During one of those travels to other worlds, Random visited one where there are two moons and a kind of people known as "The Omnivoyants", people with special powers... There, she met Hiromi Kasaikori, a lone but sexy Kunoichi-like OmniVoyant that looks for her mother.
One night at that world, Random got so amazed by her performance, her badass attitude and her beauty that she feel in love with Hiromi... And then she decided to lurk her, hidden in the shadows, until Hiromi realized about Random's presence. Hiromi stared at her with her shiny yellow eyes, and got ready to use her fire powers against Random. But at the same time Random got near her slowly, and used her "reflex technique" (in which the opponent, if it's sexy, gets overly horny and falls in love with Random immediately; also it reveals the opponent's fetishes) to stop Hiromi.
And then, Hiromi watched her own reflex on Random's glasses (Random's mask has glasses that resemble mirrors, like sunglasses), and got horny immediately after seeing her own sexiness and the kinkiness of her outfit: That sexy mask, all that fishnet, her long gloves, her ponytail and all that fluffy hair, and that body... All Hiromi was a whole fetish even for Hiromi herself...
And then Random showed off her own sexiness and her own kinkiness to Hiromi: That sexy mask, all that fishnet, her long gloves, all that fluffy hair, and her body... All Random was a whole fetish even for Random herself.
Then, both Hiromi and Random sitted on the floor. They both were in a dark alley, hidden in the shadows... Hiromi took off her stockings, showing her gorgeous hips and legs off. Random did the same. Hiromi, in a sexy pose, showed her breasts off through the fishnet in her bodice and made a cute muffled moan. Random, on the other hand, made her suit to change to its "ultra-sexy mode" (which consists of just a black X over every nipple and a C-String thong) and then grabbed her own breasts while replying Hiromi's moan with a muffled sexy moan...
Hiromi: Mmgwuff uh fffmmfffh' gwuhmm'nn!! (What a sexy woman!)
Random: Mmm' gwew'mmph!! (Like you!)
"What an interesting coincidence!", Random thought, "She also speaks Mufflish!!".
And finally, before starting the serious fun, they both went near to each other and kissed each other's lips without taking her masks off... Fortunately, nobody heard the cute and sexy moans they both made with that kiss. Hiromi felt Random's love through the kiss, and that made her to moan louder and get more enamored...
= = = = =
Yes, it's a bad story. I know.
But since English is not my native language, and therefore this is actually a dream (Random is my Female Persona's alter ego) and also part of "The Microwave Radio-Frequencies" (I removed the lewd final)... Well, I just wanted to praise and worship Hiromi Kasaikori, an original character created by on my very own and due to her birthday.
I know this drawing has lots of flaws, but it's the best that I can do with drawing ink, a dip pen and a brush (ink diluted with water, like watercolors). And I didn't use correction fluid this time.
Anyways, I wanted to share this drawing with you all. Hiromi deserves all our love, along with Magnolia-Baillon , her creator.
She's as amazing as Hiromi. So much that I thought Hiromi was a sort of Magnolia's alter ego and self-insert/Persona. Seriously.
Besides, I know people dislikes to read. I resumed the story as much as possible. Sorry for making you all to get bored.
She is Hiromi:………………………
And she is Random:………………………………