Rajayne — WT Villain: Glasya

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Description ⧫  G E N E R A L ⧫

Name: Glasya Levoni Ars Goëtia Agni (“Glass-ya” “Leh-vuh-nee” “Arrs” “Goh-ey-shuh” “Ag-nee”)

Nickname(s):  Sheikah Agni, Empress, Grandma

Age: 319

Birthday: April 1st

    Star Sign: Aries

Height: 6’2” (188.0 cm)

Weight: 141 lbs (48.5 kg)


    Father [Deceased]: Helidiore Canaan Ars Zaph Agni (“ee-lid-ee-ore”)

    Mother: Didhara Glaav Ars Goetia Angi (“Dahy-dahr-uh”)

    Husband: Stolas “Stoh-los” - 326

  • Daughter: Galatea “Gal-uh-tee-uh” - 150

  • Son: Haagenti “Hah-ven-tee” -  143

  • Son: Lirach “lur-ach” -  127

⧫ C R E A T U R E ⧫

Creature:  Heliadae (“ee-lee-uh-dahy”)

        Many cultures tell tales of the Heliadae being borne as stars.  In ancient times, they would watch over the people of Ionia who prayed and worshipped and offered sacrifice in their name.  The Elias would smile down upon those precious few and guide them towards fortune and good health in return.  Then the star beings bore witness as the hearts of man began to change.  They saw corruption beginning to grow inside of their beloved followers as they succumbed to the many vices of the mortal world.  Although barred from interfering with the world and its people, the Elias could only think to reach out and help.  The stars voluntarily let go of their throne in the sky and fell to the earth in hopes of saving humanity from itself.  Much to Fallen’s surprise, many of the land-dwellers did not want their assistance.  In fact, most did not believe that they were Gods but imposters.   They are henceforth known as Heliadae after the word dae for “Fallen” and elias, which means “Stars”.  As consequence for abandoning the heavens, they are left to live out their lives as mortals, unable to return from whence they came.  With their fall,  the Heliadae also became susceptible to the follies of man and the corruption it brings.  It is said that when a Heliadae absorbs the light of the sun, it can also cleanse them of the impurities they gather.  Sunbathing is also the closest they can get to reconnecting with their brethren above.


        Heliadae are ancient, arcane beings revered as Gods by some on the world of Ionia.  The entirety of the population are equipped with horns and drooping, scalloped or feathered ears.  The shapes and sizes of Heliadae horns vary from person to person.  Horns can the quality types of crystal, glass or ivory.  They boast vibrantly colored skin and hair that have don’t always have a genetic correlation to that of their parents, as a mother could have blue skin and her child have red.  The only reliable means of identifying kin is by their family marks.  These patterns are typically identical to one or both parents, and bear the appearance of white tattoos.  Young Heliadae earn such markings for accomplishments recognized by their parents.  In addition, Heliadae have an innate dependency on sunlight.  While basking, a Heliadae is able to accelerate healing and replenish energy faster by absorbing infrared and UV light with the stones adorning their person.    


        Another defining feature of Heliadae are their gemstones.  It is believed that these stones hold the soul and magic of an Heliadae.  The quality of these stones are indicative to the potency of one’s magical ability, i.e. density, color, etc.  The purest gems facilitate the most magic with the least effort.  On the other hand, cloudy, brittle ones have the opposite effect.  Their main stone is found at the center forehead and can come in a variety of shapes.  Secondary stones take the appearance of horns that protrude from both sides of their temple.  Damage to any of these stones can lead to severe and permanent health problems and, worst case scenario, death. 

        Stones are rated by three factors.  Firstly quality of sheerness, from most sheer having the greatest ability to absorb light, to opaque which absorbs little of any at all.  This aspect dictates the Heliadae’s speed at which they are able to naturally replenish energy and health.  Quality is ranked as (1) Glass, (2) Crystal, and (3) Ivory.  In that reverse order is the ranking by durability: (1) Ivory, (2) Crystal, and (3) Glass.  Durability is the ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; thus, prolonging the life and magical capabilities of the Heliadae.  Finally, by magical strength, gems are rated (1) Crystal, (2) Glass, and (3) Ivory.  Crystal is able to store the most energy, therefore providing a greater quantity of usable magic at any given time.  The amount of preservable energy significantly decreases from crystal to glass, and glass to ivory.

