ToyBoxMelody — WT: NPC: Xara'phina

Published: 2017-05-23 23:09:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 1911; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 8
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Name: Xara’phina Balujax
   Nickname: Xara'

Age: 42

Birthday: March 3rd
    Star Sign: Pisces

Height: 5’1 ft
Weight: 120 lb


Father- Zaos (246) 
Mother-Sar’ai (237)

Sisters- Zali’la (40), Lura (37), Meg’aln (30), Tanna (24), Darcilua (19), Em’ania (15)

Teacher- Madam Hedica (420)

Second Family: The Glorious Group of the Singing Lilies

Job:  Potion/Medicine Maker

Creature: Auramkaj

    Humanoid beings known as Auramkajs. Aurakajs have pointed ears that curve outward. Their hands, feet, and tips of ears and tails are a few shades darker than their tan skin tones.  Their bodies have stripes that run down their sides in the same darker shade starting from their chest to their thighs. They have thin cat like tails that end with colorful feathers. These feathers normally have colors that match the person’s hair or eyes. Their feet are similar to that of a canine, only with three toes and three large claws on each. Akramkajs live a very long time, up to 500 years and physically age slowly. They are short, stocky, and curvy. Most men stop growing at about 5’7 feet tall and most women stop at 5’3.  Their eyes allow them to see in the dark and dim light for upwards to 30 feet. They legs allow them to leap high up to 10 to 15 feet in the air.
    They have interesting eyes as they don’t seem to be just one color. There is a mixture of shades within their eyes that blend together nicely. Their pupils are shaped like four pointed stars, which turn into slits in anger or lust. Their eyes also have two rings within them. The older generations decorate their skin with many tattoos and piercings. This tradition still continues among the younger generations, but the custom of being inked from head to toe with permanent colors normally only happens in times of war, or those with important roles, Temporary tattooing is much more common, especially during celebrations and holidays. The temporary inks are obviously fake as they appear to shimmer in light like melted gold. They last nearly 20 days without fading or can be removed sooner with certain oils.

    Some live in villages, forming something akin to tribes, with Soothsayers leading them. Soothsayers are Auramkajs with ability to catch glimpse of images that can help predict the future, as well as magical healing abilities. Everyone here is born with the ability to see these images, but it takes years of studying and training to actually develop this ability. They are extremely superstitious. They have many odd traditions to keep bad luck away such as, but not limited to, leaving a bowl out of milk at night to please the Warden Cats of their religion, mothers expecting get temporary tattoos on their growing bellies made of gold ink to insure a safe pregnancy, and always keeping a vial of water from their village to prevent their souls from escaping their bodies while they sleep.

Myths: The religion all Auramkajs follow is that of the goddess Elua.

    The goddess is said to be a tall and beautiful woman. She stands at 8 feet tall with cat legs below the knees, a long tail with colorful feathers at the end, snake eyes, and 3 feet tall pointed coyote like ears at the top of her head. She is said to be slim and graceful. Her nails are long and made of gold and stars.

    There was a time when her people began a war down in her lands. The war was so toxic that it ruined the world she created. When this happened the goddess wept day and night. She saved her tears in a large glass vial. After this, she tore the only parts of her land that wasn’t poisonous up from the planet. With her divine powers, she kept the lands a float and used her tears as their life source in the clouds.

Dimension: Ra Jinn

 Planet: Elua Named after their goddess
    The planet of Elua is filled with magic and forgotten lore. Years ago, the land was pulled away from Elua’s surface for unknown reasons. Now, a thriving jungle and mountains hover over the planet at a safe distance, as well as many other hunks of floating rocks that are home to more various villages. Under them, is a barren desert planet no one dares to explore for too long.
The stories go, that out of anger, Elua sent her people into the sky and destroyed the land under them as punishment of their mindless war and greed.
    The lands that hover are large and nearly endless. A stranger to this planet would not even realize they were on top of a floating rock. Jungles and mountains cover all these floating continents.  Rain and fog are common, but no one here has ever seen snow or ice. There is no ocean or sea, but rivers and waterfalls can be found here and there scattered across the land. Most villages can be found living very close to rivers.

