaving the pirates himself, Prato sought out the World Train with the intention to protect A’am from former comrades who would be hunting for her.  He took the position of lead doctor and made a number of close acquaintances.  He also bonded with Peledil, prompting his familiar Elluin to join them aboard the World Train.  In addition, the trio was able to find and slay Saraqael, thereby releasing Prato of his mark.  However, Astarte who Prato came to find was actually known as Bezelial would die at this time.  Prato would also meet his father Alcaeus on this journey, and learn his true name to be Prato Gadriel Mathas.  



           Shadow Manipulation: Prato can shape shadows into physical forms and use them to attack. If there are no shadows, Prato must pull energy from the dark dimension which uses up more of his strength. In general, this power is not very taxing and has an extended usability time. This ability is controlled with Prato's mind, though he has the tendency to gesture attacks with his hands when using it.

          Soul Fire: Produces a black flame that affects the soul and is non-physical. The fire can be used to (painfully) sever bonds between souls and/or minds. It also weakens the target’s mental/emotional state, allowing them to be more susceptible to negative emotions as well as psychic attacks. Prato has a signature flame that he can see inside of afflicted people. He can also see the soul of those who carry any trace of his flame. If Prato gathers enough energy, the flame can be intensified and cause damage or even death to the soul. However, any minimal use of this power significantly drains him and he will often times get sick and pass out from it. There are also some souls that are stronger than others and therefore takes more energy to destroy.

          Teleportation: Summons a concentration of dark matter to a single point that opens up to another dimension. The ability can be used to transfer his body great distances or to store items in a pocket dimension. However, because he must gather a large amount of energy to perform the skill, it takes a few minutes to do and is very taxing on his mind and body. When opening up pocket dimensions though, it is a lot easier on him because it is merely the transfer of non-organic matter to a dimension of his own creation.

          Attract: To Prato's dismay, because of the perfect blend of incubus and arch-demon he is, the natural ability to attract victims that incubi have is increased ten-fold. To anyone who makes eye-contact with him, Prato appears as the one that person most desires. The effects of the ability vary from person to person depending on the individual's own ability. Sometimes he will appear as a completely different person such as an ex-lover (or current lover) and the like. Other times, if the person does not hold any strong affections for another, they would merely become infatuated with Prato himself. The ability is only negated by someone who is incapable of love or if a being is powerful enough to see past the illusion. Other demons can still be affected by Prato's power, but the more powerful they are, the less effective the illusion would be (demons have a higher tolerance to such influence than most other species). Such cases may result in Prato's appearance flickering between his own and the one the person most desire. Or they will be inexplicably drawn to the demon but still maintain cognitive thought. He more or less can't control this ability and therefore is always seen wearing a mask in public.

[Level 8]: 

With practice, Prato has become more proficient in his utilization of shadows. They are much more durable than they used to be, capable of pinning down someone of immense physical strength but still easily breakable if put under enough force. Prato can manipulate the density of his shadows as well, able to wield all three states of matter. For example, he can create solid shapes that range from animals to structures and use them to his advantage as added defense or offense. Organic shapes are harder to control. Depending on their size, he can only manipulate a select number at a single time.

[Level 14]:

          After the removal of his seal, Prato can now control his attract ability like the switch of a light. He has discovered it to be a type of compulsory magic that he can amplify with direct eye-contact or skin-contact. When under the influence of dark magic, he can also shift this ability to give him the form of what his opponent most fears, rather than what they most desire. The factors influencing the ability's level of effectiveness on a target remain the same though: those incapable of love or fear, or those with a powerful mind and/or perception will be the least affected if not at all entirely. For the most part, he has complete control of this ability and there is no longer the need to wear masks. However, he might do so out of habit. 

Weaknesses: He is extremely vulnerable to any type of light/pure/white magic and it takes longer for him to heal from any such attacks. When using his powers, darkness envelops his soul and there is a slight potential that it could drown out his humanity (corruption). If that happens, he reverts to a more primitive mindset where he is controlled by emotions and instinct only and will go on a rampage. His illusions don’t work as well against those who know it is an illusion or those who are strong minded. His eyes are sensitive to bright lights and prolonged exposure can cause temporary blindness. His hearing is equally sensative and sharp sounds can be painful while long drawn out noises can potentially deafen him. He has a soft spot for women and children and is least likely to fight back against them. Prato would do almost anything for A'am, so she could definitely be used against him. 



