RomainBowen — Sonic X Team Males

Published: 2018-11-11 18:33:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 4699; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 1
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I may coloring of Sonic X Team Males since of Monday, ‎July ‎23rd in ‎2018 until it done Saturday, ‎October ‎13th in ‎2018 of course I may coloring of characters separate in around November at last year it's take sometime to get right personal colors along the background too, I hope you may like it.

Here main source of the coloring pages:  www.momjunction.com/articles/s… and www.oncoloring.com/sonic-color…

Story time

Few weeks later, every dimensions having summer heat even normal earth dimension as well Zootopia too least some people may enjoy of their summer time while other be busy working of summer before autumn comes in the later time, Judy and Nick still of vacation time from work at the police station for good while even they going fun park enjoy good time like they on romantic date in secret? That bit bug me but, I know that they are partners of police force and good friend’s that their bond be strong than before when they meet at ice-cream shop along the case too so I not worry about it. Chief bogo was working hard deal paperwork along of the crime reports to give of the officers so they deal the case in the Zootopia, other be busy of their lifetime always even of summer heat but, things get interesting around here and our normal earth too.


Some mystery jewel and blue special jewel came out of nowhere by one’s my friend own home and he name was Kwame, he hid of the jewel from his room for safe keeping until he told me in private around day ago even show to me the jewel it pretty and shines too but, unfortunately I sense of that jewel some be special and not here of this world but, somewhere of dimension wish knowing the answer for now Kwame hid the jewel inside of his backpack so I may show it to Kwame of the base beside others of my friends at the base probably bit training with students in fitness and hand-hand combat in the rookie level. Somewhere the dimension of sonic x world, Dr.Eggman along his minions try taking of chaos jewels with lately robot combat to take out sonic and his friends at different planet of the jungle with old temples which of the chaos jewel it yellow be hid away of the secret chamber and then Chris and tails got the jewel as well return their spaceship to put safety with others chaos jewels be seal way of connect to each other, also sonic finish off the Dr Eggman flying and robot be destroyed so they almost of the chaos jewels except of one more to find it take a while of space or dimension as well knuckle it pray of the master emerald core on the engine of their spaceship.


We’re arrived of my home to teleport of the base secret by use the front door along hidden password panel on the wall and then we teleport to the base safely and sound so I give to him a tour around the base well least most the base even show the evil section area in the distance that not allow for anyone go there only have strong light in their heart as well full members along be true master too which he understand it. So we at storage chamber to kept safe of the jewel in seal mystic box so not going out of control on any objects during the time, tails found last chaos jewel it not Chris’s earth dimension but different type of earth dimension where found last one so they start of active to open gate of dimension while it happens Dr.Eggman along others even rouge the bat may hear of communication about it by use special robot bug that record anything on sonic space ship and they plan to follow them so get the last chaos jewel before sonic and his friends take the last chaos jewel way from them.


A while later, Amy see of bug somewhere on the ship probably by her room and about crush of the bug with her big hammer once the bug be crush she saw it not normal bug but, it Dr Eggman’s robot sneak the ship and record of communication which Chris deal it while others going back to their stations as well the dimension gate be opened it of Dr Eggman were few feet away from them as well about to attack them luck for them have the barrier on the space ship as well tails activate hyper jump gate by turn on the barrier while the villains continue to fire of their ship and then they went dimension gate also be gone for a while which of Dr Eggman was a upset so he start of work the dimension gate alone however it evil robotics knew it happens so they follow of sonic and his friends also get last of chaos jewel.


Meanwhile, we finished tour the base along meet to others along during the time even of our mission and etc. Suddenly, one of stuff members from N-trex reported from the bridge room that something or someone enter our dimension in deep of space and coming fast less than 5 mins so we be prepared of unknown guests beside I had sense something wrong and worse if other secret organization like men in black in U.S.A, Europe and Asia for governments know something coming, they may get to them first and do something real bad news as well kept alien technology safe from the public to the world so they’re coming our base in Barbados in high speed so we covered them as well a safe land zone for them which did happens at the moment, Ventus and myself use of air technical along multiple shadow clones kept impact toward the island also Aqua and Terra use of their skill get them safe land zone close to the beach and they are safe for now also we use technology along bit magic to cover the space-ship to hidden from the public as well caring to the dock area under the cave safety.