    Technology is practically non-existent, however, magic is something that is believed in and well respected, especially since very little people here can master it. Magic is believed to be a gift from the goddess. The rare magic here is the abilities to see into the future or decipher dreams, images, and warnings sent by the goddess. The most common magic is the ability to heal. Soothsayers have the ability to master both types of magic and all medical professions in the world are clerics with high levels of magical healing abilities.

    Elua is home to the Auramkaj, being the only intellectual race, and a vast amount of wildlife animals within its jungles and mountains. The villages are ruled by Soothsayers. There is normally one Soothsayer per village along with an apprentice or apprentices learning under them. They are hunters and gatherers for the most part. Larger villages have taken up farming and adopted other ways of living. Those smaller villages farther within the jungles, however, hold a more tribal like mentality.

2 Floating islands:
   Average temperature:
60-80 degrees Fahrenheit
    This island holds many mountains and meadows along with large towns that live simple lives. The civilization here isn’t as old as those of Udes. Ages ago, those who wish to no longer live the jungles traveled and settled here. There is not much of a tribal mentality here. These townsfolk welcome travelers and are a bit more modern and open minded when in comparison to those villages in the Udes island. They don’t hunt like the people of the other island and instead rely on the agriculture they created for themselves. Ranches, farms, fields, vineyards can be found in the outskirts of more towns here. It is a friendly community, that don’t need to rely on their neighbors to survive like those from Udes do. Everyone here lives their own lives, hold their own jobs, and so on. They also believe education is very important, but not as diverse. Children as young as 13 choose what profession they find interesting and what form of art they enjoy the most. From then on they are crammed with lessons and shadow professionals. If they choose to switch at any point in their life they may, but have to start right back at square one.They take pride in the beauty of their homes. Their homes are made of wood and brick and their town squares is paved with cobblestone. People here also love to celebrate the arts with plays and dances occurring almost every weekend. Night life here involves bars, music, liquor, and lovely company.

   Average temperature:
 80-100 degrees Fahrenheit
    This island is much larger than the two islands but it holds less people. The people here gather in tribe like villages. Their homes are simple huts that sometimes house more than one generation of families. It is a very close knit community. While they aren’t in any real danger, they do rely on each other heavily for survival. The strong hunt while the weak, young, or old, work from home. Education here is limited to religious studies, sewing, cooking, and any other forms of teaching that is best for the community. Kids from all ages have to be thrown together and teachings can start at anytime, although those who wish to learn how to hunt and train have to wait till their mid to late 20s. There is no currency here, except of maybe favors, because so heavily taught to live off the land and help one another. For this reason, they aren’t as welcoming to strangers as those from Klijlete, but that doesn't mean they would turn away a lost traveler. They have a bit of a more stricter mentality and are very family orientated. This doesn't mean life for them is dull, they take part of their own festivals but those aren’t as frequent as the ones in Klijlete, who would party as a drop of a hat. Their festivals involve Hookah, dancing, lots of food, and stories being sung of past heroes.
    Generations ago a war raged between two small villages. They reason for battle has been lost to time, but most elders agree it was over something petty like land. Eventually, so the stories say, the war claimed so many lives there wasn’t enough villagers left on either side. The villagers instead merged into one and those who rushed to left the jungled island.

   Teachings of Elua:
     This is the only religion practiced in this world. However, the practices are not as strong as those in Udes. They believe the goddess sends out her cosmic warden cats to circle their lands and watch over the sleeping people. This is also where they believe that stars come from because the guardians are send to be cats of different sizes that are not tangible and instead smoky dark bodies resembling the night sky. The many festivals and celebrations in Klijlete all start with and hours of silence and prayers to thank the goddess of another day alive and reason to celebrate.


