ToyBoxMelody — WT: Villain: Irmirija

Published: 2018-02-08 21:25:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 3269; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 13
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Name: Irmirija
    urr - myr - rih - jah
Nickname: The Goddess of Sands and Time. Vessel. Serpent Queen

Age: 800, however her soul has lived thousands of more years
Birthday: January 8th
   Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 7’9” long, 6’0 - 6’5 standing. 6’0 with human legs.
Weight: 200lbs. 137lbs human.

    Ex Lover The Serpent King

    Unnamed son- Deceased.

    Multiple Daughters- unknown/ most likely dead

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pansexual


These types of Lamias have the ability to open portails. They can only jump to the nearest dimensions. It takes up a great deal of the life force they drain from their victims. It is only able to be used once a day, so long as they keep stealing life force.

Creature: Lamias, however they also go by Nagas.

They are a race of all female parasitic creatures with horns, the upper part of a woman, and the lower half of a snake. They can magically shapeshift their lower half to that of a human woman, but their horns and scales can never be magically shifted away.

They have the ability to open portals from one dimension to another. This is what they use to venture into other worlds and collect the life force of their lovers to power them, and their planet. This is also how they mate. Life force they steal from others if very important to the creatures.

    They can drain the life force of their lovers, either leaving them dazed and confused the following morning with no injuries at all, or leave them as dead and empty dried out husks. This life force is then given to their queen by touch.

Lamias are able to have sons, however their males always end up being the same race as their fathers. Males are left with their fathers and females are brought back to Jaryasha. Lamias have no time to be mothers. Their young are all raised by the queen and the queen’s court of handmaidens. As soon as they are old enough to breed, which is around 20-23 for them, they are no longer considered children and are sent off to different worlds to collect life forces.

The queen of the Lamias must be replaced every thousand years. 5 women are put through a secret ceremony under the Jaryasha temple. The last woman remaining alive is worthy and strong enough to carry the planet’s soul for the next thousand years. The old queen is swallowed up by the planet and put to rest, thanked for her service with a large festival.

Lamias who are not the queen, generally live up to 300-340 years. However, Lamias forever retain their youth and beauty, to make it easier for them to seduce their victims. That being said, it is rare for a Lamia to live longer than even 100 years. The common death among these women is being witch hunted down by the locals of whichever world they land in.

Lamias can go roughly 10 days without needing food and 6 without water. This makes it easier for them to hide and try to survive in other strange worlds. Lamias have the ability to eat raw meat too. They can unhinge their jaws while eating if need be, however they usually use this ability to attack hunters instead. Despite their desires, Lamias are simply creatures that wish to survive. That is their only goal and they will not kill if it can be avoided.



Lamias now call the living island of Jaryasha their home, however their true jungle homeworld was destroyed centuries ago by several natural disasters. During the end of their world, 5 Lamias came together to reach out to their gods for help. Their prayers went unanswered, however another strange voice spoke out. Jaryasha was a living island with a soul, but no power source. It too was fading away into nothingness. The Lamias and Jaryasha made a deal. They would serve the island, bring her energy and life, and give her a vessel every one thousand years, in exchange for sanctuary. Jaryaha and her Lamias believe they can not live without the other.

    Now, Jaryasha is a large floating island in the middle of time and space between dimensions. The air is clear with a large and flourishing jungle coats the floating island with a rock village right at the center. The magic converted from the life force the women deposet convert the island into a livable habitat. On the Island, Lamias are the only living creatures. In the center of the village is a temple where the queen reigns. There are several opened portals for their women to cross and hunt for life force for the queen and her people. The Lamias hunt for animals in other dimensions while they are out as well to bring home to their people and queen, while Jaryasha provides water and vegetation safe for the women to eat.



