RandomFandom94 β€” Broken- Chapter 8 (Markiplier X Reader)
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"Ha! Pay up sucka!" I shouted to Daniel, who was losing to me in a game of poker.

He shoved his remaining cheese puffs to me and pouted, "Mark, she's cheating! I swear!"

Mark leaned back in his chair, "I have been watching you and her play for the last five rounds. You have an easy tell." He laughed.

I nod and check the time, '11:27PM' my phone reads. Mark is looking at it from over my shoulder.

"Holy shit! Y/N, we got to get to bed. Our plane for Indy Pop Con leaves at six. And on the way we have to pick up Nate and Morgan." Mark stands up from his seat.

I send a look to Daniel and push the cheesy snack towards him, "You caught a break this time, Kyre. Next time you won't be so lucky." I turn to Mark, "I'm lazy. Take me upstairs."

He rolls his eyes as I laugh. He bends down and picks me up bridal style. I squeal and laugh as he takes me up the stairs. He throws me onto the bed and I laugh even louder.

"I wasn't actually expecting you to carry me up the stairs!" I giggle, "I was just trying to be annoying!"

"Well it worked." He says while pretending to be angry, "Now do you want me to tuck you in too?" His smile broke through his act.

I roll my eyes, "No, I'm good. Now get in bed. We have things to do tomorrow."

He laughs and gets into bed, being too lazy to put pajamas on. I was already in mine.


The alarm on Mark's phone blares in my ears. I bolt upright, trying to find the damn thing! Where the hell is it?! I listen around for it and eventually find the source. Hitting the 'dismiss' button, I crawl out of bed and go take a quick shower.

After my shower, I walk out of our bathroom to find Mark zipping up the suitcase he packed for the both of us. After that we went down the stairs carefully, as to not wake Matt, Ryan and Daniel.

We leave the house and head on our way to go and get Nate and Morgan. After we have gotten them, we head to the Airport.


Surprise, surprise! LAX is still a fucking nightmare. People noticing us everywhere, being at the gate with only seconds to spare. Can LAX be easy for once?!

However, we make it to the gate and get on our plane. Morgan and I sit together while Mark and Nate are stuck behind us. A random stranger in the empty third seat for both of us.


The plane ride isn't short. It is a few hours long. After editing some video from the last convention, I close my computer and pull out my phone so I can listen to music while I fall asleep.

I wake up to Morgan shaking me, telling me that we are going to land in about fifteen minutes. I rub my eyes and sit up, turning my phone off in the process.

We eventually land and all of us file out of the plane. We get through baggage fairly easy. We are waiting for our rental car now.

"I'll drive." I announce to the group as the car pulls up.

"Shotgun!" Nate shouts out, climbing into the passenger seat.

"Oh boy." I roll my eyes, "I have to deal with you the whole way to the hotel."

"Watch it or I might just be extra annoying."

I put my hands up in surrender, "Alright then." I turn the key in the ignition and begin the way to the hotel.

On the way there, we stop for some Panda Express to eat. We talked about random things like what to do to kill time tomorrow, where to meet up after our separate panels on Saturday, and whatever else interested us. We sang to every song we knew on the radio after we had run out of things to talk about. I got a few ideas for covers while doing that.

We eventually make it to the hotel and to our room. It is another basic room. Two queen beds on either side, a small couch up against the wall beside the TV, tiny kitchenette at the entrance with a small bathroom next to it.

The boys set the suitcases on the couch while Morgan starts pulling the blankets off the bed closest to the window. I just sit on the other one.

I pull out my phone to see at least ten texts from Gracie.

G: Hey!
G: Guess what?!
G: .....
G: I found a babysitter for Eve.
G: I'll be able to go to IPC and PAX.
G: I'll see you there.
G: On a completely unrelated note, what would you like for your birthday?
G: It's a few weeks away ya know.
G: I know you don't llke to celebrate it.
G: *like
G: NVM! I got an idea. See you at IPC! XOXO

I smiled at the thought of Gracie being here. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her since right before she had the baby in April. Wow!

F/I: That's gr8 Gracie. I look forward 2 cing u. We just got 2 the hotel. Nate and Morgan say hi. Ik I don't like my bday. As u kno dickface ruined them. I am excited 2 c what u have planned. C u @ our panel on Sat! πŸ˜„

I hit send and then turn my phone off. Mark starts tearing the blankets off of this bed and then climbs under them. I do the same. Nate hits the lights on his side and Mark hits the lights on our side. We fell asleep easily from being jet lagged from the flight.