+ Independent / Sympathetic / Clever  / Loyal / Intuitive / Compassionate/ Witty

/ Flirtatious / Persuasive / Dishonest / Shameless / Lustful / Impulsive / Sarcastic

- Uncompromising / Temperamental / Insecure / Manipulative / Vain / Self-indulgent / Tease

    Xara’phina has always been a bit of a troublemaker. She was always getting into trouble as a child, but the older she got, and the more responsibilities she was given, her prank wars and mischievous nature died down just enough to keep her out of any legal trouble. She’s a romantic at heart and passionate when she wants to be, even if her trysts are usually for shallow reasons and never seem to last longer than a month. Even so, beneath her flirtatious attitude and self-confidence lies an ever looming fear of rejection. She  constantly tries to make herself look like she comes from money so that maybe people would respect and accept her. If that doesn't work, she can usually bluff her way through various social encounters. She is quite the actress and has a keen eye for noticing when others are trying to play her.

    Xara is still very kind and respectful to others. However, it usually starts out as an act until she gets to know the person. After that, she shows genuine compassion which usually involves a light smack on the arm or said person becoming her pillow when she needs to lean on something. She tends to speak softly to fake shyness and a fragile nature to bring other’s guard’s down long enough for her to get whatever she wants.

Summary: After being chosen for a life and responsibilities Xara’ never wanted, which lead to being shunned in the process of mastering her new abilities, Xara’ gave up on a life of being forever outcasted. She fled into the arms of a traveling entertainer group and made her living off of conning others, performing music, and with what little magic she had learned up until then. Still, Xara’ wanted more. She wanted fame and fortune. Instead, Xara’ received a dream of a metallic beast from other words. Something awoke in Xara’ as she heard the rumble of the beast and found herself stepping into the train without even a second thought.

History:    Xara’phina was born to Zaos and Sar’ai in the floating jungle island of Udes. She was the first of six sisters. The family never had many possessions or money, but that was the way most families in Udes lived. They were never considered poor or rich. Xara’s mother, along with many other women in the village, sewed clothes for most of the tribe. Her father was never a hunter, but he did lead a group of builders and most of the homes in the village were constructed by him and said group. Xara’ spent most of her younger years watching over her sisters. She even help deliver her last 3 sisters. 
  This being said, she wasn’t always so easy to take orders. Xara’ always felt as if her parents simply had her to act as some work horse. This wasn’t true, of course. Her parents loved all their daughters, but with her being the oldest, some responsibilities weighed heavier on her than the other girls. Xara’ could be rebellious. She would argue with her parents during her more sour moods or ditch her sisters and run off to meet up with friends or crushes. Her parents struggled with her, but she never pushed the limits too hard. She would normally end up apologizing or getting talked out of doing something stupid by one of her sisters. Xara’ always threaten running away during more heated arguments, but they were always hollowed promises. Udes and her family were all she’d ever known. She couldn’t imagine a life away from here, although she tried...Besides, who would keep her sisters from tearing each other apart if she ever left?
  Xara’phina was a bit of a late bloomer in both appearance and with her abilities. In her mid twenties, Xara’ began having terrible headaches. These pains would cause her to become bedridden for days. They were so bad that she would become nauseous and couldn’t eat out of fear of vomiting. She started having odd dreams that caused her to wake up covered in sweat. These dreams held images of places she’d never seen before, people she’d never meet, and muffled voices of words that were almost recognizable but never clear. Her family knew of Xara’s headaches and worried for her, but once the dreams started coming, her parents began to wonder...Could this be the workings of the Goddess Elua? 
    Within days, her parents sent out for the help of the village’s Soothsayer Madam Hedica. Madam Hedica and a Cleric arrived moments later to find Xara’phina resting on her bed with a damp cloth on her forehead. The headaches were getting worse. She even refused to open her eyes at this point. 
     Both the cleric and Madam Hedica examined her. The Soothsayer claimed that Xara’phina was chosen by the goddess to be her new apprentice. The headaches would stop once her training began. Xara’ was to pack her belongings and come live with Madam Hedica as soon as possible.
    Her parents were thrilled! Their first born would one day become the village’s Soothsayer! Sure, it would take decades for her to learn her abilities, but still! They packed for her as she wept from her headache and from the thought of being taken away from her family.
      During an apprentice's training, the apprentice is to live in complete isolation for 5 years. They are to be shunned by the community and only be dependent of their teacher. After the 5 years are up, they are paraded around the village that once shunned them and take part in a feast. They are to remain stoned faced and empty of emotion during the entire celebration. It was meant to be the day the goddess was allowed in. After that, they must stay another 8 years within their place of learning. It is believed that outside influences, even if good natured, will block out the goddesses voice. This is believed because of a story within their religion of the first failed soothsayer. The man had been training when during his 8 year isolation, on year 7 a plague had fallen upon the village. He had heard this mother had become ill and went to see her, but because he did this he was never able to hear the goddesses voice thanks to all the noises from the outside world and the jungle. Zara didn’t buy this, and she didn’t even make it part 3 years…
     She hated it! The pains and nausea had stopped, but Xara’ was having no fun! She missed her loud house, her bratty younger sisters, her strict parents, her many crushes and bad influences of friends! She missed it all! She wasn’t meant to be in silence as her teacher had told her over and over again. She finally decided she couldn’t take it anymore. One day the Soothsayer left to visit a nearby village 3 days up the river. Xara’ used this time to escape. She made her way over to her family and surprised them.
     She expected hugs and tears, but all she got was silence and horrified stares. Her parents looked pained as they hushed their other daughters from speaking to the sister that had raised them. The family wasn’t allowed to talk to the apprentice and that's what she was now. She was the Soothsayer’s apprentice, not their daughter. Not for the time being. Being Akuramkaj, and being superstitious, the parents shooed her away and closed the door on her. They refused to open in once more, no matter how hard she pounded on it or how loud she cried. They hopped if they continued to ignore her, their influance wouldn't effect her teachings. They also hopped that if they did ignore her she would return to her place of learning and maybe the Soothsayer would forgive her for running out and continue to teach her. However, Xara' was stubborn. Her scene started to draw a crowd but no other villagers came any closer to her. Xara’s parents prayed that she would just go back to her new home and continue her studies, but she didn’t.