+ Graceful // Careful // Elegant // Patient // Observant // Alluring // Persuasive // Well mannered // Wise // Cunning // Confident // Charming

/  Secretive // Flirtatious // Distant // Driven  // Calculative // Aloof // Materialistic // Tease // Intimidating

-  Manipulative // Vain // Sadistic // Possessive // Spiteful //  Two faced // Greedy // Proud // Distrusting

Irmirija is a survivor above all else. She is able to react and change depending on the people she's with flawlessly. She is usually good at figuring out what role will benefit her, the enchantress, the friend,  the lover, or her favorite, the puppeteer. This chameleon like approach is all she knows and all she was taught to know.

She can play well with others well, can cooperate, and is willing to follow orders so long as the outcome may benefit her too, or keep her alive. She carries herself with pride and grace, however she has an ugly spiteful side. If she is wronged in someway she will never let this go.

Irmirija can be a bit flirtatious and a tease, however this stems more from her culture’s ideals and natural needs than feelings. The one time Irmirija truly bonded with someone, it left her feeling used and betrayed. This caused her to take on a more sadistic approach to those who fawn over her now, using them to vent out her anger. She is rarely flirtatious with those she respects or sees as peers. That being said, her own vanity causes that social circle to be rather small.  

She has learned to make herself as indispensable as possible to survive. She refuses to linger around where she is not needed, in fear of being betrayed again. Some small part of her also simply longs to feel needed or useful, seeking validation from the small social circle she keeps.

Irmirija loves being praised and adored. There is a chance she could be much kinder to one who is willing to treat her like the queen she believes she is.

She has a soft spot for children, more specifically her own, but she believes her goals are more important for now. She does not linger long on the memory of them, but she will never bring them up either.


Irmirija, and several other girls around her age, were raised by Nerra, the queen at the time, and her court of handmaidens. She was treated like a child till her first sign of womanhood at the age of 22. From that day forward Irmiraja traveled to different lands to gather life force from lovers and continue to give Jaryasha another generation of Lamias.

    10 years later, Jaryasha was attacked by dimension explorers upon a large ship. They were formerly from a world one of the Lamias had traveled to previously and was somehow caught. The Lamia believed she had escaped, but the travelers simply let her go to track her back to her nest. Fear of the creatures led the explorers to killing the woman and destroying their homes, seeing them as parasitic vile demons.

    At the time, Irmirija was in the queen’s temple. She was passing by at the time to leave her queen the life force she had collected that night. Things were looking bleak. Several of the younger Lamias were sent away with a few of the court maidens.

    Nerra’s temple nearly crumbled around them, half crushing the queen before she could make her get away. Nerra told Irmirija that she had planned to have Irmirija be one of the 5 women to attempt to win over Jaryasha’s soul when Nerra was ready to go, but because of circumstances, she begged Irmirija to take the soul now, in hopes Jaryasha would live on.

    Irmirija agreed and took the queen’s hand and suddenly began to feel burning pain. One of the lingering court maidens witnessed this, and pulled Irmirija to the nearest portal, pushing her through it and staying behind to shut the remaining portals.

    Irmirija awoke in the desert of Lapillusum. She felt an odd heavy sensation against her chest, and when she opened her eyes she found new gold scales had appeared on her skin. A few of the locals found Irmirija. They saw the portal open and close in the distance, and mistook her for a celestial being. They brought her back to their village and praised her like a goddess. This soon caught the attention of The Serpent King, Lapillusum’s true god. He heard her story and pitied her, taking her in and offering her shelter.

    When Jaryasha was still alive, Irmiraja could have sworn she always felt her protection, however after waking up, that presence seemed to have faded away. This led her to believe that Jaryasha was destroyed and that the soul rejected her as a vessel, so she decided to move on and make Lapillusum her new home.

    The Serpent King and her eventually became lovers, and Irmiraja eventually became pregnant by him. However, around this time she began to notice something odd within him. He began to say odd things that made no sense, and became extremely paranoid. During this time, the people of Lapillusum had began to go to war with each other. 
    At the time, a race known as the Novoslium in Lapillusum’s had began to split due to clashing opinions on the existence of The Serpent King himself, old practices, and lands. Those who still believe in the old ways, the Veteribuslism, were treated poorly and strippen of their rights over time.