During of time, in space of space station one’s of the space crew record the event about it send of the U.S.A at Washington D.C. by the white house of course the president had meeting to his stuff along generals and then a lieutenant show up with report about it and even of them has a hard time to believe it even sound like silly joke or be T.V show of hidden cameras as well check each part of the white house  which it bit puzzled for moment then president want check it out send agents and find out others countries get involved it last report be island of Barbados and then be gone for while of course they don’t expect pin point of location on the island. So the agents went of private jet travel to Barbados check it true or false information while it happens of white house a national spy group under cover for others countries record details send of national spy drones to deliver of their leaders once it done other countries decision do same idea and each agents of countries check it out if real true or be waste of their time.


The afternoon time of Barbados, N-trex troop surrounded of the space ship it real life aliens of course I checked of that space ship it Sonic spaceship so I told of the troop stand down for now instead myself along Riku and Sora check of space ship once of enter the ship, we anyone still alive it sense all of them are here in bridge be cold out so I call medic squad take them to the recovery room for medical treatment also I call engine squad to check of any damages on the ship which it happens less of 10 minutes do it. We sense of strong energy on the engine room so look of the ship until reach of the engine room it was giant size chaos jewel it master emerald least we just leave alone but, light shine bright from the chaos jewel it show to us of anything happens even what happened today.


So we check of the ship as well found more of chaos jewels in each place it good thing of last one be put somewhere safe and sound then we got one’s of members report about their ship which take all day until later of tomorrow in the evening so they already started repaired also other report that people on this ship alive as well take some time to recovery least in 2 hours’ time of course one’s of them it human male being 35 years ago. Which maybe Chris be young boy back in his timeline on different earth dimension of past of 12 years old which he be now of 35 years old in present time, I guess of timeline as well travel to different earth’s dimension only cause of him in temporary effects for a while so after check the ship ask of guards keep the safe of engine room and nobody going there least it our guests or us which they understand it.


Meanwhile, the agents of each country to check out of mystery guests in Barbados as well going under cover of people while doing of their work secret for governments and use of their technology track of signal on the space ship unfortunately the ship be covered somewhere so they start to North of the island and find that ship. Sonic and others start to awake from their recovery and I stand outside of recovery room's door, so sonic and other outside of recovery and we somehow to each also I told not villains even proof to them like put my morph down the ground but, be allies as well friends too so we claim for now, they need know happens so I may explain to them along with details take a while until understand so Knuckle check of master emerald it be safe while other look last chaos jewel which I told them that be safe and sound and I may show of them of last chaos jewel at safe area along my friends stay close to us.


During of the time, somehow Dr. Eggman arrived of our normal earth dimension for 3 hours and 30 mins even extra period for test dimension jump gate cause of his robotics minions damages of engine nearly about be explored in 1 hour detach arm before they be space dust which be happening so now he look last chaos but, unfortunately he can’t find the jewel or Sonic of anywhere on the map of earth so he start it by destroying at U.S.A if he start attack of people, sonic and others can’t refuse to save people so he give last jewel as well leave of this world with all the chaos jewel so be broadcast to all of countries to happen and right now, the army U.S along Navy and Jet fighters it about attack of Dr.Eggman with everything had available at Florida while it happens the people going somewhere to hidden way from alien invasion. So far the invasion it be even battle least American know not give up a good fight, Dr.Eggman make noticed to all countries that If Sonic and his friends not coming out within 12 hours along all the chaos jewels then he will destroy the earth inner core of his latest machine the mega destroying cannon that break main of earth's outer core toward inner core less of 5 minutes and he be at white house to meet it and don’t pull any tricks or else.


 So we hears of broadcast from our base as well we give of them the last chaos jewel of course we need a plan stop him but, we got an idea in secret. 12 hours later, we arriving of U.S.A at the Washington D.C. and Dr. Eggman were waiting for us while playing around of his attack robotics fight of U.S army and then Sonic and his friends showed up in facing him as shown last chaos jewel. We be steady mode of the different places along the environment get the plan to work it carefully it called operation “ Surprises Genius!” so we wait of our movement when we ready to strike.

