Of all the stories of the Piedmont factory, it is the tales of mutilated bodies found on the factory grounds that are unsurprisingly most popular. These horrifying acts of brutality are most commonly committed by the vindictive spirits of Billy and his gang.
Billy was once praised by the other kids of Piedmont as a hero. He not only stood up to the cruel factory taskmasters but defended others who could not. Unsurprisingly, he cultivated a group of devotees who followed in his footsteps. This group has kept their bond in death but their goals have become vengeance rather than justice.
Rheena is often seen as Billy’s right hand. Her friendship with Ruby gives her access to a dungeon of chambers welded shut. Rheena’s modem operandi is probably one of the most iconic in Piedmont. She skins her victims alive, and hangs up their still flailing bodies for display.
Mary is an often overlooked member of this group. Despite her paraplegia, she is one of Piedmont's most prolific killers. Rheena and Mary are most known for their feud over Billy. What may have been just a teenage rivalry in life has become a contest for blood in death.
Larry and Jerry, the Manders twins, are Billy’s more rebellious members. These psychotic pranksters force their victims to play horrifying games. Wild in nature and hard to control, these two are the most likely to break Billy’s rules of conduct.
Having always been a straight forward kid, Billy’s methods are far less colorful. Urban myths refer to him as the “Boy with the Wrench.and simply bludgeons his victims. In truth, Billy finds the sadistic tendencies his friends have picked up to be distasteful. Close friends with Isaac, Sarah, and Chris; Billy often works with them to see to Isaac’s safety.
Factory of Madness [FoM]: The story of the old dilapidated Piedmont Factory, haunted by the ghosts of the children who used to work there
Forlorn Cliques: After decades trapped in the factory together the children of Piedmont have formed their own social cliques and rivalries.
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