        Health: 1,070

        Attack: 2,590

        Defense: 510

        Magic: 760

        Speed: 860

Weapons: Twin daggers and the scythe of a grim reaper that once belonged to his mother. 

When using his scythe, the weapon will wrap beads around his arm and draw blood which it will use to increase its own power. It also feeds off of Prato's dark energy. (Scythe has changed into weildable sword that he alternates between wearing on his back or stowing it in a pocket dimension).

Items: Several masks (collected over the years and a few made by fellow train-goers), Elemental Rings (Dark, Water, Metal, Fire, Electric) and Elementals (Dark, Water, Electric, Fire)



+ Tea, ale and wine

+ Simple foods

+ Animals (though he is apprehensive towards half-human hybrids)

+ Being alone

+ Reading/Learning

+ Exploring


- Being asked about his past

- People making assumptions about him

- Bullies

- Accidentally hurting people (if it's on purpose though, well...)

- Bright lights (i.e. the sun)

- Loud places and people

Misc. Facts:

   ·         His ears are very sensitive and high-pitched noises can be painful.

   ·        Prato no longer has the Mark of Saraqael over his heart, thus he is less susceptible to corruption

   ·        In addition, the loss of his seal has given him greater control over his magic and he no longer needs to wear masks

   ·         He has a deep voice with a slight Venetian accent (it is very faint but noticeable and stems from his Latin/Italian upbringing)

   ·         From the base of his neck, four distinct, jagged scars trail across to his lower left back.

Pet/Familiar: Elluin (dicedpears.deviantart.com/art/… )

RP Sample:
The sun had just peaked in the sky when the roar of a train whistle echoed throughout the city. Many curious onlookers paused in their step at the sight of the illustrious bronze colored train, infamously known as the World Train. Behind the mask of a bird, Prato watched as the train huffed a few final breaths before dying out and opening its doors. Passengers milled out of the train in an uneven stream but the cloaked demon was unable to find what he was searching for. His lips pulled down into a frown. However, the motion went unnoticed behind his disguise.

Having been sitting on the bench at the station for quite some time, unmoving, Prato had received numerous strange looks from people as they passed by. A young boy was among the spectators. Standing hand-in-hand with his mother as they waited for their own train to arrive, the boy's wide eyes continuously strayed to the mysterious figure against the far wall of the station. Prato met the boy's gaze on more than one occasion, but the boy wouldn't have seen them. The childish face reminded him of his "sister". A'am had worn an identical look often.

However, his reminiscence was cut short when two officers appeared from the crowds and began moving in Prato's direction. They stopped just in front of him. Prato grimaced, fingering one of the daggers hidden behind his waist. This didn't look too promising. "Hello officers. How may I help you?" Prato asked them innocently. He hoped they would leave quietly. It would be a shame to have to kill them in front of the boy whose stare could still be felt.

"Sir, we have been informed of a suspiciously dressed man loitering in the station for the past three hours... Would that be you?" 

"Ah, yes. But no worries." Prato indicated the train with a tilt of his head. "My train has just arrived."

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Comments: 108

Rajayne In reply to ??? [2017-12-06 04:49:28 +0000 UTC]


I saw this way late |'D //blows kissu

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pockyboxes [2017-10-25 20:00:22 +0000 UTC]

AAAAAH GOD RAJ YOU'RE SO TALENTED i love this you paint so well oh my godddd lookit this cute fuzzface with his cute birds. cute old man feedin the pidgeons

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to pockyboxes [2017-10-25 20:12:44 +0000 UTC]


