Ravensaurs-Rex — KAS Iobos

Published: 2012-12-21 09:14:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1318; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 95
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Description Name: Iobos(Eye-O-boss)
Aliases: Flesh Eating Cow, Poisoned Hag, The Red Bull of Hades, Doombull
Factions: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Kaiju Rank: 3

Height: 25 meters(Excluding horns) 27 meters(With horns)
Length: 33 meters
Weight: 19,000 tons


Terror Breath- Her most devastating attack is one that Iobos is hesitant to use, though certainly not out of compassion for her victims or even that it has negative affects on herself. The sulfuric gas that she can breath out is a constant reminder of the sort of abomination she is, so ugly and monstrous that the plants and animals around her begin to die simply because she exists. However, in the rage of an all out battle the stuff pours from her nostrils and mouth, making it rather hard to combat the kaiju one on one. In a pinch she can take a deep breath and blow out a large cloud from either her mouth, nose or both, coating her enemies in the thick, burning fog that rips at exposed skin and any orifice. Besides her axe, this caustic breath is the second biggest downfall of any who try to best the giant cow, though if she really used it to it's advantage she would be even more dangerous then she currently is.

Bone Axe(The Minos)- The main weapon of this kaiju, Iobos' axe has seen enough battle over the years to be considered an ancient weapon of mass destruction. It's nearly as long and large as the kaiju herself, but she wields it with extreme ease and shocking ability. Though she has no formal training, Iobos' instinct, raw power and familiarity with her weapon makes it a force to be reckoned with in her hands. The massive blade hacks through thick armor, muscle and bone all in one fell swoop. If it is unable to slice clean through Iobos will simply continue hacking. While the blade itself is not dull, it needs the power of it's wielder to be the great threat it is known to be. It is made out of the bones of a yet unknown kaiju, though the edge of the axe has never dulled or dented in recent memory, even with the cow's heavy-handed treatment the weapon remains strong. It is doubtful it will break any time soon, even if it did Iobos lavishes such attention on the weapon that she would fix it in a matter of hours. The Minos gets it's name from King Minos of Greek myth, while Iobos' knowledge of said mythos is painful fractured, she sees the name as a symbol of human oppression and evil. As such she took the name and gave it to her axe, a constant reminder that if she is going to stay free she needs to find the worst tyrant around and use him or her to beat up everyone else, then no one will dare try to throw a chain around her neck again.

Tainted Blood- Through either mutation or some strange diet, Iobos' blood, spit and tears are all poisonous. To the point that it will burn the soft skin of humans and cause anywhere from choking to extreme nausea. If a foe makes the mistake of thinking her flesh is as edible as smaller bovines, they will be in a world of pain and discomfort. Iobos is well aware of the properties of her blood and is not above biting her tongue so she can spit the agonizing substance into another kaiju's eyes to give her a good clean opening for her axe.

Stubborn Body- While she might be a chimera, both of Iobos' parents contributed some extremely strong genes into the mix. While she is a bit on the small side, Iobos can hit extremely hard and lift just over three times her own weight and in a fix of rage hurl it at a target. Her body is a near tireless engine, she is built to run, fight or whatever for hours with only a little rest which helps her match foes far larger and stronger then she. Along with this highly tuned body is a powerful regeneration, Iobos can heal cuts and scrapes in sections while also bouncing back from near fatal wounds if she is given the time. This is the sole reason the female kaiju has not been killed by her own bullheaded nature, otherwise her temperament would have seen to her death ages ago.

Hammer Fists- Iobos' hands and forearms are coated in a dense scale shell, similar to the hooves of a normal bovine. However with her they have turned into three fingered brassknuckles that let the cow stand her own ever if her weapon is stripped from her. Just a single punch from these hard limbs can take the wind right out of a foe monster and give her plenty of time to gather up her axe and return the favor of disarming them in turn. These gauntlets also act as decent shields, though they don't offer perfect protection, they can be used to quickly deflect a nasty attack that might otherwise gut Iobos.

Charged Up- Inherited from her father, Iobos is completely resistant to electrical attacks, to the point that she can absorb and store the energy within her, though the cow has a limited amount of ways to use this power. The Minos is made out of a very strange bone, most likely in life the kaiju they were crafted from had electrical powers, in any case she can focus this energy through the axe and give it's formidable bite a new savagery. This power however is very limited, Iobos must first be exposed to electricity and without a kaiju that spits lightning, she must either wait for a storm or try to tap into power-lines. When she is charged with electricity, her horns are the only natural part on Iobos' body where she can direct the energy, causing a disorienting stunning effect to another caught between said horns, similar to a stun-gun.

Bull Horns- In spite of being female, this bovine has a nasty set of outward curving horns that can gore almost as easily as her axe. This means in a fight she can lash out with her main weapon, a pile-driver fist, her long lashing tail or her horns, making her rather hard to predict in a battle. Iobos' horns aren't as deadly as they look, but a few good swipes deals enough damage that a foe kaiju should be wary of them.