        **Note, the above statistics are only general studies and some Heliadae stray from these ranges.


        Heliadae specialize in rune magic.  A rune is an arcane symbol inscribed on a creature, surface, or object.  These symbols can exist as single character or as a pattern (multiple characters) to create spells.  Runes are inert before their creator activates them.  Rune-casting uses patterns that already exist in the world. Since these are naturally occurring patterns, the rune-caster need not force the energy to obey them.  It flows willingly into the patterns.  Runes can be drawn with any form of visible medium (ink, light, carvings, etc.), but runes drawn in blood are the most powerful.

        There are three kinds of runes: marks, glyphs and sigils.  A mark is inscribed upon a creature, and each mark targets a single creature.  Marks requires the target to be still and generates their effect immediately upon completion.  A glyph is cast upon an object, and each glyph targets a single object.  Glyphs activate immediately upon completion.  A sigil is placed upon an object or creature in order to create an an area of effect.  The first creature to enter the space with a sigil activates it, even if the creature is unaware of the sigil.  Sigils last until triggered, dispelled or erased.  The inscriber can choose to activate a sigil upon its completion as part of the final inscription process.  An activated sigil always generates a thirty-foot-radius burst centered on the rune, affecting all creatures in its area.  

        Because the power of rune magic is dependent upon the pattern of the rune itself, it is a necessity for the rune to physically exist in order for the magic to take effect.  Every rune can be used in one of three ways: as a spontaneous rune, as a scribed rune, and as a permanent rune.  Spontaneous runes are runes that were previously inscribed but not activated that a caster can transfer to another object for immediate activation.  These substitute runes sometimes are only basic spells that can be altered by adding more symbols before activation.  Generally, multiple rune substitutes are placed on small wood sticks and kept on the user for emergency purposes.  Scribed runes are obviously ones that are done in real time, and must be drawn out in entirety.  Any rune can be created to be “permanent” by utilizing an enduring media (stone, tattoos, etc.) however, they can still be erased, destroyed or altered.


    **Heliadae do not reach reproductive maturity until age 150, and become infertile between 200-250.

    *The oldest known Heliadae lived up to 1021

         800+: Centenarian                                             75-99: Teenager

         500- 800: Elderly                                               50-74: Pre-Teen

         300-500: Middle Aged                                        25-49: Child

         200-299: Adult                                                  10-25: Toddler

         100-199: Young Adult                                         0-9: Infant

⧫ D I M E N S I O N ⧫

Dimension: Ionia “ee-own-ee-uh”

Nationality: Myrian

Map:  gyazo.com/d5fa1e58e72e634cadb5…

        There are two suns in Ionia’s galaxy named Elias (feminine Star) and Elios (masculine Star).  Elias is smaller than Elios.  They represent the two Gods of Heliadae lore.  The pair maintain a distance of 19.3 million kilometers as they revolve around one another.  Ionia maintains an average distance of 165.3 million kilometers (102.7 million mi) from both suns at any given time.  It is the fourth largest planet in its solar system with a surface area of 370.7 million km² (230.4 million mi²).  Ionia’s surface is 64 percent water and 36 percent land.  Nitrogen makes up 59 percent of the atmosphere, while oxygen and carbon dioxide share 37 percent. The remaining 4 percent consists of small amounts of other gases.  The average temperature on Ionia is 14C (57.2F) to 18C (64.4F). The coldest temperatures can be found at the poles, around -42C (-43.6F), the hottest at the equator, around 28C (82.4F).  

*A day on Ionia is equivalent to eighteen hours of one Earth day.  There are 417 days in a year.

[Government and Climate]:

  • Myriaster (“mir-ee-as-ter”) 

        Absolute Monarchy “sheikh” and “sheikha”.  Range from humid continental to humid subtropical near the southeastern waters.  Tropical in the Southwest; alpine in higher elevations, subarctic in the north.

  • Eiladrec (“eyl-uh-drek”)  

        Commonwealth of Myriaster.  Permafrost in the north; Arctic to subarctic climate in central.  Generally four distinct seasons in the south.  Subpolar oceanic closer to the shores.

  • Bedelia (“bed-ee-lee-uh”)

        Elected Theocracy, Hierarchy of a council of “apostles” and the “High Cardinal”.  Subarctic, with tundra in the highlands; Harsh winters and warm summers.  More rainfall occurs in the winter.

  • Rubaceae (“roo-bey-shee-uh”)

        Tribalism; “khal” and “khalifa”.  Desert climate; extreme heat during the day, abrupt drop in temperature at night.  Very low annual rainfall, and the rare occurrences are celebrated as blessings from their gods.

  • Iedactylia (“ahy-dak-til-uh”)

        Constitutional Monarchy.  Summers are hot and dry in the Southeast.  Region closest to Myriaster has rainfall, semi-tropical summers and cool winters.  Flooding can occur in the central, southern and western regions and the country in general can experience earthquakes.

