rasprerry — [GMG] Lara

Published: 2019-04-29 16:53:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 578; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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 Citlari "Lara"

Gender: fem (she/her)

Age: 17

Birthday: ??? (Celebrates July 13)

Height: 6'4" // 193cm

Weight: 250lbs // 113kg

Species: Blitzle

Type: Electric

Ability: Lightning Rod

Nature // Characteristic: Rash // Somewhat of a clown


-  Hidden Power [TM]
 Wild Charge
 Thunder Wave [TM]
 Facade [TM]

 Rage [EGG] 
 Return [TM]

-  Bounce [TUTOR]
-  Agility
 Low Kick [TUTOR]

+ Optimistic + Caring + Enthusiastic
= Eager to please = Curious = Daring
- Impulsive - Self-sacrificing - Repressed

Lara is a loud, excitable presence, easy to pick out in a crowd- and not just for her height. Her enthusiasm and optimism make her nearly forcefully bright, in damn near all situations. It's hard to break this spirit, though that's hardly an accident. Out of her desire to make people happy, she's become a self-proclaimed beacon of positive energy, to the point where she bottles up anything negative. Far from healthy, this has lead to her becoming rather repressed, though it can be hard to tell behind her naturally bright attitude. Besides this, Lara's incredibly caring and empathetic for others- she has a tendency to put their needs over her own, bending over backwards to make someone happy. Her eager to please attitude conflicts with her poor impulse control, however. As much as she wants to make everyone happy, she tends to find herself more often in trouble, thanks to her reckless attitude. She often finds herself with rather odd, often risky impulses, and her lack of control on acting on these leads to her causing more trouble than she intends. Part of this is also spurred on by her daring, fearless outlook, and her curious nature. She's eager to know exactly what's going on and why, and she's not afraid to stick her nose where it doesn't belong to find out.

Home Island: Sapphire Island

Home Town: Southern Grove
       >A village rarely trafficked by outsiders, the few who came across it marked it as the Southern Grove for being a small village safely tucked between the trees south of Gloomwood Village's location. Populated with grass, bug, poison and normal types, it's a quiet self sustaining village that uses the coast as much as the jungle for food and resources. There's remnants of much a older civilisation from some stone structures and buildings within and around the villages surroundings, though the village only has stories passed down by word of mouth to account for who they were. That said, they make use of the buildings left behind, in particular the village has a small subset of worshippers for the few Deities said to protect and guide the village - they use the old stone structures as Shrines as some seem to have old carvings and stories this was their intended purpose when built thousands of years ago. 

History: [TW: family death]
In the busy, bustling town of Sapphire Port, lived a young and lively Zebstrika, daughter of a wealthy tradesman. A social woman, and something of a smooth talker, the Zebstrika, Ophelia Blackwater, had a good hand in her father's business, and connections upon connections. She took interest in newcomers to the city, whether for the benefit of the business, or for her own personal interest- so, when a Tauros moved to Sapphire Port, to begin her new, transformed life under the name of Eliza, Ophelia's interest was caught. Eliza had been a closeted woman, from a small farm town in Emerald, seeking a new life in Sapphire- and work, of course. Eliza quickly began work at the Blackwater trading company, and with that came the opportunity for Ophelia and Eliza to grow close. They shared their stories, bonded over their differences in life, and before long, their relationship extended past a professional one. The duo soon grew to be nearly inseparable, falling deeper in love than they'd ever expected. Eliza and Ophelia would eventually marry, and move further inland to live on their own little farm, a taste of life Ophelia had never experienced before. With the blessing of a small fortune gifted by Ophelia's father, they made the farm, and nearby small town their home and began their new lives together. A few years later, the couple would have a daughter, a bright little Blitzle they named Holly.

For the Blitzle's second birthday, the happy trio had decided to travel to Seasong, taking the longer route for a scenic boatride on the Blackwater's family boat. With only a small crew and the Blackwater trio, the boat was hardly anything fancy, but nowadays, Ophelia hardly opted for fancy. On the long boatride, the crew had missed the warnings of an incoming tsunami- when they did see it, there was little they could do, besides head for shore, and this wasn't guaranteed to save them. The little family, terrified and including the small, confused toddler, huddled together as the wave broke, and swallowed the ship whole before reaching the shore.

A shivering, soaked toddler later wandered the devastated shore of Sapphire, surrounded by debris, and parts of a destroyed ship. Anyone she might have been with was nowhere to be found- just the small, scared Blitzle in a tattered gown. She wandered on, until she was found by a Nincada, just as soaked as she was. The Nincada was from a nearby Village, Southern Grove. Seeing the child by herself in such a state clearly required action from the bug- after a search through the beach uncovered nothing but the shipwreck, he took the young Blitzle back to her Southern Grove, which thankfully, had not been nearly as devastated as it could've been. It'd had time to prepare, unlike the Blitzle's family.

