I had completely forgotten that I had made these, and woke up today morning thinking if I had just dreamed the whole thing.
Checked my files and galleries and realized that I had not even ever posted these out! But here they are now.
✦ #1 Sky Conqueror | Golden-Laurel
✦ #2 Meet Me At The Bridge | syntirulla
✦ #3 Come Closer | syntirulla
✦ ✦ ✦ TOS ✦ ✦ ✦
>>> YES >>>
- Payment plans
- Change the design after purchase as much as you like (gender, sex, accessories, colors, bodytype, anything and everything)
- Use the design for roleplaying, for your own personal projects, etc.
- You can resell the design with the original purchase price (+add the amount of additional art of the character to the resell price)
- NEGOTIABLE commercial use: small press self-publications like zines and prints, Patreon reward illustrations)
>>> NO >>>
- You can NOT sell the original picture
- You can NOT sell the original design with higher price than you bought it from me
- You can NOT claim the original picture's design and the art being created by you (I still own the rights to my own art work)
- You can NOT use the character design for commercial use, unless you've been given a verbal or written permission from me, the original artist.
- You nor I can NOT sell the same character design and the rights to multiple persons.
- I can NOT offer a trading option for another character design.
>>> PAYMENT>>>
- Paypal
- US dollars
- Buyer must provide their paypal address I can send an invoice to.
✦ base by meloki…
✦ Claim in the comments & drop me a private message if you're interested!