    The Serpent King was beginning to fall ill during all of this and was helpless to stop this. Irmirija would tell herself he was simply stressed from watching over his world. The warm feeling in her chest returned the odder her lover became, he also became weaker and had to stay in bed for long periods of time.

    One night they both had the same dream. Jaryasha’s soul itself was a parasite. It would take vessels of the weakest women it was offered to devour their original soul and take over, however this made the vessel weak and it would require life force to rejuvenate and keep from rotting. Irmirija’s body was constantly trying to reject the parasitic soul for years, and it was only now starting to fail after she became pregnant. Because Irmirija had moved on from collecting life forces, it began to seek something else, the very soul and sanity of her current lover, and possibly her child as well. When they awoke The Serpent King casted her out of his haven. She begged to stay and find a way to stop this, but he forced her out regardless.

    There is a legend in Lapillusum that says the goddess fell from the sky to the sands she was originally found in, with a strong power inside her. She became the sand and lifeblood of the small villages near by, guiding them in this harsh turran.

    In reality, she was casted out and wandered around the dessert for days, avoided any forms of life out of fear of what her infected soul could do, but more so out of fear of what The Serpent King would do to her if she harmed his people. She neglecting her own body while in this daze. Because of this, Jaryahsa's soul feasted on her son’s little life force. This loss snapped Irmirija out of her daze and fought the soul back into hibernation. She became enraged, blaming everyone from her past for what they have done to her, making her believe Jaryasha was worth fighting for, taking the parasitic soul, and her former lover for casting her out and causing her to lose their child. She only had one thing in mind now, survive for herself.

    Irmirija traveled dimensions on her own, once more taking life forces to keep her body strong and keep fighting the disgusting soul lingering inside her.

    800 years have past, and Irmirija is beginning to feel like her abilities to take life force isn’t enough anymore. She has two hundred more years to discover whether or not Jaryasha’s soul will destroy her body or not at the end of the thousand years.

    She hears about the world train in one of the worlds she hides in. It sounds as if it has infinite power. Power that she can take in hopes of healing herself, but she knows she is too weak to try and take on the people who protect it on her own.




    Her soul can corrupt others’ mind and drives them into madness, if she’s not careful. She collects life force of others to keep it from activating. She is strong enough now to keep it from happening as long as she wishes it, and keeps it dormant.
     Madness can be broken with healing or light magic, with the only lingering side effect is fatigue on the victim till they are well rested.

    (Madness will only take effect if the owner of said victim agrees to it)

Naga traits:

    Allure // Compulsion

     Can make her voice have a hypnotic attraction to anyone she wants. This usually gets them to look at her and when meeting one’s eyes, she can compel them to do her bidding. The effect lasts about 20 minutes. She can only compel one person at a time so far, as it drains her life force when used. Can use up to twice a day, however if she is planning on teleporting away, only uses it once to save energy.
    (Allure will only take effect if the owner of said victim agrees to it)


     Opens portraits and can travel one Dimension per every other day. Drains life force when used and leaves her needing a long rest afterwards.

     With just a kiss, or something of equal skin contact, she can steal the life force of another.  This energy can replenish health and tame her hungry soul.  It is also what fuels her life and abilities completely.

    "Victims" must be willing to most efficiently absorb someone's life force.  She can steal a kiss or two if she infatuates or paralyzes them.  However, she finds that to be in poor taste and refuses to do so unless circumstances are grave.
Her victims are left light headed after a kiss and need a night’s rest to recover.

    10% HP regain every 8 seconds
    (Succubus will only take effect if the owner of said victim agrees to it)


    Irmirija can give up all the life force she has collected to an ally and heal them. However, this makes her weak, and unable to heal herself. She also can’t use any of her abilities that requires life force after this.

This ability could only be used once. She’ll need to steal more life force to recover or use any of her abilities.


     The ability to magically transform her lower body to that of a human woman. Can be used as many times as needed. It requires none of the life force she collects.


     Length of lips crack from ear to ear, parting to reveal 4 large fangs. Can be used as many times as needed. It requires none of the life force she collects.