I notice how easily I am able to fall asleep as well. Maybe it was separation anxiety. Maybe I do love Mark. Maybe Nate was right.


I was the first one up before anyone. Before even the alarm. That's weird, usually I am the last one up. I carefully try to get out of bed, as to not wake anyone. I don't get too far, however, I am trapped under Mark's arm. I smile to myself as I move his arm so that I can get up.

Since I'm up so early and we don't have to be anywhere until one, I decide that I have the time to look presentable. Once I am out of the bed, I go over to mine and Mark's suitcase and pull out my mint green shirt with my sky blue logo on it and a pair of pants.

I hop into a quick shower, clean myself off, hop out. I dry my hair as best I can with a towel as I brush it out and put it into a braid so it can dry. After I put my clothes on, I did my make-up, making sure everything looked perfect.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat down at the little mini table in the kitchenette, wasting time on my phone.


A few hours later everyone else woke up and got ready. I suggested I Hop to eat at since the convention center was right next to it. We all ate a late breakfast there and then walked over to the center. We set up our places and waited for fans to come up and greet us.


It was a fun day. We all met tons of fans in the area. Some of them gave us gifts. Most of them got pictures with us and our autographs. Over all it was a fun day.

Since we have time to kill, we are walking around the floor and just getting cool merch.

After that, we decided to go back to the hotel and play some Cards Against Humanity. We all laughed and had fun for the day.


I walk up the steps of the stage where mine and Gracie's panel would be. As soon as her and Josh saw me, they came over and bombarded me with questions about home and how things were going. Gracie even went so far as to ask how things are going with Mark.

I dodge that question expertly and we continue to catch up.

When the panel starts we start out by just catching them up with how our lives are for now. And after that it was time for a Q'nA.

The Q'nA was going great so far. Most questions were pretty easy to answer. Some had stories to tell.

"Ok, so this question is mostly directed at both Grace and Y/N, how did the two of you meet?" A fan asks.


I messed around with the neat side braid in my hair. Of course Fred put it in. He was good at stuff like this. I wondered why. I looked down to my red t-shirt and black leggings with red flats.

This isn't too extravagant for a first day of Third Grade, is it? Oh well...

I let it go and head to Mrs. Mackie's classroom. I sat down next to a blonde haired Asian girl who was wearing a similar outfit. She had a purple t-shirt on with black leggings and purple flats.

It made me smile.

The girl turned to me, "Hi. My name is Grace Adams. What's your name?" She asked quietly.

I smiled wider, "My name is Y/N Fletcher. I love your outfit."


The fan smiled at me and her and walked off having her question answered.

The next fan comes up, "Okay, so similar question, but, Y/N, how did you and Mark meet?"


"Jen, let me in you bitch!" I shouted as I pounded at the door.

"No! I want to get some fucking sleep tonight! You can sleep in the dirt where you belong you slut!" Jeni shouted back through the door.

I whimpered and slid down the door, "I am not a slut." I started to silently cry as unwanted memories came into my head.

I repeated those words to myself for maybe an hour before I heard footsteps coming my way. The person gently tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked gently.

I looked up to see the person who had asked me the question. I sniffled, "Yeah."

He looked at me closely, "No you're not. I can see the tear stains on your cheeks. What's wrong?"

I sniffled some more and just broke down crying, "My roommate liked me out because of my recurring nightmares and then said some really triggering things that brought up some unwanted memories from the past." By now I was crying into his chest.

He gently rubbed my back, waiting for me to calm down. "Hey, if you need a place to crash for the night I'm sure my dorm mate wouldn't mind."

"Thanks." I wiped my eyes on my sleeve and looked up at him. "Name's Y/N."

He stood up and held his hand out to me, "Mark. Now come on."


Another fan walked up, "I feel stupid about my question now."

"Let me guess," Gracie chimed in, "How did Y/N and Nate meet?"

"Yeah..." The girl blushed.

I laughed and told the story.


I was in mine and Ronnie's room, watching my brand new top of the line cell phone blow up with text messages from Fred.

Ronnie was at his new job. Gracie was hanging out with her friend Josh. So, I was alone in the small apartment.

I sigh and grab my designer coat to put on over my black and white tank top. It was winter of 2011 after all and even in LA it gets a bit cold. I pull on a pair of boots and put my ear buds in.

As I left the apartment, I locked the door behind me and went for a walk.

I walked for a while. I don't even remember where I was headed. A call came in on my phone. It wasn't Gracie or Ronnie or even Josh, Gracie's friend. It was Fred.