Bullheaded- True to her species, Iobos will refuse to back down even if bleeding from her eyes and seconds away from passing out. It is very rare that the female decides to turn tail and run, often the thought never enters her thick skull, but every once in a while a rather nasty beating will remind her that it's always an option.

Small Size- Rather short and underweight for her rank, Iobos isn't easy to push around but those with enough weight and leverage can send her flying without too much effort on their part, if timed right she might not get a chance to bring her beloved weapon into the fight.

Lacking Range and Armor- As one might guess, Iobos is very centered on getting as close to her foe as possible and berserker. She lacks any sort of real ranged attacks and on top of this most of her body is unarmored, nothing but some thick fur. If she can't close the distance it is very possible she will be at the mercy of a clever ranged or flying kaiju.

Personality: Bloodthirsty, a monster who will go out of her way to slaughter entire cities and devour them down to the last child. She has a real taste for human flesh, said to be rivaled only for mankind's desire for her bovine kin's flesh. Iobos seems to blame humanity for everything, from her life to something she might trip over while not watching her hooves. She is so full of rage and hate that unless she is asleep the titan bovine is normally inflicting herself on some small village and justifying it through some wrong, imagine or otherwise, done towards her. This is not to say Iobos is only rage, at a young age she was beaten and traumatized, to the point that her own poisonous body worked against her. Iobos quickly learned that her tears were borderline acidic and burned painfully on her softer skin, she was forced to keep her emotions in check at all times or suffer. Her frustration and pent up angst show themselves in her anger which seems to be without limit. There are only two beings she hates more than humanity, the first is her sister Ariehian.

Iobos only knows of the connection because their scents and a few bodily features are similar. Perhaps she might have reached out to her sister if not a raging mess, instead she sees Ariehian as everything she isn't, a beautiful creature who has everything handed to her on a silver platter. For this alone Iobos hunts her sister down when unable to find any other real goal for herself, though not as strong as she Ariehian is a match for her bovine sister and this drives Iobos nearly insane with hate. Only one other being surpasses humanity and the white horse, that is Iobos' father. For everything she blames her sister and humans, she blames ten times more on her father, for forcing her to come into being, leaving her at the mercy of a cruel world and for the monster she has been forced to become just to survive. Compounding this is the fact she has no idea who or what her father is or even if he is still alive after all this time.

Believing herself to be the minotaur of Greek myth or at least a sibling of him, she has traced her blood back through fractured myths to think Zeus is her father. Now regardless of impossible her goal sounds, Iobos wishes nothing more then to figure out if her father is still alive or at least how he died, if he still breaths she will learn how he died in very short order. Though it might not show, she does in fact regret her actions, she just represses the guilt and it of course only serves to fuel Iobos' anger and drive to kill. She might not mourn the lives she has taken, but when it's all said and done she feels hallow and empty, letting her tired body drift off to slumber to repeat her actions the next day.

Epoch: Epoch 1 on through.

Important Dates:

323 BC- Glog-Pa stumbles across the Greeks and is mistaken as the god Zeus.

300 BC- Just 20 years after his rule, 'Zeus' is run out of the city and the majority of his children destroyed. Iobos was born near the very end of Glog-Pa's rein and was picked up as a slave/farm animal to try and replace those that Glog-Pa used up in his bid for power.

288 BC- From the tender age of four, Iobos works on a small farm, thinking herself as just an ox with hands. She lives a frightened and abused life until pushed too far.

222 BC- Having her first taste of human flesh, Iobos discovers that in eating meat her body starts to grow faster. She strips the land bare of beast and man alike until reaching her full size.

150 BC- Coming full on into her anger, Iobos starts killing and threatening every human she can find to learn where she came from, only getting stories of King Minos, the Minotaur and Ios.

130 BC- Avoiding the major armies, Iobos continues her plundering until finding a dead body of a kaiju, from this she crafts her axe, which takes her nearly ten years.

300 AD- Iobos catches a scent similar to her own while passing near a human city and in leveling it she learns of the existence of Ariehian, her sister.

Modern Day- Iobos begins her search for both her sister and her father, hoping to kill them both and burn down every human settlement in her wake.

Though she never knew of her origins, Iobos was one of the many children made by the ape kaiju known as Glog-Pa when impersonating the Greek god Zeus. Her mother was most likely one of many cows or oxen who were ordered to be impregnated to further the ape's dreams of taking over Greece and ruling it as a living god. She was born very late into Glog-Pa's over all plan and had just barely been nursed when he was forced to retreat while the majority of her siblings were put to either the sword or to the torch. Far too young to remember the slaughter, she however was a wittiness and only escaped because of her young age and the fact that many of the work animals had died giving birth. With the horrors fresh in her mind Iobos was in no condition to resist being given to one of the farmers who Glog-Pa deprived of a good farm animal. At this point in time Iobos was about the size of a young human youth, of about eight years old, though she was already as strong as an adult man.