    When her grin is active, her bite is poisonous and can paralyze victims. Can be used as many times as needed. It requires none of the life force she collects.
Affects last minute. Poison has no effects on the victim's hp, just paralyzes them. Healing magic cast by a victim's ally can stop Stun.



    Anyone stronger than her

    A pretty face

    Her Vanity

    Her Pride

    Healing Magic- against her poison

           Health: 200
           Magic: 50
           Attack: 100
           Defense: 70
           Speed: 80




    Her mind


    Children (mostly her own)

    Attractive Faces


    Expensive gifts

    Being praised


The Serpent King


Being ignored

Being rejected

Pointless conversations

Misc. Facts:

  • Irmirija’s old culture never allowed her to care for  her first children, but after losing her son, she realized she missed out in being a mother, and regrets it.

  • Her kind doesn't need to eat everyday to survive.

  • Irmirija has 200 years to find out if her body will deteriorate from the soul or not. She hopes something on the train will prevent that from happening. Or something that makes the soul stop rotting.

  • When she speaks, her “s”s are drawn out like a snake’s hiss.

  • Voice: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Pv_k9…

RP Sample:

The Goddess looked at the two with amusement. Her eyes narrowed when Mop’s boot touched her ex husband, but her sweet smile remained.
“You can keep it.” She waved him away as if he was some boring old toy. “Keep it away from thissss realm. The longer itsss yourssss, the longer he ssstaysss sssleeping, and the longer you keep hisss abilitiessss and life force. Issssn’t that want you wanted, dear?” Her eyes slowly made their way to meet Cora’s.

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Comments: 21

Pearin [2018-12-08 01:35:10 +0000 UTC]

Congrats! You are now Level 2! 
You have an additional: 

+150 Stat Points
+20  Discs 

Your current Stats are:
Health: 200
Magic: 50
Attack:   115
Defense: 70
Speed:  80

Please reply with your new stats and a (+??? = ???) beside them. Thank you!
Also, remember to update your app with your new stats!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Pearin [2018-12-30 08:05:58 +0000 UTC]


Health: 200 (+ 50= 250)
Magic: 50(+50= 100)
Attack:   115(+50=165)
Defense: 70
Speed:  80

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pearin In reply to ToyBoxMelody [2019-01-03 23:05:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AlbedoGalvan [2018-10-22 06:19:28 +0000 UTC]

Would love to RP with her.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to AlbedoGalvan [2018-10-22 23:03:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ; 0 ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AlbedoGalvan In reply to ToyBoxMelody [2018-10-23 00:03:57 +0000 UTC]

Are you interested?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to AlbedoGalvan [2018-10-23 08:03:25 +0000 UTC]

Are you in WT too?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AlbedoGalvan In reply to ToyBoxMelody [2018-10-23 21:52:59 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gaaralover-chan [2018-02-19 04:04:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Gaaralover-chan [2018-02-19 06:53:48 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jecksy-Candy [2018-02-17 01:58:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Jecksy-Candy [2018-02-17 02:14:01 +0000 UTC]

THANK YOU! ; w ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Medira [2018-02-09 03:02:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Medira [2018-02-09 04:50:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Medira In reply to ToyBoxMelody [2018-02-09 10:01:44 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BunnyMeroko [2018-02-09 00:13:17 +0000 UTC]

YAAASSSS SNAKE BABE <3 <3 <3 //touches n showers in gifts

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to BunnyMeroko [2018-02-09 02:15:59 +0000 UTC]

eheheheheheheh e w e

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wispna [2018-02-08 22:48:46 +0000 UTC]

MY LADY! I'm excited for her!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Wispna [2018-02-09 02:15:38 +0000 UTC]

Its ya lady!
Here to rub your fluffy ears

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pockyboxes [2018-02-08 21:50:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to pockyboxes [2018-02-08 22:10:18 +0000 UTC]

"Itsss thy'sss flesssh that interessstsss me more, Deary."

👍: 0 ⏩: 0