  • Ceottia (“See-oh-shuh”)

        A mix of tribalism and democracy.  The people of Ceottia tend to roam in clans, but come together in times of celebration.  Each clan has an elected leader who also represents them in the high council where the decisions for all of Ceottia are made.  

  • Nydarios (“nahy-dair-ee-os”)

        Constitutional Monarchy of Kyg’rshka and Daedalus “malik” and “malikah”.  Cordellia: Manorialism, men work on their properties.  Tropical in the south and alpine in the mountainous northwest, where elevated regions receive sustained winter snowfall.  Temperatures are greatly influenced by Rubaceae’s desert and the Thar mountains.

  • [Races]:

    Ionia is comprised of seven countries, each of which host a unique mix of cultures and races:

            The main races of Myriaster and Eiladrec are the Heliadae and Ulma.  The Ulma (“uhl-muh”) are a race of nature spirits divided into numerous tribes that occupy Eiladrec.  They are born of nature magic, and take on the responsibility of preserving the lands and seas of Ionia.  Although found in many parts of the world, most of the Ulma congregate in Eiladrec due to their being hunted elsewhere.  Many have promised their loyalty to Myriaster in return for the shared protection and prosperity of both lands.
            Bedelia’s people, the Tarasque (“tahr-ahsk”), are dragon-like entities who worship Elias and Elios much like the Heliadae.  The difference is that the Tarasque people are much more devoted.  As shepherd of the words of their Gods, the Tarasque seek to convert all of Ionia and use any means to do so.

            Iedactylia is home to the Neisaphille (ney-zuhl-fil), aquatic beings that dwell on both land and water.  Most of the region is actually swampland, marsh, or estuaries.  Neisaphille are born with a pair of air breathing lungs and water-filtering gills.  They have many fish-like attributes and are the most dominant swimmers of Ionia.  Although Nydarios is considered the largest region by square kilometers, Iedactylia is actually the largest as a majority of its cities are underwater.

            Álfheimr (“alv-heym”) are dark-skinned desert elves who occupy the harsh sands of Rubaceae.  Their philosophy of “take only what you need” is ingrained in their sparse lifestyle.  Oftentimes the nomadic Alfheimer are seen using polearms and sleeping in makeshift tents.  The head of each clan is male and determined by duels of strength.

            Western Nydarios is comprised of the Kyg’rshka (“kehv-roh-shen-ka”), a clan of monks who boast heightened physical prowess and the ability to intercept and manipulate the flow of energy; the Daedalus (“dahy-dahl-us”), an intelligent society of dwarfish people who lead excavations and technology development; and the Cordellia (“kawr-deel-yuh”), a race of female arcanists who specialize in scrying magic.  The Cordellia are all women because their male counterparts, the Baultiste (“bawl-teest”), are magic-less and make up the entirety of the lower class.  The Golliv'ur ("gaw-liv-er") aka. ‘shapeless husks’ are spirits that occupy man-shaped bodies made from a single material, such as clay or rock.  Found in the mountainous region of Eastern Nydarios, they are among the most dangerous and volatile creatures of Ionia.

            Finally, Ceottia's populace is comprised almost entirely of a race of flightless bird-people called the Yggasi ("ee-vah-see").  They are very shy, and rarely ever leave their country.  They do however, enjoy hosting visitors. 

    ⧫  H I S T O R Y ⧫


    +  Decisive | Assertive | Adaptive | Nurturing | Magnanimous

    =  Perfectionist | Poised | Resourceful | Analytical

    --  Prideful | Manipulative | Moody | Impatient | Cunning

    As a generality, Glasya’s innermost desires are not to torment the passenger’s of a magical, dimension-travelling train.  Rather, she is just a mother of three who only wants to see her children grow up to be old and happy.  Having been polished by her own parents to inherit the role of Sheikah, ruler of Myriaster, Glasya is both assertive and decisive.  She will logically assess any given situation and come to her own conclusions based off of experience, history, and her own morality.  Of course, that does not mean she is not open to discussion.  An old lady like herself loves some good debating now and again.  One will always find her poised and proper though, even if she is participating in a heated rebuttal.  Her pride still makes her susceptible to slip-ups, and albeit rare, she does have a mightily sharp tongue (and hidden blade) always at the ready.  Though she will not hesitate to manipulate another to gain, Glasya despises those who would dare to do the same to her.  She can prove to be both moody and impatient, subject to switching from a smile to a glare without notice should she determine someone is wasting her time.  Old dogs find it hard to learn new tricks, but Glasya has enough of those up her sleeve that she can adapt to many if not most situations.  She is both resourceful and tactful, knowing what and when something can or should be put to use.  A big factor in her decision-making is efficiency as well.  Glasya values this over most other things, and will take whatever steps necessary to ensure nothing is gone to waste.  