The arrival of the Blitzle, riding on the wave that could've destroyed them, was taken as a sign. A sign from what was yet to be seen- the God of Sea? Storms, perhaps? All the same, the young girl was taken into the Village, housed by the Nincada for her first few years. The young girl, her name lost her mothers at sea, was given the name Citlari- Lara, for short. After her recovery from a cold, Lara was quick to adjust to her new life- she was too young to remember much of her previous life, and any memories that did linger didn't last for long. As the young girl grew, she quickly made herself known to be a bundle of bright energy, a little lightning bolt. The elders of the Village had taken an interest in her since her arrival, watching over her, awaiting signs from the gods. These signs had yet to be worked out- until a particularly heavy thunderstorm. Lara had always had an interest in the rain, much preferred sitting out in them, feeling the rain, listening to the thunder. She had a fascination with the lightning that zig-zagged across the sky. She'd been out in this particular storm, as the thunder crashed, lightning striking far too close for comfort. Though she was an electric type, the Nincada called for her to come in all the same- even without the danger of lightning, she'd catch a cold. As he spoke, however, lightning struck once more, arching straight for the young girl. She was struck head on, and yet unscathed- in fact, she looked more energized than ever, sparks flying off her. Only a moment later, came another strike, this one hitting her as well. Was this the sign the elders had been waiting for? Surely- especially when taking her interest in storms into consideration. 

After consideration with the elders, a Faithful of Thundurus was appointed to take her in. The Faithful, a Masquerain named Yvoni, was more than happy to. With little reason to stay behind with the Nincada, she was taken to the Grove of Shrines, told the stories of the deities; particularly of Thundurus. Lara, eager to learn anything and everything, and even more eager to please Yvoni, was entranced, absorbing this knowledge as best as she could. Thundurus was a god that truly interested her, just as the storms he created did. She was eager to learn his ways, learning to appreciate his storms, and the new life that sprouted because of them. Lara was fascinated by it all, and sitting out in storms to appreciate them was not uncommon.

The older Lara grew, the more her energy seemed to increase. She was just as reckless as the storms she honored seemed to be, eager to stick her nose where it didn't belong, try something dangerous. It was cause for many an injury, as she grew, but cause for even more trouble. She often tested the patience of the Faithful- though she hardly had malicious intent. Poor control over her own curiosity and impulses, yes- but with each fumble came guilt and genuine apologies. She did her best to please otherwise- she was so eager to help, say anything to brighten a mood, or bandage a scrape. 

But as much as she appreciated Thundurus, wanted to please the Faithful and do as she was told, the older she grew, the more.. Disenchanted with this lifestyle she grew. It was too quiet, too.. uneventful. She knew her elders wouldn't be pleased if they knew she thought so, so she did her best to quell this feeling in her. This was what she was meant to do, it was what the Faithful, the Grove wanted her to do.. All the same, the jungle surrounding her was a temptation she could hardly say no to. Though she wasn't supposed to leave without a guide, or hunter, she wandered the jungle often, for nearly any excuse. The more she explored this new land, the less interested she became with life as a Faithful. Egged on by this was her interest in her history. The fact that she'd been washed up had never been hidden, and she'd visited the site of the shipwreck many times- each time stirred more and more questions in her. Where was she from? What family out there was she missing from? Did they know she was alive? She often found herself tempted to run from the small village, paddle out to search the world for where she belonged.

When the disaster struck, she was standing at this shoreline. As the storm began raging overhead, waves reaching higher and higher, it almost felt like a sign, meant for her. Of all the places she could be, all the times she'd visited this site and pondered her origins, it didn't seem like a coincidence. Part of her was tempted to swim out on the spot, find whatever Thundurus was telling her to search for- but she quickly thought better of this, as the storms intensified and nearly threatened to wash her out to sea. Against her own impulses, Lara fled back to the Village, and followed the Village back to the Shrines. Here, they waited out the storms, fought back the ferals that seemed to have gone mad. But Lara's eyes hardly left the sky, as everything around her devolved to chaos.

The moment the storms ceased, the ground stopped shaking, Lara fled. Taking with her only a few supplies, she traveled east, following Thundurus's signs to whatever was awaiting her. She emerged from the jungles, and soon reached Sapphire Port. Here, she found a city bigger than any she'd seen before, more mon and machines and treats and voices-- to say she was enchanted by this new discovery was an understatement, even when half of it had been destroyed. Everything fascinated her, each discovery lighting more excitement than anything in the shrines. She took shelter in the Port for a while, along with a good portion of the residents here. She felt like a changed person here, someone new, someone ready to take this newly discovered world in stride- this feeling was worthy of a change in herself. On a whim, the Blitzle took a dagger to her hair, and slice -- off it went. Where it previously fell nearly to her back, her hair now sat hardly below her chin. This new change was just as exciting as the rest of them.

Lara remained in Sapphire Port a while longer, but hardly knew what she was looking for- and in time, she gave up on this city, eager to explore more of it. Instead, she sailed off to Emerald Island, a new world to explore, even more foreign and exciting than the last. Emerald Port held her fascination for just as long- and then she was off again, travelling the island, greeting each town she encountered with as much excitement as the last. Everstone City was one she'd heard, from other travelers- particularly, she heard of its Guild, who'd made quite a reputation for itself. The Guild caught her interest, and she pried every detail she could from each traveler she came across. As interesting as it was, however, she wasn't sure she was ready to give up her life of travel for it. She still had more to discover, still had a past life to find. All the same, she was just as eager to arrive at Everstone City. Though she hadn't seen many, each city and town held its own, unique style that she appreciated at the fullest. Everstone was no exception.

It was in this city that a storm began- a storm that caught her attention. It poured for days, and then it intensified- and with it, came a Pink Moon. This could hardly be a coincidence, Lara was certain of that much. Thundurus was giving her a sign, and she took this to mean she should stay here, join the Guild. Of all the other pink moon's she'd experienced, none had been like this- and none had been nearby a Guild. Taking this sign to heart, Lara was quick to sign up for Everstone's Guild.


-That's so babey

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