     Xara’phina left her villages in tears. It was the only place she had even known, but what was the point in staying now? She would always be an outcast, even after the 13 years of isolation. She would always be the future Soothsayer, then THE Soothsayer. She would never be Xara’phina, the rebellious eldest daughter of Zaos and Sar’ai, ever again. 

     She didn’t travel alone for too long. Within 2 days of traveling down the river on her own, Xara’ ran into a group of traveling entertainers. They introduced themselves as The Glorious Group of the Singing Lilies. They performed a piece for the lonely girl. She was in awe and asked them if she could join along. They weren’t too sure about it at first, but Xara’phina convinced them. “Think of how much money you could make by having a child chosen by Elua in your group?” It was a no brainer after that.
     Xara’phina spent the following years traveling with the Singing Lilies. Here, she picked up some of her more questionable habits. The group taught her how to steal, con, and how to get out of trouble with sweet words and fluttering lashes.
    The little that Xara’ learned from her studies under Madam Hedica she used in her travels. Xara’ would make potions and medicines for the sick, read cards, tea leaves, and palms for money. She would dance and sing most nights with the rest of the group and enjoyed the many, many, parties of Klijlete.
     Xara’ began to crave the good life. She had seen how the richer people in Klijlete lived, and decided she wanted to join them someday, but she wanted to earn her own riches rather than marry into it. That was too easy, and not as fun.
    One night, Xara’ had a dream of a metal beast that parted the clouds. It came from another land...from many lands. It stopped in a nearby meadow she recognized from her travels. Xara’ awoke in confusion. This was a first time a dream from the goddess was so clear. There was no odd descriptions of hidden meaning. She sat in bed of awhile in complete confusion. Should she search of the metal beast? Maybe it was some fever dream of effects from too much drinking…? She decided to go for it. Without even pausing to wake up her friends, Xara’ packed lightly. She thought she would just take a quick looksee. She thought she would show up and just find an empty meadow. She was wrong. Xara’phina soon found herself standing in front of the World Train. She blinked and rubbed her eyes in confusion. The door opened and Xara’s heart pounded louder within her rib cage. She didn’t know what took over her body in that moment, but Xara’ felt her legs moving on their own and a huge smile spread on her face and she stepped into the warm glow of the train.