I am ded
He feeds them bc they're this old man's only friends LOL

Thank you for the kind words mi amour ; v;/ <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pockyboxes In reply to Rajayne [2017-10-25 20:18:48 +0000 UTC]

their cooing soothes his soul. truly they are the only ones who understand him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Medira [2017-10-25 16:32:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to Medira [2017-10-25 20:08:32 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Amy-Ku [2017-10-25 08:12:19 +0000 UTC]

Where did his youthful bishie face go what's this facial hair who's she

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to Amy-Ku [2017-10-25 13:07:27 +0000 UTC]

LOL. Goodbye Prato, hello Prada

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Amy-Ku In reply to Rajayne [2017-10-25 17:45:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2017-05-14 21:59:50 +0000 UTC]

"I suppose you've done enough to reach level 15. Good work." 
You have an additional:

+450 Stat Points
+60 Discs
+6 CP

Your current Stats are:

Health:  955
Magic: 760
Attack: 2,145
Defense: 465
Speed: 775

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you!

Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to Stabrina [2017-05-16 01:21:12 +0000 UTC]


Health: 955 + 45 = 1,000
Magic: 760
Attack: 2,145 + 370 = 2,515
Defense: 465 +35 = 500
Speed: 775

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to Rajayne [2017-05-22 00:27:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to Stabrina [2017-05-26 04:08:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ToyBoxMelody [2017-02-17 20:41:32 +0000 UTC]

He. Is. A Damn. Treasure!

//is swooned

And those anatomy skills! hnnnnnnnnnnn

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wispna [2017-02-17 20:24:20 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE HIM, AND I LOVE HIS NEW CLOTHES. His revamp is amazing Raja! Great job!!

I might be spastically checking his app to see if his history gets updated

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nyannchi [2017-02-17 09:40:01 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gaaralover-chan [2017-02-17 08:42:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2016-12-05 09:17:41 +0000 UTC]

"I suppose you've done enough to reach level 14. Good work." 
You have an additional:

+450 Stat Points
+60 Discs
+6 CP

Your current Stats are:

Health:  710
Magic: 700
Attack: 1,900
Defense: 420
Speed: 660

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you!

Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to Stabrina [2016-12-05 15:33:49 +0000 UTC]

Health:  710 + 190= 900
Magic: 700
Attack: 1,900 +200 =2,100
Defense: 420
Speed: 660 + 60= 720

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-09-06 22:53:33 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You've reached lucky level 13!! TOTALLY TUBULAR!!! Good work so far, Pratatouille!! Keep those muscles toned and that heart strong!!!! 
You have an additional:

+450 Stat Points
+60 Discs
+6 CP

Your current Stats are:

Health: 660
Magic: 690

Attack: 1,675
Defense: 325
Speed: 660

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you!

Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-09-07 02:24:44 +0000 UTC]

Prato: //stoic masked silence// ... Thank you, I shall try.

Health: 660 +50 = 710
Magic: 690

Attack: 1,675 +225 = 1,900
Defense: 325 +75 = 400
Speed: 660

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ScruffyPalmTrees In reply to Rajayne [2016-09-08 16:35:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-09-08 19:19:48 +0000 UTC]

Danke Anikiii~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kyo-kyo123 [2016-06-27 21:42:56 +0000 UTC]

"Hello, Mr. Prato! We finally meet. I bear news that you've leveled up to level 12! Congratulations!"

You have an additional:

+450 Stat Points
+60 Discs (logged in A'am's bank!)
+6 CP (logged!)

Your current Stats are:

Health: 660
Magic: 690
Attack: 1,375
Defense: 325
Speed: 510

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you!

Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

"And good work in the mission! (I apologize for my friend summoning you out of nowhere though...he told me about it later.)"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to kyo-kyo123 [2016-06-27 22:22:04 +0000 UTC]

Health: 660
Magic: 690
Attack: 1,375 +300 = 1,675
Defense: 325
Speed: 510 +150 = 660

"Thank you, and it is quite alright Miss Merostar; aside from it being an accident, I am always glad to be of help--" //sideeyes Arla
Besides, my accepting the position as her assistant seems to entail being unwittingly substituted into battle anyways--

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kyo-kyo123 In reply to Rajayne [2016-06-27 22:50:05 +0000 UTC]

Logged~! and we should rp for realsies sometime e 7 e

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to kyo-kyo123 [2016-06-28 18:30:57 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabrina [2016-06-22 19:20:37 +0000 UTC]

"I suppose you've done enough to reach level 11. Good work."
You have an additional:

+450 Stat Points
+60 Discs
+6 CP

Your current Stats are:

Health: 460
Magic: 610

Attack: 1010
Defense: 265
Speed: 460

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you!

Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

kyo-kyo123 In reply to Stabrina [2016-06-25 19:23:00 +0000 UTC]

Hey Sab, I'm gonna take care of logging this one since it might be used to the rp event :0 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabrina In reply to kyo-kyo123 [2016-06-26 00:38:36 +0000 UTC]

coolio thank

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rajayne In reply to Stabrina [2016-06-23 04:50:36 +0000 UTC]

LOL dankeee

Health: 460 + 150 = 610
Magic: 610

Attack: 1010 + 300 = 1310 
Defense: 265
Speed: 460

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kyo-kyo123 In reply to Rajayne [2016-06-25 19:26:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to kyo-kyo123 [2016-06-26 03:36:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-04-19 05:55:24 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You've reached level 10!! TOTALLY TUBULAR!!! 
You have an additional:

+300 Stat Points
+40 Discs
+4 CP

Your current Stats are:

Health: 330
Magic: 660

Attack: 745
Defense: 225
Speed: 480

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you!

Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-04-19 11:47:18 +0000 UTC]

Hihi Aniki, I also bought some stuff from the store for both A'am and Prato so his stats are a bit funky: comments.deviantart.com/1/4644…

Buyer: Prato
Item: Stat Redistribution & Riksha's scarf

New Stats:
Health: 350
Magic: 600
Attack: 800
Defense: 240 + 15 (scarf) = 255
Speed: 450
= 2455

With the 300 points added:
Health: 350 + 100 = 450
Magic: 600
Attack: 800 + 200 = 1000
Defense: 255
Speed: 450

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ScruffyPalmTrees In reply to Rajayne [2016-04-20 00:01:07 +0000 UTC]

Added everything including the item~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-04-21 02:38:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank youuu!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-03-08 02:33:52 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You've reached level 9!! TOTALLY TUBULAR!!!
You have an additional:

+300 Stat Points
+40 Discs
+4 CP

Your current Stats are:

Health: 280
Magic: 435

Attack: 735
Defense: 225
Speed: 400

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you!

Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-03-09 04:11:46 +0000 UTC]

Health: 280 + 50 = 330
Magic: 435 + 225 = 660

Attack: 735
Defense: 225
Speed: 400 + 75 = 475

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ScruffyPalmTrees In reply to Rajayne [2016-03-21 03:47:35 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-03-22 06:27:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank youuu

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Pearin [2016-03-02 08:55:13 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations! You've reached level 8! Your goldfish would be proud.  
You have an additional:

+300 Stat Points (+30 from the newbie RPs!)
+40 Discs

Your current Stats are:

Health: 275
Magic: 405

Attack: 595
Defense: 225
Speed: 340

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them so it's easier to confirm. Thank you!

Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

ScruffyPalmTrees In reply to Pearin [2016-03-08 02:31:44 +0000 UTC]

Added the stats :0 sorry was confused for a second when i leveled Prato up again but I think I got it-- OTL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2016-03-08 08:55:08 +0000 UTC]

My apologies, whorechair adgvxfxahdkf

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rajayne In reply to Pearin [2016-03-02 15:40:50 +0000 UTC]

Health: 275
Magic: 405 + 30 = 435
Attack: 595 + 140 = 735
Defense: 225
Speed: 340 + 60 = 400

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kyo-kyo123 [2016-02-19 03:22:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to kyo-kyo123 [2016-02-19 14:28:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

magiculture [2016-02-17 14:55:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rajayne In reply to magiculture [2016-02-18 05:03:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gaaralover-chan [2016-02-17 03:34:45 +0000 UTC]

The husbando has gotten more sexy e///v///e

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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