Of course there was still some anger towards her father, unable to find a real outlet for this the farmers would pick up a whip or some other tool and beath Iobos until she could barely stand. Thanks to her powerful regeneration she was almost like new the next day, so they didn't see any real downside to letting them burn off a little frustration and keep their workhorse in good shape. Her mental state however was shattered, being a slave was too harsh for young Iobos, combined with her acidic tears she had to force herself not to cry or be wracked with pain all night long. Fed only castoffs and garbage, Iobos managed to survive by completely shutting down her emotions and becoming little more then a robot as she worked the fields, tended the crops and pulled the harvest to town.

She continued on like this for nearly twenty years, by this time she was two feet taller than the most fearsome warrior of the time, but in spite of this she was still her meek and emotionless self. Then one day when she was forced to choke down a week old potato from her trough, Iobos caught the fresh scent of blood. Following the smell she peaked in the window to find that the farmer's wife had cut herself while chopping up something for her son's dinner. Suddenly in a flash Iobos' wall of control shattered, years and years of repressed emotion hammered into her mind. Before she even knew what happened, Iobos stood in the center of a blood stained house, half teh roof was torn clean off and only scraps of the woman remained. Licking her lips Iobos noticed a distinct tang of blood, on top of that she seemed to have gained a full foot of height after devouring the wife and every scrap of food in the kitchen.

At first she was scared, taking flight to the forest Iobos tried to keep away from humans as best she could. However, after her first taste she craved more, more meat, more flesh. She began stalking wild animals and learning on a world of flavor she missed out on. This of course did not go on unnoticed by the near by town, soon whispers began to travel of a monster hiding on the forest, so vile was it that the very flowers wilted when it passed. Iobos only learned of these tales when she listened in to some travelers telling monster stories. Again she felt the anger, the rage over the fact that she was painted the monster. In another blind frenzy she killed and devoured the travelers, but this time she didn't calm down. No longer able to keep her emotions in check, she blocked off everything but hate and anger, growing with every mouthful she took Iobos soon lived up to the frightful stories passed around a bright fire.

In a few years she reached her full massive height and her growth slowed down, feeling confident in her new found strength Iobos attacked and killed every human she could get away with. But one thing began to stick in her mind, if the Greeks had stories about her in the forest, maybe they knew how she had come to be born, find her own kind. Iobos caught and threatened as many humans as they could, but they only gave her jittery stories of the great Minotaur of King Minos. Taking the name of the woman who birthed the Minotaur in myth, Iobos conbined it with the word for bull and took it as her name. The more she learned she began to think that the Minotaur was either her father or a sibling. When she questioned more humans she learned that the Minotaur was the son of Zeus, ruler of the gods. Or at least in some versions that was. Confused and angry, Iobos vowed to find her father and get some sort of answer from him.

For many more years she searched, but never once did she ever find out where Zeus lived or might have gone. Her anger began to shine through again and with her frustration she tossed aside the idea that her father would ever had any good answers, for the life she had and what the humans inflicted on her, Iobos was certain her father deserved nothing but death. She continued her wandering until running across a massive dead monster, when she touched the bones she felt her fur tingle and took this as fate. Iobos had observed the humans for a good long time and had an idea of how to best use these bones. She began to craft herself a weapon, it took her ten years but when she was done the tingling bone axe known as 'The Minos' was born. Named after the human famed for enslaving the Minotaur, Iobos used it as a reminder, a reminder of humans, her father, everything.

During this time she went back to wandering, fighting anything and everything she came across, until taking up a cave to slumber. When she woke the massive bovine found that the cave had closed up. After digging out of the tomb Iobos started up her travels once more. Soon she realized that the world had changed around her. For the most part she avoided humanity in general, a bit put off by their sudden growth and change. At least until she caught a very odd scent when passing buy a very nice looking city. Rampaging right in Iobos tried to find the source, it had such a familiar scent, like her own but with a feeling she could only describe as 'home'.

To her shock she found a slender white mare looking monster gliding out of the near by forest like a ghost. At first Iobos was glad to have found something like her, but when she realized the smell she was seeking came from the horse, it sparked rage. This beast seemed to be living along side humans. Feeling betrayed, Iobos launched herself with axe held high, determined to kill what could only be her sister, but the mare was no pushover. Countering and dancing away with a trained poise the horse proved to be an equal for Iobos, this fact only caused the bull to become volcanic. In fighting the pair leveled half the city. In the end Iobos was left with only one leg, unable to run after her sister who in turn lost an eye and has several deep gashes across her ribcage.