            Glasya was born into the royal family of Myriaster, their only daughter and youngest of four.  All three of her brothers were in line to inherit the throne.   Whereas they were expected to uphold the family name with accolades of their own, Glasya needn’t a care in the world.  That is, until a great war between Myriaster and Bedelia led to the tragic death of her siblings.  Glasya was 90 at the time.  Didhara Agni, the Sheikah and mother of Glasya, was past her prime for bearing children.  She could also not assume the role of queen because she had married into the royal house.  Thus, it came to fruition that the crown would fall to Glasya when the current ruler passes.  It was twelve years later when her father Helidiore succumbed to a fatal illness and passed on the title of Sheikah to her.

            The young empress would allow a council of advisors, including her mother, guide most of her early decision-making for the following thirty years.  When Bedelia declared war on Eildadrec, an ally and commonwealth of Myriaster, her councilmen advised her to withhold military action.  The Ulma had pleaded for support some time prior due to small skirmishes along their border however, the citizens of Myriaster held an overall sentiment of maintaining neutrality.  The last thing they wished for was a repeat of the great war that had stolen Glasya’s family.  Against the wishes of her people, Glasya employed the Avangarde (“ah-vahn-gahrd”), an elite group of Heliadae warriors.  The Avangarde had become scarce in numbers though due to the rising wealth and spoiled lifestyles of Heliadae families.  Nobody wanted to throw their lives away for bravery and honor any longer.  Many had to be conscripted to fill vacancies left from such sentiment.  Due to the lack of training and abundance of fledgling fighters, casualties soared.  The war would last for seven years.  As the battles raged on, anti-war sentiment grew at home.  The people of Myriaster grew tired and weary of battle.  Many felt as if it was not their fight, and that they had no stakes in participating.  When the allied forces finally triumphed, the victory was short-lived.   Myriaster’s economy was crippled by the drawn out war.  Sheikah Agni would be blamed for not withdrawing sooner, and the losses would weigh heavily on her reputation.  It would only be decades later that the country would return to a glimmer of its former fortune.  In this time however, a new enemy would rise.

            Following the war, Glasya would come to marry a man by the name of Stolas.  Having reached adulthood, her advisors hosted several banquets in hopes of attracting a suitable male to betrothe her.  The Sheikah received a number of offers, including a handful of princes from Nydarios.  Unfortunately, none of them intrigued her.  Stolas was the sole exception.  Originally, the man had been overlooked completely by the Sheikah’s advisors.  He was not from a prosperous home, and in fact, had been amongst the nameless conscripts sent to war.  Stolas was the only one to steal the empresses heart however, and they would host their union on her 163rd birth year.  Six years later, Glasya’s first child is born.  Having already broken the traditional male inheritance of the throne, Glasya would decide Galatea as the next successor to her throne.  At age 176, Glasya’s first son Haagenti is born.  Sixteen years later, she is blessed with her second son Lirach.  All three of her offspring would grow up healthy and without a want in the world.  Her people were finally at peace, and the empress had everything she could ever ask for.  Or so she thought.

            Unbeknownst to the leaders of Ionia, an organization by the name of Ouroboros had been lurking in the shadows.  They came into being as an aftermath of the war between Bedelia and Myriaster a century prior.  Comprised of a number of talented young arcanists from Heliadae, Kyg’rsha and Tarasque; they would be labeled a terrorist group and an enemy to all seven nations.  It would be these individuals who would shatter Glasya’s illusion of peace by assassinating two of her ruling advisors and poisoning her son.  Lirach, a kind boy with a quiet disposition, would be put into a permanent sleep.  Someone shattered both of his horns, and without their ability to absorb energy, he was too weak to wake.  Just as all hope seemed lost, Glasya received a letter from a mysterious individual by the alias of “A”.  In the note, they claimed to have a cure for Glasya’s comatose son.  They promised their help only if the Sheikah would promise the same for them.  Thus, her adventure as an enemy of the World Train would begin...

    ⧫ S T A T S ⧫

    “You think that magic is just a tool, like a hammer, something that you pick up when you need it, swing it around for awhile, and put down again when you're done with it.  Not so.  Magic is a living thing—  part of Elias and Elios themselves whom you only pay lip service.  You can't just grab onto them when you need magic, squeeze the power out, and discard it when you're done.  That sort of treatment comes back to you.”"