Sonic give of chaos jewel for give up as well throw it to him while he caught it with evil laughter think that he won this battle but, trick of them and start to destroy this earth dimension, but he didn’t knowing that his machine was automatically be destroyed itself that Dr eggman was shocked about that least moments which sonic and his friends smiled to him which he send his robotics to attack them but, all of them be controlled under of pulse's command be steady mode by electronic control system it only pulse abilities to control of any machined even robotics which I installed on pulse since 2 hours ago. Dr Eggman had not worried has last chaos jewel and put his mass machine to destroying this world but, nothing happened of the machine and then destroyed itself again that he notice that jewel it fake one which we laughed lough like laughed ghostly which Dr eggman be spook out.


I be shown up in personal with a smile, which proves this our plans from beginning and take a bow front him. Suddenly of nowhere from the evil giant robotics was blasting of white house lucky the president and everyone be safe location away of the white house, it good things that be prepared summoned battle fleet zord, spiral sky ship zord and solar mystic train zord along calls the new battle ships from the republic in star wars the clones wars with n-trex custom style with our logos. We’re strike back of their space ships of course, most be alive from that attack so our zord be into mega zord and Sly along his shadow clones control spiral sky ship, Blaze and his shadow clones control of battle-fleet zoid and Sora along his partner be controlled of solar mystic zord. Dr. Eggman were plan to escape by flying but, pulse command of his robotics shoot down on Dr Eggman’s flying carrier which he's grounded and be caught from me by cyber chain rod into wrap mode.


One’s of sly pirate crew will take Dr eggman somewhere be safe, myself along sonic and our friends deal evil giant robotics try stealing of last chaos jewel but, leader of evil notice that real jewel close range which Sonic had it been steadily behind of him. Sonic turn into Sonic Chaos Control Form and then deal of evil leader robotic by himself while other get the citizens somewhere be safe. I use of evolve mode from advanced morph: Liger Zero X into Liger Zero X Ranger, I felt ready in battle state as summoned my dual key blades: Liger Zero X key blade and Ranger X key blade and then rash toward evil leader’s legs as slashed one of leg off with my hakis. The evil leader been off balance for moment while give to him tip over of his robotics army flat down even bit after shocked wave luck of Sora use barrier to protect of others in good time.


I try something new of evolve-fusion right now from advanced morph: Liger Zero X Ranger evolution fusion sonic turn into Liger Sonic X Ranger for first time used this new mode. I summoned new key-blade: Sonic X key blade as evil leader stand back up use of the building to hold him, so we’re planning to finished him once of all as both myself and Sonic going maximum speed to him well attack each part of his body which it happened and then every part be breaking down one’s of our attack: Maximum Hyper Duelist Blitz and Overdrive Storm X. He be destroyed into mega junk cube by use a cast to seal him into cube before he blow up along with us it called “Prison Cube” other finished of them as well in full swing to their war space ship so white house of US be save for now.

Myself be back to normal along use repairs dorm and nature dorm back to normal plus, I use of removing memories to people’s mind about this event even use of my clones to destroying proof about them as well us from space station and so on even I may remove of memories from all spy to each country as they knock out sleep of “deep dreamland” which I cast it as we put them of sailings wore on the sail “we are drunk and we’re lost way”.  I may take all high technology from them for use in later time, so we returning to base safely along Dr. eggman and his minions as well be removed their memories as be locked up in Tail's space ship cell. Sonic and his are returned of their dimension with all jewels be sealed so we think quick picture group as relaxing until next day beside dimension gate need sometimes fully charged before use it around next day when it reaches full charge of the gate.



Sonic and others had no option but, to wait until the dimension gate full charge up by next day. They’ve tour of our base while the guards kept eyes on our villain guests be locked up in Tail's cell in their space ship. Tails and Chris looking of the lab as technology geared with Akira along other too, Amy be relaxed on the beach with Cream, Cheese alongside our girls too. Knuckle been medication of master jewel half of day until he be training with Sly and Blaze then Sonic be taken nap of somewhere in the base or outside by the old lighthouse close to old prison's forest.


The dimension gate be full charge at sunset and being ready to use for open their dimension, so I give of Tails and Chris a custom device gear with notes to use it as they are fast learning least 10 or 15 minutes. All the chaos jewel be sealed separately boxes as Dr.eggman along his minions still lock up in the cell and the guards returning their job by patrol of the darkness selection area. Sonic got all the jewels along small gifts to them and then they are went back to their dimension as for us well things we returning to normal also we make new alliance of sonic and his friends and who knows will we meet them again come future. Well we had waiting and see until next time.


SONIC X - Believe in Myself AMV - ENGLISH (FAIRY TAIL Opening 21)


Sonic X - Theme Song


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