This started a cat and mouse sort of game for the years to come, whenever Iobos couldn't find a scent on her father's trail she would instead hunt down her sister and whatever city she was camped out near. Only another deep slumber forced her to crawl back into the Earth and cease her savage assaults.

On waking Iobos once more found that everything had drastically changed, this new world had new rules and new threats. This of course caused the cow kaiju to become angry, bringing her rage to any city she could find without a guardian or tyrant. When she couldn't make any progress she got the idea to once more hunt down her sister, but this time Iobos had a few questions for the mare to answer, if her frail sibling could last that long...


Alrighty so here is Iobos, the first independent spawn of Glog-Pa, there is only one more and that's her sister Ariehian, other then those to every other son or daughter of the big ape are just his fodder army. Of course this could change at any time, Primus knows the goat would wink at anything with a slight curve so more kids could always pop out of the woodworks. After I get GP and the rest of his spawn settled I'll even consider making it open for anyone to come and make some independent spawn.

Anywho so here is Iobos, she only has one tribute and that's to the 'Red Bull' from the 'Last Unicorn' movie, as her sister is a homage to the protagonist. Now, Aks once more did the picture, he did a completely wicked job to, though he did trail away from Iobos' main design. She became more human, originally she had a more hunched and squat build, kinda similar to Beast from 'Beauty and the Beast' and had a long reptile like tail covered in fur, kinda like an Asian dragon's tail, in fact I still kept the references of her tail being weapon because...that's how it is. Her hoove-hand-gauntlet things also didn't make an appearance. Lastly I added long after the fact a chain attached to the bottom of the axe, kinda like a keyblade from 'Kingdom Hearts' but no doobob-thing at the end. Basically just a symbol of human enslavement and of course who doesn't like slapping people with chains?

As to her mental state I tried to make her a sympathetic character without going overboard. I'm not 100% sure I got that down right, unlike Glog-Pa who comes off as fairly balanced in his and the Horror Bird's bio. She started out as a simple child, then shut down her emotions so she could deal with reality, to protect herself. But no wall lasts forever and it finally broke down, explosively. This leads to the slow decline into the ravenous monster hunting her family and humans alike.

Also going back to third-person-godmode is kinda weird. It just doesn't have the impact I want it to and if I gave it that effort this would be about ten times this length and most likely give out too many spoiler hints. While I'm fine with how it turned out, I'm unhappy with how I wrote it.

Anywho, I guess if nothing else I'll give you guys a show before the planet splits in half.

Raven out.
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Comments: 9

Crystaldemon93 [2012-12-24 13:22:08 +0000 UTC]

LOL, there was a time the Minotaur had a girlfriend...XD

Somehow, she reminds me of a humanoid Catoblepas, but that could just be me. However, she remains an interesting character, and I can't wait to see more of her.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ravensaurs-Rex In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2012-12-24 16:28:22 +0000 UTC]

Heh yeah...not going to happen.

She'll get plenty of coverage in the weeks to come, but that'll take some time to set up. Also got her sister to bring into the mix.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Scatha-the-Worm [2012-12-22 01:48:56 +0000 UTC]

Very interesting character. I DO feel sorry for her, so you accomplished that. I also don't feel TOO sorry, because, well...she's sorta..bitchy, lol.

Like the bio very much, and the art, though it may not match in parts, is very good. Nice addition to KAS.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ravensaurs-Rex In reply to Scatha-the-Worm [2012-12-22 02:20:39 +0000 UTC]

Good to hear. And don't worry, she's a poor abused bitch so both emotions should be flowing fine.

Indeed, it is very good art. My pack mue-erAks does great work.

Thank you Scatha and stay tuned for her dear sister who shouldn't be too far behind.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AkityMH [2012-12-22 00:40:46 +0000 UTC]

Well she turned out better then expected, even if I didn't get everything right.. but curse my muse!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ravensaurs-Rex In reply to AkityMH [2012-12-22 00:51:47 +0000 UTC]

It's fine Aks, if we all had the same artistic vision it would be a boring world.

Still an epic picture though.

So how did you like her bio in it's entirety?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkityMH In reply to Ravensaurs-Rex [2012-12-22 01:04:47 +0000 UTC]

I liked it very much fine.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ProfessorCene [2012-12-21 15:37:45 +0000 UTC]

I was wondering about the the parts of the design that didn't seem to fit...

Anyway, I think you got across plenty of depth for her character. A more limited 3rd-person or even 1st-person could probably have portrayed it even better, but with time I'm sure the complete depth of her character will be made known. Overall, she makes a great addition to KAS.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ravensaurs-Rex In reply to ProfessorCene [2012-12-21 19:14:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, the third-person doesn't quite hit as hard as I would like, feels as if I'm just noting down events in a history book. But thankfully Iobos will have plenty of chances to come off are a better formed character.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0