    -  Didhara Glaav Ars Goetia Angi



            Photosynthesis: Absorbs energy from her environment, which can then be used to heal or replenish magic.  All living organisms radiate energy, be it in the form of heat or otherwise.  Heliadae are able to absorb and store said energy within their stones and convert it into something useable at a later time.  This allows Glasya to replenish her health and magic by 5% every turn in sunlight and 2% if not.  For the most part, this ability is passive and functions without her needing to control it.  


             Avatar [Level 1]:  Glasya is able to manipulate the natural elements through runes and cast them as spells.  Generally, the strength of each spell is dependent on the complexity of the rune’s pattern.  The environment also influences the effectiveness of each element.  For example, fire attacks would be stronger in a place of dry heat and it would be weaker in rain.  Summoned elements are relatively weak, but can cause effect damages such as stun, freeze, burn, and poison.

      • Balls of Fury:  She can hurdle concentrated masses of any element at someone.  They aren’t accurate nor very powerful, but getting hit by one won’t be very fun!  Each orb is conjured one at a time, and can be launched a maximum of twenty feet.  The further away a target is, the more likely it is to miss.  Summonable elements include fire, water, ice, rock, wind and arcane.
      • Trap Card:  Glasya can create a sigil that will ensnare anyone who walks over it in an elemental cage.  The sigil must be in existence first for this to work.  Secondly, something needs to trigger the run to activate the trap.  It can restrict the movement of a single creature for three turns, but can be easily destroyed by an outside force.  In addition, the trap will activate for anyone who wanders past, not just the intended target.

             Transport:  Ability to “tag” a person, place or thing with a rune and teleport herself or another person to its exact location.  She can only tag one target at a time.  Able to teleport two times a day however, each rune can only facilitate the movement of one person.  Requires Glasya to place an identical transport rune as the tagged target on herself or whomever she is transferring for it to work.  There is no distance limit so long as the original tag rune remains in tact.  Transportation tags can be either marks (on people) or glyphs (on objects).

             Reinforce [Level 1]:  By inscribing a rune upon a creature or object, Glasya can channel energy through them and create various boosting effects.  Marks and Glyphs can supplement an immediate 15% increase in a single state for any creature or object upon placement.  These runes will only last the duration of one turn.  Sigils however, being an AoE, increases a single stat of anyone within a ten foot range by 8%.  If the sigil is left untampered, it can last for up to three turns before disappearing.  In the instance of health, nearby allies will gain 8% of their total hp every turn for three turns.  Only one mark, glyph or sigil can be placed at a time on any one target.

    **Glasya is limited to her magical capacity and the duration of time it takes to draw any rune.  1-2 turns for Marks and Glyphs and 3-5 for Sigils.  Sigils generally take more time to construct due to the complexity of their patterns.  Each rune takes about 4-8 points of magic; 15 for sigils.  She is out of magic when MP is 0.

    Weaknesses:  Cannot create her own energy so she must outsource to generate her supply.  Being isolated from sunlight can cause her stones to become dull and brittle.  Any cracks or breakage in her horns which will inhibit magic and, if severe enough, can lead to death.  She is physically very weak.  Although it is not completely necessary for mobility, the loss of her staff can compromise balance.  Perceived threats to her children’s health or wellbeing can make Glasya quite receptive to blackmail.  In addition, because Heliadae cannot live without a sustainable amount of magic, Glasya can in fact only use up to half of her MP before too weak to inscribe any more runes.

            Health: 150
            Magic: 125
            Attack: 50
            Defense: 75
            Speed: 100

    • Magic Points (MP): 125

    *Magic stat will be used as an equivalent for Magic Points (MP)

    **MP is depletable like health with the use of magic

     Poisonous Dagger (hidden in cane)

    Book of Elias, Scroll of Elios, Satchel of Spontaneous Runes, Walking Staff

    ⧫  M I S C ⧫


    • Beautiful things

    • Purples and reds

    • Respect

    • Cranberry-flavored anything

    • Tarts (especially cranberry ones)

    • Sunbathing

    • Extravagant clothing


    • Insubordination

    • Bland foods

    • Public embarrassment or humiliation

    • Rude people

    • Synthetic products

    • Salt

    Misc. Facts:

    • She has four family runes in the form of tattoos: they equate to Uruz (strength), Algiz (protection), Dagaz (daylight) and Eithwaz (yew tree).

    • Really wants grandchildren…

    • Not the typical villain, as her motive stems from her desire to save her son; however, she is still both ruthless and cunning when it comes down to it.

    • Favors clothing with red or black as those are the colors of her country.



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