I let it go to voicemail and continued to walk down another random series of sidewalks.

It was one of those dark grey days. The ones where it was cold enough to seem like it was going to snow at some point. Even the sky looked it.

Not many people were walking the streets of LA. It was quite cold out as it was late in December.

I turned another corner. By this point, I wasn't even listening to music anymore. It was just my ringtone because Fred was calling over and over and over.

I saw one of those trash cans outside of a diner and I stopped at it. Just stood over it contemplating my decision. It was the best way to get rid of Fred. I needed him out of my life. Entirely.

I unplugged my ear buds from my phone while still leaving my phone in the pocket of my designer coat. After that I shrugged off my coat and shoved them in the trash can.

I shivered at the cold air, only being in my tank top and leggings. I stand over the trash can trying to control my breathing.

"Hey. Are you okay?" A man called out to me.

Being pulled out of my trance, I looked to a man with long hair, for a boy at least. When I looked up to him, I noticed that I had been crying.

He touched my shoulder but flinched back after touching my skin, "Jesus Christ! You must be freezing! Come on, let's warm you up."

He led me into the diner and sat me down and bought two cups of hot cocoa for us to talk over.

"Thanks..." I say after a while of silence.

"Nathan Smith."

" Y/N Fletcher."

"What were you doing out there without a jacket? It's like 20 degrees out there." He asked me, concerned.

I told him a vague story of my childhood with Fred. It didn't say anything out loud, but, he got the gist of it.

"So, you just got rid of the coat and phone in the trash to get rid of him." He summed up my story while doodling on a napkin.

I nodded, "What's the time anyway."

He looks up from his doodle and takes out his phone, "It's about seven-thirty."

"Damn. Wow! I better get home. Thank you, Nathan. For warming me up and just in general." I stood up from my seat in the booth.

"Yeah. I should get going too." He took off his black hoodie and handed it to me, "Here, my apartment is just around the corner. I don't know how far you live though."

"Thank you, once again." I stood up and hugged the man after putting the hoodie on.

We parted ways and I started my hour walk back home. I shoved my hands into the pockets and felt the napkin that he was doodling on earlier. I pulled it out and unfolded it.

"Hey Y/N,
Everyone goes through tough times. I am just getting out of some stuff too. Ex-girlfriend, band break-up and whatnot. I know people don't like it when someone tells them not to live in the past, but hey, the future is so much brighter! Anyway, there's a little secret pocket in the jacket. There's $150 in there, get yourself a new phone. Don't worry about the money. It's just left over from the last gig the band and I did a few months ago. And when you get that new phone, here's my number. You look like you could use a friend.


"... So the next day I went out to get my phone and I haven't got rid of him since." I finish telling the story.

We got the signal to wrap up our panel and we did, saying out goodbyes and walking off the panel. All of us hang out for the remainder of our time at Indy Pop Con and have a blast.


The week back at home seems pretty normal. Five Nights at Freddy's 4 came out, so of course Mark rushed to play that as soon as possible. I of course, edit the footage from the convention to put up as a video at some point next month.

A few days before I leave for PAX, AJ calls me, asking me to shoot a promo for Night 3 of the Five Nights at Freddy's Musical. I go ahead and do the thing. I mean, nothing cannon was in it. It was just a little two minute video of me playing poker with the puppets and talking about stupid things. AJ edited it so that I had to come back. The end frame of the video shows my phone still sitting on the desk, so I have to come back at some point to get it.


PAX goes fine. I am still sorting through my feelings for Mark. Even with him next to me all the time. It is pretty much the same, except no Nate and Morgan. This time we have Mark, Wade, Bob, Jack, Matt, Ryan, Daniel, Josh and Gracie.

Bob was ecstatic to see me again in person. Especially after so long. Jack and I have done a few collaborations together. It was nice to see him in person and not over Skype.

Soon enough it is time to go home again.

Only one more convention and then I'm done.

Words: 2823

Published: Monday, December 4, 2017 at 8:38AM
Hey guys, so I'm thinking I need a good cover. Not one that is crapily put together. If anyone can make a good cover that would be awesome. I will give full credit to the creator. You can send it to me through any of my social media sights. Anyway, luv ya all!!! Also, I know the reader refers to herself as "Fletcher" throughout the entire chapter. That's because anytime that she is saying her full name it is in a flashback, before she got used to refering to herself as her actual name or she was happy to actualy have a family again.~RF94
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Comments: 1

PhoenixFoxx [2017-12-28 00:27:30 +0000 UTC]

I really love where this is going so far

Can't wait till the next oneπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

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