    *Healing Touch: Xara’phina can heal bruises and small cuts by placing a hand over the area. She can do this as many times as she wants, but the more she does it, the more weak she becomes that day. It takes a full night’s rest to get back to normal. Anything more than a bruise or cut she is useless against.

    *It's in the Stars: Xara’phina can read Cards, tea leaves, and the palm of someone’s hand to predict their future. The future is ever changing and as are her predictions. They aren’t always the clearest of visions either…She might charge you too.
This can be done as made times in the day as she pleases, however, more that three times a day will leave her with a splitting headache and as a result, in a sour mood. The headache will pass after a nap, some time, or some headache medication.

    * Potion Maker: The only completion to her training, was her medication and potion training. Xara’ can whip up anything to fix that nasty infections to that annoying bloated feeling. Limitless, so long as she had all the ingredients she needs.

    *Entertainer: Xara’ can sing and dance, however, you might catch her playing the pan flutes softly to herself most nights. It may not be as alluring as a Siren’s song, but its pretty nice to listen to.


Weak stomach


Cold weather


Attractive people

Friendly animals


    None. She's a lover, not a fighter- Well, actually, She's a con artist and a coward, not a fighter…A pretty good lover too sometimes


    * Vial necklace shaped like leaves that contains water from her home village.

    * So much jewelry

    * Pan flutes


Money/ Gold

Expensive Jewelry

Expensive Alcohol

Expensive Clothing

Tricking/ Conning people

Haggling prices










Cheap possessions

Spoiled Rich people

Judgmental people



Bitter liquor

Being called short

Being called ugly

Being ignored

Misc. Facts:

    * Have money? Xara will “fall in love” with you instantly.

    * Xara’ doesn't want to get into trouble or kicked off of the train, so she's cooled down her little klepto ways while on the train….outside of the train and to those who are not passengers though it another story…

    *Embarrassed about her feet after seeing other’s on the train

RP Sample:
Xara’ purred lightly and she stretched her arms above her head. The crossed and rested behind her head nicely. Her tail swayed along with the hammock. This was the life. All she needed now was a sweet drink in her hand and a pretty lady feeding her grapes while another fanned her. She yawned and closed her eyes. Sleep was calling her, and it was hard to ignore it. The sun hung high in the sky. It was a fair temperature. Not too hot, even if it was nearing summer here.

    Her eyes were closed for just a second, and already a vision flashed in her head. It was an image of a golden glittering path leading to vast meadow with comically large white and yellow flowers and a purple sky.

    Xara’ groaned and turned over in the hammock. She tried to bat the vision away but this time a new one came up. It was a tall cobblestone tower with a pointed roof and roses grew along the walls. Again, the Auramkaj batted the vision away, but it persisted. This time she saw a sun..a bright, bright, bright sun. It was so vivid that Xara’ squinted her already closes eyes. She groaned again and opened her eyes, glaring up at the sky.

    “Alright!” She kicked her legs off of the hammock and sat up. “I get it! Some new path, some room to grow, some bright opportunities! I get it! You’re starting to be a bit too on the nose now, it's not as fun anymore!” She yelled out to the sky, but only a tiny cloud danced in the distance. She sighed and stood up. She wasn’t going to be able to nap now, not with the Goddess pestering her with visions of some life changing opportunity she had yet to find.

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Comments: 10

ScruffyPalmTrees [2017-09-11 01:21:58 +0000 UTC]

omg how did i miss this what a cute design

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to ScruffyPalmTrees [2017-09-14 04:08:00 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh! Thank you!
I hope she gets to meet your babies someday!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nyannchi [2017-05-31 22:43:59 +0000 UTC]

Mercy my child please

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Nyannchi [2017-05-31 23:10:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BunnyMeroko [2017-05-28 20:39:18 +0000 UTC]


I love her so much she is gorgeous

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to BunnyMeroko [2017-05-30 01:17:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank yooou~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wispna [2017-05-24 04:55:32 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Wispna [2017-05-24 22:09:03 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Amynhotep [2017-05-24 00:10:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god I love her so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToyBoxMelody In reply to Amynhotep [2017-05-24 01:27:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0